I write something to offend everyone.

When people ask about my website I often warn them that there is something  to offend everyone on my website. I don’t write to try to offend everyone but it turns out that telling people my Christian worldview makes me an equal opportunity offender. If you  read all of my articles something is sure to offend you. However, if we really could all agree on every point we all could just do away with thinking.

Obviously much of what I write offends non Christians so if your one of those, you will not have to look far on my website to be offended.… continue reading

Jesus must return before 2012-2019 you say? Then hurry send me a million bucks to expand The Prophetic Years Ministry

I really love these people who tell me that they really believe the world is coming to an end in 2012, or they are certain that the Rapture has to happen within a year or two, or that they have the date of the second coming all figured out, or that Jesus has to come before 2019 because of their interpretation of the “Fig Tree Parable”, or based on some pagan prophecy, or the sayings of  Jack Van Impe, etc., etc., but they continue to retain all their wealth like they are going to live here forever or take it with them.continue reading

Take a chill pill, the world will not end in 2012 in spite of Pagan Mayan, Mahdi, Planet X speculations.

Think the 2012 date setters are not having a negative effect on many in the Church? Obviously this speculation based mostly on Mayan ages and a Mahdi coming out of well is attracting many followers. Some such as the “Gospel Tract Society” now take the position that we are already in the tribulation. H E L L O… what tribulation? I will say it as gently as I can, those who think we are already in the tribulation have lost their marbles.

I do not see a good end result coming from all this date setting nonsense. By 2013 Bible prophecy teachers will be mocked.continue reading

Virus epidemic that infects the mind spreads out of control

I fear there is another virus worse than the H1N1 swine flu that is taking over America. It is a virus epidemic that infects the mind and it has now spread out of control.  There is something fundamentally wrong with the thinking in America and much of the West today. It is as if a computer virus has spread to humans and has infected their minds.  Specific examples of the symptoms probably are not being noticed because they are rapidly becoming the norm. The virus seems to hinder the ability to process data; the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience, and to think rationally. continue reading

Stupidity alone may eliminate America as a superpower

Is stupidity alone the real problem in America? Most of us really did not need to watch Jay Leno ask people questions on the street to realize that many Americans are quite stupid.

The American system now seems designed to make idiots of intelligent people:

If we were smart we would not be spending the most money per student in the world but getting some of the worst results.
If we were smart we would not be spending far more of our GDP on health care then anywhere else in the world and not even covering everyone.
If we were smart people on welfare would not have cell phones, 200 channels on their TV and be smoking and drinking on our dime.… continue reading

Rupert Murdoch’s charging for news scheme.

I know that is off topic for this blog but it affects my blog and all who blog about news indirectly.

Rupert Murdoch has made it clear that his media empire is about to start charging people to read Internet news that would include Fox News as well as many others. He also expects other Internet news sites to follow suit. I do not know what world Rupert Murdoch is now living on he certainly is not living on Internet earth. Murdoch has been wrong about a lot of things lately and is losing a lot of money because of such irrational thinking.… continue reading

Barack Obama is not found in the Bible and Obama is not the Antichrist

It simply amazes me what people think that they find in the Bible and then publish on the Internet. I get emails much too often from people who think they found what everyone else missed in the Bible and it usually relates to some strange interpretation of end time Bible prophecy. There are some people who seem to do nothing but look for cryptic messages in the Bible in order to impress other people with their faulty detective work and deficient analytical skills.

This particular piece published on YouTube about Barack Obama being the Antichrist would be humorous if so many people did not take dumb on YouTube seriously and then just pass it on to dumber to try to convince biblically illiterate people that do not like Obama that Obama is the Antichrist.… continue reading

Going back to irrational exuberance

During the past two weeks I have been relocating to the Ozarks. The comments are now opened again on all posts. I will be quite busy off and on until I get settled here so your comments could take a day to appear at times. I probably will not have a lot of time for new posts either for a few weeks.

I see while I was gone the nation has gone back to irrational exuberance as if the worst is now over. Don’t bet on it! There is a whole other shoe to drop on home foreclosures and commercial real estate foreclosures are also about to hit the banks.… continue reading

Runner-up to Miss USA vanity contest says God was testing her faith with gay marriage question?

I bring this runner-up Miss USA issue to your attention since it is the number one story on Fox news right now and it shows a strange mindset among Christians in the United States. I have to wonder about the Christian reasoning of Carrie Prejean. She thinks God was testing her faith by her being asked a question about gay marriage? First of all Miss Prejean, did you really pass the test of faith when you entered these vanity contests and paraded around in skimpy bathing suits for all the nation? Does the Bible imply that women should display themselves this way?… continue reading

Fallen Angels and Demons are behind Dan Brown’s book and Ron Howard’s occult movie.

Dan Brown, Christopher Hitchens and Ron Howard (of Happy Days are here again) have teamed up once again on their continuing agenda to attack Christianity through presenting demonic half truths and outright lies in their books and movies.

Angels and Demons” is a book and a movie designed to mislead our postmodern generation that is dumbed down on history and on Christianity.

Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels basically said if big lies are told often enough people will come to believe them. Satan was a liar from the beginning and he continues to tell big lies through people who love his lying message.… continue reading

Muslim Antichrist proponents totally miss Islamic moral law

Dr. David Reagan has been receiving attacks on the Internet for his article in Lamplighter that debunked the concept of a Muslim Antichrist. One of the misconceptions of Muslim Antichrist proponents is that Islam is looking for a Mahdi that all Muslims will unite behind. They believe this Mahdi will be the Antichrist and will lead Muslims to fight against Israel and the “Christian” West. Never mind that there really is no Christian West, there is only a pseudo Christian West. There are more true Christians in Communist China than there are in today’s humanistic Europe.

I frankly do not know why Christians believe Muslim eschatology as if the lies of Islam can give Christians prophetic truth? … continue reading

This Christian worldview survey indicates “Christians” do not even believe Christian essentials

Often people ask how many Americans will be taken when the Rapture occurs. If this Christian wordview survey is any indication of true believers in America it is not as many as most think.

“A biblical worldview, as defined by the Barna study, is believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is completely accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.”

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The teachings of the author and finisher of our faith cannot be contradicted

This great article with many examples of what Jesus taught should put an end to postmodern and liberal speculations that claim biblical interpretations different from what the author of all scripture taught.

The fact that is will not put a end to their increasingly demented claims only proves that they have a different teaching then the Master that they claim to follow. So knowing these things why would any true follower of Jesus Christ put any stock in their claims? These unstable people  contradicting what Jesus Himself clearly taught need to be removed from teaching positions wherever they are found in the Church.… continue reading

The Wonderful Life of Kwanzaa

In keeping with the Christmas spirit Ann Coulter gives us the wonderful life of Kwanzaa. Black people and liberals ought to really know what they are celebrating.

My triumph over Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa was the result of a ’60s psychosis grafted onto the black community. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural nonsense that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga’s United Slaves – the violence, the Marxism, the insanity. Most absurdly, for leftists anyway, is that they have forgotten the FBI’s tacit encouragement of this murderous black nationalist cult founded by the father of Kwanzaa.

This is a holiday for white liberals – the kind of holiday Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn probably celebrate.

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Coming Christian wealth transfer or an ongoing third wave demon transfer?

The whole idea that there will be a coming Christian wealth transfer from the world to the Church is preposterous. What do they think the world will be doing while we take away their wealth and what in the world would we do with the wealth of the world anyway? Get rid of poverty? Where does it say the Church will do that in scripture? Actually these people will take new found wealth to build more and larger circus tents for their “third wave” freak shows?

There is no such concept of a wealth transfer to the Church in scripture it is totally contrary to what the scripture teaches.… continue reading

Phoenix Arizona is the Next 911 say the false prophets of the phony “Prophetic Ministry”

I just want to document this nonsense to prove that those claiming to be in the “Prophetic Ministry” are in self delusion and that they actually are false prophets. They get visions or dreams that come from their own mind and then presume it came from God. Some of what is said in these prophecies is so nonsensical that one has to wonder if these airheads know anything about capabilities of nuclear weapons at all.
One or two nukes in the city of Phoenix could not destroy Phoenix at all. Do these people have a clue about how large Phoenix is?… continue reading

The MRSA Homosexual connection whitewash begins

You will know soon enough that what is quoted below is true. Homosexual sex practices spread disease. Every honest person in the health profession knows that this is true. Yet, the Homosexuals keep acting like their filthy practices are not a threat to themselves or anyone else. The dead and sickly of their diseases now know otherwise and the next deadly chapter is now about to be played out. Meanwhile expect a cover up and a twisting of the truth.

clipped from townhall.com

Although outbreaks of methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, have primarily been confined to hospitals in the
past, the study determined that, due to “high risk behaviors” beyond hospital
walls — such as “anal sex” — men who have sex with men are now 13 times more
likely to contract the infection.

continue reading

Rice Says Serbia, Kosovo, Will Stay Separate Forever

Never is a long time Miss Secretary. I wonder who made Condoleezza Rice the absolute ruler of the world? I am sure Serbia and Russia would disagree with her statement. It is one thing to state what you wish to happen and it is another thing to declare something temporal to be an absolute truth forever. It is an arrogant statement and it will be seen that way in Serbia and Russia. The main reason why the US gets into so many wars is that leaders in the US want to force everyone in the world to be the way that they want them to be.continue reading

Christians Consider Drinking Beer Acceptable According to ChristiaNet.com Poll

It is nice to hear that the majority still have some common sense.

The person or persons who said that they do not know anyone that drinks only one beer obviously is hanging around with the wrong people. I suppose he would say the same thing about those who have a glass of wine with dinner? I have news, the vast majority of wine drinkers have one or two glasses of wine and then stop. It is the same with most beer drinkers. The comment that beer and wine does not taste good is a totally ridiculous statement to those who like these food products.continue reading

State Department foreign policies of women in delusion

This article points out some of the delusion that has been coming out of our State Department. I have to admit that most of the foreign policy “experts” have a very unique world view. They do not see the world as it exists. They see a delusional world of what should be, because apparently in their world everyone is trustworthy and no one is evil. The State Department has been operating under the delusions of silly old women, or men who act like women for quite a while now. Caroline Glick is  one of the voices of reason in this delusional world.continue reading