Fourth turning suggests over two decades of world chaos.

I do not totally buy into the “fourth turning” time cycles although the four turnings spoken about in that book do seem to occur about once in a human lifespan. I as well, see a bitter winter coming to our nation and the world in the near future. I think we are about two years away from at least two decades of unparalleled world chaos.

The validity of the fourth turning cycle theory really does not matter because by our own observations we can see the rise of evil all over the world and know that it will bring us a time of war and chaos.… continue reading

The satanic supernatural Beast brings a strong delusion to unbelievers

I find it interesting that in Revelation the Greek word for the Beast Antichrist and the False prophet is that of a wild animal. The first time this Greek word appears in Revelation is after Satan is cast out of heaven with all his angels. The King James also calls the creatures around the throne beasts but a different Greek word is used and it simply means living creatures. But, the name given to the Antichrist and the False prophet depict that in God’s eyes they are viewed as wild animals.

Chapter 12 of Revelation gives us the exact timing that the Beast arrives on the scene.… continue reading

Israel and Bible prophecy in the light of present world realities

I have figured out that I really cannot figure out how end time prophetic events involving Israel will all play out but of course like so many others that write on Bible prophecy that won’t stop me from writing about it.

Probably the main premillennial futurist speculation today is that the war of Ezekiel chapter 38 will take place within a few years but that does not make sense to me in the light of present world realities. Israel is not living in security as it is so clearly stated in the Ezekiel prophecies. Israel cannot be living in security without some significant change in thinking in the entire Middle East.… continue reading

The Mahdi 2012 Antichrist is delayed his head got stuck in the well.

Some Bible prophecy teachers and their disciples are looking for some Islamic Antichrist to appear in 2012 and most of them think it will be the Islamic 12th Imam Mahdi figure that Shia religious lore says will ascend out of a well. I think this Antichrist figure should be getting a swelled head by now with all the expectations for him coming from these Bible prophecy teachers. Therefore, their Mahdi figure will never get his swelled head up the well in time for some 2012 Antichrist.

Granted, that there are others that think Obama is the Antichrist but these people are only grasping at a strawman for their 2012 date.… continue reading

From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

I certainly am not a prophet but I believe we are in the final decades just before the Messianic age and Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua. In fact, I think there will only be three more decades. Sometime before the end of that third decade I think Yeshua (Jesus) will have returned to earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.

I am writing this because I think many Christians today have been misled into thinking that everything must take place within this decade. I think it is much more likely that these events will play out over two to three decades.

The following is how I think the final decades will play out in the world.… continue reading

The spirit of antichrist and Christian dominionism is alive and well in America.

One of the things I deal with almost everyday are trends in the world and the church and how it all relates to Bible prophecy. I try to be balanced and not join with all those Christians on the fringe who are convinced that there is some Satanic elitist conspiracy to immediately thrust the Antichrist upon us all and fulfill their fantasy of the world ending this decade. The spirit of antichrist is already alive and well in America but the Antichrist figure of Bible prophecy is not coming as soon as some seem to think.

I just do not see the evidence for this imminent Antichrist like some think they do.… continue reading

New Age Christians applauding as believers are thrown to the lions

How can there be any hope for America when many in America calling themselves Christians are also promoting and even embracing New Spirituality/New Age doctrines? We might expect that from unbelievers in America but we have people who claim to be Christians promoting and believing Satanic doctrines?

How did “Avatar” become the highest grossing move of all times without support from Christians in America? I know for a fact that “Christians”  support this blasphemous demonic move and tell others that they should see it because they liked it. Nevermind, that this film promotes New Age pantheism and is anti-Christ.… continue reading

Franklin Graham gives the gospel with material aid rather than waste God’s resources

I read an interesting article by Paul Proctor . I am not sure I agree with everything Paul said in his article but I do agree with much of it. The most interesting part of the article is what Franklin Graham said in “The Gathering interview”.

Franklin Graham is someone I highly respect he has been working in the mission field helping people in physical need for a long time and he always brings the gospel of Jesus Christ along with any material aid. That is in stark contrast to those Christian organizations that are working with world organizations to bring aid to the poor and needy but do not present the gospel of Jesus Christ.… continue reading

Nephilim, Aliens and Satan’s angels have a common connection in end time prophetic events

If you look on my blog side bar you will see by far the post that is being hit on the most frequently is The Book of Enoch and Bible prophecy. That fact probably has more to do with keyword rankings in Google then it does with the interests of the readers of this Blog, but even so, the account in Genesis of the Son’s of God taking the daughters of men as wife’s and producing an offspring called the Nephilim seems to be of great interest to a whole lot of people. Perhaps that is because people sense that there is more to the story than what they were taught in Sunday school on this topic.… continue reading

Present indications are that Jesus will return 2030-2040 AD.

Over the last few weeks I have been going through and updating all my 25 world trends articles on my website and it still looks to me that present indications are that Jesus will  return 2030-2040 AD. I know that late date does not please the 2012-2019 second coming of Jesus crowd but they simply are wrong, so that is their problem. To find out why they are wrong you will have to read these 25 articles or read my previous blog on why Jesus is not coming between 2012-2019.

Now some of you need to quit whining about how long that is and do something for the Lord with the little time that you have left, because if you really think about it, there is not much time left to work.… continue reading

Obama: Rosemary’s Baby?? A scary Halloween story!

Obama: Rosemary’s Baby?? A scary Halloween story? 👿

The other day I was thinking about how it is that many of the young hippies of the counterculture movement of the 1960’s are now in positions of power running and ruining America. Is it any wonder then, why these undisciplined hippies, drug abusers. God hating,  anti-American  people have taken America down this dark immoral road that we see America on today?

For some reason an image popped into my mind of a cabal of old Marxist elite rich liberal people fawning over their Obama child, their very own creation, and I began to think more and more about it.… continue reading

The 2012 cult: End of the world hysteria and deception from Satan

Here are a couple of good articles for people that are part of, promoting, or want to know more about the rapidly growing 2012 cult that is fueling end of the world hysteria.

2012: Tsunami of Stupidity why the latest apocalyptic cult is a silly scam, by Ron Rosenbaum

The article is good but especially follow the links in the article if you wish to be deprogrammed from the 2012 cult.

My own perspective of this 2012 cult is that it is a sinister deception from Satan. There are just two many spokes on this 2012 wheel for this not to be a deception from Satan.… continue reading

Take a chill pill, the world will not end in 2012 in spite of Pagan Mayan, Mahdi, Planet X speculations.

Think the 2012 date setters are not having a negative effect on many in the Church? Obviously this speculation based mostly on Mayan ages and a Mahdi coming out of well is attracting many followers. Some such as the “Gospel Tract Society” now take the position that we are already in the tribulation. H E L L O… what tribulation? I will say it as gently as I can, those who think we are already in the tribulation have lost their marbles.

I do not see a good end result coming from all this date setting nonsense. By 2013 Bible prophecy teachers will be mocked.continue reading

Is it a Islamic Antichrist, Western Antichrist or an Alien deception? The question might be solved in the big prophetic picture.

Many people are interested in things to come in these last days but some say it is a waste of time to teach on these things at all since interpretations of bible prophecy can be somewhat subjective. However, I assure you that if the Church does not teach on Bible prophecy people will go to the cults and those that give aberrant interpretations of Bible eschatology for wrong answers and spiritual bondage.

I see many different theories on how the end times events will all play out. Some think the end time prophecies in the Bible will be fulfilled when an Islamic Antichrist comes against Israel.… continue reading

1984 was prophetic about the world in 2024 but the prototype is already under development in Britain and China.

George Orwell’s prophetic book “1984” where big government controls everyone and everything has already arrived in Great Britain and China and if Americans continue to go down the road of the socialist control freaks now in power we are only trailing them by a few years. If the present trends in America continue we will have many phases of George Orwell’s 1984 world right here by 2014 and the whole world will be under total Big Brother control by 2024.

What was written in this book that was to come to pass in 1984 will come to pass forty years later.… continue reading

Barack Obama is not found in the Bible and Obama is not the Antichrist

It simply amazes me what people think that they find in the Bible and then publish on the Internet. I get emails much too often from people who think they found what everyone else missed in the Bible and it usually relates to some strange interpretation of end time Bible prophecy. There are some people who seem to do nothing but look for cryptic messages in the Bible in order to impress other people with their faulty detective work and deficient analytical skills.

This particular piece published on YouTube about Barack Obama being the Antichrist would be humorous if so many people did not take dumb on YouTube seriously and then just pass it on to dumber to try to convince biblically illiterate people that do not like Obama that Obama is the Antichrist.… continue reading

The revived Mediterranean Union will also be the revived Roman Empire

(Revised edition)

I have been saying that the Mediterranean Union (MU) will be the actual revived Roman Empire and not the EU alignment that we see today because many of the nations in the EU do not belong in the land area of  the old Roman Empire and others that belong in it are missing from the EU. Some have said I am wrong because the MU idea was recently not well received by certain nations. However, that is changing, it looks like Sorkozy’s MU idea will take root after all.

The Mediterranean Union as the revived Roman Empire makes more sense to me than the present EU for a lot of prophetic reasons.… continue reading

Telling the truth to Israel in these last days

While reading Carla’s excellent and always discerning More Books and Things blog I came across an article that I think needs further attention by those who study world events and Bible prophecy. I might not agree with every single point in this article but I certainly agree with Prof. Malan’s major concepts.

Bible prophecy teachers seem to convey that Israel today is in the will of God. Therefore they suggest we better not do anything that could be conveyed as touching the apple of God’s eye. Some even suggest that if we do not bless this largely atheist nation that God will judge our nation.… continue reading

Will the Antichrist be a Jew or a Gentile? – A bakers dozen different views.

I ran across this interesting interview by Dr. Reagan.

At a Bible prophecy conference Dr. Reagan interviewed 11 well known people in bible prophecy and asked them if they believed the Antichrist will be a Jew? Along with Dr. Reagan’s own view point on this topic there are twelve viewpoints given in this article. It is always interesting to read the different answers you will get from some of the top Bible prophecy speakers on the same subject. Like I said in a recent comment, I looked at 20 websites and got twenty completely different interpretations for the seven heads on the Beast in Revelation. continue reading

Don Koenig’s world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD

Things are getting pretty crazy out there to say the least so I think I will give you my world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD. I think the next decade will be the most violent decade since the days of Noah. The only decade that will exceed it in violence will be decade of Jacob’s trouble which will probably begin sometime in the 20’s. Here is a glimpse of some of the things I think we can expect in 2010-2020. I am not a prophet.  They certainly do not have to occur just because I think they might. They are not in any specific sequence.continue reading