Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Sept 2010

Another Jewish New Year has come and gone and there has been no Rapture like some have predicted. This false presumption by some has occurred on each Feast of Trumpets since at least 1988. Some date setters will now have to modify their websites once again. There will be a whole lot of people that will have to modify their websites and teachings come the Feast of Trumpets 2012.

People that emphatically claim that they believe Jesus will come on or before that date really should be giving their money to Christian ministries while their is still time since they will not be needing it in two years.… continue reading

The Obama Midas touch turns U.S. government policy into fools gold

The Golden One and his handpicked apostles (Czars) apparently do not have the Midas touch after all. In fact, the Obama administration seems to be cursed. Everything touched by Obama and his administration turns into fools gold.

The oil has been gushing in the gulf for two months now. I am not blaming Obama for the oil well failure but some of the blame has to go to people like him that create environmental laws that force Oil Companies to drill fifty miles off-shore.  Also, the buck stops with Obama for poor government oversight of BP and for failure to come up with a solution to this problem and the bumbling with the clean-up .… continue reading

Blazing Arizona is Really Hot and Just started Raising Hell

(Yeah, but it is a dry heat!)

Arizona used to be a very nice place to live before the foreign invasion. I think I am well qualified to talk about blazing Arizona because I lived there off and on for almost fifty years. I have over fifteen years logged in hot Arizona and I also lived just across the border in just as hot Nevada for seven more.

What has just happened in Arizona gives me reason to hope to move back there someday. I would love to live on 40 acres in the sunny high deserts of beautiful Arizona but illegal foreigners are rapidly trashing the state.… continue reading

There is no hope in human government, Christians should hope in God

Human Government will always end up reflecting the depravity and the insanity of man. It will always reject the God displayed through His Son. The Hope of Christians should always be on the promises of God in Jesus Christ. Our hope should not be on the governments of any nations that we occupy.

History shows us that those that put their hope in the governments of the world are always disappointed. The world without God will increasingly prove its depravity but our  hope is for eternal life in a body of perfection in a city of perfection.

I want to caution those Christians that think we can change America to be a nation that follows God.… continue reading

Obama may want Israel to attack Iran

After reading the latest news report on Fox News about Iran’s nuclear progress and the doubts that the Obama approach will stop Iran , I have come to the conclusion that Obama is not serious about sanctions. The facts are that Obama and his cronies continue to obstruct any meaningful sanctions on Iran. Obama may actually want Israel to attack Iran for reasons I will get into shortly.

There is no question in my mind that the United States could put a virtual end to the Iranian nuclear program with just a few days of air strikes. Obama knows that Iran intends to build nuclear weapons.… continue reading

Should Obama get a free pass when it comes to matters of national security?

Here is a Colonel with some real guts, He wants Obama to show proof that He is a constitutional commander-in-Chief before he obeys his orders. Did you know that someone in the military can be court-martialed for obeying unlawful orders? So if Obama is not a constitutional president and cannot give lawful orders those blindly obeying those orders have broken there oath to uphold the Constitution. But, all who do not obey Obama’s orders and dare to demand proof that he was born in America will be court-martialed by superiors that blindly obey orders. Why tell people to take an oath to swear to uphold the Constitution when most can care less if the Constitution is enforced?… continue reading

We need Tea Parties in Wonderland far beyond the Potomac.

Those coming to the tea parties to change Wonderland needs to realize that all the problems in Wonderland are not caused by the Red Queen that controls the White House on the Potomac, nor the Mad Hatter party that control the Hill. They are the results of the abdication of Wonderland by its citizens. If the people of Wonderland really wanted to restore it to what it was before the reds took over, a great many changes need to be made far beyond the Potomac and Mad Hatter Hill.

One of the problems in Wonderland came to me today while shopping at Wal-Mart.… continue reading

Audacity to commit high crimes and misdemeanors through unconstitutional actions!

This administration has the audacity to blatantly commit high crimes and misdemeanors as if they are above the constitutional law of our land. They think that the American people are too stupid or too apathetic to do anything about it. They are in for a rude awaking when the inevitable backlash comes.

When enough people in this country catch on that criminals have been running this nation for quite some time there will be real change. The Tea Party is just the start of this “fed up with government” movement.  The latest batch of criminals in Washington seem hell bent on destroying this nation as fast as they can.… continue reading

2009 was bad but 2010 will be worse

I hope everyone had a great holiday season with their family and friends and hope you all will have a joyful new year in Christ.

We have arrived to a new year and a new decade and I know 2009 was bad for many but 2010 will be worse.

Here are seven things to consider in 2010. They are likely to impact us in one way or another.

1. We probably should start in the house of God. How long will God put up with those on TV speaking in his name?  Christians have been putting up with the rats in our Christian TV for quite a long time.… continue reading

Dubai: excessive debt is but a symptom of excessive world debt everywhere

Vox Day in this article on the dire sign of Dubai implies the default of Dubai World is just the start of the unraveling of tens of trillions of dollars in world debt everywhere. The article contains a pretty compelling graph as it compares excessive debt in the world to the 1930’s and world gross national product.

The problem with excessive world debt is not limited to the United States. That is why those who just think only the dollar is going to crash are short sighted. The whole world banking system is going to fail. Many nations have been spending way beyond their means.… continue reading

The end of all things economic is upon America but there is a solution.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the plain truth is that there is no way that we are going to get out of this economic mess without defaulting on our debt or just inflating away the value of the dollar until it becomes green toilet paper. The end of all things economic will soon be upon America but if you bear with me I do have a solution.

Those who think there is going to be a major recover are just listening to wishful thinkers and liars. It cannot happen. Banks that hold commercial real estate are soon going to have to reveal a bust as big as the housing crash.… continue reading

Chuck Norris a Champion and Christian American patriot for President

I think people should start promoting Chuck Norris for President of the United States in 2012. Chuck Norris is about the only popular Christian patriot and national figure that is saying all the right things about getting America back on the right track.

Some may say he is not qualified to be President but neither is Obama or Hillary, But I say, who is more qualified than a proven real American champion and political author and commentator that has shown that he understands the critical issues and dangers that face our nation and also offers real solutions to fix them? It certainly will not be a professional politician.… continue reading

Veterans: You took an oath to defend the CONSTITUTION from all enemies!

On this Veterans Day I think it is time for us veterans to remember the oath we took to God and country to defend the CONSTITUTION from all enemies foreign and domestic.

In case anyone forgot here is the oath you took.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

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Support the Oath Keepers they are American patriots protecting us from global governance.

The “Oath keepers” are in the news and being painted by some as right wing radical nuts. Your going to hear more about this rising movement of oath keeping patriots that only intend to obey the oath they once took to uphold the Constitution of our land. You better believe that the elitists running our government and media will attempt to demonize them.

The liberal elite running our nation are being controlled by globalist world power brokers and the Bill of rights in our Constitution is an affront to their ideal of a secular socialist global governance that controls everyone and everything.… continue reading

Delusional American Illusion

I just read two profound commentaries that I think everyone should read. I clipped some statements from them to wet your appetite but you really need to read the full articles. I have no delusional illusion that the average America would actually even take the time to read what was said in these two articles but I do hope there are some above average people reading my blog.

The first article is written by James Quinn. It contains quite a history lesson and presents information that I am sure that 99 percent of Americans never learned. This article gives no delusional American illusion about the future.continue reading

Worst American Nightmare

To understand how close America is to the brink you might realize that in just one heartbeat we could be in the midst of the worst American nightmare. The freedom of people in this nation could hinge on the life of President Obama. America is now so polarized that the assassination of a liberal black president could permanently divide this nation.

Let’s face it, there are many that want to see Obama dead and the threat is not just from nut cases on the far Right. There are people who want to bring down the United States and think that a class war and race war will bring that about.… continue reading

Real scary stuff!

Halloween is coming do you want to see some real scary stuff???

This first article is real scary stuff! It tells us what America’s high school children did not learn while in the tentacles of our scary “teachers” in our real scary public school system.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Only 28% Of High School Students Are Familiar With The Constitution
The questions, posed by national research firm, Strategic Vision, are taken from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services exam, the test that all candidates to become U.S. citizens must take.

As noted by the OCPA in their write up of the survey results, while around 92% of the people who take the citizenship test pass on their first attempt, only 2.8% of the students surveyed would have passed the citizenship test.

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The New American National Pastime: Telling and Believing Lies.

Not too long ago the American pastime was baseball and more recently football but it seems to me that the real American pastime today has become telling and believing lies. lying is a national movement contaminating all sectors of our society. Telling and believing lies is the infallible rule for living in national politics, the scientific community, our educational system, national media, business, and even in religion. It seems most everyone either wants to believe lies or they are deceptive themselves. There seems to be a codependency between liars and their receptive enablers in America.

Our government representatives peddle lies one after another.… continue reading

Radical socialist agenda of the Obama administration becoming extremely apparent

H E L L O…. Is anyone getting it out there? Do only a few Christians conservatives like Brannon House see that Obama is going page by page from the playbook of Obama’s mentor Saul Alinsky . You do know that Saul Alinsky was a very radical socialist that thought deceiving people was necessary to bring the end result where the state controlled everyone and everything?

The deceptive mind control techniques that Alinsky promoted is taking place right now before your very eyes. Do you actually think that all the far left radicals that Obama appointed to critical government positions and the unconstitutional Czars controlling everything of importance is not part of an overall plan to move this nation into radical socialism?… continue reading

An asylum island like Australia needed for the criminally sane

Patrice Lewis wrote a good article about the paranoia that should be quite normal if we are still among the sane. That is especially true in light of the big change that government is now forcing on the sane people that remain in America. The still sane that reject the free government candy suckers for liberal suckers and that have overcome the endless brainwashing coming from government, media, and our schools increasingly want out of the funny farm that is under rapid and rabid development by liberal progressive fascist control freak socialists.

The problem is that now there seems to be no where on earth for the criminally sane to escape the inmates of the earth funny farm.… continue reading