Defining Evangelicalism Down to Secular Humanism

One of the things that really bugs me about the new “Evangelical” left leaders like Rick Warren is that they act like the Church was doing nothing to help people before they arrived on the scene with all their horns and whistles blowing. They insult the millions of missionaries who quietly worked in mission fields and the Holy Spirit who worked through them.

The big difference between the real missionaries and the postmodern version is that the real missionaries gave and give people more than just physical aid for the symptoms of diseases in this world. They gave the people the cure of spiritual life.continue reading

Is there a New Apostolic Reformation or an old deception?

I came across this excellent article today about “The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation”, by Bob De Waay. It is about how the Latter Rain movement morphed into the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).

Christians need to know the truth about these self appointed anointed and other Christians need to separate from these leaders bringing them into Apostasy.

One thing I have found out for myself over the years is that when certain leaders claim Apostolic positions and special prophetic anointing from God they are always lying.

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This article explores the idea of apostles in the church throughout church
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More Reasons To Beware Of Mike Huckabee

What is it about the South that produces these people? Mike said himself that he did some of the things he did because politics is rough in Arkansas. Why would a minister of the Gospel trade that job in for the affairs of the world and then stoop to their level? It seems to me that Mike Huckabee is in the same mold as Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and Kenneth Copeland. They preach the Kingdom should be established right here right now. The way they intend to bring in this soft dominionism is through social action and legislation and they have no problem uniting with secular humanists and anti Christ religions to establish this end.continue reading

Sex Scandal Rocks Atlanta-Area Megachurch

Another heretical “Word-of-Faith”, “Kingdom Now” leader bites the dust.

When are people going to learn to follow the teachings of the Bible instead of these self anointed and often perverted men and women? – Sex Scandal Rocks Atlanta-Area Megachurch – Local News News Articles National News US News
DECATUR, Ga. — The 80-year-old leader of a suburban Atlanta megachurch is at the center of a sex scandal of biblical dimensions: He slept with his brother’s wife and fathered a child by her.
Members of Archbishop Earl Paulk’s family stood at the pulpit of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit at Chapel Hill Harvester Church a few Sundays ago and revealed the secret exposed by a recent court-ordered paternity test.

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The Bible, global warming and the dominionists

I think Evangelicals are caught up into this global warming hype because they believe in Dominion Theology. They actually think that they are in the Kingdom on earth and that they have the mandate to manage from God to make it a paradise. They unite with the world on this cause even if it takes going to the lowest common denominator to find unity with them. To do this they discount absolute truth and evil.

This is why we are now seeing leading Evangelicals standing on platforms with and spouting the same drivel as pagans, the rich and famous, elite atheistic globalists and world religious figures.continue reading

What is Robert Schuller rethinking?

Rethink to me sounds a little to much like what the Emergent Church movement is doing although with this line up it would appear to be more of a all ways to utopia on earth through a religious dominionist agenda.

I do not know why Christian leaders would appear on Robert Schuller’s platform anyway since he is an admitted universalist and his teaching is obviously heretical. We will have to wait and see what they all say, I am sure what that say will give us much more to write about. I am not liking where many of today’s “Christian leaders” are taking the church.continue reading

Should Christianity, politics mix? Sure, but not the way dominionists think

This article is not at all honest about Dominion Theology. Any deceptive person can pick just the good apples and place it on top of a basket of rotten apples and sell the whole basket to someone as if it were all good. It was not too long ago that the Catholic Church did exactly that. They had Christian Dominion theology in practice. Remember the Inquisitions that followed?

Who is going to define what the values and practices of Christianity are in your modern new Christian world? The Pope, Baptists, UCC, Mormons, Masons, Rick Warren’s Global Peace Plan, the Christian Patriot Movement, Robert Schuller, Oprah’s Secret, Jimmy Carter, Benny Hinn, George Bush, Rodney Howard Brown, Ron Paul, John and Paul White, Ted Haggard, the KKK?continue reading

There is a Woman On The Beast and She has Dominion Theology

Dominion Theology is sometimes also called “Christian Reconstructionism” or “Kingdom Now” but there are significant differences among these theologies. I have lumped all the theologies together in this article under the name Dominion Theology because popular dominionist leaders that bridge denominations and movements have blurred the distinctions. This also is the case with most of their critics. They often lump together beliefs of “Kingdom Now, Christian Reconstructionism” “NAR” and “Latter Rain Theology” as if everyone agreed. There are many different religious doctrines within Dominion Theology so I include the words “many”, “most” or “some” in this article for good reason.

Much of Christianity is now traveling on very different bandwagons of dominionism but all paths lead to some form of a Christian or religious world under a government theonomy (under the law of God) or theocracy, before the return of Jesus Christ.… continue reading