A Fourth Reich Roman Empire Revival Fit for a Beast and a Gog Reunion

We may be seeing the start of the Revived Roman Empire taking place before our very eyes. The turmoil in North Africa, Syria, and elsewhere may bring it about. I know many people thought the present EU is the revived Roman Empire but the present EU really does not fit the spatial reality of the Old Roman Empire nor does it have its mothers violent nature.

Here is a map that shows the  extent of the Old Roman Empire. Where there are dates on this map those regions were not part of the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus.

If the Jews had accepted Jesus the Roman Empire would have been destroyed by God and the Roman Empire might never have grown to include the regions that are dated.… continue reading

The straw that broke the camels back might be blowing in the wind

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan with about ten thousand people dead, hundreds of billions of dollars in damage and a possible nuclear meltdown was all over the news last weekend but I did not hear one peep about it in church. Nothing was said in Sunday school. Nothing was heard in any prayers said that I heard. Nothing came from the pulpit and nothing even was said in casual conversations. I guess us American Christians can be very inward looking and I also point a finger at myself because I never brought up Japan at church either. In contrast, when something much less deadly like 9/11 or Katrina happened in our own country it was on the lips of everyone in every church in the nation.… continue reading

Fourth turning suggests over two decades of world chaos.

I do not totally buy into the “fourth turning” time cycles although the four turnings spoken about in that book do seem to occur about once in a human lifespan. I as well, see a bitter winter coming to our nation and the world in the near future. I think we are about two years away from at least two decades of unparalleled world chaos.

The validity of the fourth turning cycle theory really does not matter because by our own observations we can see the rise of evil all over the world and know that it will bring us a time of war and chaos.… continue reading

Don Koenig’s World Trends Forecast for 2020-2030 AD

I made my world trend projections for the 2010-2020 decade last year. It can be found on the sidebar. Now that we are in the new decade I will go out on a limb and give my world trends projections for the 2020-2030 decade. I am not a prophet. This is offered as just food for thought. You do not need to believe anything you read here. It is extremely unlikely that everything will happen as I say here. I may modify this world trends forecast as we get closer to the start of that decade as things get clearer (if I am still around).… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues – Oct 2010

I recently drove up to Buffalo NY for an anniversary celebration. Nothing ever much changes in the Buffalo New York area, at least not for the better. The Buffalo Bills still suck, the politicians in NY State still have a slug-fest and roll in the mud all the way to office. The Seneca Indians are still fighting with the state over tobacco taxes. The route 219 expressway extension is still under construction. The weather from September to May is still about the worst in the nation and many people in that area still find their own rationalization to pilfer whatever they can from whoever they can.… continue reading

Israel and Bible prophecy in the light of present world realities

I have figured out that I really cannot figure out how end time prophetic events involving Israel will all play out but of course like so many others that write on Bible prophecy that won’t stop me from writing about it.

Probably the main premillennial futurist speculation today is that the war of Ezekiel chapter 38 will take place within a few years but that does not make sense to me in the light of present world realities. Israel is not living in security as it is so clearly stated in the Ezekiel prophecies. Israel cannot be living in security without some significant change in thinking in the entire Middle East.… continue reading

Earth in upheaval

I know Immanuel Velikovsky used the same title for one of his books but most of this generation would not be aware of that. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote several books about catastrophism in Earth’s geological past. His theory of planets in collision gives natural causes for the flood and the other judgments in the Bible. If you reject evolution you might read his books because there is a lot of truth in what he wrote, but even geniuses like Velokosvsky do not get everything right. He certainly did not acknowledge that God also works through supernatural means. His theory of “planets in collision” most likely has some validity especially since his theories were rejected by most of the scientific world.… continue reading

From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

I certainly am not a prophet but I believe we are in the final decades just before the Messianic age and Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua. In fact, I think there will only be three more decades. Sometime before the end of that third decade I think Yeshua (Jesus) will have returned to earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.

I am writing this because I think many Christians today have been misled into thinking that everything must take place within this decade. I think it is much more likely that these events will play out over two to three decades.

The following is how I think the final decades will play out in the world.… continue reading

Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019

I am certain that this post will upset some people but with all the hype and speculation about Jesus coming between 2012-2019 the truth has to be said by someone. I will say dogmatically that Jesus is not coming to rule the earth between 2012-2019 as some Bible prophecy teachers are now saying.

First let me make it clear that I am not talking about the Rapture. The Rapture of the Church is not the second coming of Jesus Christ to rule the earth. The Rapture is always imminent and it can occur anytime even quite some time before the seven year tribulation.… continue reading

Is it a Islamic Antichrist, Western Antichrist or an Alien deception? The question might be solved in the big prophetic picture.

Many people are interested in things to come in these last days but some say it is a waste of time to teach on these things at all since interpretations of bible prophecy can be somewhat subjective. However, I assure you that if the Church does not teach on Bible prophecy people will go to the cults and those that give aberrant interpretations of Bible eschatology for wrong answers and spiritual bondage.

I see many different theories on how the end times events will all play out. Some think the end time prophecies in the Bible will be fulfilled when an Islamic Antichrist comes against Israel.… continue reading

The revived Mediterranean Union will also be the revived Roman Empire

(Revised edition)

I have been saying that the Mediterranean Union (MU) will be the actual revived Roman Empire and not the EU alignment that we see today because many of the nations in the EU do not belong in the land area of  the old Roman Empire and others that belong in it are missing from the EU. Some have said I am wrong because the MU idea was recently not well received by certain nations. However, that is changing, it looks like Sorkozy’s MU idea will take root after all.

The Mediterranean Union as the revived Roman Empire makes more sense to me than the present EU for a lot of prophetic reasons.… continue reading

Don Koenig’s world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD

Things are getting pretty crazy out there to say the least so I think I will give you my world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD. I think the next decade will be the most violent decade since the days of Noah. The only decade that will exceed it in violence will be decade of Jacob’s trouble which will probably begin sometime in the 20’s. Here is a glimpse of some of the things I think we can expect in 2010-2020. I am not a prophet.  They certainly do not have to occur just because I think they might. They are not in any specific sequence.continue reading

Will the Antichrist come to power after an EMP over Europe and the United States?

I almost fully agree with Hal Lindsey on this EMP issue. A couple of years ago I wrote that an EMP attack is the number one imminent danger to the United States. This danger has been reported to Congress by their own hand picked committee of experts. They reported to Congress that an EMP would send our nation back to the dark ages for months or even years. The link to that report is in my article. Guess what? Against the committee’s advice not one thing as yet been done to harden our electric and electronic infrastructure.

By the way, it is not just Iran that is a threat.… continue reading

Netherlands court says Geert Wilders should be prosecuted for inciting hate.

I think the Quran would be more accurately described as a satanically inspired book rather than a fascist book although Muslim nations are fascist. Anyway, so much for free speech in the Netherlands. I think the best thing for Mr Wilders is that they dare to prosecute him and give people a hero and national leader to vent there frustrations against Muslims.  Geert Wilders will then build a huge following of people who are fed up with Muslims subverting their nation and their way of life and then a European fascist backlash will begin against Muslims. What will make this backlash even more likely is the inevitable future terrorist attacks against the West.… continue reading

Debunking a Muslim Beast Antichrist

Lately there has been a whole lot of teachers getting on the Antichrist will come from Islam and that Islam is the Beast world system bandwagon.

Apparently painting Antichrist horns on the obvious evil system of our time sells books but is is good theology? I posted a article why I do not believe the Beast will emerge from Islam or why the Beast will be Muslim.

Will the Antichrist and his Beast government come from Islam

Dr Reagan has written a very scholarly work why the Antichrist will not be a Muslim.

Bill Salus in the article that I quote below gives more good reasons why the Antichrist will not come from Islam.continue reading

Babylon the Great is about to rise.

This article probably has plenty of Bible prophecy significance. Iraq is trying to set up a group of nations like the EU in the Middle East. Many who study Bible prophecy have been saying that Iraq will rise again as a great world center of prosperity in the last days and fulfill the prophecies of Babylon and Babylon the Great. This most likely is the first major step in building the foundation for that entity.

Also notice that other regions on earth are doing the same thing as this EU pilot project prototype. All generally are following the Club of Rome’s plan for ten regional governments under a central world government.… continue reading

Does the European Union fulfill the revived Roman Empire and Daniel chapter nine or the Mediterranean Union?

This is a very interesting prophetic development. We have been looking for the EU to fulfill the revived Roman Empire and the covenant of Daniel chapter nine but it turns out that it will actually be fulfilled by the Mediterranean Union (MU).

The EU has nations that were not in the original Roman Empire but the MU includes the right nations. It is looking like the exact same lands that were in the original Roman Empire will also be in the revived Roman Empire. Ireland was never in the Roman Empire and it is interesting that the voters of Ireland just turned down the treaty that would have federalized the EU.… continue reading

European Union to open its own embassies worldwide

The European Union plans to open their own embassies worldwide. This is just one more major step to a federalized European superpower that Daniel indicated would rise out of the area of the Old Roman Empire in the last days.

EU plans international embassies – Telegraph

The European Union will open its own embassies under a plan critics fear represents a “power grab” by Brussels officials pushing for a federal superstate.

The secret plan represents the first time that full EU embassies have been discussed seriously.

The “Embassies of the Union” would be controlled by a new EU diplomatic service created by the Lisbon Treaty.

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Astute Bible prophecy teacher and author Joel Rosenberg (interview)

Here is one great interview with Joel Rosenberg who gives his very astute view of end time events. His latest book is “Dead Heat”

CNN.com – Transcripts

ROSENBERG: Well I think eventually Rome will be the center of the E.U. How is that going to happen? I don`t know. There is a lot I don`t know. The point is the Bible laid out some details it doesn`t give us all the details.

BECK: Is it true that we — we haven`t bombed parts of Iraq because of, not only the historic significance, but the biblical significance of — of Babylon?

ROSENBERG: Babylon itself, Babylon is a province, it`s also a city, but there is no one living in current Babylon, it`s being reconstructed.

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EU leaders create a Beast

A regional government by treaty has arisen. EU polices will supersede nations. It is such a simple concept. It is a Beast make in the image of the old Soviet Union. Why not have a world government by treaty as well? They certainly will! This is just the first phase of the multi regional Beast world government. By the way, nations are bound by treaties, the nations have to comply with the treaty or they will be brought before the regional or world court. A nation cannot even pull out of a treaty without grave consequences unless the treaty also allows nations to pull out.continue reading