The Great Apostasy of the Evangelicals

I think the most shocking thing going on in our nation is not that Marxists are actively running and ruining America. After all, people that reject God in any nation are going to look for a human substitute for God. The most shocking thing in America is that heretics are now taking over the Christian Evangelical movement in America and few Evangelicals notice or care.

If you take the Bible believing evangelicals that give the gospel of salvation to the world out of America, a Christian might have to wonder if God has any good purpose left for this nation in the world.… continue reading

Restoring Paradise Lost from secular Left or the religious Right?

Restoring Paradise Lost from the idealist secular Left or the presumptuous religious Right is not possible. Paradise Lost can only be restored after Jesus returns.

The Left worldview believes humankind can restore Paradise Lost through the collective efforts of man led by the most evolved human elite. Most on the Left believes that God is a creation of man, or is man, or at the very least, God is impersonal and detached from His creation. Therefore, in their worldview, God is not a factor in restoring Paradise Lost. They believe man must restore paradise through his own efforts.

There is a similar worldview that actually comes through world religion.… continue reading

Just some more bumps in the road for Obama and America

Obama seems to think that every negative report is just a bump in the road on the path to his next hole. He may think he is on course but for Obama life is his recreation, it is all a golf course. The reality of it all is that Obama and this nation are going to hit bumps in the road or the remainder of his term and they are going to make for a very bumpy ride. If he even gets around the “bumps” and gets to the next hole he had better learn to master his sand wedge or the hazards on this real course of leadership will make him look like a rank amateur.… continue reading

Win the 2012 presidential election through the Sarah Palin model

Sarah Palin has a Christian concept of God, and a personal moral agenda, and now, pleasing the mainstream media and the entrenched political establishment in America is obviously not in her political playbook. Palin is one of the few people who might run for President that has a campaign model needed to win against the Democrats in 2012.  No Conservative will win the 2012 presidential election by trying to please the radical left that have almost total control over the mainstream media. These leftists hate everything we Christians and conservatives stand for.

Palin stands for a Christian concept of God, moral conservative principles based on the Bible, and a literal interpretation of our Constitution; she believes in individualism and in keeping the federal government out of our lives as much as possible by limiting the size of federal government.… continue reading

Unless Americans reject evil, Obama will destroy this nation.

A country gets the leader the people deserve. Obama was obviously given for America’s destruction. I think the evidence of what he did thus far leaves little room for doubt.  After 2 1/2 years of Obama you would think Americans would have learned something, but that does not seem to be the case. Unless Americans suddenly turn from their evil ways Obama will finish the job given to him.

We are less than 18 months from the next presidential election and as of right now Obama has a 50+ percent approval rating in the polls and not one potential Republican candidate matches up with Obama in the polls. … continue reading

America can have riots and civil war or a temporary benevolent dictator.

It is clear to me that this country is now hopelessly divided and there will be no solution if we do not find a very strong leader that can shock Americans into reality by telling them the unvarnished truth about where the nation is heading and making it clear that the only alternative to his own radical proposals will be social breakdown with riots and even a civil war. We need someone with the communication skills and likability of Ronald Regan and Glenn Beck and the independent resources of someone like Ross Perot. Maybe It could be someone with outstanding social networking skills that can bypass the lame-stream media that will certainly gather their liberal forces against him.… continue reading

Compromising the gospel for church growth and American idol heretics.

I get no joy out of telling people that much of what is being passed off as Christianity today is counterfeit. Those American Idols that are pushing modern heresies on people may think they are being opened minded but they really have become a willing door of Satanic deception. Satan’s goal is to get people who identify with Christianity to doubt fundamental doctrines that uniquely define who a Christian is. Satan then substitutes Christian doctrine with doctrines of demons in order to create counterfeits of the Christian religion. These demonic bastardizations of Christianity are not true Christianity.

for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 

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Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, March 2011

It looks like it is going to be an interesting and very unstable year. It is almost like the world has now reached some tipping point and everyone is about to go loony like they did in the late 1930’s and 1940’s. The whole Middle East is now a ticking time bomb. I see no end to the uprisings and turmoil until they make a fatal mistake and unite against Israel.

There very well could be a Sunni Shia war before this all plays out. Of course the U.S. will have to protect its oil lines so it will be supporting the majority Sunni led by Saudi Arabia.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Feb 2011

I have been somewhat under the weather so this monthly perspective will be fairly short. You see a slightly different look on this blog because I am trying to integrate it more with the main website. People coming to this blog often do not know that this blog is only part of a larger website. “The Prophetic Years” is the name of my website so you should now see that named displayed in the middle of the banner along with the blog title above it. If your not seeing that, you will have to clear your browser cache and then do a refresh.… continue reading

Mass murderers, psychos, guns, and Liberal enablers and disablers

The response to the mass murders in Arizona proves how low the Left will go to try to gain political advantage. For days they were blaming the Tea Party and conservative talk shows for inciting Jared Loughner into mass murder without having one shred of evidence that there was any connection at all. The slander against people on the Right from these people would have been called criminal hate speech had anything like this libelous venom come against the Left.

It is now well known that Loughner was not a conservative, in fact, most of his views would put him on the Left.… continue reading

Fantasyland has progressed to become much of California

Fantasyland was once confined to Disneyland in California but it has now progressed to become much of California. People in California continually vote to do more harm to themselves. So, you have to believe that most of the people living there are out of touch with reality and the state has become suicidal.

California in many ways has become a schizophrenic “Hotel California”, little it does makes any logical sense. Can the air and water be blamed for the insanity that rages in California? They themselves seem to think so because they just keep making more costly environmental laws when they are already dead broke.… continue reading

Anyone in America seeing the rising fascism yet?

Webster dictionary: Fascisma political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Government and government partnered multinational corporations are in the process of taking over every aspect our our lives. American constitutional freedoms are being taken away while most live in apathy distracted by free bread and circus’. Fascism is being implemented in the name of safety, security and prosperity. But make no mistake, if we continue in this direction the end results will be tyranny.… continue reading

Rule by we the people, or rule by a dictator and appointed judges?

A federal judge has now told the government that the Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell law for people serving in the military is unconstitutional after being in effect in this nation for 17 years. So now the military is suddenly told to allow open homosexuals to serve. However, before that DADT law was even passed, homosexuals were not allowed in the military for the whole prior history of this nation. So if this seventeen year old DADT law was stuck down it seems to me that the previous rule of law for the military should remain in effect. That law was that anyone found to be engaging in homosexual activity in the military would be disciplined and probably given a discharge.… continue reading

Being scary is just too cool on Halloween.

Halloween is the time of the year when Mahmud Ahmadinejad masks sell like hot cakes because for some reason people think that having the scariest mug on the planet is just too cool on Halloween. Ahmadinejad by himself could haunt a house in the Christian most parts of Lebanon. This week he is on his way to do just that in person. October is the month when scary people like Ahmadinejad get a pass to act like themselves.

Maybe Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbolloah will come out of his black hole while Ahmadinejad is around and maybe Assad of Syria will join them so the trio can go knocking on doors yelling trick-or-treat and scaring people silly.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues – Oct 2010

I recently drove up to Buffalo NY for an anniversary celebration. Nothing ever much changes in the Buffalo New York area, at least not for the better. The Buffalo Bills still suck, the politicians in NY State still have a slug-fest and roll in the mud all the way to office. The Seneca Indians are still fighting with the state over tobacco taxes. The route 219 expressway extension is still under construction. The weather from September to May is still about the worst in the nation and many people in that area still find their own rationalization to pilfer whatever they can from whoever they can.… continue reading

Fascist dictators and cults stole the envisioned Utopian age of Aquarius

Remember this song? It was inspired by the post World War II spoiled undisciplined Spock babies of the Boomer Generation. They became the counterculture hippie generation of the 1960’s. They were deluded enough to think that they could end war on earth by rebelling against the establishment. They envisioned that they would bring in the Utopian Age of Aquarius of New Age pagan lore.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

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The relationship between making Bible passages allegory and heretical cults

The Bible contains allegory but when it does it is also makes it clear in the passage. I think along with legalism there is a strong relationship between those that twist Bible passages into allegory and heretical movements and cults.

We can look at the history of Christianity since the Apostles and we will see a reoccurring pattern between allegory and heresy. The first heretics were legalists that wanted to put Jews that found the Messiah back under Jewish law. Soon after we know that gnostic heretics became a plague on the Church. They made scriptures allegorical so it would comply with their old and new mystical beliefs.… continue reading

The Americian tyranny of a conglomeration of minorities

When a Government serves and gives special rights to a conglomeration of minorities against the will of the American majority the nation is under a tyranny of the minorities. Apparently we are now under such a tyranny in America. There is a way this can be changed politically by electing a Republican super majority.

If we are a government of the people, the majority will have to stand united against this conglomeration of minorities that now controls American government, education, media and often religion. Of course, if the Republican revolution is successful we will then have to guard against a tyranny of the majority against minorities.… continue reading

1930’s socialists reincarnated to play in the 2010’s world war games.

There are many parallels to the 1930’s today. History does repeat itself. It seems the socialists of the 1930’s have been reincarnated to play in the upcoming 2010’s world war games.

In the 1930’s the world was heading into a decade of deep depression. All indicators are that in the 2010’s the world will see the same economic fate. In the 1930’s socialism was the big rising ideology. There were some differences between the various socialisms of the 1930’s but they all had many similarities as well, such as government having control over everyone and the redistributing wealth. There was the Hitler’s style, the Lenin/Stalin’s style, Mussolini’s Fascist style, Mao’s style and even FDR’s New Deal style.… continue reading

The Obama Midas touch turns U.S. government policy into fools gold

The Golden One and his handpicked apostles (Czars) apparently do not have the Midas touch after all. In fact, the Obama administration seems to be cursed. Everything touched by Obama and his administration turns into fools gold.

The oil has been gushing in the gulf for two months now. I am not blaming Obama for the oil well failure but some of the blame has to go to people like him that create environmental laws that force Oil Companies to drill fifty miles off-shore.  Also, the buck stops with Obama for poor government oversight of BP and for failure to come up with a solution to this problem and the bumbling with the clean-up .… continue reading