Muslims Leaders Warn Pope Survival of World at Stake

This is precisely what will take place because of the war on Islamo-Fascism. After that leads the world to the brink the moderates of the world will unite on common ground and fundamental religious groups will be outlawed. Of course at that time it will be hate speech to try to convert anyone to their own belief or to say that Jesus is the only way to God. We already see here that moderate Muslims will have no problem becoming part of the end time harlot religion for sake of world peace. We also see the reason why fundamental Christians will be persecuted just as if they were as dangerous as radical Islamics.continue reading

The Eucharistic Jesus merges with the Emergent Church

This article should give you some idea how the Catholic Church and the Emergent church Protestants mystics become the culmination of Revelation chapter 17 (the woman who rides the Beast).

From the Lighthouse For those who are not aware of the Catholic Church’s New Evangelization program, let me provide a brief overview. The Catholic Church plans to establish the kingdom of God on earth and win the world to the Catholic Jesus (i.e., the Eucharistic Christ). This will be accomplished when the world (including the separated brethren) comes under the rule and reign of Rome and this Eucharistic Jesus.The Eucharistic Jesus is supposedly Christ’s presence that a Catholic priest summons through the power of transubstantiation, the focal point of the Mass.

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Pope says Protestants are not in the Body of Christ

I hope you ecumenically minded Protestants realized what this Pope just spelled out. He said that Protestant clergy are not ordained and they are therefore not priests in the one true Church. He also said that the means of salvation are not found in those churches. Thus, no matter how you want to spin it the Pope just said that all Protestant Christians are not saved unless they return to the apostolic authority of the Catholic Church.

Some of you that thought you could fellowship with this church as fellow Christians should now see that you have been deceived. In Catholicism there is only one true church, it is their church.continue reading

Pope wants the Mass in Latin

Every time I get stupid enough to think that the Pope seems to be moving in a more orthodox Christian direction he regress to doctrines that leads me to think he knows nothing about true Christianity. What will bringing back Latin mumble jumbo in the Mass do other than satisfy feelings of nostalgia for those who grew up on this mindless ritual?

The Catholic Mass was put into the common language so that people could understand what the priest was doing and saying. Now this Pope wants to make it all mystical again. The correct position to take if he ever wants to start on a path to unite Christianity would be to do away with the Mass altogether since the Mass is not supported by scripture.continue reading