Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Dec 2010

I found out yesterday just how fast the web host will take down your blog if it is using a little two much of their resources. I ran a site map tool in order to create a site map to submit to Google. I ran it at the default settings which runs five threads at the same time. I guess it took about three hours to make the sitemap of my website. Sometime shortly thereafter my web host denied service to anyone who wanted to visit this blog.

It took me most of yesterday to get them to get the blog back up.… continue reading

The final phase of the Korean war draws near.

The recent attacks from North Korea on South Korea seem designed to show its own military leaders that the son of Kim Il-sung has what it takes to succeed him and lead their country.

North Korea is really a military dictatorship. The military of North Korea is the all important to the Kim dynasty. Those in the military are taken care of first even if it means the rest of the nation starves. That might explain why North Korea has to keep up the tensions with South Korea. It helps them justify the huge military class that keeps the nation suppressed under tyranny.… continue reading

Taking America back to a history of appeasement.

Many of the problems for America today could have been avoided by better decisions in the past. If we could go back to late 1940’s and then over the next sixty years made the correct hard choices instead of the half- hearted politically correct ones, we could have been a nation that stood against tyranny in the world and a nation that stood for what is morally right. The world could be a much better place today.

Back in the the late 40’s and early 50’s if we had made the hard choice after the second world war, communism would not have spread its poison and tyranny all over the world that put us in cold and hot wars form the 50’s until now.… continue reading

An EMP strike and the end of our nation as a superpower is more likely than not within a decade.

This article on the dangers and effects of an EMP is quite informative. I wrote on this issue a few time already but I think we had all better become more aware of this danger.

A EMP attack is probably the prime event that could eliminate the U.S. from being a factor in end time Bible prophecy. When you read the below article take note that Dr. Graham thinks a EMP could reduce the population of the U.S. to about 30 million people. Dr. Graham is not a crackpot he is the foremost expert on EMP’s. He knows what he is talking about.… continue reading

State Department foreign policies of women in delusion

This article points out some of the delusion that has been coming out of our State Department. I have to admit that most of the foreign policy “experts” have a very unique world view. They do not see the world as it exists. They see a delusional world of what should be, because apparently in their world everyone is trustworthy and no one is evil. The State Department has been operating under the delusions of silly old women, or men who act like women for quite a while now. Caroline Glick is  one of the voices of reason in this delusional world.continue reading

The nuclear threat to the United States by Iran and North Korea

Those who think Iran is not a nuclear threat to the United States might read the following article I wrote and posted on my website. Those who think Iran is a threat might also want to be aware of what could happen if a nuclear bomb gets in the hands of terrorist’s or terrorist states.

Imminent danger to the US # 1 – Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) by a nuclear explosion high over the United States or by natural catastrophe – by Don Koenig

Possible Causes – A direct attack from a nation and/or terrorist group using one or more nuclear weapons exploded at very high altitude over the United States – A blast from a meteor exploding at high altitude in the atmosphere – A massive explosion on the sun.… continue reading