Well known Christian figures often speak out of their hind end. They do not speak for Christianity.

I think it high time Christians realize that heads of Christian institutions do not speak for Christianity especially in these last days of moral and spiritual relativism. They speak for some people in their various denominations, organizations and movements which is quite different than speaking for the Body of Christ. Most of their members and followers never became part of that Body of Christ or they would not be appointing apostate people into leadership. Most of the statements we hear from some of these postmodern leaders are simply anti Christ.

Ninety percent of the who’s who’s list of Christianity do not speak for me on biblical issues either.… continue reading

Christianity progressing to enable postmodern inquisitions.

Peter Jones has it right in this article. Pseudo Christianity will again be going to war again against those true Christians who actually believe the Bible. When the youth of those going to the churches of today grow up (many of them already have) will those four percent that still believe the Bible actually be tolerated by Christianity? Of course not. Pseudo Christianity has persecuted the Church before in history and it will do it again. Christianity is now progressing to enable the coming postmodern inquisitions.

The persecution at the fifth seal of Revelation comes from the religious Harlot not the Antichrist because at this point he has not even arrived on the scene.… continue reading

Does the European Union fulfill the revived Roman Empire and Daniel chapter nine or the Mediterranean Union?

This is a very interesting prophetic development. We have been looking for the EU to fulfill the revived Roman Empire and the covenant of Daniel chapter nine but it turns out that it will actually be fulfilled by the Mediterranean Union (MU).

The EU has nations that were not in the original Roman Empire but the MU includes the right nations. It is looking like the exact same lands that were in the original Roman Empire will also be in the revived Roman Empire. Ireland was never in the Roman Empire and it is interesting that the voters of Ireland just turned down the treaty that would have federalized the EU.… continue reading

The Temple Institute’s and the Jews postmodern relativism and revisionism.

First of all, this article is not exactly true, the Temple Institute did not just begin preparing for the Third Temple by making priestly garbs. The Temple Institute has been preparing for the building of the Third Temple for decades. It is interesting to watch the effort continue but remember, these Jews do not believe in Jesus and what they say is often self serving and scripturally just plain wrong. For Example: Rabbi Yehuda Glick in this article says the prophets say that all the nations will be coming to Jerusalem and take part in building the Third Temple and that it will unite the nations around one central house of prayer.… continue reading

One of the last patriots standing today.

The Last patriot” is a new book that points out that their are major known discrepancies in manuscripts of the Quran. That takes a lot of guts. Brad Thor may be one of the last patriots standing today. I think Muslims will eventually re-examine their faith with a modern, 21st century perspective, as are other religions. It will probably occur after a great war with Islamic fundamentalism. It will lead to a pluralist one world religion. But that will not turn out to be good either, because contrary to postmodern thinking there really is only one truth. That truth is found in the Bible when properly translated.… continue reading

When the bell tolls for you don’t be found on Tolle’s New Earth

Due to overwhelming interest on my Oprah and Tolle Blog post I am posting another opinion of Tolle’s “A New Earth” book, by Debra Rae.
The teaser quotes that I am putting below is just a small sample of what is in the articles. I cannot do justice to Debra Rae’s article here you have to read the full articles.

I just want to make it clear to everyone that Tolle’s teaching in ” A New Earth” is totally contrary to the fundamental truths of Christianity and Christian Orthodoxy. It is Old Age and New Age paganism originated with the lie of the Serpent and man’s rebellion.… continue reading

Christians yoking up with swine will bring in the kingdom?

what we have are Evangelicals who really think that the Church will be influencing government to help bring in the social actions of a Christian kingdom on earth. What they do not understand is that you do not get into the pigpen if you want to yoke up with those that will pull on clean fertile ground. They also do not understand that there will be no Christian taking of the earth before the return of the King. What they will end up with is amoral secular socialism using them until the godless decide they want to get the religious monkey off their back.… continue reading

The “new age” of pagan enlightenment

There is nothing new under the sun. When man thinks he is moving toward new enlightenment he really starts moving back to the same old pre-Christian paganism. We see that happening today in post-Christian society that is starting to look like the pagan barbarism of the past. We are on our way to the “New Age” of pagan enlightenment which really will bring the world into satanic bondage.

Good thinking!

the secular way station

The most recent European outrages seen in the media are just the beginning. Whether it is British schoolchildren being forced to pray to Allah by their teacher, government judges declaring the valid jurisdiction of Talmudic and Shariah law, or the simple breakdown of peaceful, rational society, it is clear that post-Christian society is far more likely to resemble pagan pre-Christian society than it is to develop into the godless vision of an equalitarian, sexually androgynous workers’ paradise so often sold to the masses by secular prophets of one form or another.

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Only Imagine Tolle and Oprah’s homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire!

The quotes are some excerpts from Debra Rae on “Only Imagine Tolle’s New Earth, Part 1” It looks like it is going to be a very good series.

For those into Tolle’s recycled and refined New Age religion I want you to only imagine homonoeticus living forever in the Lake of Fire. Tolle and Oprah are only telling you a rehash of the same lie that the Serpent told Eve from the beginning, “That you can become like God”. No you can’t! You can become a very prideful deceived human like these two have become, believing that they are evolving into a superior race (homonoeticus).… continue reading

Finding Brian Mclaren’s way to the mother of all harlots

Here is the take from the Lighthouse on Brian Mclaren’s newest book “Finding Our Way Again”. Brian Mclaren is obviously a blind soul who could not even find his way with his seeing eye dog. What Mclaren teaches is not Christianity and I wish that Bible colleges and book stores would quit peddling his pagan delusions as something the Church needs to learn about. We do not need to know these things any more then we need to know what was in the books that the early Church burned.

There is a common thread in all these emerging teachers. These are nothing but wolves dressed in old gnostic wolves sheep’s clothing.… continue reading

Endorsing amoral candidates for what reason? What candidate should a Christian vote?

It is not surprising to me that John McCain would throw any Bible believing Christian under the bus. Obviously McCain does not believe the Bible literally. What is more surprising to me is that any Bible believing Christian leader could endorse John McCain. Just because McCain thinks a military solution in Iraq is the correct way to go and thinks Islamofascism has to be defeated is not the same as him thinking that the religion of Islam is evil like Parsley and true Christians. McCain like all of our presidential candidates have a pluralist Universalist view that Christianity is just one of many ways to God.… continue reading

Nuclear attack on America could be sooner then you think.

This article might wake you up to the real possibilities of a nuclear terrorist attack on American cities. The article makes the case for an al-Qaeda plan to set off seven bombs in seven different cities. There is no doubt in my mind that they will someday have the capability to set off a nuke and with their sanctuary in Pakistan they can train for that with impunity. I do not know if they can carry off an attack on seven cities at once but I would not rule it out. Even if they could set off one nuke in one city it would change the world as we know it.… continue reading

Will Israel hit Iran’s reactor before it goes on line this September?

Hal Lindsey expects a Middle East War against Israel this September. I certainly would not rule that out. Peace talks have a way of falling apart because the terrorists do not want peace and they sabotage any deal. Hal thinks Israel will hit Iran before they fire up their reactor. I would think that if they are going to hit the reactor they will do it before nuclear material is in the reactor. That would make a September date kind of late if they want to prevent nuclear fall out on civilians. So I do not think Israel will do anything about their reactor going online.… continue reading

Coexisting with doctrines of devils

Bono, Rick Warren, Schuller, Bill Hybells, George Bush, Obama, and many others and most of the Emerging Church movement shape shifters all believe in pluralism and universalism while claiming to be Christians. Their Christianity is really religious dominionism. They want to use religion, government, media and the power elite to bring in total world governance and establishment of their idealist earthly utopia in the name of their higher power. What they will actually bring in will be the Antichrist figure who will claim to fulfill all the expectations of religions. The harlot woman is about to ride the Beast.

Bono, Universalism, and the Emerging Church?continue reading

Our Saudi friends are our greatest enemies

What can be more hypocritical than a so called friend that is doing everything possible to destroy you? Before this war on terror ends we will have to deal with Saudi Arabia. I am convinced that by propping up this evil royal family we are doing great harm to the world.

I hate to be blunt but if I were in charge I would give the Saudi Arabian ruling thugs an ultimatum. You either quit fighting against us through subversion and extortion or our cruise missiles will take the war on radical Islam to their own mansions and yachts. They think they are immune from any threat because they black mail us with oil but one aircraft carrier group in just 20 minutes could send the entire ruling family to their just reward and probably have no impact on oil production.… continue reading

Janet Folger says stop whining and take dominion of the earth

How incredibly undiscerning! Janet Folger is now teaching America Word of Faith Theology. She obviously is a believer in heretical Dominion theology. The link will give you more of my take on that theology.

Folger implies that Jesus lost the keys of the kingdom of heaven and had to die to get them back from Satan.
What heretical nonsense. Jesus never lost the keys of the kingdom of heaven. What kind of God would lose his keys? The keys Jesus gave the Church is authority in the spiritual realm in the spiritual kingdom of heaven. Even Jesus has not yet bound Satan on earth and taken authority on the earth because the timing of that is set by the Father alone.… continue reading

Pope blesses the ground they died on

Your blessing is many years too late your unholiness. Not that your blessing would have changed anything. Do you now believe you have a time machine in your magic wand? Also, since you claim to be the Vicar of Christ you ought to know that God is not going to bring peace to this violent world as long as the wicked in this world insist on being wicked. No peace will come to this world until the Prince of Peace establishes it by removing the violent and the wicked out of it. So are you pleading with God for His judgments on earth to begin?… continue reading

Global Living Rosary hatched out of hell.

The Catholics taking part in this Global Living Rosary are practicing what is forbidden in the Bible. The Bible says that there is one in heaven that makes intercession between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. Show me any scripture that says we are to pray to Mary or that Mary makes intercession for anyone. I will show you many Old Testament scriptures that says the Queen of Heaven (often carrying a child) was in existence before Mary and it was a demon. Those who prayed and offered to her were condemned by God.

These also think that their many rote prayers to someone other then Jesus works up power.… continue reading

The bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities is likely, justified and necessary for any peace

Pat Buchanan sometimes gets it both right and wrong at the same time. He is insightful and makes the case why the U.S. needs to bomb Iran and probably will. But then his attitude suggests that Bush is a war monger and Bush would be wrong to carry this bombing out.

Would it put McCain in office like Pat suggests? Well for that to happen it would have to be a short sharp war that carries out its military objectives like Pat suggests. If it does that Pat should celebrate the victory and the decade of peace it will bring and not whine.… continue reading

Jews against Christian Zionism

This excommunication of the Christian Zionists does not surprise me. Most of Israel are leftist secular humanists who will make peace with their enemies at any cost. The only hope they see for peace is a peace enforced by the world powers. Zionist evangelicals are telling them not to give up there land for peace because it will bring a holocaust but if they know Bible prophecy they also know that a holocaust must come. So it gets rather difficult to understand why some people’s ministry is to bring a mostly unbelieving people back to a place where they know they will be doomed.… continue reading