Rick Warren politicizing religion and promoting moral ambiguity

Star Parker makes some excellent points on Rick Warren’s current political events at Saddleback Church that few have criticized.

While the political system is actively warring against Christianity in our culture some churches like Saddleback are enabling a political platform for the very same politicians that are warring against core moral beliefs of Christianity.

Thanks to the relativism of people like Rick Warren the church is getting its role all mixed up. Many now think they can join with the world and shape the political world system. The Bible indicates that the political system is under the administration of Satan and anyone who loves the world the love the father is not in him.… continue reading

Rick Warren’s “interfaith” social plans show lack of Christian discernment

I gave Rick Warren a pass on his short OneNewsNow.com statement. However, I knew I should have said something. Paul Proctor did take the time to address what Rick Warren said and I am glad that he brought up the Matthew chapter 10 issue. Rick Warren quoted Matthew chapter 10 as his justification for his interfaith efforts. Proctor makes it quite clear that Warren is taking Matthew 10 out of proper context in order to accomplish a pluralistic interfaith social agenda that any true understanding of the Bible does not allow.

Rick Warren will never get it because his worldview is all wrong.… continue reading

The world is already prepped for the Antichrist

Obama is not the Antichrist but he could be America’s Antichrist if he gets elected. You have to understand who one of his big supporters and mentors is. New Age Oprah. Oprah believes we can all achieve Christhood. With her support of Obama you might already think that she believes that Obama has already achieved Christhood and has conveyed her judgment of that judgment to Obama. Now you might understand why he is so arrogant and he will take no criticism. After all, once you achieved Christhood what can those who have not achieved Christhood tell you? So Obama has all the answers for everyone and the fine details of how the problems will be solved does not matter because just his being their will radiate solutions.… continue reading

Rick Warren there can be no P.E.A.C.E. while the world is dead in Sin

What Rick Warren, the New Evangelicals and friends are doing is thinking that if religious people of the world come together they can solve the social problems of the world. There is no such concept in the scriptures. In fact scripture warns against uniting in common purpose with unbelievers.

There would be no issue at all if along with the aid Warren was actually giving the gospel of salvation to the world. However, he cannot do that and still be part of an interfaith effort. They will not let him. By joining with all these antichirst religious he in effect gives them validity and is saying that it does not matter what you believe as long as we all do “good” social works.… continue reading

Rick Warren is still speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

Rev Ken Silva is a former Catholic as I was. The means of Salvation in Roman Catholicism is twisted to say the least and the Protestant Reformation was the end result of their many heresies. So the question becomes how can Rick Warren embrace the Protestant Reformation and Roman Catholicism at the same time? Many saints gave up their lives to proclaim the true gospel but now Warren thinks we should get over creeds and have a reformation with Catholics on deeds?

Rick Warren is an expert at doublespeak, all in the discernment ministries are well aware of that. People need to hold him accountable for what he says and people like Ken Silva, Bob DeWaay, Roger Oakland and others do that.… continue reading

Rick Warren says a disguised message of repentance is the core of his message but where is forgiveness for sin?

Rick Warren says a disguised message of repentance is the core of his message .This article is a very interesting and new perspective by Cris Rosebrough on Rick Warren’s purpose driven message. It explains why all you hear from Warren is a works message of steps of “how to”. There is never any message of forgiveness of sin coming from Warren. Therefore, what Rick Warren preaches is only half true and it is only true for those who already heard the gospel of forgiveness for sin. You also see this carried out in Warren’s outreaches. They are all about how we can make our life or our world better if we do what God says but it offers little suggestion on how that is even possible for the unforgiven unbeliever.… continue reading

Rick Warren needs to preach the gospel of Christ clearly.

This article give some interesting insights. Rich Warren is apparently inviting certain critics to visit his purpose driven conferences probably in an attempt to tone down the criticism of him. He may also be genuinely trying to understand why he has critics in the Church (let’s hope so).

Bob DeWaay was invited and he challenged Rick Warren to preach Christ. By that, he meant that Warren should preach specific scriptural Revelation about Jesus Christ in public rather than just General revelation about God. I hope Rick Warren takes Bob’s advise and uses his huge platform to preach the gospel of salvation.… continue reading

The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is setting up the world for the harlot woman on the Beast

I was not going to write about Tony Blair’s kick off speech to his new Faith foundation http://tonyblairfaithfoundation.org/2008/05/tony-blairs-speech-to-launch-t.html because I did not want to rain on this social effort and just look at the end time implications.

As You can see I changed my mind. While I was out cutting grass half the day I got an email asking for me to do a radio interview on the one world church implications of this (from a very well known Conservative Christian organization). When I came back in and answered the email it probably was too late for the show anyway. I am not a great one for doing interviews because I like to think about what I am saying before I say it.… continue reading

Coexisting with doctrines of devils

Bono, Rick Warren, Schuller, Bill Hybells, George Bush, Obama, and many others and most of the Emerging Church movement shape shifters all believe in pluralism and universalism while claiming to be Christians. Their Christianity is really religious dominionism. They want to use religion, government, media and the power elite to bring in total world governance and establishment of their idealist earthly utopia in the name of their higher power. What they will actually bring in will be the Antichrist figure who will claim to fulfill all the expectations of religions. The harlot woman is about to ride the Beast.

Bono, Universalism, and the Emerging Church?continue reading

Oprah, Word-Faith and postmodern Christianity shifting to the dark side

This article does a real good job putting Oprah’s New Age promotions, Word-Faith and postmodern “Christianity” in the same boat. Essentially they all are saying that we can create our own reality through our own thoughts, words or deeds because we are all part of the force. There is way too much good information in this article to just read my snippet of it so if you want to know all about this paradigm shift to the dark side, read Marsha West’s article.

Marsha West — Oprah Shifts to the Dark Side

Rhonda Byrne and Joel Osteen may have significant differences, but the one thing they agree on is that “You are the Master of the Universe, and the Genie is there to serve you.”

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Rick Warren and the Saddleback Cult?

I also have been warning about Rick Warren. Christian pastors do not continually let the enemies of the cross use their platform to deceive. I have observed Warren saying one thing to Christians to appear orthodox and then leading the church and the world astray by promoting heretics and universalism. My question to members of Saddleback is why do you put up with it? Have you all become disciples of Rick Warren rather than disciples of Jesus Christ? Is your Church now just a social platform for deceiving people into a wide gate all inclusive type of Christianity? I say either censor Rick Warren, leave the church or expect to be labeled as cult members by true Christians.… continue reading

Parsley on everything?

Since John McCain kissed up to Parsley on everything even though Ron Parsley is one of the worst Word Faith heretics in existence. I thought I would link to a good article on the nonsense that Parsley preaches to his huge Church and TV audience.

I would not want anyone to think that McCain actually linked with true Christian conservatives by speaking at World Harvest Church in Ohio. The most that McCain would find there is Christian garnish that goes along with the Parsley. Not that McCain knows the difference between Christian teaching and tickle the ears garnish spreading of Word Faith teaching.… continue reading

Defining Evangelicalism Down to Secular Humanism

One of the things that really bugs me about the new “Evangelical” left leaders like Rick Warren is that they act like the Church was doing nothing to help people before they arrived on the scene with all their horns and whistles blowing. They insult the millions of missionaries who quietly worked in mission fields and the Holy Spirit who worked through them.

The big difference between the real missionaries and the postmodern version is that the real missionaries gave and give people more than just physical aid for the symptoms of diseases in this world. They gave the people the cure of spiritual life.continue reading

Rick Warren continues to make very bazaar statements

Rich Warren says the future of the world lies in religious pluralism. Does this man read his Bible at all? The future of the world lies in Jesus Christ alone. Why are Christians still following this double minded man?

clipped from www.christianworldviewnetwork.com
Secularism is quite small outside Europe and Manhattan,” he joked.
“The future of the world lies in religious pluralism.”
–Rick Warren

Read through the points carefully again, and you will see where Rick Warren is taking evangelicals. His beliefs about pluralism explain why he can go to Jewish synagogues and never mention the name of Christ, or appear at secular conferences or shows like Comedy Central and never once mention Jesus and the way of eternal salvation.

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Rick Warren continues pushing his social gospel by joining with “One”

Joseph Farah makes the case in his article that many “Christian” charities including Rick Warren’s origination have made their bed with government, religious, and business organizations. They are joining with world elitist’s and abdicating to elitist’s what the Church was directed to do to help get out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The evident problem is that the Church does get the credit for feeding the poor and there is no gospel message given to feed the souls when they join with a non Christian organizations like “One”

What fellowship does light have with darkness? In the final analysis, Warren and the Christian originations that align with “One” are further evidence that they have bought into a social gospel.continue reading

The world invasion of the satanic change agents

If you are an astute Christian who knows what is going on you should have heard about the talk about change, rethinking and a coming paradigm shift. This dialog is coming from all that hold positions of power and global influence. It now even is the major subject in postmodern and Liberal church movements. The plan to move from individual thinking and belief in absolutes to a more global consensus group think way about everything. They think doing this will bring world Unity to help establish a unified global world agenda.

This brainwashing movement is going to do away with the absolutes truths of Christian and all absolute moral believes.… continue reading

Rick Warren is an example we should follow?

I have not heard the clip the below statement links to since I do not have the bandwidth for videos. I have no doubt that what is said is true. Rick Warren has been consistent in not sharing the gospel to unbelievers and has indicated in many ways that he thinks God is pleased with everyone and all they need is to find their purpose.

Seems to me Rick Warren claims to have Orthodox Christian beliefs to Christians but talks a Universal social gospel to everyone else. By the way, this is not the first time that Warren has had insults for Conservative Christians.Icontinue reading

Rick Warren from Nation Cathedrel says that Evangelicals should unite with dead mainline churches

Rick Warren is the top guru in the most accepted movement in the evangelical churches – The purpose driven movement. Rick Warren never ceases to amaze me by what comes out of his mouth and where he will go to speak. In this case, Rick Warren speaks from a well known apostate Church but he does not give the gospel of Jesus Christ to them he tells these apostates that Evangelicals should unite with mainline churches without regard to their apostate doctrines.

Ever since I read the Purpose Driven Life and started following what Rick Warren has been preaching I have become increasingly concerned about this man.… continue reading

Are Those That Oppose The Purpose Driven Agenda Leaders From Hell?

The purpose driven leaders are teaching pastors to demonize Christian leaders that are against their purpose driven program. All that is documented in the link below.

Are Those That Oppose The Purpose Driven Agenda Leaders From Hell? : “Think carefully about what is being said in that statement. Southerland is encouraging pastors to think of those who may be their brother or sister in Christ as actually ‘leaders from hell!’ Why? Because they question the validity of a
church growth program which lacks Scriptural basis to support it. Talk about
demonizing your opposition because you don’t have a solid argument with which to respond to them except ‘Everybody’s doing Purpose Driven’ or ‘it gets results.’

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Rick Warren’s distortions of reality

I have noticed over the years that Rick Warren just panders to the audience. What he says to Christians on a issue will not necessarily be be what he says to the media or the world power brokers on the same issue. His message is typically post-modern where truth is relative and adjustable to those being pandered to for his own end.

This is why he is signing on to wordily agendas and then apologizing or having to rationalize to other Christians why he jumped on board. Then to appease them he says he did not agree with much of what he signed???continue reading