Creating the end of our world.

There is nothing new under the sun. Jesus said what happened prior to the flood of Noah will happen again just prior to His coming. The combining of human and animal genetics will again bring God’s judgment on the whole world and only Jesus’ return will save a remnant. Seeing that humans have already started to corrupt God’s creation by creating chimeras and transhuman monstrosities indicates that time is getting might short.

Thomas Horn — Did Ancient Biotechnology Create “Nephilim?”

The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions” (Gen 6:2, Interlinear Hebrew Bible).

May 3, 2007 —

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The time of Jacob’s trouble and then the birth of the kingdom

Since Hal Lindsey has been saying this for forty years now it has been false labor pains. Yet, today stresses in the earth do seem to be increasing and wars and famines are certainly on the horizon. So it looks like it won’t be long now to the time of Jacob’s trouble and the birth of the promised kingdom.

Last-days ‘birth pains’ have begun

Jesus used a Greek word for the labor pains of a woman about to give birth. Jesus knew that every generation could understand the illustration. His meaning is clear. Just as a woman experiences birth pains that increase in frequency and intensity just before giving birth, so ALL the signs of His return would increase in frequency and intensity just before His return.

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A God given right to the land of Israel

Chuck Missler explains why Israel is God’s land, that the covenant to occupy it is to the Jews, and what this has to do with what we see going on in the Middle East today.

The Betrayal of the Chosen – CWN

For those of us who take the Bible seriously, it is a critical time to be up to date on our homework. There are many dangers in not taking the Word of God seriously.

The Land does not belong to the Palestinians. It doesn’t belong to the U.N., the U.S., or even Israel! It specifically is the Lord’s.

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Eclipses fulfilling Joel and the second coming in 2015?

This is just more speculative nonsense of trying to force events to fit prophecy. J.R. Church also wrote a book called prophecy in the Psalms where each first hundred psalms was supposed to be a year in the 20th century. Well it was total nonsense and what he wrote never happened. Yet, last I seen he still had the gall to keep selling this book.

When Jesus was talking about the sun turning dark and the moon becoming like blood it is highly unlikely that He was talking about solar/lunar eclipses. What Jesus and the prophets said was in conjunction with other very evident upheavals going on in the earth.… continue reading

Astute Bible prophecy teacher and author Joel Rosenberg (interview)

Here is one great interview with Joel Rosenberg who gives his very astute view of end time events. His latest book is “Dead Heat” – Transcripts

ROSENBERG: Well I think eventually Rome will be the center of the E.U. How is that going to happen? I don`t know. There is a lot I don`t know. The point is the Bible laid out some details it doesn`t give us all the details.

BECK: Is it true that we — we haven`t bombed parts of Iraq because of, not only the historic significance, but the biblical significance of — of Babylon?

ROSENBERG: Babylon itself, Babylon is a province, it`s also a city, but there is no one living in current Babylon, it`s being reconstructed.

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Brian Mclaren tells young creekers to lessen focus on eternity

I do not know why Willow Creek would allow this heretic to speak at their church. I take that back I think I do known why.

I challenge anyone who reads the Bible as written to tell me that this man has not redefined the scriptures to take away absolutes truths and replace them with stupid rationalizations. Tell me that he is not corrupting Christian youth with his heretical teaching. It is time that Christians quit making apogees for this very destructive heretic. His teachings are doing great harm to Christianity especially to the youth of the church.

So why is it that Christians in your church are mislead from his books and there is no warning about this wolf in sheep’s clothing and others emergent leaders like him coming from your pastor?… continue reading

The intolerant U.N. principles of tolerance will come to the U.S.

So according to this those who believe in the rapture and take the book of Revelation literally are extremists. Yep, I qualify.

So do the Christians in China that teach the second coming of Jesus. These are the Christians the Chinese Communists are persecuting. What is happening in China and proposed in the UN is a foretaste of what will happen when we are agree to these Global treaties.

If you want to know what is going to happen in the U.S. under all three socialists that are running for president just read the article below. Under the UN principles of tolerance that we will agree to abide by under any one of these people, preaching the truths of Christianity will be hate speech and it will be against the law.… continue reading

The Obamainable Messiah

The Messiah came two thousand years ago and the only second coming will be the same Christ in the same body that left. The Bible indicates their will be many false Messiah’s in these last days and they we should not follow them. There will one day soon come a world hero with a hundred times the charisma of Obama. It should be obvious how easily the postmodern world will get sucked into the hysteria. The world has a history of making men god’s with very tragic consequences. Notice that the new age pagan false prophets fully expect someone more than human to help the world to evolute to an evolutionary higher plain.… continue reading

Dr Norman Geisler reviews Hank Hanegraff’s Apocalypse Code

Hank Hanegraff’s wrote a book called “Apocalypse Code”. Dr Norman Geisler does a brilliant scholarly book review and rebuttal of Hanegraff’s book that attacks premillennial dispensational theology. Here is just a small sample of Dr Geisler’s summery.

This brings me to my chief concern about The Code–it is based on an allegorical method of interpreting prophetic Scripture that, if applied to other teachings of Scripture, would undermine the salvation essentials of the Christian Faith. Let me illustrate the extent to which The Apocalypse Code goes in allegorizing away the literal truth of Scripture from above cited texts. It transforms –

  • The plain meaning of the Bible into a so-called “deeper” meaning
  • Literal promises into spiritual ones
  • Unconditional promises into conditional ones
  • Jewish tribes into Gentiles
  • A thousand years into eternity
  • A literal resurrection into a spiritual one
  • Land Promises for National Israel into spiritual life in Christ
  • A literal mark of the Beast into a mere symbol of identity with him
  • Physical clouds into mere symbols of judgment
  • A literal earthly throne of David into a heavenly reign of Christ
  • Two literal witnesses into literary representatives of the Law and Prophets
  • Cosmic judgment into the destruction of a small city (Jerusalem)

All of this Hank is fond of calling “Reading the Bible for all it is worth.”

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Is the Singularity and the Rapture the same event?

I have made the conjecture that the mark of the Beast may have something to do with making man not quite human and that people will take the mark as some great evolutionary step forward for mankind. God says that those who take the mark can no longer be saved. This could be because the Kinsman Redeemer came only to save the Adamic race. If people become transhuman they will no longer qualify.

I do not hear about many buying into the theory that the singularity and the Rapture are the same events. Nevertheless, the article makes some good points and it is thought provoking.… continue reading

Chuck Baldwin asks, Have Christians Already Accepted The Mark Of The Beast?

Chuck Baldwin chides Christians for any interest that might have in the timing of the second coming as if it is something a Christian should not be spending time on but he himself continually spends all his own time attacking our government and George Bush which he equates to Hitler and the Antichrist. No Christian should do this!

No, Chuck Baldwin — the mark of the Beast is not accepting the policies of Hitler or George Bush. Read your Bible for a change instead of fantasy conspiracy theories. The Mark of the Beast does not even occur until after the False Prophet comes on the scene after Satan is cast out of the Heaven for his 3 1/2 year reign on earth to deceive people like you who do not want to believe the truth and expect a man made resistance will bring about God’s Kingdom.continue reading

Hank Hanegraaff’s false theology and questionable character

Hank Hanegraaff of CRI has a staff that gets him answers. That makes him credible on many biblical topics but when Hank Hanegraaff himself steps out in certain areas of theology he displays a basic lack of biblical understanding. We should not be surprised that mockers like Hank Hanegraaff would come against those who declare the soon coming of Jesus, Bible prophecy declares they will. The questionable character issues are well known and they can easily be found with any keyword search on his name on Google.

Here is an excerpt of an article by Jan Markel of about Hank Hanegraaff’s attack on Dispensational Premillennial Theology (article was posted on Worldview Weekend).continue reading

The Handwriting on the wall says Apocalypse Now will be playing soon

Latest insights on the end times, by Don Koenig

Prepare for the apocalypse now

Some have asked me how close we are to the prophesied end time events of the Bible and the promise of the second coming of Jesus. I am not setting a date but I have been indicating in my articles that by what I see taking place in the world, that all events are very likely to take place within two to three decades. I believe all that is written about the last days before the second coming of Jesus will most likely be completed in this period.… continue reading