Syria’s rockets against Israel will bring about her own destruction

Syria has known chemical and biological capabilities and has tried to obtain nukes. With this arsenal of rockets it should be clear why Bible prophecy says that Damascus will be destroyed. It increasingly looks like this will take place in the very near future

clipped from
The official said after the Israeli airstrike, Syria picked up the pace of
acquiring rockets and missiles, largely from Russia with Iranian backing, with
the goal of completing its missile and rocket arsenal by the end of the year.
The Jordanian official said Syria is aiming to possess enough projectiles to
fire over 100 rockets into Israel per hour for a sustained period of time.
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Shattering Conventional Wisdom About Saddam’s WMD’s

Very interesting article. If this information checks out, Syria is now as much a nuclear danger as is Iran. Now we might know why Bible prophecy says Damascus will get destroyed. It also fits with Syria’s recent attempt to build a nuclear facility and Israel taking it out. There are obviously things about Syria’s WMD capability that we are not being told. Three rogue states are in collusion developing WMD – Syria, Iran and North Korea.

FrontPage Magazine: “The gist of the new evidence is this: roughly one quarter of Saddam’s WMD was destroyed under UN pressure during the early to mid 1990’s.

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State Department foreign policies of women in delusion

This article points out some of the delusion that has been coming out of our State Department. I have to admit that most of the foreign policy “experts” have a very unique world view. They do not see the world as it exists. They see a delusional world of what should be, because apparently in their world everyone is trustworthy and no one is evil. The State Department has been operating under the delusions of silly old women, or men who act like women for quite a while now. Caroline Glick is  one of the voices of reason in this delusional world.continue reading

Is the prophesied destruction of Damascus imminent?

* I think Hal Lindsey is correct in this clip quoted from his article that appeared on WND. Syria will be wiped out in the war on Islamofascism. Then the moderates will ascend to power in the Islamic nations and there will be a period of peace with Israel. Then Iraq and Israel will become the economic hubs of the Middle East. Later Gog (Russia) comes down against Israel that is resting in peace and many Islamic nations join with him but not Iraq. These forces are defeated by God. Iraq then becomes the center point of Babylon the Great of Revelation and the Middle East.continue reading

Do you really believe Syria wants peace?

I believe that war with Syria will be sooner rather then later despite everyone saying they want peace. The present leadership of Israel are a bunch of unbelieving humanistic fools who cannot help but lead Israel to great destruction. The Zionist Evangelical Christians will help Israel if the leaders of Israel are willing to listen to them but if they are going to go off into typical Jewish patterns of trying to appease those who want to see them dead and think that world government will protect them, they will see a worse Holocaust then they experience under Hitler.

Two thirds of Jews do not get killed in the time of Jacob’s trouble because they were listening to the people of God that are looking out for them.continue reading

The Samson Option, Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey has it correct. Syria will miscalculate one day soon. Damascus is the oldest continually occupied city in the world. The prophecy that Damascus will be destroyed must still be fulfilled (Isa 17:1-3). Nothing short of several hydrogen bombs, or an asteroid hitting the city could accomplish that prophecy today. The prophecy implies that much of the Syrian population will be wiped out in the event because it only speaks of a remnant of Syria afterward.

WorldNetDaily: The Samson Option “Syria is also known to be producing non-conventional warheads, including those containing V-X gas for delivery via the new longer range and more accurate Scuds.

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The road map into insanity

It now looks like there will be a cease fire and foreign troops will occupy the border of Lebanon. As if that will really solve anything.

I really have to wonder what the point of the war really was? I guess it was to make Israel appear weak and to destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon to stir up more hatred against Israel in the world.

The liberals in control of Israel just made a few thousand Hezbollah look like a formidable foe against Israel. The terrorists have just proved to all Moslems that Israel does not have the leadership or the will to take any decisive military action.… continue reading

The real short term solution in the Middle East might be to bomb Iran

Things are getting rather dangerous in the Middle East. It looks like Israel will now be at war with the terrorist groups until the terrorist groups are significantly weakened or this war escalates into a war with Syria and Iran.

I think God only knows what will really happen. Israel right now will probably only attempt to bring about the significant weakening of these terrorists groups so she can allow the creation of the Palestinian State. The majority of Israeli’s have bought into the view that this is the only solution for peace.

If Syria or Iran does something stupid, Israel and the U.S.… continue reading