Petrus Romanus: an exercise in finding the future in the demonic

In 2009 Tom Horn gave us his theory in his book “Apollyon Rising 2012” that the Antichrist would make himself known between the year 2009 and 2012. Three years later Horn has followed up with a book that has the False Prophet coming to power in late 2012. This book seems designed to complete his theory based on many private mystical and pagan prophecies that the Great Tribulation starts near the end of 2012 and ends in 2016.

Last month I gave a review on Apollyon rising 2012. In brief, I thought that Tom Horn assumes that unregenerate man has power over the spirits that humans do not have, and that Tom Horn gives demonic pagan prophets way to much credit to be able to foretell the future.… continue reading

Apollyon is not Rising in 2012. You are being Hornswoggled.

Some in Christian media have been doing interviews with Thomas Horn so I decided to read a couple of his books. I recently read “Apollyon rising 2012” and I will soon read his latest book “Petrus Romanus”, which God willing, I will comment on sometime in the future. The title “Apollyon Rising 2012”, implies that Apollyon of Revelation 9:11 will be rising in 2012 but If you believe that you probably already have been hornswoggled.

First let me say that there are quite a few errors and shoehorning of scripture as well as some hornswoggling in Tom Horn’s book. Dr. Cathy Burns points out many of the problems in her critique of Tom’s Horn’s Apollyon Rising: 2012.… continue reading

New evangelicalism usually also means denying Bible inerrancy

I recently read the book “New Evangelicalism“, by Paul Richard Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel Victorville CA. Paul Smith is a leader in the Calvary Chapel movement founded by his brother Chuck Smith, who also wrote the foreword to Paul Smith’s book.

The book gives a brief history of modern Protestantism beginning with modernism where scripture became critically analyzed through the filters of the philosophies of 19th and early 20th century humanist intellectuals. This humanistic intellectual analysis of the scriptures became known as “higher criticism”. I took one of those silly “higher criticism” courses in college myself.

I will give you my own take on modernism; most of what I will say about modernism in Christianity does not come from Paul Smith’s book, but from what I read in his book, I think Paul Smith would agree with most of it.… continue reading

Dr. James McGrath: Christians should not expect literal second coming

Dr. James F. McGrath of Butler University teaches courses on New Testament Language and Literature. However, anyone attending his courses really ought to investigate the heretical views that they will be taught at Butler University by professor McGrath.

Dr. James F. McGrath made this statement in bold on his own Exploring Our Matrex Blog:

It does not make sense for Christians to continue to expect a literal “second coming” of Jesus.

I also read online from his very own words that Dr. McGrath claims to be a reformed Christian in the same sense as a Reformed Jew. Reformed Jews are reformed for a reason.… continue reading

Ezekiel 37 describing literal resurrection and return of Israel?

I wrote a draft on Ezekiel 37 not too long ago but I deleted it thinking that what I wrote was just too far out of the box to be accepted. However, true to my loose cannon nature, I will try to sink some boats after all, even if that means I may sink my own. What I write is certainly not infallible doctrine so I just may have Ezekiel 37 wrong.

I do not think the usual interpretation of Ezekiel 37 given by most premillennial Bible prophecy teachers adds up. I have read some Bible prophecy teachers that make an effort to make Ezekiel 34 thru Ezekiel 39 sequential or say the prophecies of chapters 34-37 are being fulfilled or have been fulfilled with the return of the Jews to Israel today.… continue reading

The real Christmas story is about God’s righteousness to save man

Its Christmas time but I am sure that most people in the world do not understand why Christians celebrate this time of the year or what happened over 2000-years ago. Most people in world religions think that their eternal future depends on their own performance or in sojourning over and over again until they get it right and their soul reaches perfection through their own efforts.

However, It is not possible that imperfection can ever achieve perfection no matter how many attempts are made to get it right. Throughout human history the elite of the world have led people down deadly dead ends, or else they are sitting around contemplating themselves while taking handouts from the poor and doing nothing at all to help the human condition.… continue reading

Free futurist premillennal Revelation commentary by Don Koenig

The Revelation of Jesus Christ Through the Ages” by Don Koenig has been one of the most viewed free Revelation commentaries on the Internet. The first revision of this ebook Revelation commentary has now been completed. The link above will take you to the on-line index of the book. Don first wrote the original Revelation commentary in 2004. This Revelation commentary takes a futurist premillennial modified dispensational view of the events within Revelation. Don Koenig believes the events described in Revelation often through illustrations are literal events and that they should not be spiritualized to the mystical.

(enough pandering to indexing robots, already!!)… continue reading

The restrainer of 2Th 2:7 is not the Spirit filled Church

One of the great controversial mysteries of Bible prophecy is the identity of the restrainer of 2Th 2:7. This issue came up in a recent post and I took the standard view given by most dispensational Bible prophecy teachers that the restrainer mentioned in 2Th 2:7 is the Holy Spirit within the Church. Since then I decided to do a more in-depth study on this passage and to try to think things through logically.

First let me give the passage in question in it’s context. I am using the American Standard version because I think verse 7 there is a bit more true to the Greek than the King James and it certainly is clearer.… continue reading

The demonic progressive agenda to turn man into rebellious beasts

The scriptures say that God created man in His own image. Some ancient text scholars say it means that man was created by God to be His image bearers or imagers. I think that is at least partly correct. We can look at other passages and get some light on what this means. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the express image of God (Heb 1:3) and we know that Jesus as God’s image has the capacity to be God over all creation. In like manner, man made in the image of God was given the capacity to rule over the whole earth.… continue reading

Sunday church services are boring and probably not very biblical

I find Sunday services in most churches to be the most boring events on earth. I mainly go to them because of peer pressure and a place to find fellowship. There I said it, and I know that statement could get me in trouble. But realistically I do not think anyone locally really reads my blog posts anyway although a few say that they read them. If they do, nothing I have said recently has been worth a response from them. It reminds me of an old friend who calls a couple of time a year and tells me that she loves my website but I know she has not even looked at the website in many years or she would know that my website now has this blog.… continue reading

Those obsessed with Bible prophecy might become unprofitable servants

This title seems more like it would come from someone like Rick Warren than someone like me that has a Bible prophecy website. Nevertheless, my observations and my own experience tells me that many that become obsessed with Bible prophecy may become unprofitable servants. There is a danger that some of these Christians will do little for the cause of Christ during their whole lives.

Let me clarify that I am not talking about those called to the teaching ministry, especially those that major in Eschatology. Nor, am I saying that Christians should not be interested in learning all they can about Bible prophecy.… continue reading

Christians will be caught unaware because they gave up premillennialism.

One of the chief signs of the end times that premillennial futurists fluffed over in their eagerness to see the return of the Lord for His Church is the passages that make it clear that the Lord is coming at time when we think not (Luke 12:40).

We also know that in the last days there would be Christians mocking other Christians about their belief in the soon return of the Lord.

2 Peter 3, Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4  And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?

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Camping with Rapture loons in 2011

Harold Camping is teaching thousands of the loons that follow him that the Rapture will happen on May 21, 2011. Camping also teaches that the end of the world will occur just four months later on October 21st 2011.

I think all these birdbrains are in for a rude awaking on May 22, 2011 when they find themselves still here after they burned all their bridges on earth in the days of their acting like April fools.

Some of these loons will then probably think that they did not make the Rapture and think that they will reap God’s judgments until they find out that Harold Camping is also still here recalculating what he now claims cannot be wrong.… continue reading

Here is a BreakPoint: Chuck Colson’s worldviews often are befuddling

I almost could not believe my ears this morning when I heard Chuck Colson give one of his BreakPoint commentaries. Here is a man that claims to be a top authority on Christian worldviews. However, his Christian worldviews sometimes seem to be the worldviews of someone who is too accommodating to the enemies of the true gospel. This is the not the first time that Chuck Colson’s viewpoints have left me befuddled although generally I do agree with most of what he says on BreakPoint.

I have issues with what Colson has said before, especially on his very confused ecumenical theology, but his supporting Oprah Winfrey’s book club on his BreakPoint commentary just because Oprah’s book club has two good picks this month takes the cake.… continue reading

2 Ch 7:14: If My people read the context there would be less presumption

I have written on the misapplication of 2 Ch 7:14 before, but when I see a whole local Baptist conference trying to apply this verse to the Church in America I think it is the duty of those who know better to correct that false presumption.

Sometimes Christians will use a few words of scripture or a verse or even a passage to support a position but then if you check out their position against what the scripture actually says you see that either they never read the context or they do not have understanding of the passage. Therefore they misapply it.… continue reading

The Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel and Armageddon are different wars.

One reason why I write new articles is so that I do not have to keep repeating myself when the inevitable questions or criticisms on my Bible prophecy views come up over and over again in comments on this blog or in emails to me. I do wish people would use the search box on the homepage of my website or this blog to find out if I already have written about a topic before they ask questions on Bible prophecy, but they usually do not. (The search box on the website homepage also covers the articles on this blog). Even so, if I already wrote an article on the subject I often just give them a link rather than recreate the wheel.… continue reading

Common misapplications of selected scriptures

Selected scriptures are often commonly parroted by well meaning and also some not so well meaning Christians in America that are simply misapplications of God’s word. I will point out a few here but if you are a serious student of the scriptures others may come to your mind so feel free to share them here. I hope if nothing else this post will get people to look at the full context of a passage in the light of all of God’s word so they will not use selected misapplications as spiritual applications for today. Here are five examples of commonly used misapplications of selected scripture passages.… continue reading

The relationship between making Bible passages allegory and heretical cults

The Bible contains allegory but when it does it is also makes it clear in the passage. I think along with legalism there is a strong relationship between those that twist Bible passages into allegory and heretical movements and cults.

We can look at the history of Christianity since the Apostles and we will see a reoccurring pattern between allegory and heresy. The first heretics were legalists that wanted to put Jews that found the Messiah back under Jewish law. Soon after we know that gnostic heretics became a plague on the Church. They made scriptures allegorical so it would comply with their old and new mystical beliefs.… continue reading

The Bible is a book of scripts from God and most scripts have context

I have noticed that some teachers and preachers today just rip passages of the Bible out of proper context in order to support whatever point they happen to be teaching. However, the Bible is a book of scripts from God and most of His scripts do have context. So maybe some teachers should read the context of a passage of the Bible before they give a teaching based on a passage.

Taking scriptures out of context and applying strange interpretations to them has been going on since scriptures were given. Making certain Bible passages allegory and misapplying them is how we got Gnosticism, certain Catholic Theologies, some Protestant Theologies, Dominion Theology, Replacement Theology,  Liberation Theology, Emergent Theology, Word/Faith Theology etc, etc.… continue reading

Learn the parable of the fig tree.

We have had quite a bit of discussion in the comments section about the fig tree of Matthew chapter 24 and Mark chapter 13 because of certain teachers interpretations put on it that imply all end time events will be fulfilled by 2018 (a normal lifespan from Israel being back in the Land). It therefore probably should be something I should discuss in more depth since I do not agree that Jesus was saying that all will be fulfilled by 2018.

The Parable Jesus told us to learn is almost certainly referring to His cursing of the fig tree which also represented a curse on Israel.… continue reading