A brilliant defense against Steve Gregg’s Preterism from Dr. Norman L. Geisler.

Apparently Steve Gregg tried to come to the rescue of Partial Preterism after Dr. Norman Geisler reviewed “The Apocalypse Code” book written by Hank Hanegraaff that attacked premillennial theology and those who are looking for the soon return of Jesus in the Rapture.

I guess someone needed to come to the rescue and bail out Preterism after some of Hank Hanegraaff’s erroneous assumptions were pointed out by Dr. Geisler in his review and some of Hanegraff’s book could not even be fully accepted by preterists. This is the response by Dr. Geisler to Steve Gregg’s apparent defense of partial preterism.

In this article Dr.continue reading

Dr. Geisler’s evaluation of the Evangelical Manifesto

Dr. Norman L. Geisler in this article gives his take on the “Evangelical Manifesto” and also gives the title of a couple of his books that give a full-fledged response to the Manifesto. It is interesting that those that wrote the Manifesto downplay certain critical Christian fundamentals of our faith but what else should we expect from those on the Evangelical Christian Left that are now compromising with the world and acting like Christianity was just another world religion to help socialize the world.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – An Evaluation of the “Evangelical Manifesto”

Moses is dead, and there are many candidates vying for Joshua’s position.

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Why Christians should believe in Premillennialism

Dr. Norman L. Geisler gives his expert arguments for premillennialism. Each reason below is fully explained in the full article.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – Why Hold to a Pre-Mill View?

Why Hold to a Pre-Mill View?By Norman L. Geisler

Arguments for Premillennialism

There are many arguments for premillennialism and several are noteworthy.

Unless Premillennialism is True, God Lost the Battle in History
Unless Premillennialism is True, History Has no End
Only Premillennialism Employs a Consistent Hermeneutic
Premillennialism Adds Urgency to Evangelism
Premillennial Immenency Adds an Incentive for Holiness


Our spiritual forefathers did not put this in our doctrinal statement because they thought it was unimportant.

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Rapture Ready Bible prophecy website back in the national news

It is nice to see Todd Strandberg and Terry James Rapture Ready website make the national media again. All the exposure helps to get the message out about Bible prophecy and that we are very near the prophetic end times on earth. If you have not visited the site I highly recommend it. For years RaptureReady has been the top Bible prophecy website in the world and I still very much appreciate the link they have up to my website.

Rapture: Distress about wars and the world economy feed apocalyptic warnings – Salt Lake Tribune

Strandberg, founder and editor of raptureready.com,

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Postmodern Emergent Information

I ran across a couple of good articles on the postmodern emergent church movement. First Norman L. Geisler wrote a really brilliant article on this movement. This is probably the most informative article about the emergent movement that I have ever seen

Below is just the first paragraph of the article but the whole article is packed with Geisler’s brilliant logical way of presenting information

There is one key influence on the Emergent Church movement—postmodernism. While not all Emegents accept all premises of post-modernism, nonetheless, they all breathe the same air. Post modernism embraces the following characteristics: 1) The “Death of God”—Atheism; 2) The death of objective truth—Relativism; 3) The death of exclusive truth—Pluralism; 4) Death of objective meaning—Conventionalism; 5) The death of thinking (logic)—Anti-Foundationalism; 6) The death of objective interpretation—Deconstructionism, and 7) the death of objective values—Subjectivism.

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Prophecies to Israel in end time prophecy

Dr. David Reagan gives a very good summery of the prophecies to Israel and the Jews in end time bible prophecy. How anyone can read works like his article or know these scriptures for themselves and still believe that God is through with Israel or that the prophecies to Israel are now fulfilled by the Church is totally beyond me. Dr. Reagan also gives a list of future promises to the Church.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – A Summary Of The Jews In End Time Bible Prophecy

A Summary Of The Jews In End Time Bible Prophecy

By Dr.

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One of the last patriots standing today.

The Last patriot” is a new book that points out that their are major known discrepancies in manuscripts of the Quran. That takes a lot of guts. Brad Thor may be one of the last patriots standing today. I think Muslims will eventually re-examine their faith with a modern, 21st century perspective, as are other religions. It will probably occur after a great war with Islamic fundamentalism. It will lead to a pluralist one world religion. But that will not turn out to be good either, because contrary to postmodern thinking there really is only one truth. That truth is found in the Bible when properly translated.… continue reading

The lettuce believe Oprah generation.

This is a pretty good survey of what American’s believe today about religion. The lettuce believe whatever does not clash with Oprah’s fruit salad generation.

Survey: More have dropped dogma for spirituality in U.S. – USATODAY.com

Religion today in the USA is a salad bar where people heap on upbeat beliefs they like and often leave the veggies — like strict doctrines — behind.

There are so many ways of seeing God, public policy expert Barry Kosmin says, that “the highest authority is now the lowest common denominator.”

“Americans believe in everything. It’s a spiritual salad bar,” says Rice University sociologist Michael Lindsay.

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Are you a Christian or just a great pretender?

Cal Thomas has it right. You have denied the faith if you think there are other paths to God besides through Jesus Christ. So are you a Christian or just a great pretender? If you find yourself believing there are many paths to God you really should remove yourself from the Christian faith and quit corrupting our churches. Also, evangelical pastors and leaders need to take heed and teach the gospel often because 60 percent who attend evangelical churches have not heard it or understood it. Not to mention that in the mainline churches it is 83 percent. So is it any wonder that these “Christians” pick politicians who actually oppose the faith.… continue reading

Wright, Plegar, Obama’s Black Liberation Theology and what it might mean to America

It makes no sense for the Catholic Church to retain the demonic “Father” Pleger as a priest. Priests of God do not teach hate. But there is a much deeper issue than “Father” Pleger here.

We have now heard three leaders speak from that pulpit all preaching heretical hateful Black Liberation Theology. The whole congregation was whipped in a frenzy by “Father” Pleger obviously they were in full approval of his very hateful message.

Obama can say what this church teaches is not his views but then why would he continue to attend a church that produces and promotes leaders in Black Liberation Theology?… continue reading

The black Marxist “Christianity” of Barack Obama

This is an excellent article that will help you understand the “Christian” faith of Barack Hussein Obama. It is not Christianity at all. It is Marxist Black Liberation Theology and has Black Muslim influences. It comes complete with their own version of Jesus. So who among you thinks it is wise to make a black cult member the leader of our nation? It shows us how far our nation has digressed that this Marxist is even in the running. Should Obama become President I hope you are truly ready for the dire consequences.

American Thinker: Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx

Having been a practicing Christian for more than 40 years now, and a practicing Catholic for 26 of those years, I have visited perhaps 100 various Christian bookstores, both Protestant and Catholic.

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Pope blesses the ground they died on

Your blessing is many years too late your unholiness. Not that your blessing would have changed anything. Do you now believe you have a time machine in your magic wand? Also, since you claim to be the Vicar of Christ you ought to know that God is not going to bring peace to this violent world as long as the wicked in this world insist on being wicked. No peace will come to this world until the Prince of Peace establishes it by removing the violent and the wicked out of it. So are you pleading with God for His judgments on earth to begin?… continue reading

Obama’s religion of Black Liberation Theology

You do not stay in a church for 22 years unless you agree with most of its theology and their Black Liberation Theology is well documented even apart from the statements of its former racist pastor. Obama might have joined them for political reasons but if you are going to flock together with racists do not whine when people consider you one. He also has not left the church in spite of their continuing emphasis on race. In reality I think Obama is a Universalist that will identify with any religion if it will help him achieve his political goals. He also obviously thinks like a socialist Marxist it is reflected in his voting record and that also is the thinking of many within Black Liberation Theology.… continue reading

Does Chuck Colson know the Christian faith well enough to teach theology?

I wrote some about Chuck Colson and his new book that claims that Christians do not know their theology like the Muslims. It was posted on this Blog on Feb 15th. Chuck tells us his book will provide a new theological grounding for Christians. Not the Bible, Chuck’s theology in his new book.

As I implied in my article, Chuck Colson’s version of Christianity is a little too broad for me. I mean, Colson even suggests that all those that are ignorant of their faith are Christians. I guess he believes you are a Christian if you attend a Christian church.… continue reading

Chuck Colson’s new book provides a theological grounding for Christians?

Chuck Colson is correct that the church in America needs to return to orthodoxy and truth. We need more leaders rejecting the postmodern trend that is rethinking and redefining known Christian truths.

Having said that, Chuck Colson is part of the problem because he wants the largely dead church in America to go back to the truth it never embraced. The true Church in America is much smaller then Colson would have you believe. It does not include most of the apostate Liberals and the Catholics that Chuck Colson so readily embraces as Christians. Most of these have a culture or a religion, not Christ.… continue reading

There is a Woman On The Beast and She has Dominion Theology

Dominion Theology is sometimes also called “Christian Reconstructionism” or “Kingdom Now” but there are significant differences among these theologies. I have lumped all the theologies together in this article under the name Dominion Theology because popular dominionist leaders that bridge denominations and movements have blurred the distinctions. This also is the case with most of their critics. They often lump together beliefs of “Kingdom Now, Christian Reconstructionism” “NAR” and “Latter Rain Theology” as if everyone agreed. There are many different religious doctrines within Dominion Theology so I include the words “many”, “most” or “some” in this article for good reason.

Much of Christianity is now traveling on very different bandwagons of dominionism but all paths lead to some form of a Christian or religious world under a government theonomy (under the law of God) or theocracy, before the return of Jesus Christ.… continue reading