Jesus is the only way to God because Jesus is God

By Don Koenig

Christians take a lot of heat for saying that Jesus is the only way to God. Those of us who hold this view are considered to be narrow minded, ignorant, intolerant, and even accused of hate. The premise that the world holds is that no group has all the religious truth and that all responsible religions have truths that lead to God.

The truth remains that there is a vast difference between Christianity and all the other religions of the world. Only Christianity believes that the God of creation entered His creation and became a man to show us His true nature and die for us to save us from our sinful state that separates us from Him. God declared that as many in the world as would receive Jesus He would give the power to become sons of God (John 1:12).

It is reasonable to assume that if God did what Christians claim, God also desires that the people He created recognize Him and accept the free gift of salvation that He freely offers.

Those that oppose this absolute truth and those religions that deny God's presence in His Son come from the counterfeit god of this world Satan. For this reason there can be no compatibility between the followers of Jesus (God) and the followers of the non-Christian world religions that follow a different god (Satan).

Many religions and people say that Jesus was a prophet and a good man but Jesus made it perfectly clear that He was God. The Jewish leaders knew He was claiming to be God and they crucified Him for it. It is disingenuous for anyone to say that Jesus was a prophet of God or a good teacher if they also do not accept what He taught about Himself. If what He said about Himself was not true, Jesus would have been a lunatic and a liar and a murderer because many have died for Him based on His teachings. So if they do not believe what Jesus taught why do they still say that Jesus was a prophet of God or a good teacher? The Pharisees were at least honest about who they thought Jesus was. They said He was a deceiver and a false prophet and His healing and good works came from the power of Beelzebub the prince of demons.

The world religions are either ignorant of what Jesus taught or they are purposely being deceptive. Jesus said, "
he that is not with me is against me". This leaves little room for inclusion of other world religions. Jesus said, either make the tree evil and the fruit rotten or the tree good and the fruit good: A tree is known by its fruit. God in Jesus is known through His works.

Jesus claimed to be God

Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life no man will come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).

Jesus said, "I and my Father are one" (John 10:30).

Jesus said, "He who hast seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9).

Jesus said, "before Abraham was "I Am" (the name for Jehovah) (John 8:58)

Jesus said, He will be coming again in power and glory to establish His kingdom. (Matt 24:30)

Jesus and his apostles said many more such things which make it clear that Jesus claimed to be God.

Christians believe that Jesus is God. Any true Christian should be aware that Jesus said there was only one way to be saved. We believe this truth and the Holy Spirit in us witnesses to that fact.
Therefore, there is absolutely no way that any true Christian can tell people that all religions lead to God. We know differently and if we said differently we would be liars!

The world says that Christians are just like all other religions that say they have a lock on the truth. The difference is that we do have a lock on the absolute truth backed by scripture, fulfilled prophecy and the witness of the Holy Spirit. No other religion has this trinity of truth.

The Christian belief implies that God took the ultimate responsibility for the fallen state of His creation even though He was not responsible for its fall. Jesus as the Creator, died to His creation on the cross and arose again to a new creation. He will redeem the good out of the old creation and then the principalities and powers in it will be judged. The world is now in a period of grace where all those who put their faith or trust in God will be redeemed into the new. This period of grace will end and then all that remains in the condemned creation will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

No one knows the exact purpose of God creating angels with free will so that corruption and the fall could happen in the first place but one of the purposes of creating man may have been to create a nation of kings and priests that freely chooses to love Him and to live by faith. These people of faith will rule and reign with Christ for all eternity and because we freely choose to love Him, and we know Him and He is in us, we cannot be misled as were the fallen angels. God may be replacing corrupted angels who rebelled by their own free will with people of faith who by their own free will choose to obey and believe God.

It is mathematically impossible for Jesus not to be the Messiah

Jesus fulfilled so many prophecies that were written before He was born that it is mathematically impossible for Jesus not to be the Christ that was promised in the scriptures. No other belief other than Christianity has any such a list of fulfillment by its founder.

Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament and their fulfillment by Jesus in the New Testament

Seed of the woman Gen 3:15--------------------------Gal 4:4; Heb 2:14
Seed of Isaac Gen 17:19------------------------------ Rom 9:7; Heb 11:18
Blessing to Gentiles Gen 22:18, 26:4---------------- Gal 3:8, 16; Heb 6:14
Blessing through Abraham Gen 28:14--------------- Gal 3:8, 16; Heb 6:14
Of the tribe of Judah Gen 49:10---------------------- Rev 5:5
No bone broken Exod 12:46,Num 9:12-------------- John 19:36
Firstborn son Exod 13:2-------------------------------- Luke 2:23
Cursed on the tree Deut 21:23------------------------ Gal 3:13
A promised Redeemer Job 19:25-27 ----------------John 5:28-29; Gal 4:4; Eph 1:7, 11, 14
Declared to be the Son of God Ps 2:1-12----------- Matt 3:17; Mark 1:11; Acts 4:25-26; 13:33; Heb 1:5; 5:5;Rev 2:26-27; 19:15-16
His resurrection Ps 16:8-10--------------------------- Acts 2:27; 13:35; 26:23
Hands and feet pierced Ps 22:1-31------------------ Matt 27:31, 35-36
Mocked and insulted Ps 22:7-8----------------------- Matt 27:39-43, 45-59
Soldiers cast lots for coat Ps 22:18------------------ Mark 15:20, 24-25, 34; Luke 19:24; 23:35; John 19:15-18, 23-24, 34;Acts 2:23-24
He commits His spirit Ps 31:5------------------------- Luke 23:46
No broken bone Ps 34:20----------------------------- John 19:36
Accused by false witnesses Ps 35:11---------------- Matt 26:59-61; Mark 14:57-58
Hated without reason Ps 35:19 & Ps 69:4-----------John 15:24-25
Friends stand afar off Ps 38:11----------------------- Matt 27:55; Mark 15:40; Luke 23:49
"I come to do Thy will" Ps 40:6-8----------------------Heb 10:5-9
Betrayed by a friend Ps 41:9-------------------------- Matt 26:14-16, 47, 50; Mark 14:17-21;
Luke 22:19-23; John 13:18-19
Known for righteousness Ps 45:2, 6-7----------------Heb 1:8-9
His resurrection Ps 49:15------------------------------ Mark 16:6
His ascension Ps 68:18---------------------------------Eph 4:8
Stung by reproaches Ps 69:9--------------------------John 2:17; Rom 15:3
Given gall and vinegar Ps 69:21----------------------- Matt 27:34, 48; Mark 15:23;
Luke 23:36; John 19:29
Exalted by God Ps 72:1-19----------------------------- Matt 2:2; Phil 2:9-11; Heb 1:8
He speaks in parables Ps 78:2-------------------------Matt 13:34-35
Seed of David exalted Ps 89:3-4-----------------------Luke 1:32; Acts 2:30; 13:23; Rom 1:3; 2 Tim 2:8
Another to succeed Judas Ps 109:7-8----------------Acts 1:16-20
Declared to be the Son of God Prov 30:4------------Matt 3:17; Mark 14:61-62; Luke 1:35;
John 3:13; 9:35-38; 11:21; Rom 1:2-4; 10:6-9; 2 Pet 1:17
Born of a virgin Isa 7:14-------------------------------- Matt 1:22-23
A rock of offense Isa 8:14-15--------------------------Rom 9:33; 1 Pet 2:8
Light out of darkness Isa 9:1-2------------------------ Matt 4:14-16; Luke 2:32
God with us Isa 9:6-7------------------------------------Matt 1:21,23; Luke 1:32-33;
John 8:58; 10:30; 14:19;2 Cor 5:19; Col 2:9
Full of wisdom and power Isa 11:1-10-----------------Matt 3:16; John 3:34; Rom 15:12; Heb 1:9
Death swallowed up in victory Isa 25:6-12 1----------Cor 15:54
The deaf hear, the blind see Isa 29:18-19------------ Matt 5:3; 11:5; John 9:39
Healing for the needy Isa 35:4-10----------------------Matt 9:30; 11:5; 12:22; 20:34; 21:14; Mark 7:30; John 5:9
Make ready the way of the Lord Isa 40:3-5---------- Matt 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4-5; John 1:23
The Shepherd dies for His sheep Isa 40:10-11------John 10:11; Heb 13:20;1 Pet 2:24-25
The meek servant Isa 42:1-16-------------------------- Matt 12:17-21; Luke 2:32
A light to the Gentiles Isa 49:6-12 ----------------------Acts 13:47; 2 Cor 6:2
Scourged and spat upon Isa 50:6-----------------------Matt 26:67; 27:26, 30; Mark 14:65;
15:15,19; Luke 22:63-65; John 19:1
Rejected by His people Isa 52:13-53:12--------------- Matt 8:7; 27:1-2, 12-14, 38
Silent when accused Isa 53:7----------------------------John 1:29; 11:49-52
Crucified with transgressors Isa 53:12----------------- John 12:37-38; Acts 8:28-35
Buried with the rich Isa 53:9------------------------------Acts 10:43; 13:38-39; 1 Cor 15:3;
Eph 1:7; 1 Pet 2:21-25; 1 John 1:7, 9
Anointed to preach liberty Isa 61:1-3 -------------------Luke 4:17-19; Acts 10:38
Afflicted with the afflicted Isa 63:8-9-------------------- Matt 25:34-40
Born a King Jer 30:9-------------------------------------- John 18:37; Rev 1:5
Massacre of infants Jer 31:15---------------------------- Matt 2:17-18
Conceived by the Holy Spirit Jer 31:22------------------Matt 1:20; Luke 1:35
A New Covenant Jer 31:31-34---------------------------- Matt 26:27-29; Mark 14:22-24;
Luke 22:15-20; 1 Cor 11:25; Heb 8:8-12; 10:15-17; 12:24; 13:20
The good Shepherd Ezek 34:23-24---------------------- John 10:11
Stone cut without hands Dan 2:34-35---------------------Acts 4:10-12
Time of His birth Dan 9:24-27-----------------------------Matt 24:15-21; Luke 3:1
Flight into Egypt Hos 11:1----------------------------------Matt 2:15
Promise of the Spirit Joel 2:28-32------------------------ Acts 2:17-21; Rom 10:13
Born in Bethlehem Mic 5:1-5------------------------------Matt 2:1; Luke 2:4, 10-11
Triumphal entry Zech 9:9-10------------------------------ Matt 21:4-5; Mark 11:9-10;
Luke 20:38; John 12:13-15
Sold for thirty pieces of silver Zech 11:12-13---------- Matt 26:14-15
Money buys potter’s field Zech 11:12-13--------------- Matt 27:9
Piercing of His body Zech 12:10-------------------------John 19:34, 37
Shepherd smitten sheep scattered Zech 13:1, 6-7-----Matt 26:31; John 16:32
Preceded by Forerunner Mal 3:1-------------------------Matt 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27
The light of the world Mal 4:2-3----------------------------Luke 1:78; John 1:9; 12:46; 2 Pet 1:19;
Rev 2:28; 19:11-16; 22:16

The free bottom line

Christianity is the only belief that gives man hope of fellowship with God. It is the only way to God; any other paths lead to destruction. All other religions are man's attempt to evolve to become like God or for man to become acceptable to God. Christianity proclaims that God is totally perfect and exists in a holy state that is far beyond what any created being could ever achieve by his own merits. Unless God Himself bridged the gap between Himself and sinful man no man could have fellowship with Him. Jesus did bridge that gap by living a sinless life as a man and by taking the due penalty for the sins of mankind on Himself.

God, knowing man's limitations, provided grace for man to fellowship with Him by providing atonement for all sin by His Son's death on the Cross. All the Bible speaks of this plan, it is found from Genesis to Malachi and from Matthew to Revelation. He offers a free gift of eternal life to anyone who by faith will believe that God is righteous and loving and gracious and that He did this for man.

God showed us His nature through his Son Jesus who is God's exact image (Heb 1:3). The only way to God is through God - "Jesus Christ ".  If you reject the only way that God gave for mankind to be saved from sin you are under condemnation. We can either accept God's mercy given in the gift of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for our sins or we can reject Him, but there is absolutely no way that true Christianity can be compatible with any other world religion.

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