Is it time for a street fight?

What a radical idea. Dave proposes that leaders in Christianity actually direct their followers to take effective social action to stop the Godless perverted agenda that has taken over our society.

Don’t hold your breath Dave. “Christianity” made them leaders in the first place because these leaders reflect their own values – the values of Laodicean materialistic cultural pseudo-Christianity.

In other words, I am saying the Christianity that you think exists in Western Christianity is now mostly a cultural illusion.

Dave Daubenmire — Is It Time for a Street fight?: “But here is the Truth. We lack the courage and the desire to do it. Our leadership is not willing to take the steps necessary to clearly speak for Christ. They have a foot in both worlds, they are serving God and mammon, they are double-minded and without vision. They are trusting in political parties, dumping millions of God’s dollars into political action, praying some politician will have the courage to do what they will not. “

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