Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Nov 2011

By looking at the gains in the stock markets over the last couple of weeks one would think that the European debt crises was resolved. I cannot believe that people are that stupid so I think financial managers are really just gambling that others will bid up the price of stocks based on the recent European agreement. In other words, the 2000 point swings that we are seeing in the stock market in the last couple of months is due to speculators that are gambling on the rise or the fall of the stock markets and not on the fundamentals of the companies that sell stock in the market or the European debt. They know there will be other crises in Europe due to the debt but they are day traders that care little about tomorrow.

This should not be a big surprise to anyone because the amount of gambling that has been going on in the financial markets has been incredible. For every dollar in real wealth in the entire world there are 20 dollars in side bets called derivatives that exist so that financial managers can gamble on anything and earn a small commission on each bet (it’s not their own money that they are betting, it’s the investors).

If the latest European agreement gets past the people of Greece, those that now hold Greek debt are going to lose half of the value of their holdings. If the Greek debt is spread fairly evenly and government helps some of the weaker banks that are holding Greek debt they probably can weather the storm. If the Greek debt is consecrated in certain big financial institutions they could go under and then some in the $600 trillion derivative market could fear that the derivatives these institutions hold as side bets will not be paid and that could cause panic in the whole derivative market. Once the panic starts all the money on earth might not calm those playing in the derivative casino.

Nobody knows what will really happen after everyone takes a 50 percent cut in the Greek debt that they hold; nobody even knows who holds the debt. The whole insane system of over-leveraged banks could fail. The reason why Germany had to come up with hundreds of billions of dollars of additional bailout guarantees is to try to keep that panic from happening. If this agreement holds up it might actually temporarily do the trick, but a new debt crisis is inevitable sooner rather than later. Even so, this agreement is not necessary going to be accepted by the people of Greece and later the people of Germany.

Those that made this deal for Greece think that they can just dictate the terms to the people of Greece but the Greek people that are forced to take pay and benefit cuts and experience more depression and more unemployment might think quite differently when they vote on it. Those that made this deal also might think that the German people will get over bailing out Greece by the next election but the German people might think differently about that. Keep in mind that Greece is the small potato that needs to be removed from the overdone national debt frying pan, the big potatoes are still there frying away.

Anyone that thinks that the crisis in Europe is solved can’t see the forest for the trees. Even if this works in Greece it will not be workable in other heavily indebted European nations with larger populations and much larger economies. So at best the European leaders are just kicking the can down the road. The heavily indebted nations in Europe are either going to have to remove themselves from the Euro and fend for themselves or they will find themselves under a central government dictatorship that is dominated by Germany. Either outcome will be nothing to celebrate.

It seems that the stock market becomes irrationally exuberant every time there is reason to think that the economy will not collapse tomorrow. I guess they think they can get out in time if things get bad, but most gamblers that lose tend to believe that.


If you’re keeping up with the Republican primaries you are probably aware that Herman Cain is at the top of the polls now, so it looks like someone has dropped these sexual harassment charges on him to take him down. I think it was one of the other Republicans because the Democrats probably would have waited and used their big shells once they know who the Republican nominee is. However, it is very possible that the Democrats are so afraid of Herman Cain that they want to make sure that he does not become the nominee.

The amazing thing is that the Liberal mainstream press with their record of tolerating sleaze, even has the gall to make a big issue out of something that is nothing more than he/she allegations. After all, the same people that point their finger at Cain and ask him to explain all the details of these sexual harassment allegations are the same people that agree that homosexuality and sexual promiscuity is normal. They have a double standard. They can endure Democrats that are promiscuous homosexuals, one of which is still in office even though he ran a homosexual prostitution ring from his Senate office but they cannot endure sexual harassment allegations against a Republican that occurred 12 years ago. Cain has not been convicted of anything and he will not be convicted of wrongdoing but the liberals will try to lynch him anyway.

These people still idolize a former disgraced president that had sex in the Oval Office of the White House with someone other than his wife but it is not tolerable to them that any Republican candidate could even be accused of sexual harassment? Talk about hypocrites!

Let’s face it, people in leadership positions attract certain women. Politicians, Pastors, Doctors, corporation heads and others in leadership cannot be alone with someone of the opposite sex today or they become targets of predators. I guess leaders cannot even be alone with the same sex anymore because a homosexual could say you licked your lips. Everyone in leadership now needs a literal open door policy or they will get sued.

Also, people sometimes say things to coworkers tongue in cheek and everyone that has been in the workplace all their life knows that these things happen. Outgoing type people like Herman Cain always have to be making conversation with those under them because people like Cain generally try to make everyone feel important. They often say things to those under their supervision that they may think they want to hear. For example, one could say you are a real cute kid and if I was single I would be on you like flies on honey but that does not mean that the person was serious or that he would ever do anything inappropriate to the woman. After all, most people do know that they are married and they take their marriage vows seriously.

Yes, bosses should know better (they are learning) and people in the workplace should not flirt with them but it happens more than you think. What is acceptable rules of behavior in the workplace has changed so many times in the last 40 years that no old timer can keep up with the rules. When I was young I had female supervisors that stared in my eyes like I was their dream lover and they probably even said something almost suggestive (others noticed their infatuation), but I did not take it as sexual harassment I actually took it as a compliment.

There are woman out there that flirt and even throw themselves at leaders. Some get what they want but they do not get the person to give up their spouse so they get vindictive. Others do not get what they want at all so they feel scorned and become vindictive. You cannot win with these kind of women and it is just a fact of life that leaders are going to run into them. Joseph in the Bible even found that out. He did everything he could to avoid that lustful woman but he still ended up in prison for attempted rape.

I think we have seen this attempt at character assassination before with Clarence Thomas, Sarah Palin and continual unfounded accusations that Rick Perry had a homosexual affair. The strange thing is that people continually fall for this rope-a-dope dirty trick by the Liberal media, but if a Conservative finds moral fault in a Liberal they are ignored by that same media. Anyone want to stack-up the life of Herman Cain against the life of the Obama? I think that would make for a good debate topic. As far as I know Cain did not use cocaine, sit under a racist pastor for twenty years, be mentored by communists, sit under Islamic teachers or have his autobiography ghost written by a radical left wing terrorist.

If Cain handles this wisely it could come out in his favor, at least people now know who Herman Cain is. Frankly, Cain is the only chance Republicans have to get a true Christian conservative pastor, non politician and non lawyer in the White House. Imagine that? Of course the mainstream media will try to crucify him.


There is some reason to believe that Israel might strike against Iran’s nuclear program very soon. Apparently there are now more people in the Israeli government that feel that it is time for a Israeli strike on Iran. The timing of a strike on Iran now, seems logical to me, although I think the U.S. should have taken care of the problem years ago. There is a report coming out from the U.N. on Iran’s nuclear program in one week. I do not think anything will be done before that report goes public, but the report could give Israel enough cover to be able to justify their actions.

Israel is running out of time because when winter sets in the cloud cover will make it about impossible for them to get this done. So if Israel is going to hit Iran any time soon it probably will happen in the next 6 weeks. After winter the U.S. will be in the middle of a national election so I don’t think Israel would do anything during that period. Therefore, if Israel does not hit Iran in the next 6 weeks it probably will not happen for a year or more and that might make it too late to keep Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

I know some are saying that it will take another two years for Iran to develop a nuclear bomb but I would not bet Israel’s own nuclear reactor on that presumption. Israel has better intelligence about Iran than we do. Of course, if Israel hits Iran they will also have to clean up the Iranian armed terrorist groups around them as well. With the unrest in Syria and the rest of the Arab world it would be very difficult for any Arab nations to war against Israel. Besides that, the Arabs also want the Iranian nuclear threat taken out as much as Israel

So this might be the open window that Israel has been looking for. Syria could stay out because of their own problems or they could launch their chemical and biological rockets against Israel. However, if they did that Assad would be committing suicide and I am sure he is aware of that. I am inclined to think that Assad will stay out of any war with Israel until the Arab league can get their act together sometime in the future after the Arab spring plays out. Iran is not in the prophetic war of Psalm 83 when the Arabs come against Israel to cut her off from being a nation, so it seems to me that Iran is temporally taken out of the picture until the time of the Ezekiel 38-39 war of that Bible prophecy.

In fact, there is good chance that the hit will be so quick and clean that Iran will just call the attack a complete failure and do nothing at all. The strike just might silently set back Iran’s nuclear program for a decade. It is also possible that the Iranians at about the same time might revolt against the Mullahs and form a new government and temporarily give up their nuclear weapons program. So a strike by Israel right now while most of the Arabs are in turmoil and hating Shiite Iran seems to be a logical course of action. The U.S. might stay out of it unless or until they are attacked by Iran, but if U.S. forces are attacked by Iran America will then finish the destruction of the Iranian nuclear program and Obama will get a big bump in the polls because of it.

I also do not think it was just a coincidence that Israel tested an upgraded version of its Jericho III missile today. This missile is a true ICBM mobile missile that is capable of delivering a hydrogen bomb anywhere on earth. It probably was a message to influence Iran’s thoughts about any retaliation on Israel if Israel does a limited conventional strike to set back Iran’s nuclear program. It also could be a message to those in the world who might think that they will come to Iran’s aid or think Israel can be defeated by some U.N. action without incurring great destruction to any nations so involved.

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63 thoughts on “Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Nov 2011

  1. Lord knows because of this pseudo “Roadmap to Peace” process, Hezbollah and Hamaz certainly have had time to acquire more sophisticated weapons and longer range missiles. With much help from Iran and the Egyptian and Lybian protestors selling their catch to the two groups.

    So don’t you think there will be all out attacks against Israel from them if Israel attacks Iran?

    And isn’t Jordon and Saudi listed in the Psalms 83 clans?

    Seems like most of Syria is history after Isaiah 17.

  2. Israel can deal with Hezbollah and Hamas. Even with all their rockets they are no match for Israel. These groups are now Iranian proxies but Psalm 83 mentions nations that have too much internal unrest for any coordinated Arab attack on Israel to happen right now.

    Jordon and Saudi Arabia are listed in Psalm 83 and that is a reason why the Psalm 83 war is unlikely to happen when Israel attacks Iran. Saudi Arabia has wanted this attack on Iran for a long time and if the U.S. won’t do it they will accommodate Israel. The Saudi’s also are not stupid. They know that there can be no peace deal with Israel or creation of a Palestinian state as long as Iran is calling the shots through those terrorist organizations.

    If there is any reaction from Iran at all after an Israeli strike it may be against Saudi Arabia and the U.S. forces around Iran but that would be a fatal mistake for Iran’s regime.

  3. Thanks, I did remember Saudi offered to let Israel fly over their air space to Iran. Where would Israel reach a point of no return and/or do they have refueling capabilities? Or is it possible for a missile launch within Israel. Don’t know much at all about weapons systems but if Iran has already put the spent rods in their sites, there could be a radiological disaster?

    My prayers to Israel that they may once again have the hand of God upon them. And prayers for the many “ex” muslims that have come to faith in Christ there.

  4. I am no expert on Israel’s military capabilities but I am sure they can refuel their jets if other nations cooperate. Israel can also use some missiles but they would need jets to deliver the huge bunker buster bombs.

    I do not think Israel would hit any operational reactor. It is possible to send in special forces to shut it down and make it nonoperational but I don’t think that there is any need to do that.

  5. Ann,
    This is speculation on my part , but I do know Israel has submarines , and submarines can launch multiple nuclear warheads . No reason for Israel to let anyone know where those submarines might be. I think Israel has far greater military capability than most people realize . God has made it clear he has future plans for Israel so they will survive . I also think Israel is likely to have tankers to refuel their aircraft.

  6. Greetings Don~
    It’s clear the world is waiting on Israel to hit Iran, but they will be vilified once they do, at least in public. You can feel the tension in the air. Thank you for the articles you put up here for others to read. As for Cain, they are nervous that he can win, they won’t stop the attack. P.S.(Thurman Thomas or Clarence Thomas?)

  7. Don,

    Only certain subs that only a couple of nations have can launch multiple nuclear weapons. I do not believe Israel has subs with that capability.

  8. Hi Kiki,

    Clarence Thomas and thanks. I guess I was around the old Buffalo Bills too long. I changed it to Clarence.

  9. Seems to be this would be national suicide for Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu can’t be this naive, can he? “Netanyahu government may well be approaching a decision on nuclear exposure. ” credit: debka file

    “Israel maintains a policy known as “nuclear ambiguity” (also known as “nuclear opacity”). Israel has never officially admitted to having nuclear weapons, instead repeating over the years that it would not be the first country to “introduce” nuclear weapons to the Middle East, leaving ambiguity as to whether it means it will not create, will not disclose, or will not make first use of the weapons. Israel has refused to sign the NPT despite international pressure to do so, and has stated that signing the NPT would be contrary to its national security interests”

  10. Thought it best, just in case! 😉 As for the stock market, it is amazing how it swings so wide from day to day. It is obviously pure greed. I think the dominoes are in place, if one goes, eventually all will go. When I saw the news this a.m. I thought Greece was rioting again, but it was Oakland, CA. Again, really appreciate your web site. Thanks for taking the time!

  11. I guess this is the thread for the Ron Paul issue. As I try to vet all the candidates and look for just the facts:

    Ron Paul has know connections and contributios to

    Stormfront: a neo-nazi group, Don Black
    Chris North, a radical “Christian” reconstructionist
    Adam Kokesh, a disgruntled Iraqi war veteran who campaigns for Paul on Russia TV, he just recently converted to Islam and has been known associating with the likes of Code Pink. Paul backed Kokesh running for Congress in Arizona
    Paul voted in favor of the UN’s Goldstone Report which wanted to investigate Israel for war crimes during the Gaza War
    Paul voted against Israel right to defend themselves (Gaza War)
    He has in the past called Israel “the occupier” (and America too)
    He just frequently announced his support for the commie and muslim invested OWS
    And his support for the WTC mosque.

    That’s all (for now)

  12. Sorry about the spellings, I know how to spell the words, I just don’t see well.

    that’s infested not invested………

  13. Don, awhile back heard something about Israel optaining sub missiles from Germany. Just sepculative maybe; update June 2011

    “Given Arab-Israeli tensions, and the alleged development of WMD capacities by some of its neighbors, Israel increasingly has been devoting funding toward countering these threats.[3] Acknowledging Israel’s lack of strategic depth, its officials have pointed out that only submarines can provide a secure weapons platform in the future.[20] While HDW has stated that Israel’s Dolphin-class submarines were equipped with weapon systems similar to those installed on other diesel-electric submarines,[4] various sources have reported that upon their arrival in Israel, the submarines were modified, and fitted with cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads.[5”

    lost the link:

  14. Ann,

    What do you mean connections and contributions to? Is he contributing to them or are they really supporting and contributing to him? He would have little control over the latter.

    As for Paul’s votes that you imply are against Israel. Do you know what was in the bills that Paul objected to? Ron Paul is a libertarian isolationist. He thinks Israel can take care of themselves if the US would get out of the Middle East. I am not saying that I agree with Paul but I do not think your “facts” give the correct context either.

    By the way, libertarians believe that people have the right to be free with minimal government interference. Paul does not support the WTC mosque, what he supports is the right for people to build on the property that they own.

  15. Don~
    Another thought…you know, the Liberal Mainstream Media can only use one tactic to go after Cain: sexual harassment. He’s the worst nightmare for them: A Conservative Christian African American, what are they gonna do? They are trying to undermine his character. How he does will probably depends on how long & how vicious their attacks are. Let’s hope he can weather this & come out on top. Yet, thinking of your article concerning the lost battle, it probably really won’t matter. Judgement’s coming…

  16. Ann,

    That Israeli subs carry nukes is likely, but cruise missiles do not have multiple nuclear warhead capability.

  17. Kiki,

    If America would elect Cain I could see some hope for America because it would mean that the majority in America rejected the demented agenda of the Democrats but unfortunately I think the majority of people in America have already lost their mind. How else can one explain the election of Obama?

  18. Don~
    Exactly! If we were a nation of God fearing people, the election of Obama would not have happened. Sadly it did & we are seeing the devastating results of it. Romans chapter 1 comes to mind. I do not think we will go back to sanity. It seems we have gone too far down this road of ill repute. God knows the heart of men. I am grateful to be counted as one of His!

  19. Don, thanks for your comments on Paul. I know he has received money from Stormfront and said he was not going to return it. Just IMO when it comes time to payback the fiddler just as obama paid back his cronies, with someone else money (ours) And just what kind of laws would Paul sponsor that would benefit the ones that helped support him. Seems like this is how politics work.

    I suppose I have more passion than practical sense when it come to anything Islam; on the WTC mosque called Cordoba which was an Islamic victory in Spain where Christians were slaughtered and women were raped and taken as sex slaves. And another slap in the face to all who perished in the attacks and our troops. And the cleric director is a slum load from NJ convicted of building violations. No way would that mosque be a warm and fuzzy rec center.

    Israel probably would be better off with the US and the world sticking their ill informed politicans on treating Israel like some red headed stepchild. Islam is Hitler’s on going “Final Solution”. But it does seem like Paul is more pro-Palestinian than he is leaving Israel on their own. But that’s only IMO, I could be wrong.

  20. And also something I have just read, Aaron Klein starts his article below with: –
    “The media buzz claiming Israel is preparing an attack on Iran’s suspected nuclear installations has reached a fevered pitch. My information, however, indicates the Jewish state is prepping for a different war, an international effort that could potentially escalate into a direct confrontation with Iran”.


  21. There are multiple news reports of The British Royal Navy making preparations to position warships to support a US attack on Iran. Of course , if we do attack Iran Obama will NOT have the guts to go nuclear. If you’re going to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities then take them all the way out with multiple nuclear weapon strikes. Many will disagree with me, but that’s how I see it. I would prefer Israel do it and tell the rest of the world to just SHUT UP!!!!!!!

  22. Don,

    I noticed that none of the above comments from the readers said anything about the Greek financial crisis you wrote about…nor the German intervention.

    Can you enlighten us as to why this Greek debt is important to the world as a whole ?

    As far as Herman Cain sexual harassment nonsense, I think your right, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the report of Perry leaking it to bring Cain down is true.

  23. David ,
    Have no idea how Don Koenig will answer your question about Greece, but almost every article I have read concludes Greece will default on their debt sooner or later. I certainly don’t pretend to understand the global economy, but everything is so interconnected to everything else that when one country collapes economically they drag others down . In my fantasy world I want the US to be an isolationist economy that is self sustaining and unaffected by the global economy. I know that’s not realistic, but it should be. We should import nothing. I think the big fear is a default by Greece will make the euro collapse and take down Italy, Spain , and Portugal. The experts say Italy is ” TOO BIG TO FAIL ” Seems we’ve heard that phrase before. Some believe Europe is looking to China to save them. Anything China does will be to benefit themselves only. For reasons I don’t understand the crisis in Europe affects the US.

  24. Don, this is really disturbing. (Ref; your debka file article)

    No doubt Iran needs to be stopped. But this “community organizing” admin and France/NATO in Libya I don’t trust any of them to make such a grave decision.

    I have more confidence in Israel and support them with everything we have in defense of their country.

  25. Hi Don, I have my own theory about the Eurozone economic crisis. In part if we are to assume that the statue that Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar about, if the legs of Iron are the Romans, and they split in two around the 4th century, and the toes represent the revived Roman Empire, they are partly week and partly strong. The current EU seems split between the northern EU countries, and the southern PIGS nations. Sarkozy may be able to break the southern countries off to bolster up a Mediterranean Union with their own seperate currency (or basket of currencies). If they can reign in and control Libya, and get Israel on board after a Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 event, they would be very wealthy with oil and natural gas. Israel is already coordinating with Cyprus and I think eventually Greece for natural gas to be shipped from the Leviathan gas fields thru Greece and Cyprus for Europe. I think this may help in the re-arranging of the 10 kings in Revelation, or may not happen at all. I guess we’ll see.

    Your spot on with Cain. It seems more of a Romney attack then Perry.

    Israel/Iran is long overdue. I think that Israel is preparing to go at it alone, seeing as they don’t see the value in waiting any longer for the US or NATO to take any action…which is forcing NATO to have to do something.

  26. I tend to go along with Pete – especially on the concept of the Romney Hit on Cain.

  27. ~ David

    I though I explained that in the article. Greece is just the tip of the iceberg.
    There are worse debt problems in Europe than lightly populated Greece and if Greece is causing all this turmoil you can imagine when Italy and Spain cannot pay their debt.

    The major banks of the world are over leveraged and holding a lot of bad debt. At some point productive people are going to quit throwing their money in a black hole bailing out banks and socialist deadbeat nations. Germans will get the message soon if they have not already. Then all those banks holding speculative bad debt and that are over leveraged will go under and cause a panic in the financial markets. Since the big players are now internationally linked when the European banking system goes it could take much of the world with it.

    If nothing else, just if borrowers had to now suddenly live within their means there will be social upheaval and depression. That will now happen in Greece if this agreement becomes reality because with the debt forgiveness comes forced austerity measures that the Greek people will not tolerate.

  28. “There is some reason to believe that Israel might strike against Iran’s nuclear program very soon.”
    Heavy sigh. How many times in the last couple of years have I heard that or similar. Not saying it won’t happen but after a while one tends to get a little jaded. THAT of course is when it DOES happen. I’m feeling pretty jaded about now.

  29. Pete,

    I think the Roman Empire will revive and it will be on the borders of Mediterranean Union proposed by Sarkozy but probably after this present EU model collapse for one reason or another. I think some on the European nations that were not in the old Roman Empire will again join with Russia.

  30. John,

    I know what you mean, but this cannot go on forever. Iran will get nukes shortly if it does not already have them.

  31. David ,
    Have to agree with Don that the citizens of Greece will not accept what is necessary so there will certainly be substanial civil unrest in Greece if not all out civil war. The socialist gravy train in Greece is about to be off the tracks. I think the question is not IF , but WHEN
    will Greece default on their debt. World leaders do not know how to fix this crisis, politics keeps preventing any common sense solution. Same story in America , cut spending but don’t touch my entitlements. Raise taxes on everyone except me.

  32. Pete, Israel would go it alone if necessary but she would rather have NATO ‘onside’.
    To have NATO onside, or even just the US and Britain, would take a great deal of pressure off her. Can we really imagine the pressure Netanyahu and his colleagues are under? I don’t think so.

    The Arab states will secretly be glad of a crippled Iran, but will nevertheless spout their hypocritical denunciations and continue to plan Israel’s destruction; we can then look to the fulfilment of Psalm 83.

    We live in interesting days and Biblical events are taking shape rapidly.

  33. Don,

    I understand from a layman’s point of view that all these nations in deep financial crisis correlates to coming Biblical events.

    What I wonder about, beings that its happening to so many nations simultaneously, is some of the conspiracy theories we heard long ago, that it’s being orchestrated deliberately by some ‘powers that be’ to possibly bring about a New World Order and such.

    From your previous articles, I don’t think you buy too much into the Illuminati, Council Of Foreign Relations, etc. and those conspiracy theories we’ve heard about from the past.

    But, all this just sounds too coincidental to me to “just have happened” by chance.

  34. -David

    You give these bankers way too much credit. Governments have to bail them out because those on the board of directors are gambling trying to get unrealistic returns for their stock holders so they can keep their jobs and get that fat bonus.

    The real problem is that bankers like the ones that runs our Federal Reserve and our Treasury Department and most governments in the world cannot even figure out how to pay their own taxes or which of the two major economic theories work.

    The globalist are not bringing the world to any world order they are heading the world toward world disorder. After they make a total mess of things they will be as glad as the rest of the world to see someone with all the answers arrive.

    It is really a conspiracy of greed, and stupidity that is leading the world to its ruin rather than some conspiracy of the “enlightened ones” (Illuminati). Just think Al Gore and his disciples. Or think of the almost equally mentally deficient “elite” bozos that are running Europe or any Islamic or socialist nation.

  35. Don,
    I mentioned this before but those supposed ICBMs that were seen over California, NYC, and in the gulf of Mexico could well have been dry runs by Iran preparing for an EMP strike. They have tested launches on frieghters detonating at altitude in the past. If we do attack Iran they might attempt a real attack who knows. I think Iran is definitely planning an attack in this manner and I think they already have a low yeild nuke or two. I lean more toward this theory instead of china being responsible although they are prob aiding Iran in some way.

  36. Don,

    Yeah, I guess the greed factor is most plausible.

    After all we’ve seen from our own U.S. government employee’s and elected officials who have shown evidence of cheating on their taxes or just not paying them…it’s not really a mystery.

    I thought it was ironic, an article a few years back, that some of the toughest IRS agent enforcers were some of the biggest cheaters.

    As Leona Helmsley said, “only the little people pay taxes”.

  37. Jim,

    Since you addressed that to me I will comment. Anyone that would launch missiles off of our coast better have a sub that can run silently for a week. Otherwise it won’t be a dry run for the crew involved. There is no reason to have dry runs off of our coast anyway, that would just expose them, they can have dry runs off of their own coast if they really want us to watch them.

  38. that’s true but I still worry that Iran or one of it’s allies might try to attack us in this manner if the middle east turns into an all out war zone.

    As for Herman Cain I think the other republican candidates and the leftwing are nervous bout a real conservative black guy possibly challenging Obama. It’s obviously a swear campaign.

  39. Hi Jim,

    If I can interject here…

    Ya’know, I know a strike in the U.S. is likely to happen…when ?…it could be today and it could be ten years from now or whenever…but I wouldn’t worry about it…I pray to our Living God then those things don’t bother me 🙂

    And Herman Cain and the latest smear campaign…I thought it was hilarious how Ann Coulter put it…”Our blacks are better then their blacks”. As you know, the libs went crazy over that one 🙂

  40. If Iran is to be taken off the scene for a while I would think it would require more than just taking out their bunkered facilities. Just conjecture, it would seem that if Iran’s bunkers are hit, Iran then lashes out at some target whether Israel, American troops or Saudi oil installations/tankers using their Russian supplied Sunburn missiles which are described as being very lethal and effective. All of this in the hopes of bringing forth the 12th Imam, The US retaliates with a massive strike. Any permanent damage to gulf oil exporting capabilities spikes oil prices to $200/barrel and seals Obama’s defeat as the world suffers another depression. Food stamp usage in the USA soars from 46 million to 100 million.

  41. Tim,

    That is certainly possible and that could only be the start of it. If it goes wrong there could be World War III. Of course if Iran gets nukes there will be World War III before long anyway.

  42. President Shimon Peres on Friday said that he believes Israel is closer to utilizing the military option in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program than it is to finding a diplomatic solution to the threat.

    In an interview with Channel 2, the president suggested that the media speculation about a potential attack on Iran may have some basis in truth. “Intelligence services in many countries are looking at the clock and warning their leaders that not much time remains. I do not know if these world leaders will act on this advice.”


  43. Looking at the past (like the Entebbe Raid), Israel will take action while the rest dither. Then, a call will be made to the other major countries by Netanyahu. Clinton, Obama, and Carter will wring their hands.

    From there … ???

  44. Clinton, Obama, Carter et al are becoming almost totally irrelevant. I laughed at a headline on FoxNews about Biden coming to Romney’s defense: “‘Preposterous’ to Question Romney’s Faith”. It’s ‘preposterous’ to even think that anyone would take Biden’s opinion seriously. What’s most notable is that the DEMs are running to Romney’s defense — the fix is in. Everyone can see that. It’s beyond obvious that the sleazebag spoiled rotten brat dead-end earthling’s are afraid of Cain. And, moreover, they’re afraid of Israel.

  45. I have been reading this sabre-rattling stuff about Israel hitting Iran’s nuclear facilities for years now. Obviously, all this “he said/she said” followed up by continual, total INACTION from every direction (West, East, Middle East) makes headlines for some other purpose than protecting God’s chosen land. Seems to me the Jewish people have always had their heads in the sand, allowing one evil regime after another to stand them in a mass grave and bulldoze them over. Whenever they have prevailed, it is because of God’s Divine Intervention to maintain His covenant and His Word with them, they survive, but not because they themselves have the guts to save themselves.

  46. With respect to Israel and Iran, I wonder if Israel will strike at the Iranian leadership as well as the nuke sites?

    It seems less and less likely that a strike against the nuke sites will be effective as Iran takes steps to hide and fortify these sites. If Israel strikes only these sites, they kick the can down the road (along with dealing with a firestorm from the rest of the world). If they take-out the Iranian government, then they’ve cut-off the head of the snake and it’s not so important that they destroy every cog and neutron of the Iranian nuclear program.

    I’m not sure that Iran is the sort of nation you can simply “injure,” but leave “alive.”

    In a way, it almost seems that the “leakage” of their military plans and the chatting about the possible attack against the nuke sites is like the way I used to divert the attention of snakes when my other hand came up behind their head and grabbed them by the throat…

    Anyway, it’s *very reassuring* that God is in control and that as His children, we do not have to fear what the world can do to us! (Thank You Abba!!!)

  47. Brett,

    I think there is a good chance if just the head of the snake was cut off (the ruling mullahs and the revolution guard) The people of Iran would revolt.

  48. Don (and readers),

    Hal Lindsay this week brought to view a point I haven’t thought about for some time, I’m going to present this as a question after presenting the facts (or loose facts, not Biblical) as I understand it.

    It’s in regard to Saint Malachy and his Prophecy of the Popes that apparently started with Pope Celestine II and concludes with the successor of current Pope Benedict XVI…who from what I understand will be the Pope that works with the anti-Christ as possibly the “false prophet”, his name in some form would be “Peter The Roman”.

    Also, a few weeks ago (October 24, 2011)…The Vatican called Monday for radical reform of the world’s financial systems, including the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy.

    So, now my question…

    Is this nonsense ?

    Or, is there some validity here and are we seeing, potentially, another peg put into place ?

  49. ~David

    I have read about this prophecy and have known about it for over thirty years.

    If you believe the prophecy and do the count there will only be one more Pope. Keep in mind that the identification of the popes in the prophecy is very subjective although the numbering of the popes does indicate that the next pope will be the the last pope.

    Keep in mind that the Catholic Church that does regard this as a prophecy says that this does not mean that the next Pope will be the last Pope because there could be others that are not mentioned before Peter the Roman (another gap theory).

    Nowhere in the prophecy does it say that the last Pope deals with the Antichrist. The report I have on it says it gives a description referring to the last persecution and to the last judgement.

    My view on that “prophecy” is if the next Pope is called Peter II then the prophecy is probably valid or the next pope just wants to make it a self fulfilling prophecy.

    I do think you might keep this prophecy in mind but I would not bet the farm that there will only one more pope or that this pope will be the False prophet. I also would not rule it out because the timing seems about right.

  50. Thank you for the reply Don.

    I guess it’s just one of those things that when the ‘next’ Pope does appear on the scene, we’ll have to see what is happening in the world at that time to possibly determine where this prophecy stands.

  51. The next guy could be in office for 50 years or this Pope could just retire and muddle everything where some Cardinals might not even elect or recognize the next Pope that other Cardinals elect. So I do not think your going to find out much based on this. Besides we already know what is going to happen in the world in the next 20 years.

  52. Don,

    But also, like you said, the timing seems to be about right.

    Then again, I suppose it’s really not a good barometer for the prophetic calendar of coming events as there are better prophecies from the Biblical Prophets themselves that we should be looking for.

  53. It seems likely to me that an attack on Iran by Israel would be an incentive for Hamas and Hezebollah to attack Israel. It’s likely they have some of those missing weapons from Libya.
    Assad of Syria badly needs a diversion so he might join Hamas and Hezebollah in attacking Israel which puts Israel with an all out war on multiple fronts, not good for Israel except God guarantees Israel’s survival. Obama will certainly order an attack on Iran if he somehow believes it helps him next November in the election. The Arabs hate each other, but the common thread is Islam and the existence of Israel . The Sunni and Shite Muslims will be best buddies if they think they can destroy Israel. What Iran really wants is control of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Royal family is only concerned about staying in their current position of power and would likely provide assistance against Iran. If you’re to strike Iran , it has to be with everything you have to totally destroy both their nuclear sites and cripple their ability for any military response. If Israel has to go it alone and fight a multiple front war I expect Israel will use a nuclear weapon .

  54. Hi Don Fritts,

    I think your right on, on most of what you said, however, I think once one nuke is unleashed, there won’t be anything to hold back other nations from launching theirs either.

    Then again, if Israel’s “Sampson Complex” (last resort) is reached, then I guess it would happen.

    I sure would not want to be vacationing in Damascus right about now or anytime in the near future.

  55. David ,
    I neglected to mention that Turkey and Pakistan might get involved against Israel. There are so many possibles scenarios to consider. The mullahs who run Iran are Satan’s agents and Satan belives if he could only wipe out Israel He can prevent Jesus from returning. My scriptural support for that statement is Zechariah 12:10, the people have to exist in order to mourn for Him and to look upon Him whom they have pierced. I see Condelza Rice was calling for an attack against Iran today. The only sure thing is that God is in control.

  56. Hi Don Fritts,

    I know Turkey is still angry about the Flotilla and just three days ago had another seafaring confrontation with Israel, I haven’t heard any hostilities towards Israel from Pakistan.

    The report I read from Condoleezza Rice was a passive (non-attacking) approach. That’s from the news source I read on Fox.

    There is no doubt that Satan knows his time is short.

  57. Hi Don. Don’t know whether or not you read fiction or not, but Vince Flynn wrote a book a couple of years ago about Iran’s nuclear reactor and the Mossad destruction of it. As you probably know, Vince Flynn is a conservative who writes spy novels. He is a close friend of Bill O’reilley and is a marvel at his knowledge both of Israel and her capabilities. In his book, the title which is Transfer OF Power, Mr Flynn details how the Mossad already has internal agents in place for the big bang. they bring the place down on their own heads with a lowly janitor no less. If this is really the case, no need for invasion right? Also we should pray for our conservative Christian brother, he has cancer.

  58. Texas Wolfie,

    I am sure Israel has some agents in Iran but with Iran spreading the resources around it is going to be about impossible to stop their nuclear program with a big bang.

    You’re correct about certain world events increasing traffic. That happens whenever we have a crisis it even happened when Harold Camping was predicting the date of the rapture.

    I am not leaving if I have anything to say about it.

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