America is in revolution because it departed from God

This excellent article gets to the core of the problems in the United States. The problems are a result of departure of America from their Creator. We cannot expect America to be blessed if we deserve a curse. The leadership that is running and ruining America today is just the results of the fact that most Americans have departure from the things of God. Unless America returns to God worse things certainly lie in our future.

America Is Going Through A Revolution

The United States of America has never known a time of discord, turbulence, upheaval and distrust as it is experiencing in the year 2009. The federal elections of November 2008 occurred in the midst of an impending economic disaster, brought into the office of the president a relatively unknown man and seemingly empowered a revolutionary movement that is bent upon using the economic turmoil to redefine and reshape the national government and culture. Members of the new administration forewarned the nation of the revolutionary changes: Americans, said President Obama, should “discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis.” Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s chief of staff stated: “Never allow a crisis to go to waste,”. The new secretary of state, Hillary Clinton concurred: “Never waste a good crisis.” Finally, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said: “Capitalism will be different.” The shock waves from the changes generated in the first two months of the new presidency, and the anticipated trauma of more to come, has created schisms within the culture that are finding new alliances and destroying many investment and retirement programs by a stock market that does not like such uncertainty. Over the past century, the United States has had a relatively slow reshaping of the government and its processes from that which was conceived in the eighteenth century. However, the new regime has seemingly cast aside all concerns about contending with the creeping modification of the traditional role of the federal government as they are proceeding to radically bring into being their vision of what many believe to be a form of socialism, much like European models, if not Communism.

While one can write volumes about the founding fathers, their goals for the new nation, the meaning of the Constitution and existing law, it is all irrelevant. Those currently in power are determined to exercise their long-awaited opportunity to bring about a governmental transformation that will forever change the traditional balance of power between the federal, state, local and individual governments. At the same time, these changes will totally alter the balance of freedom within the nation.

Freedom can neither be destroyed nor created, but it can be shifted as to whether it is individually or centrally controlled. The historical model for freedom in the United States has been that the individuals maintained a dominant control of the freedom over their lives and the various governmental units a minimal control. What is frightening most people today is that the balance will be drastically torn away from the individual and bestowed upon the federal government. The crux of the issue at hand is the model to be used for governing the United States and what impact that will have upon the citizens.

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3 thoughts on “America is in revolution because it departed from God

  1. Man is not a rational and moral being as many on both the Left and the Right would want us to believe. Man is driven by passions and ultimately ruled by his sinful nature. Only Christ is able to liberate man from his evil nature and the sinful passions that drive him. Only by walking in the Spirit is man able to be truly good. Life is a gift from our Creator to be cherished and to be spent wisely.

    There is no liberty when mankind engages in sinful behavior, defies authority and does not want to be held accountable. There will be chaos, lawlessness and injustice where people show no contraint. The immoral will elect immoral representatives who in turn will instill immorality upon the people, including those who are moral and just.

    Moral people cannot allow that to happen. Individual liberty is at stake when evil men rule and nobody is willing to stand against it. The health of the nation is at stake when the majority decides to alter God’s natural order. True liberty can only exist when there is a moral order and a sense of individual responsibility. Order is dependent on virtues and morality. In the absence of virtue, liberty turns into anarchy – slavery to one’s own impulses, and pleasure rather than justice as the greatest good.

    How can anyone possibly believe in God-given and inalienable rights when it is said that man coincidentally evolved from apes through a process of natural selection. Such a worldview is incompatible with liberty and order. It is the epitome of chaos and slavery because there is no incentive to be responsible and virtuous as there is no Creator and no moral absolutes, and man is merely an animal.

    Man does not derive any rights or liberties from a piece of paper. Order cannot be decreed by law. Liberty, order and wisdom are transmitted to us by tradition through the family and perfected by faith and trust in God and His revelation to us. The survival of liberty depends on the willingness of mankind to make sacrifices for it. No majority, however great it may be, has the authority to declare what is right and wrong, what is to be considered moral and what is to be considered immoral, based on their corrupt presumptions in the name of human ratio.

    Obama may claim that America is a nation of Christians but also of Muslims and nonbelievers but America is nonetheless a nation that was shaped by Judeo-Christian values and the Anglo-Saxon tradition of representative government. Whoever denies this is a liar and an enemy of the American republic. Americans who support morality and uphold the Constitution of America can count on my support in their revolt against the agents of decadentism and moral relativism.

    “If it be asked, What is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be, An inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws — the first growing out of the last… A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government. ” — Alexander Hamilton

  2. Americans ought to Listen to these words of wisdom from a man that is obviously wise beyond his years.

    Most Americans are not getting it today because they have become spiritually and mentally lazy. Others rapidly are becoming dependents of the welfare state. What will you people do when the state can no longer support you because the government that was living on borrowed money went bankrupt? I know what most of you will do. You will riot and kill each other. That is your future because you thought you could just vote in a socialist Savior instead of working for a living.

  3. I totally agree with the title of this article, totally. When you have no higher power to be accountable to ( according to many here ) then there is no room for morality. Live as you please, for just feel good….etc……….oh my……….We need Jesus…

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