America’s fifty-first state: The state of Denial.

America had 50 states in their union for quite some time now but even before the talk of admitting Puerto Rico America already admitted the state of Denial into the union as the fifty-first state. I think the state of Denial can be synonymous with The District of Columbia. The representatives in this 51st state reflects all the American people that continue to live in denial about many things in America.

When you get enough greedy people living in the state of Denial an economic crash becomes inevitable. Just a few years ago American blind optimists thought the real estate boom would never end and many were living beyond their means on real estate loans but they have now received a doze of economic reality. Prices of property that are overvalued eventually become unsustainable. Many of these speculators are now walking away from the loans they cannot pay and the end of the real estate crash is still not in sight. Likewise, blind American optimists playing the stock market thought it would keep going up forever contrary to all common sense, but it crashed just like a few realists were warning. The truth is that those that choose to continue to live in the state of denial against all reason will eventually get hit with reality.

Americans were warned by some that they were electing a radical socialist to be President but they only wanted to hear that a black man would be leading their State of Denial and giving them free money and benefits earned by the work of others. Those living in the State of Denial think government can create prosperity by robbing from others or by robbing future generations. The long term economic realities will turn out quite different.

Americans are in the state of denial about their economic future. There will be no lasting recovery through the economic policies enacted at the District of Columbia in the State of Denial. The creation of more and more government dependents does not bring prosperity. Someone has to pay the bills, it brings higher taxes or more debt to the nation. Furthermore, the government dependents soon start thinking that society owes them a living and they steal and riot when their living is not provided for them.

Those that set America’s foreign policy also live in the state of Denial. Do American leaders really think that appeasing their enemies is going to make them their friends? Are tyrants going to become less tyrannical because American leaders are living in a state of denial? Is North Korea going to become less of a Danger? Is Iran really going to give up its nuclear weapons program, or will it just use negotiations to buy more time to hide and to harden the nuclear assets that they are rapidly developing?

Does anyone living in reality think that declaring a two state solution with Israel and the Palestinians will bring peace to the Middle-East? In foreign policy as well as other areas, America can choose to live in present world realities or it can be a blind optimist and be blindsided into the next war.

You have to be living in the state of Denial to think that carbon regulations will bring anything but higher energy costs and more government control. CO2 is less than four hundreds of one percent of the atmosphere. Only 3 percent of that amount is produced by the activities of man. Realistically mankind can only reduce that .03 percent to about .025 percent if everyone on earth fully cooperated. That is not going to happen, but even if it did, does any rational thinking being think that such a reduction will significantly change temperatures on earth? There is no real proof that CO2 ever impacted temperatures on earth at all. In fact, we would be better off with more CO2 on earth since higher levels produce more plant growth (food). Even if somehow man achieved that insignificant reduction, one large volcano going off  could eliminate fifty years of man’s CO2 reductions. Many are living in denial about who really controls the climate on earth? Some claim to know God but they live in denial that God has any power on earth, so man has to come to the rescue of their desist God with man’s very limited knowledge. I do not think God needs the help of climate quacks that  in reality are really using fear tactics so the elite can gain control of the world.

Americans and the world are living in a state of denial about world debt. We cannot make it through this decade without a default on our debt or hyperinflation. If you look at the facts and figures you would have to be living in the state of Denial to believe anything else is possible. It is not just our debt either, many nations are in trouble and all will drag down the economy of others when they default. Today Europe is the problem and that is not going away, but Japan is also an incredible debt time bomb that will soon go off. America and Great Britain are heading in the same direction and the China construction bubble is at the bursting point and heading for a crash.

Christians leadership in America has been living in the state of Denial for quite some time. They keep trying to use worldly ways to fix spiritual defects in man. It will not work. If you think fallen man can be fixed without a spiritual rebirth you are living in a state of Denial. The reason why we have godless men running this nation supporting perversion and pulling down any reference to God is because godless people elected them to that state of Denial. Unless Christians start converting the people that attend in their own church to true Christianity the battle for this nation is lost. Pastors and leaders need to start listening to what God has to say and tell people that attend their congreations the biblical truth no matter how unpopular or how unpolitically correct. If you lose your tax exempt status in the process (not, that it even really happens yet anyway) or people reject the truth, what is that to you? Who do you work for?

Americans living in the state of Denial will not look at the costs of the lack of immigration enforcement. America’s prisons are filled with illegal immigrants but these illegals are not in prison because they came here to work. They are in prison for dealing drugs and for gang banging. They control large parts of cities in America. What is legalization of ten to twenty million illegals going to bring this nation other than higher social cost, more drug running, and probably more terrorists and a secession movement after the Mexicans realize they have the numbers to vote in radicals. Only those living in the state of Denial do not understand these things.

Looks like the present world leadership has solved our energy crises for years to come. Their crazy policies have insured that there will be no world economic recovery so there will be an oil surplus for a decade unless there is a world war. Of course, unless your living in the state of Denial about Islam, you can be sure that world war will come. When that occurs there will be rationing of many things and not just oil. The entire Middle East, North Africa and West Central Asia are being increasingly radicalized by Islam clerics. A world war with the West is inevitable. Terrorist attacks with WMD are inevitable, civil war in parts of Europe is inevitable. Many today are living in the state of denial seeing no evil just like it was before the second world war. They do not want to acknowledge that Islamofascism exists in the world.

So there you have it. America already has a fifty-first state. It is the state of Denial and this state has becomes a cancer in our union. If the state of Denial is not removed there is no hope for any United States of America.

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One thought on “America’s fifty-first state: The state of Denial.

  1. By not living in a state of denial it is grievous.
    The hope is in Jesus Christ, sent from heaven, born of a virgin, died on the
    cross, risen from the dead and ascended into heaven, and now interceding for us.

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