Bill Maher’s is going to make a film with his wisdom on Religion

Here comes another film from the wisdom of atheists who attack what they know nothing about. I see nothing about Islam in this article? It would not surprise me that Bill Maher would exclude Islam in his film. These people attack what they do not know and fear what they do know.

Mather, you cannot possibly know about Christianity if you do not believe in the righteousness of God. So you cannot offer anyone any wisdom on this subject. It is rather ridiculous for people to be making films on topics they know nothing about. It is not a comedy it is a tragedy. – Bill Maher’s Absurd Take on Religion – FOX Fan “If Judaism or Christianity actually taught even a fraction of the absurdities Bill Maher apparently thinks they teach, I would send him my resume and petition him to bring me on as a co-producer of his upcoming documentary, “The Absurdity of Religion” (title still indefinite), as announced last night on ‘Larry King Live.’ I, too, would want to reveal the fraud.

“But there’s one problem: Not a fraction of Bill Maher’s statements about Christian and Jewish beliefs coincide with what, in fact, Christianity and Judaism say of themselves. Unlike in Bill Maher’s world of comedy (where he truly excels), in theology, truth is not optional, opportunistic or malleable. Things are, or they aren’t, but they can’t be both.”

I only hope that when he travels, as promised, to the Holy Land and to the Vatican with his team of investigative journalists to do “research” for his new documentary about the absurdity of religious belief (to be released, of course, in the Easter season), he stops by my place, or the place of any of the more than two billion Christians and Jews who will explain why his vision of their religion, is, well … rather absurd.

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One thought on “Bill Maher’s is going to make a film with his wisdom on Religion

  1. 1 Corinthians 2:14 “But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.”

    Well, I’ll just leave it at that.

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