Bottom feeding scum suckers come to muddy the waters

Bible prophecy and discernment websites attract a large number of bottom feeding scum suckers whose only purpose seem to be to muddy the waters for others. Their purpose in life is to swim from site to site to argue against orthodox Christian theologies that they have a problem with. In the last few days I had a number of these coming in through this blog or emailing me. If you have a Christian site on the Internet you know that this happens regularly. I am not talking about non believers they are not nearly the problem as are the bottom feeding scum suckers that identify with Christianity.

There are differences in theology among honest Christians but I do not go on preterist, amillennial or post tribulation blogs to argue my Premillennial Theology with them and there lies the difference the scum suckers do exactly that. They are wolves in fish clothing that try to find a clear pond so they can muddy the waters with whatever new scum is stuck in their mouth. Often they just gurgle Christian identity concepts and not true Christianity.

When you catch them in your waters they scream and demand to be released so they can continue to muck up your waters. When you cast them out they continue to try to come in through some backwaters.  Ban them and they change their ISP or they change their email address and act like they are someone other than the scum suckers that they are.  But their scum sucking mouths always gives them away.

I do not know what motivates religious scum suckers to muddy clear waters but it certainly is not Jesus.  I understand why “Christians” have different views on theology but I do not understand why “Christians” go to other Christian internet sites to attack the theology of those that do not agree with theirs. They seem to want to force their own narrow views of certain passages often taken out of context on everyone else. Their whole existence seems to be to find one gullible convert to agree with them.

They often email me with a thousand points copied off the Internet that they think supports the cesspool they often swim in. They believe I should take all day responding to every argument they dredge up as if it has not already been answered elsewhere. When I have responded they did not read or answer what I said and just sent me more points in reply. In other words, they are not asking me questions or trying to find out my views. They are just trying to lecture me. Then when I do not see things their way they resort to name calling (or this is a good one “I will pray the Lord opens your closed mind”).

You scum suckers really need to get a life.  Believe it or not some of us Internet Christians teachers have work to do and our lives do not revolve around answering just your emails.

Most of these scum suckers seem to sit around all day reading and listing to other scum suckers that tickle their ears and then they see it as their mission in life to seek a water hole to muddy.

  • They lecture me that America fulfills Bible prophecy on Babylon (it does not).
  • They lecture me why the sitting president is the Antichrist (I have heard this stuff since JFK).
  • They lecture me why the Antichrist must be a Muslim and Islam is the Beast (it is not).
  • They lecture me on the identity of the Antichrist (they have it all figured out).
  • They lecture me on dozens of  other obscure points of Bible prophecy.
  • They lecture me why the tribulation already started.
  • They lecture me that our government played a role in the 9/11 attack (lunatics).
  • They lecture me on various other conspiracy theories.
  • They lecture me that teaching Rapture Theology will cause Christians to lose their faith in the tribulation and send them to hell (total nonsense, real Christians do not lose their salvation)
  • They lecture me why Israel is now the Church.
  • They lecture me on mathematical calculations and codes that pinpoint the date of the return of Christ (always this decade).
  • They lecture me on the prophecies of the various false prophets that they follow.
  • They lecture me that the Trinity is not in the Bible.
  • They lecture me that all Christian denominations have been corrupted and only they have the truth.
  • They lecture me that they are one of the two witnesses. One last week even claimed to be the return of the Son in Ireland. (When I did not agree with his delusion. He says he warned people about me and about my website in his book). In his emails he even put curses on me (Gee…I am so frightened).
  • They lecture me on scores of other issues that has nothing to do with Christianity and the mission of the Church on earth.

To all of you scum suckers I say  G E T  A  C H R I S T I A N  L I F E. This stuff is not being motivated by the Holy Spirit. You are doing nothing useful in your life when you spend all your time on aberrant fringe theories or worse. You that do this are only muddying the waters for those that really want to learn. Guess what spirit is the real motivator behind you?

Most scum suckers seem to be looking for a fight with our government and the NWO as if the Antichrist and the great tribulation has already arrived and if  we teachers do not agree with them them then we are leading people astray and need to be publicly rebuked.

I think the only reason these people have so much time to muddy the waters of Bible prophecy and discernment websites is because they are idol or even institutionalized. Get a Job! Take your lithium!

The bottom line is that all who come on my blog (or email me) to argue against Premillennial Theology or against the imminent return of Christ or that want to muddy the waters on my blog with Christian identity rhetoric or that want to promote false prophets are not going to be welcomed to comment on my blog at all.

Go swim elsewhere and send your belligerent emails to someone who really cares. I am not going to change my theology just because you can cut and paste Internet scum. So next time I encounter one of these scum suckers I probably will just give them a link to this post made just for them rather than waste any of my time.

In other words all you scum suckers – G O  F I S H!

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10 thoughts on “Bottom feeding scum suckers come to muddy the waters

  1. Don,

    After reading you post, I ask myself why, even thought I don’t agree with all you opinions about the “end times”, I don’t feel obligated to try to convince you that I am right and you are wrong. I think the main reason is that I know my opinions are “through a glass darkly”. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe I am right, just that I am not dogmatic about my beliefs.

    On other things — that Jesus came in the flesh, died for my sins, and rose from the dead I am certain, as well as the fact that his death was atonement for my sins and through Him I have eternal life. Those are absolute and if you were to dispute those, I would probably just stop reading your blog 🙂

    But I do read your blog because I believe God has placed me in a specific time and place for a reason. Although I do not know our ultimate future for certain, I do know that I am here as an American in the 21st century for a reason. I try to focus on what He wants me to do right now. The United States is not by any means the Kingdom of Heaven, but the idea of a limited government as codified in the Constitution is the best governmental system to allow the Church to flourish that we know. So our job as Christians is to fight back against the encroachments of the progressives who want to implement the false religion of progressivism, humanism, Utopianism — whatever you want to call it. As you fight against against those thinks, I consider you an ally and a brother. Disagreements about end-times events are small compared to the issues at hand.

  2. Don,

    Don’t pay any attention on them. I believe those folks are ministers of Satan. And their purpose is to lead people astray

  3. Don,
    I agree with Justin’s comment. There are at least 7 major passages in the New Testament that warn of the apostasy to come in the last days of the Church Age, and we are in it right now. It’s just the fulfillment of those warnings. I know it must be frustrating by havinmg to be the one to sort through it and deal with it all, but take heart : at least by coming to your website, they can’t stand before the Lord at the judgement seat of Christ and say, “I never knew that …”. You are providing an invaluable service to the Body of Christ. Keep up the good work, and don’t let the apostates get you down.
    By the way, regarding the guy in Ireland who claimed to be the Son … since we didn’t see the dead in Christ rise, and we didn’t get a new body, and we didn’t join them in the air, we can safely know that he’s NOT who he claims to be…

    Stay the course,

  4. Thanks Paul.

    I think the false Messiah in Ireland was writing from a mental institution. One give away is that he only emailed me during the times when the institution computers would be up. The other give away is that one has to be totally nuts to think that they fulfill the second coming.

  5. Don;

    I guess I just have a wierd sense of humor. Your description reminds me of trying to do garden work when mosquitos come out in swarms. There are too many of them to be dealt with individually, they are all really annoying, they just won’t go away……

  6. Here in the Ozarks biting gnats are even more of a problem.than mosquitoes. On the Internet Christians attacking other Christians theology are even more of a problem than are the pagans..

  7. Mr. Koenig,

    As a moderator of an online Christian community, I say a hearty “Amen” to this post! I really enjoyed reading it – thanks.

  8. Wait…don’t tell me….you get those e-mails asking you to Google something new re pre-trib die-hards or x-raying Margaret M? I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen one. I think Dave MacP must be paying them commissions on book sales or internet hits.

    Keep up the good work, Don.

  9. Hi Don 🙂

    Has it been a rough year *already*? Goodness!!! 😉

    Heavenly Father, our Abba, our Love, *thank You for Don* and the way he uses the gifts of discernment, teaching and exhorting You have given him. Please continue to use him to help people see You and learn what lies in the prophetic future. Please continue to supply his needs: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Please be with those he loves and help him with his concerns and issues (which we *all* have). Please use the encouragement You speak through him to help we who are Yours to become more Christlike! And for those who have not yet given themselves to You and accepted the pardon You offer them through Jesus, please continue to draw them to Yourself in-part through what goes-on here. We cannot do this ourselves, but we are *blessed* that You encourage us to join You in this wonderful work You do to reconcile and redeem all who will surrender to You. Please glorify Yourself in us today!

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