Censorship: good or evil?

Censorship has almost always been the rule in the world. Strong leaders and control freaks always end up in control until the next revolution. You can really only have free speech in a moral society because man’s decadent nature and his ideas will eventually pervert society. We have had free speech in the Western world since World War II and it has produced the very decadent permissive society that we see today. Unfortunately censorship it is only as good as the censors. When you get evil censors they censor the wrong people.

What is happening today is that the perverts are beginning to censor the moral people because they do not like to hear the truth about their own evil practices. They will get away with their censorship until good men stand up and revolt and then you will have another form of censorship until they also become corrupted. There is nothing new under the sun. This cycle has been going on since man has been on the earth. There is little doubt that free speech in the modern world is on its death bed but in this coming censorship cycle the moral people are not going to be the censors.

The return of the censors

Censorship is making a comeback. Outside the United States, it is considered an acceptable price to pay for the new diversity Western Man seems now to value more than the old liberty.

What has caused this reversal of the advance of freedom?

Western Man has come to believe there are more important values than freedom, if men use their freedom in ways our new Lords Temporal find unacceptable.

Nor is this anything new. Censorship has always had powerful patrons and not always benighted backers.

In the Middle Ages, pious men sought to silence heretics because they believed the Faith led to Paradise, while its loss led to Hell for all eternity. The Christian censorship we mock today was born of men’s deepest convictions about the most important thing in life: salvation.

Devout Muslims believe heretics and apostates should be put to death. Islam is the most important thing in their lives, and its truths are valued more than any freedom to mock them.

one’s money ought to be on the new censors, for men who believe deeply in something, even when wrong, usually triumph over men who believe in nothing.

Today, the true believers in Islam and the true believers in diversity uber alles are making common cause against those who believe in freedom of speech and the press. As the former have the convictions and increasingly the power, they may prevail, and not only in Canada and Europe.

A new orthodoxy is arising. Freedom’s finest hour may be behind us.

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