Comet ISON: Harbinger of death of a great nation or World War III?

Update 11/30/13

(Apparently ISON flew too close to the sun and got pretty much destroyed by the great heat and gravitational forces. So, there will be no great show in the sky this December. If there is going to be any harbinger in the sky in the near future, we will have to wait to see what else shows ups. These small icy comets are very unpredictable and more often than not they do not live up to the comet of the century expectations. When or if God sends a real sign it will be spectacular and it will be obvious.)

Forty years ago I heard Herbert W. Armstrong talking on the radio about the coming of Comet Kohoutek and what that might mean. I do not remember what he said, but I believe he was implying that it was going to be a great sign in the heavens that end time biblical events would soon be playing out. Some scientists were saying Comet Kohoutek would be the comet of the century and that the comet would be as bright as the full moon.

I was brought up in Roman Catholicism, I did not even know what end time biblical events were in those days. Anyway, since I did not know anything about Bible prophecy I began to search it out and was soon led to a Christian radio station that played conference speakers who quite often talked about Bible prophecy.

It was through the teaching on this Christian radio station, a Gideon New Testament, and Hal Lindsey’s “The late Great Planet Earth” that I found the true gospel of salvation through faith in God’s risen Son. That year was 1973.

At that time, the Soviet Union and the United States were at the height of the Cold War. Both countries had enough nukes to destroy the world many times over. So, in that period it really seemed more likely than not that the world would not survive much longer.

Bible prophecy teachers like Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe expected all to be fulfilled within 40 years from the rebirth of Israel in 1948 because of their interpretation of the fig tree prophecy and what they believed was the length of a biblical generation. With that 1988 outer date in mind, their followers expected the tribulation to start at any moment and it was believed to be almost certain to arrive by 1981. World events seemed to support their hypothesis.

I soon found out that Herbert Armstrong was giving out a false gospel to the world and Comet Kohoutek never became the bright light in the sky that was expected (darkness is something they both continue to have in common).

Hal Lindsay, Jack Van Impe and others were also proven wrong about their interpretation of the fig tree parable. Later, the unforeseen fall of the Soviet Union put the expected imminent Gog invasion on hold. It actually seemed like Jesus had delayed His coming. In this seemingly delay, many evangelical churches that were once looking for Jesus to return became laodicical, or went to sleep. Some Evangelical leaders even became cynics of all teaching Bible prophecy.

Now, forty years after Comet Kohoutek, there is a comet replay about to take place. This comet is named ISON. Maybe this comet will turn out to be the sign or harbinger that Kohoutek was not. Once again many scientists think that this coming comet could be brighter than the full moon and that it will even be seen during the day.

ISON is a very large comet, so it is not likely that this comet will just dissolve as it gets very near the sun, but it could break into several pieces. Nobody really knows what a comet will do as it approaches the heat of the sun and is swung around the sun by the sun’s gravitational pull. Even so, the expectation of astrophysicists is that this comet will be a great light in the sky starting in November of this year (2013).

In more ancient times, comets were thought to be harbingers of momentous events. In that link you will find some examples of the relationship between the appearing of a comet and a momentous event on earth. Only coincidence? I am not sure there even is such a thing as a coincidence in God’s creation.

The Bible tells us that the Magi knew that the star that they seen in the sky was a sign of the birth of the King of the Jews (Mt 2:1). This may or may not have been a comet but I believe that it probably was.

Scripture says that lights created in the heavens would also be for signs (Ge 1:14). The Book of Revelation talks a lot about signs in the heavens. Who can say that these signs in the heavens are only metaphors and that there will not be literal signs in the visible heavens as well? People are said to hide in holes in the ground for fear of what they see coming upon the earth. Revelation talks about great stars falling upon the earth and about great earthquakes. That sounds more like the remains of a comet hitting the earth than any metaphor to me. Jesus also told His disciples that there would be literal signs in the heavens before His coming (Lu 21:11).

In the days of Exodus people were looking up quite a bit. The problem was that they started worshiping the creation and the lights in the heavens instead of the Creator. The Israelites might have been stubborn but they were not dumb enough to think that a calf was God. The golden calf they made was probably a representation of what they seen in the sky when the solar wind blew off gas on both sides of a great comet that was caught in near geosynchronous orbit above their area of the earth. That is a long story. There are books written on this subject if you have an inquiring mind.

Those great signs in the Heavens in Revelation might be seen and could threaten the earth for a couple of years. Satan and his angels being cast down unto the earth could also be displayed on earth as some literal visible event. We might keep in mind that Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 first passed near Jupiter in 1992 and then the gravitational pull of Jupiter broke the comet into pieces. These 20 visible pieces all hit Jupiter just two years later over a six-day period in 1994. Had such a multi-headed comet the size of Shoemaker Levy-9 hit the earth, it would have eliminated all flesh on earth.

I am not saying that ISON is one of the signs that Jesus talked about, but if it appears as bright as advertised we might be foolish to ignore it as being some harbinger. After all, God knows where each body in the heavens will be at any point in time and He knows when each comet will be visible on earth. He created them for a purpose. Knowing that, is it then too far-fetched to think that God also appoints the timing of these heavenly lights as harbingers announcing soon coming events on earth?

I know that most Christians will not agree with what I have suggested, but most Christians would not acknowledge any natural event on earth or in the heavens as being a real act of God either. They would rather think that everything is random and by chance like evolution.

Some think that God plays no role in His physical creation even through they should know that He entered it by becoming a man in order to save humanity out of what Satan corrupted. Until the restoration of all things in His creation, God has placed His very real angels in charge over the earth because He really does have future plans for the descendents of Adam that trust in Him. If there were no divine intervention on earth through God’s angels there would be no humans on earth to save either.

If this comet is a harbinger, I would think it being a harbinger of the death of a great nation or a harbinger of a great war would be most fitting to the times that we live in.

When looking at the Obamanation that was once called the land of liberty, the death of this nation seems inevitable, and when looking at the world, a war with Islam also seems inevitable. Maybe ISON is a harbinger of both or maybe there will be more harbingers coming. The USA is sealing its fate by continually adding more abominations to the long list weekly. I see no hope for most living in this nation.

From what we see being announced on the news daily, we can know that the hedge that was around America has already been taken down. God already gave most in this nation over to a reprobate mind (Rom 1 19-32). We allow our government to promote sin and blaspheme God continually, thinking that there will be no judgment like Sodom and Gomorrah, when perhaps, the angels already have been given the order to cut America down once Lot is protected.

I personally think the handwriting of God will be seen in the sky and now I am not talking about a comet. A solar or nuclear EMP is observable before it literally knocks our lights out. Most in America are so self-deluded, complacent, and apathetic that they are even complicit in profaning marriage. Marriage is a covenant union between a male and a female. It was designed and ordained by God and God made this marriage union holy (Mr 10 6-9).

I think an EMP is about to be delivered over our heads while Americans profane what is sacred and then celebrate their perversions in the public arena and even in churches. The evils in our nation are just too widespread and too deeply entrenched in all of our institutions…even our religious institutions, to be remedied. America continues to move away from God, not toward any national repentance from rebellion against the Creator. What then is left but the fall of this once great nation?

I am no prophet. However, Comet ISON might signify this to the world: “prepare for the death of a once great nation and the great darkness that removing this once great lighthouse will bring upon all that dwell on the earth”. Even so, I really do not need a comet or any harbinger to tell me that America is heading for a great fall. The only question I have, is who will be removed first, America or the faithful Church?

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18 thoughts on “Comet ISON: Harbinger of death of a great nation or World War III?

  1. I was wondering when the next post was coming. I was extremely disappointed with the DOMA act being struck down (one part). I was also not surprised as our highest form of authority just told America that marriage is NOT just between a man & woman (god?).

    This one comment though did throw me off guard though “I should not expect that most Christian will believe this, but most Christians would not acknowledge any natural event on earth or in the heavens as being a real act of God either.” Maybe I am abnormal or my parents were spot on raising me but I’ve always been taught mother nature is created by God and could be seen as God like. That is one of the reasons that when witnessing mother nature ie Tornado, Dust Storms, Water Spouts etc. How can a Christian deny those are not an act of God? My favorite part of the F5 tornado saying from a movie was it was literally the finger of God. (have been in the Assembly of God church my entire life)

    I haven’t seen much on ISON but will head off to do a bit of research. If it is meant to happen it will and I concur with your post. But in order for the prophecy’s to come true, all of this must past.

  2. Don, its sad what has happened to this country. My state of Illinois is the proving ground for the rest of the nation. It’s not a few times a month, but daily what the govt and people are doing to destroy this nation. It seems everyone is for themselves and doesn’t help their fellow man. Good is punished & evil is rewarded. Friends & neighbors just look at our nations state & the weather patterns as part of a cycle and we will all be fine. They don’t want to hear the truth. I believe as you said the protective hedge is down. Something is going too happen soon, we can all feel it. Whether it be an EMP, currency collapse, or whatever, all is not well here. Appreciate your posts and honesty. No matter what the bible says, it’s hard not to worry and be fearful as we are human, but are then reassured by Jesus and his promises.

  3. There is a statement in the EPA directive (“war on coal”) to issue carbon emissions restrictions (they call carbon “pollution”, which is a lie), and Obama labels his critics as members of the “flat earth society”. That clearly defines Obama, and his surrounding crew, as a bigot-society. Ignorance and bigotry pervade this populous from the top down and from the bottom up. There is no room for truth, and the bigots label their critics with slurs that only expose their bigotry, even when they arrogantly flaunt their self-held importance and self-promoted superiority. Yes, gnashing of teeth is their sentence.

    It may be in a Steven Curtis Chapman song, but there is a lyric: “God gives purpose to chance”. Well, God [the father] is totally in control (as over-used as that statement is), so nothing is left to chance. As Don eludes in this blog.

    I am totally fine with the suggestion that these cosmic events can be signs. I know one thing, I am definitely “watching” (and, of course, “praying”), and will be “watching” come November time frame.

    I also agree with the judgment factor. I cannot see some sort of “America-bow-down-to-the-new-Roman-Empire” thing, where the “non-mention” is a peaceful or non-catastrophic / non-perilous scenario. Underestimating the terror factor as connected to religious extremists (non-Christain), particularly middle-east / Pakistani (and the state sponsorship from the likes of China / Russia / North Korea / Iran), is going to be the downfall of the continent. On an aside, solar has been semi-quiet as of late.

    I’m not going fishing, every chance I can get, for nothing. My luck hasn’t been particularly good, but maybe I just need a good comet to come around.

  4. Hi Don,

    Very interesting article. The growing apostasy continues.. Not just in the U.S., but a good portion of the rest of the planet. Amazing though, how much of the “church” in America has swallowed so many lies. There does seem to be a correlation between some of the past comet sightings, and huge historical events. This one coming up may indeed be yet another sign, along with the four blood moons, and eclipse, that take place in 2014-2015. Interesting that the comet comes just before 2014, when the blood moons begin to show up. Maybe we will be out of here sooner than we think? 🙂

    Thanks Don,

  5. the DOMA ruling upset me..not because of the ruling.The judge calling it a moral decision was horrid….that court exists to render decisions about the law PERIOD>>>>> the news commentators were smiling and partying right along with the crowds. (fair and balanced reporting. hm)Facebook was so full of slurs against believers,i deleted about a third of my contacts. one lady told me Maryland has a booming marriage business now and that was a good thing! morals for money. wow.( only 45 percent of straight couples in the Us are married. guess the politicos think gay marriages will keep the status quo)

    I saw references to punishing churches that refused to marry gay couples.

    “Human secularists” are openly shouting to the world the time has come to shut up or punish anyone who says any of this is wrong.

    i am not ashamed to admit I cried for my country.I had this sensation of watching the world I have known slide away. the hair stood up on the back of my neck. and i thought…if this minor thing causes such a celebration, what will be it be like when the two witnesses are killed….

    I came to the conclusion prayer and repentance is necessary..for Christians. we’ve let an awful lot slide to be “liked by our neighbors”….as a group. the time of testing is at hand.We aren’t being burnt alive or having our throats slit, as christians are in Africa are,or jailed and threatened with death as in Middle Eastern countries. But we aren’t going to get to just escape via Rapture either. we live until that day….here. and by golly there really is a lot to do! the light of believers will shine so very bright as the rest of the world sinks into darkness.

    to recap- Christians are called to live holy lives. no one else is.But we have to be in this world.

    I did not know a major comet was on its way. to which i say-cool! I don’t know what it means either.I’m going to go study up on it. not sure what correlates to November of this year…what Jewish festivals, etc. but willing to find out.thank you Don. And God Bless everyone who reads this….stay strong in the love of Christ.

  6. Faith,

    Just because a harbinger is seen in the sky late this year and early next does not mean that it has anything to do with the Jewish festivals or even anything fulfilled within the next couple of years. It took a number of years for the Nazis in Europe to take over Europe and bring about World War II and the Holocaust. It probably took nearly two years after the first appearing of the star for the Magi to find Jesus. If you look at the events in the link I gave in the article they happened shortly after the comet, not when the comet first appeared. God always gives warnings before great judgments on earth.


    I also do not see the so called blood moons in 2014 or 2015 as fulfilling anything in Bible prophecy. These natural reoccuring events are not what Jesus and Joel were talking about in the context of the passages. It is not just the moon that is going to be turn blood red before the Day of the Lord, the sun is going to be turned dark and and the heaven and earth will be shaken. So much so, that people’s hearts will be failing them for the roaring of the seas and for what they see coming upon the earth. As I implied, a great comet (possibly even called Wormwood) will likely bring about these events, not some periodic full moons falling on Jewish feast days.

    One of the problems we have today is that everyone is trying to explain the supernatural events in Bible prophecy to fix a date without waiting for the supernatural events to actually take place. People have been trying to make Bible prophecy happen through smoke and mirror conjectures for centuries. When the actual end comes the world will be made quite aware and that is why they have to choose sides.

  7. The majority of those who ‘profess’ to be Christians today are in apostasy and are not indwelt by God the Holy Spirit; they are not part of the Bride.

    If these apostates believe anything about God’s justice and holiness it is as being subservient to love (after all, God is love don’t you know!) – therefore in their eyes and in every case ‘love must win’.

    There is little or no chance that they will see God’s judgement in anything of a destructive nature (except perhaps the persecution, or supernatural and sudden removal of the those contentious ‘Fundamentalists’).

    Christ is even now calling on them to “awake thou that sleepest, arise from the dead”, but if they will not I personally don’t envy them their rude awakening.

  8. Don-

    Never thought of ISON’s approach in the context of being a biblical “sign.” You may be right; I know God is certainly capable of orchestrating it. I was thinking of it in the context of “Gee, won’t it be cool to see” and not thinking about it’s possible spiritual ramifications.

    Thanks for making me think biblicaly, again.


  9. Regarding ISON, I most definitely think this is something of a harbinger, but 2 other things are resonating within me in light of this, DOMA, the heat waves, wildfires, etc.,etc.,etc; 1., does anyone elsr here sense an escalation of the velocity of events occurring in the past several months pertaining to the end of this age, and 2., using as a basis the joyous celebrations and rabid acceptance of the “supreme” court decision to make sodomite “marriage” okey dokey coming from the muslin in charge on down, does anyone else here see the percentage of Believers taken in the Rapture(whenever, and hopefully SOON) will be more that 4-5% ala Lot, Mrs.Lot and the 2 Lotettes? I am honestly starting to believe that the theory of massive carnage to the world just right after the Rapture will prove to be more fiction than fact. I really doubt, without being able to judge or know anyones heart, there are actually that many TRUE Believers alive. Heck, here in Chicago, a trophy bearing “lord” Stanleys name is receiving FAR more adoration than I have EVER seen in ANY church I have ever been a part of. When I saw the crowds and the minute by minute updates of where the cup was at any particular minute, I wanted to burst into tears. This world doesn’t give a rip about the Lord except for a handful of people, just like He said would happen, and I honestly believe that no amount of prayer, fasting, intercession, you name it is going to matter at this point. Nothing is impossible for the Lord, but a whole lot of things are pretty improbable, and a massive revival at this point leads that list. As usual, the only thing I really want for my family and me is to go home. SOON.

  10. I tend to agree Michael.

    It will not be hundreds of millions (e.g. every professing Christian) being removed in the Rapture, however even just 20-30-? million should be a sufficient testimony to the reality of that event.

    It will be the supernatural aspect of the Rapture that will have to be explained not any surge in ‘carnage’ or rampant evil; such behaviour as that will seem as normal as “eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage”.

    The real carnage will occur in the last 3 1/2 years, the Great Tribulation.

  11. Michael, I know we all want to go home. but this is the time, where we must stand for Christ. even through persecutions. He said this would happen.

    instead, pray for more workers! “pray for that “peace that passeth all understanding” and know if you are called to witness, the Holy Spirit will tell you what to say.

  12. Wow Michael, I felt your anguish in your post. Be strong my brother; his timing is perfect, and as we know, very mathematical. (I’m surprised even Yeshua couldn’t figure this one out! Correct my theology here Don if I’ve misread that. lol)

    As for DOMA, no surprise here. President Obama practically ushered it in with his approval. I guess he must have been inspired by the Declaration of Independence as he was going over that document before bedtime:

    “the right to life, liberty, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS..”

    I guess he wants gays to be happy too. But wait, aren’t they already happy, being called “gays”? (cut me some slack, it’s late)

    As for ISON, come on down big fella……

  13. Paul,

    Michael is a Christian police officer in Chicago. Understandably then from his point of view the situation looks pretty bleak.

    Marriage does not make one happy. Some of the most miserable people in the world are married or divorced. I understand why there needs to be marriage between men and women but I don’t know why Homosexuals want to stop being so gay other than the work and government related benefits they will get. On the other hand, when their “marriage” partner departs they might be paying out of the nose the rest of their shortened lives.

  14. Interesting group of comments. Just by chance I came across this site!!!! If you believe that you must want your brains testing. God does not orchestrate things on a random basis. Now I would like to pose a question to all those who post on this site. Do you accept that God intervened to lengthen the day when Aaron and Hur held the hands of Moses steady while Israel fought with Amelek? ( Ex. 17:12) Do you agree that God caused the shadow on Ahaz’s steps to regress ten steps in order to reassure Hezekiah that the words of Isaiah were from Him? (2 Kings 20:9). In all my 77 years I have never heard a disciple of Jesus Christ deny these events. God has a very lively interest in everything concerning His world and we have no business to question His actions.

  15. Paul,

    I really don’t know who you are talking to or what about? I agree that there is nothing random to God and all things work together for His purpose and that includes comets

  16. Hi Don.

    Could ISON portend a Madrid Quake?

    Preceding the Madrid earthquakes a great comet named Tecumseh was visible around the globe for seventeen months, and was at its brightest during the earthquakes. In the months leading up to the quakes booming noises were reported much like they are being reported now.

    Another harbinger of earthquakes is the rarely sighted and deep dwelling Oarfish washing up on the shore. In example an Oarfish washed up on the Japanese shore preceding the 9.0 they were struck with. Two Oarfish have washed ashore in California in recent months.

  17. David,

    If the comet survives the sun, I think it may be a portend of some major event on earth but that does not mean it is about the United States. Earthquakes on fault lines are inevitable and they will inevitably also happen in the Unites States. If anyone could predict our next national disaster they would make a lot of money as a fortune teller. After your recent comments on this Blog I tend to think that you are listening to the nuts on Coast-to-coast.

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