Delusional American Illusion

I just read two profound commentaries that I think everyone should read. I clipped some statements from them to wet your appetite but you really need to read the full articles. I have no delusional illusion that the average America would actually even take the time to read what was said in these two articles but I do hope there are some above average people reading my blog.

The first article is written by James Quinn. It contains quite a history lesson and presents information that I am sure that 99 percent of Americans never learned. This article gives no delusional American illusion about the future. America was founded on its Constitution not the present day delusions of postmodern global socialists. When our own American government does not abide by the Constitution and our own citizens continue to elect them to office we have not only reached a delusional American illusion but a great watershed in history and a great divide. You cannot have a government founded on Constitutional law when the law is discarded and twisted at will by delusional postmodern people wanting to live under some false illusion of Fabian world socialism.

The free men left in this nation now have one of two choices. They can fight to restore the Constitution or submit to the delusional illusionists and join with the mentally and economically enslaved. These delusional people freely submit to their elitist masters even though they see their children are continually sacrificed on the altars of the secular humanist world order.

These world class illusionists will use America like a hammer to shape their global dream until her head flies off and then America will be discarded as a broken tool on the socialist path to building global governance. The American dream will just become another delusional system where men once had the audacity to hope that mankind could be free.

Since I first posted this article two weeks ago another good article was written by Brannon Howse about America being at a tipping point because it has abandoned God. It is well worth reading


Mr. Franklin in his plea to those attending the Convention also issued a warning which we have not heeded. A Constitution is only as good as the people who administer it. If the people become corrupted, the government will become corrupted, and the Constitution will become a worthless piece of paper. The wisdom and integrity of the governors of the Constitution are the strength that makes the document so powerful. The American people have failed to take note of Benjamin Franklin’s warning. We have allowed our desire for material goods, acceptance of easy wrong solutions to complicated problems, putting our selfish short term desires ahead of the long-term needs of the country, and meddling in foreign lands, to corrupt our government and its leaders. Wisdom and integrity are rare traits in government officials today. They were plentiful during the American Revolution. These traits defined George Washington, the father of our country. These traits also define the U.S. Representative from Texas, Ron Paul.

The ruling elite, backed by the powerful banking cartel, who control the political reins, the mainstream media, the military industrial complex, and the foreign policy of the United States, have trampled on the U.S. Constitution. They take every opportunity to denigrate its principles, call it an antiquated document meant for a simpler time, and scorn and ridicule those who risked their lives to write this noble governing document. The mainstream media attempts to protect its liberal agenda by disparaging the Boston Tea Party, Patriots, and the Founding Fathers. Millions of dazed and confused Americans know nothing about George Washington other than his face is on the dollars they use to buy Snuggies or fried Twinkies. They think his chief claim to fame is cutting down a cherry tree. The maligning of the Constitution and belittling of the men who created it, is part of the plan to retain and increase their power and control over the American people. If the broad swath of Americans decided to reinstitute the founding principles of the Constitution, the existing power structure would come crashing down in a heap of smoldering ashes. A Second American Revolution is brewing. The anger and rage of thinking Americans is palpable. The only question is whether this Second American Revolution will be peaceful or bloody. The Founding Fathers proved that an irate tireless minority can win.

The Constitution is crystal clear. President Washington was crystal clear. Our country has not heeded the requirements of the Constitution or the wisdom of our greatest President. The United States has troops stationed in 130 countries throughout the world. The United States’ direct military spending in excess of $700 billion per year constitutes 48% of all the military spending in the world. Essentially, the United States spends as much as the rest of the world combined. The U.S. spends another $300 billion per year on costs related to prior wars and the interest on the debt incurred to conduct those wars.

As I watched the kindergarten military experts Guliani, Romney, and Huckabee scornfully lecture Ron Paul on American foreign policy, I was taken aback by their utter hypocrisy and lack of Constitutional knowledge. Three men who never spent one second in the U.S. military, even though two were in their twenties during the Vietnam War, lecturing a man who served in the U.S. Air Force from 1962 through 1968 as a flight surgeon. These men join the other neo-cons that avoided service in Vietnam, George Bush and Dick Cheney (applied for 5 draft deferments) in the neo-con hall of shame. The military “hero”, John McCain, was disdainful towards Mr. Paul’s contention that the invasion of Iraq was unconstitutional. McCain’s impeccable military record of graduating 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy, crashing 3 planes, being shot down over Hanoi, and cracking under torture by the North Vietnamese, certainly qualified him as an expert in casting aside the Constitution forged by George Washington and true patriots. Ron Paul was the only true conservative Republican, in the spirit of Ronald Reagan, on that stage.

“Legitimate use of violence can only be that which is required in self-defense.” – Ron Paul

When the government starts to infringe upon the citizen’s Second Amendment rights, the time will be nearing for a Second American Revolution. There are now shortages of guns and ammunition in the U.S. Two thirds of the public believe that Obama will restrict gun ownership. He has stated that intention. The Second Amendment is very clear, but Obama will interpret it any way he chooses because he is in power. The Nazis imposed strict gun control measures shortly after Hitler came to power. The lambs complied. We all know what happened next. In the first chapter of his book, Freedom Under Siege, Ron Paul argued that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to place a check on government tyranny, not to merely grant hunting rights or allow self defense. When forced to choose between the wisdom of George Washington and Barack Hussein Obama, I think it is an easy choice. Who uses the weasel words?

“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.” – George Washington

Congress has done a phenomenal job in taxing, spending and borrowing. Nobody does it better. They should get a Congressional gold medal for taxing, spending and borrowing. Up until 1913, the government was limited in their ability to spend because there was no personal income tax and the currency of the United States was backed by hard assets. Woodrow Wilson and Congressmen, under the control of the banking cartel, created the Federal Reserve and the personal income tax in 1913. The unleashing of politicians from any constraints on their spending has led to a predictable result. The US dollar has lost 97% of its value versus gold since 1913. The U.S. National Debt was $2.9 billion in 1913. Today, it is $11.9 TRILLION, a mere 400,000% increase in 96 years. That is the good news. President Obama plans to add at least another $9 TRILLION to our debt in the next 10 years. That is the actual plan. Can you picture George Washington spinning in his grave?

“Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.” – Ron Paul

There goes that crazy Ron Paul again stirring up trouble. Doesn’t this guy realize that if we adhered to sound money policies, had a hard asset backed currency, and spent only as much as we brought in, the existing political structure and its corporate, banker, and military backers would collapse? This would cause turmoil and heartache for the ruling power elite. They might have to sell one of their 6 estates. Ron Paul would abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS. The Federal Reserve is a secret organization controlled by bankers to enrich bankers and allow politicians to get re-elected by bribing their constituents with goodies. Our system is no more capitalist than that of the Soviet Union.

There is the smell of revolution in the air. The mainstream media doesn’t get it. The 15 term Congressmen don’t get it. The doddering old fool Robert Byrd doesn’t get it. We’ve entered a twenty year crisis period that cycles through history every 80 years or so. The short-sighted non-thinking pundits actually think we are coming out of the crisis, when it has barely begun. The crisis period is always a time of pain, suffering and usually armed conflict. The details are unknown, but the broad outline is known. Existing institutions will be torn down. Many will die. Heroes will be required. The generations are moving into new life phases and their attitudes and beliefs will heavily influence the path of this crisis. Will we experience World War III? Will civil unrest and insurrection breakout in the U.S.? Will U.S. Troops be commanded to fire on U.S. citizens? Might they turn their guns on those giving the commands? This sounds extremely far-fetched. Yes it does. It sounds as far-fetched as someone telling Abraham Lincoln on April 12, 1861, as Fort Sumpter was being shelled, that 620,000 Americans would die in the next four years of Civil War. It sounds as farfetched as telling Herbert Hoover on October 24, 1929 that the stock market would crash 89% in the next 3 years, a Depression with unemployment reaching 25% would last 12 years, and a World War would ensue causing the deaths of 73 million people and ending with the detonation of two atomic bombs.

I’ve slowly come to the conclusion that the country cannot be put back on track using the ballot box. The entrenched special interests control all the levers of power. The Republican and Democratic parties are essentially interchangeable. They are controlled by the extreme right and left wings of their parties. The neo-cons on the right have no interest in balancing budgets or restraining government. They want to use the power of our immense military to remake the world in the image of the United States.

When the system collapses, no one knows what will happen. Do the frightened masses turn to a strong dictator, choosing safety and slavery over liberty and freedom? It is entirely possible. This is where those who believe in the Constitution can make our stand. We already have the document and the principles of government. We just need to adhere to and reinstitute them. Now is the time to join up with groups of like minded citizens. Meet regularly and discuss the real issues. Develop relationships with these people. When the shit hits the fan, they will be there to support you. Having like minded groups communicating in person and through the internet today could set the groundwork for the new country. Ideas are what drive revolutions. The collapse of the U.S. dollar is likely to be the trigger for the systematic collapse. It makes tremendous sense to be trading your future worthless pieces of paper for real money today. As the government sees the imminent collapse, they will become more desperate. Acquiring guns legally today is a good insurance policy for what might happen in the future.

Full article

This second article by Selwyn Duke, says we should not blame Barack Obama. After all he is just a product of the illusional system that “we the people” allowed. Can anyone deny that Barrack Obama  is a product of delusional Americans?

Most American’s today should not be under some illusion or any delusion if they really want to see part of the problem in America today they should just look in the mirror.

The theme of this second article is in some ways consistent with the first article. American’s allowed America to believe an illusion. Americans departed from the Constitution and from Christian morals to a worldly delusion or illusion. If you really want change in America then you are going to have to get your mind off of idealist godless socialist illusions and delusions and do something about it.

American Thinker: Do Not Blame Barack

Contrary to what my title indicates, I probably judge Barack Obama more harshly than most reading this page. I don’t think he is just a misguided ideologue or merely a creature of expediency. I believe, practically speaking, he is an evil man. That is to say, while he is largely ignorant like so many others, he has developed an affinity for evil. He mistakes it for good.

Yet, to be blunt, Obama doesn’t alarm me as much as the average American.

Some of us lament the presence of self-professed communists such as Van Jones — and other assorted intellectual mutants, such as Cass Sunstein and John Holdren — in government, and how we elected a man who broke bread with self-professed communists such as Bill Ayers. But why complain now? We’ve had self-professed communists such as Bill Ayers — and other assorted intellectual mutants, such as Ward Churchill, Cass Sunstein and John Holdren — in academia for many decades. And good Americans still donated money to universities and still sent their most precious possessions, their children, to them. So, should it be any surprise that millions of these children would, knowing nothing and feeling all the wrongs things, flock to the polls and cast votes for people just like their teachers and professors? You may say that their parents knew nothing of these universities’ true nature. But it was their place to find out. And Obama did not create the modern academy. He is more a creation of it.

One thing Obama certainly did help create is the tea-party phenomenon. It is the largest, most impressive grassroots movement I can remember and I truly hope it grows beyond what even the most zealous reader would prefer. Yet, when I hear the protesters complain about the violation of the Constitution, I have to wonder we they’ve been. Did they miss the activist 1947 “separation of church and state ruling”? Have they learned about FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society? Don’t they realize that the federal government long ago exceeded its constitutional bounds? Where is the constitutional mandate for Uncle Scam to involve itself in and/or fund housing, food stamps, farm subsidies, Medicaid, global-warming research, mass transit, and school sports programs? The fact is that most things the federal government has its claws into are none of its affair. Thus, to only now complain about constitutional trespasses is like having finally noted the invasion of Poland when the Nazis started bombing Great Britain.

We also have to ask how serious most Americans really are about respecting the Constitution. Here’s a little test for them: Are you willing to give up your Social Security in the name of constitutional adherence?

I thought so.

The average American has his version of acceptable constitutional violation, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg has hers, and Obama has his. And Obama didn’t create the “living document” mentality. He is more a creation of it.

Yet my point here is not about the average person, who isn’t reading substantive commentary anyway. It’s that even most of us who oppose Obama and are political are just political, content to fight the battle with one hand and one eye. So many of us — this includes readers and commentators — are satisfied with boilerplate; it’s Alinsky this and Alinsky that, San Fran Nan, Afghanistan and the Taliban, this bill and that political shill. This isn’t to say there’s not a place for such things, as many do need a course in politics 101. But if we want to have any chance of winning the war, we must move on to graduate work and fight it on the deepest levels, the spiritual and cultural. We must scrutinize ourselves and evaluate how we have been complicit in empowering the culture that spawns Barack Obamas. We must remember that those of us who are engaged are a minority weighed against an apathetic majority. A few stones however, can be substantial enough to tip the scales against a million pebbles. But this can only happen if we so greatly increase the weight of our virtue that it outweighs the vice that is everywhere.

Full article

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8 thoughts on “Delusional American Illusion

  1. The second article u posted just repeats what Romans chapter 1 says. When a nation deny the Biblical God God gives them over to vile affections, immorality, and to a debased mind.

    There are people out there that think they can change things around in the next election but I do not believe it will be possible. Do you think that people can change things around in the next election?

  2. There could be limited change in the 2010 and 2012 elections but radical change back to Constitutional government would take an American revolution. That kind of change is probably only possible if there is a mass return to Christian morality after the whole corrupt system based on slothfulness, lavishness and greed fails. Even then half the states are too far gone and would never join a new Union that was actually based on the Constitution and Christian values.

  3. Justin is 100% correct and great article Don.

    Generally, America is too caught up in a hedonistic attitude to care that the Constitution has and is being trampled on daily. Example: I was watching the Packers-Vikings game on TV last night and noticed it was a full house. As I was watching I kept thinking about all of the talk of the dollar being replaced as the world’s reserve currency. But here is half of America more concerned if Brett Favre would beat the Packers or not. It truly is sad that more people would rather pay good money to see a meaningless football game than save that money for the tougher times coming ahead. Unreal.

  4. I agree with u Don but I personally do not see anything good happening in this country. I believe it is going to be the end of our country. I do believe we are close to the rapture and the events in the next decade will set things up for the antichrist to reign during the tribulation.

    Frank, you do have to understand that it is impossible to stop what the Bible has predicted to happen. Even if they were concerned I still do not believe that they can change things around.

    Besides they might as well had enjoyed the game because according to one article I read there will be a good possibility that there will be no NFL games by 2011. Here is the link to that article

    But I am one of those that do not keep track of teams in the NFL. Most players in the NFL are a bunch of morons. I keep track of college football and I do hope that Alabama wins a NC this year. 🙂

  5. I wasn’t trying to imply that their actions could change what God does. But if people were more attentive in the past, especially us Christians, we could’ve delayed some things, no question.

    I understand and agree with you though that God’s will happens eventually.

  6. I agree with so much of what you say but I have to disagree with you re: the restoration of America. It will never happen and it should not be our focus. Though I am or was a patriot who served my country as a USAF officer and who also worked to get conservative Christian candidates elected, I see the illuminati, Bilderberger, one world anti-christ system marching forward. And PTL for it. End time prophecy is being fulfilled at an accelerated pace like a woman in travail and our #1 focus should be His soon and very soon return. And even though we are told to encourage each other with the words about His glorious appearing,we seem to be more concerned for America and church building projects. Christians, wake-up and look-up! A majority of Churches in the good old USA refuse to look for His return and many even seem to deny that He is coming back.
    God Bless and Maranatha,

  7. David, Saying that America can be restored if everyone returned to constitutional law and Christian morality is not the same as believing it will happen. I know it will not. I mostly agree with what you said but our number one focus should be getting out the gospel of salvation to those who have not yet heard it while there is still time to do so.

  8. Amen, Don, I think that is what we should be doing, trying to further the Kingdom of Heaven. I have nothing here on earth that I would want to hold onto. With the exception of the salvation of a few of my children, children in law, and grandchildren.

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