Do all Christians need to be taught why The Da Vinci Code is blasphemy?

Recently in churches across America “The Da Vinci Code” is the main topic. Even my own church did a four-week home study on “The Da Vinci Code. I guess we should all get on the bandwagon and learn to rebut these loony inferences based on already thoroughly refuted Gnostic and fraudulent writings. I may be alone in my views with a few exceptions but I am beginning to wonder about the wisdom of having anyone in the church study why this specific heresy is so “paramount” when most in the church have not yet read the absolute truths of the Bible even once.

Article continued on my website

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9 thoughts on “Do all Christians need to be taught why The Da Vinci Code is blasphemy?

  1. Hi Don. You are right in what you say, that those who are & do already believe the truth of the word of God. That this film will in no way interfere with there beliefs in any way shape or form. Those who do not believe the word of God, well its not going to make the slightest bit of difference to them at all.

    You have hit the nail on the head by what you say with peoples knowledge of the Bible. There are few who do know the scriptures as they should do, there are few who study the word of God as they should do. They will claim to know the word, they will claim to do the studies but when you start to discuss with them it becomes obvious that they do not have the understanding that they should have. The funny thing of that bit is, when you show them this they get very upset with you who are only trying to help them.

    It is so upsetting when you talk to so many Christians about the word & where we now are in respect to what the Bible tells us. When you talk about these things & those same Christians argue with you about these facts, that shows that there knowledge of the word of God is not as it should be. If they had done the studies that they should have done they would know the truth. So yes you are right in what you say. what ever is said about this film / book by who ever says it, it is not going to make the slightest bit of difference at all of where they stand with the Lord.

    There is now so much going on & coming from all directions that attack the truth of the word of God, you say about the pope & what he has said about Mary, but what about the scientists in the Vatican. They have said the Bible does not tell the truth about creation, they have said that evolution is true & also that certain events in the Bible are not true & could never be true. They are denying the truth of the word of God & yet they still make out that they are the true church of God & that there main man is Gods ambassador on earth, all you have to do is to listen to this bunch of idiots & the truth comes from there own mouths. Just unblock your ears & you will here the the truth of what they say, that will show anyone that they are not what they say they are & yet they still deceive so many.

    So again as you say Don, no matter what is said & by whom it is said. It will not make the slightest bit of difference at all. Those who do believe will still believe & those who will not & never will believe still will not & will never believe. The way things have gone & are going I really do think that we are now so close to our Lord returning for us, it is so close that I believe we can feel the Lords breath on your necks.

    Keep up the good work Don with your ministry & I pray that the Lord continues to give you the wisdom to see the truth & the ability to tell as many people of that truth as you can.

    God Bless

  2. Hi Gary,

    In my experience only about 10 percent of those in Evangelical churches have any in depth knowledge of the Bible.

    Of those 10 percent most of them have little understanding of Bible prophecy. They tend to look at Old Testament prophetic passages the same way as they do the rest, as applications for Christian living.

    Thus, since there are few in Christendom who have any understanding of Bible prophecy there are few who have a clue about the prophetic times we are in.

    Last week in my church there was a film clip about The Da Vinci Code. After seeing it, I could not tell if it helped persuade people not to see the film or to see it.

    The hype alone is going to make more people see it then would have if it were not the main subject in every Christian assembly.

    The critics did Mel Gibson a favor in “The Passion of Christ” by making the film a controversy. They actually made the film a big hit. In this film, the institutional churches are the critic and all the attention the institutional churches are paying to the movie will achieve similar results for this satanic movie.

    It almost seems like the institutional churches want the movie to be a hit so they can rally the troops.

    The problem with that tactic is that most of the troops in the institutional churches have no real faith in Jesus to start with.

    They have faith in their church but seeing this movie will do great damage to that. So it seems to me that their idea that this movie is a threat to the faith is correct when the faith they speak of is really only faith in one’s religion.

    I agree that everything seems to be coming to a head and that it all points to the soon return of Christ. I give that conclusion on my website in my various articles but I will soon write an article that will put this conclusion all together in one article.

  3. Hi Don.

    You say about the church its self is causing a lot of the hype about this film. Yes I agree, but something I noticed quite a few years ago. Maybe its just me, or the way I see it but I hope its not. What I have been watching for some time & by that I mean well over 20 years is this, A lot of the people in the church now pastor’s, leaders, Bishops & the rest seem to be doing it as just a job.

    It no longer seems to be a calling, the vast majority of those in the church see it as purely a job, a way of making a living. They get well payed they get accommodation they get looked up to, but there knowledge of the truth of the word of God is limited. These are the people who should be leading others to salvation. So now I see it as because you have so many in the church who see it as just a job, I believe they do not really see what is wrong in films like this, its all just a money making racket to most of them.

    I do not think you can come up with any other decision when you see Bishops who say they do not believe in the virgin birth or in the resurrection of Jesus. So because you have so many who just see it as that way, what chance has the majority of people got in hearing the truth of the word of God. It also seems to me that things in that area are getting worse with leaders in most of the big christian groups denying big parts of the Bible, claiming they are not true.

    As we all know it says in the Bible that things will get this way in the end times. It is tings like this that tells us that we ARE in the end times. So the more chance that ministers like you can get the truth out to as many people as possible the better.

    God Bless you all

  4. I agree, many Christian ministers just have a career. Even in evangelical churches the head pastor only stays three to four years on the average. There are just two many job shoppers.

    One reason for this problem is that I don’t think our method of picking elders in our churches is biblical.

    Generally young men come out of seminary or Bible college and get picked for a job as a elder. However, the bible says elders should be proven mature Christians who also can teach.

    Timothy was an exception he was brought up in a Christian household and was taught under the discipleship of Paul. There is nothing wrong with mentoring young men to become the future leaders of your church

    I also do not see elders moving from church to church in the Bible. Evangelists did that but not the local leader.

    If a local church really thinks it needs someone formally trained in the Bible it should take the most proven man and the best teacher in the church and send him to Bible College. Or he could go part time. In a couple of years that church will have a pastor who is not likely to leave.

    The way it is now, it takes local churches two years to find the best new pastor they can afford and then they have to go through the search process all over again in three or four year when their top choice moves on to a larger church with a higher paying position.

  5. Hi Guys

    I tend to agree with what you are saying as i had an argument with a staunch catholic about the misconception of Mary and how the bible clearly states homosexuality is an abomination .I showed her passages in the bible to verify my points and she had the hyde to say that my bible was wrong.I then laughed at her and said god doesn’t lie then she refuse dto speak to me.Why is it that people like this are very similar to pharisees and peoplethat claim to know the word yet when they are shown that they are in the wrong all of the sudden they becom possessed and start swearign at you like sailors

  6. Because they have faith in a set of religious beliefs and you are upsetting their apple cart.

    They will not face the fact that they have been snookered all of their lives by their religion because this would say something about themselves that they do not want to hear.

  7. If this is people’s reaction right now to the truth it would be even more frightening to the craziness of the world when all these troubles come into fruition

  8. I call those kind of people “churchians.” They do not believe in Christ–they believe in church. By “church,” I mean gathering once a week in a building to compare clothing.

    I wouldn’t give Da Vinci Code retards the time of day myself. Even the author says that it’s not intended be true, which is another thing I find annoying about authors these days.

    You know, if anyone attempted to lay out a modern, plain-English book that was 100% consistent with God’s Word, he had better be wearing a full suit of body armor and have some help on hand, since there would be so many people out to kill him for speaking the truth in today’s world.

    If you’re not getting treated like Jesus, then you’re not acting like Jesus.

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