Do you really believe Syria wants peace?

I believe that war with Syria will be sooner rather then later despite everyone saying they want peace. The present leadership of Israel are a bunch of unbelieving humanistic fools who cannot help but lead Israel to great destruction. The Zionist Evangelical Christians will help Israel if the leaders of Israel are willing to listen to them but if they are going to go off into typical Jewish patterns of trying to appease those who want to see them dead and think that world government will protect them, they will see a worse Holocaust then they experience under Hitler.

Two thirds of Jews do not get killed in the time of Jacob’s trouble because they were listening to the people of God that are looking out for them. They get killed because they choose to ignore the truth and they choose the way of false peace from those that hate them.

FrontPage Magazine: “Ben Yishai also notes that according to the official Israeli intelligence assessment, Syria is not taking these measures to attack Israel but to protect itself from a feared Israeli attack. This, of course, stretches credibility; it does not seem that Syria could read the map of peace-famished Israel so badly as to think its current docile leadership of Barak, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzippi Livni, and recently appointed president Shimon Peres would actually be itching to start a war. And Ben Yishai points out that despite the official assessment, “there is no certainty within Israel’s intelligence community that Syria is not planning to initiate a military confrontation with Israel.

Quite a few researchers in the IDF intelligence branch and Mossad suspect that Syria is waiting for a convenient point in time—which is not necessarily in the distant future.” It makes much more sense that, rather than hallucinating a belligerent mood in today’s Israel, the Syrians with their Iranian and Russian allies are encouraged in their own belligerence by such spectacles as Israel’s ongoing nonresponse to Hamas rocket attacks, problematic military performance in Lebanon last summer, and yen to divest itself of further crucial territory in a headlong rush to a delusory “peace” supposedly guaranteed by the latest hi-tech panacea. “

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