Iran: A new method to fight world tyrany, “Operation Defang the Snake”.

Iran and the solutions to Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons is the number one concern in the world other than an economic collapse but a military strike on Iran could also push the economy of the world over the edge or even start a world war that will rage from Israel to India and even beyond through terrorist related activity.

People who study the Iranian crises and those that study Bible prophecy have suggestions of how the Iranian crises may play out:

Some think that America or Israel will bomb Iran. That of course risks the scenario of an oil related economic crises and even a world war. It also would only delay Iran from getting nuclear weapons for a couple of years. Iran already has the nuclear knowledge and they will retain the knowledge in spite of any bombing. The only way to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons long term now by force would  be by an occupation of Iran. That is not likely. At least lets hope so, or welcomed to the start of world war III.

Others think we should turn up the heat by means of economic sanctions against Iran. Any rational thinking person should know that sanctions alone have never worked against nations run by tyrants and they are not going to work here either. China has oil agreements with Iran and Russia has strategic interests to keep Iran as an ally so Russia and China are not going to agree to any sanctions that would actually harm Iran. So, sanctions have zero chance of success and frankly I think everyone knows this. The pretense is just a facade being used as a delaying tactic to sideline those that want to bomb Iran yesterday.

Still others think we should do nothing and allow Iran to become a nuclear state thinking that Iran would then act responsibility. But the leaders of Iran have proven that they are irresponsible and quite frankly quite nuts. If Iran became nuclear all the nations around Iran would also become nuclear. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt have flat out said they will develop nukes if Iran is allowed to develop nuclear weapons. All of Europe would be under the threat of a nuclear Iran and even the United States would be at risk from a nuclear EMP  attack or Iran sponsored nuclear terrorism. It also is not rational to believe that Israel could ever allow Iran to have nuclear weapons. So, obviously allowing Iran to possess nuclear weapons is not even within the realm of possibilities.

Obviously none of the above scenarios are an acceptable solution to solve the grave Iran nuclear weapons problem. So what is left? I have suggested on a earlier post that the solution could be an internal revolution in Iran to overthrow the Muslim theocracy and its appointed figure heads. Others then have suggested to me that this revolution is not going to happen because the tyrants have all the power. On Feb 11th we saw that the tyrants were able to stymie the opposition by filling the streets of Terran with the ten or twenty percent that still support the Islamic theocracy and also by trucking in hirelings from outside Terran to help suppress any opposition.

The Western press was not allowed to see areas that were not under full control of the Islamics but in spite of what the Western media saw in Terran the Green Revolution in Iran is not dead.  There will be another day for the vast majority of Iranians that do not want a Islamic republic. What the Iranians really need is a catalyst for a revolution. Had there been pictures of people being run over by tanks there might have been a Revolution but the Mullah’s were careful  to not create martyrs on Feb 11th. They also did not allow free communications so the opposition had problems they did not anticipate so they lost round two to the Mullahs but there will be a round three. Either side could score a knockout in the next round or in any subsequent round because there are just too many unknowns for any prediction of outcome.

Anyway, short of a Iranian Revolution there is no good solution to the Iranian nuclear weapons program. America really cannot be heavily involved in any Iranian Revolution either because the people of Iran still remember the U.S. support of the Shaw. Even if the tyrants only have support from only ten percent of the people they are able today to keep the ninety percent in check.

Its the same old story whenever tyrants rule and possess all the guns. They can control the sheeple with a small force. Unless the military rank and file turns against the Mullahs they will stay in power.  But, the prestigious and more highly paid Revolutionary Guard Corps are the threat that keeps the military under control.  This is a pattern with all tyrants they have top down control.  If anyone in the ranks dares to question anyone above them they risk getting killed or imprisoned. it is very effective control and it is active in Iran.

So again, what actions can we take against nations like Iran that are controlled by tyrants? We really cannot bomb Iran without risking dire consequences for the world and our over extended military already has more than enough fires to put out. So, maybe the United States needs to rethink its whole strategy for how to deal with nations run by tyrants?

When tyrants are in control the problem is usually not with the majority of the people of a nation. The problem is that the sheeple allowed tyrants to gain total control over them. So it does not make a whole lot of sense to war against people already oppressed by their bullies. The victims of the bullies should not be the enemy the bullies are the enemy. Therefore, we need to war against the tyrants of these nations. If we can eliminate the tyrants the oppressed people will gain control. So then the question in the case of Iran becomes how do we free the people of Iran from their tyrants?

I do not think it would be all that difficult if we used all of our high tech military capabilities and surveillance agencies effectively and give them the highest priority on this Iranian problem. We would strike only the head of this snake. That means we would not attempt to bomb the nuclear sites or the infrastructure of Iran or even the regular military. For if we did that we are going to kill many innocent people and instead of our actions bringing about an internal revolution against the tyrants there would be a war rally cry against the external invaders. So this operation must be done in top secret and carried out with surgical precision. We might take some lessons from how Israel gets their man. Here is how I think the operation could be carried out.

Operation Defang the Snake.

NATO would target the ruling mullahs, the puppet leaders, the Revolutionary Guard leaders and Revolutionary Guard military assets. For a number of months NATO would by every surveillance means possible follow and document the movements of all targets pre-determined to be hit. Their daily locations and habits would be plotted and recorded.   On a day known to only a very few with need to know NATO (mostly US forces) would hit their targets by every high tech means at there disposal. It would include massive use of U.S. Predators, cruise missiles, special forces etc. The entire operation to defang the snake would be completed in two or three days. There should be complete press black out on the entire operation. All communications in Iran should be blinded by EMP weapons or jamming.

Even the Iranian people should not know what is happening in their country until the head of the snake is removed and defanged. After the defang operation is completed we would air drop green pamphlets in the cites telling the people that most of the tyrants that oppressed the Green Democratic Movement of Iran have been taken out by the Iranian resistance along with help of NATO allies of the Iranian people. It should tell all the Iranian people to take to the streets and overthrow any remaining oppressors and declare a secular Democratic Republic. At nearly the same time Iranian resistance leaders would be positioned by special forces in all the large cities and given the means to get out the message through electronic media.

As a side benefit just think of the fear this operation will put into other world tyrants and the high ranking supporters of  all such tyrants. It could be a new model to deal with nations run by tyrants in the future.

I know some teachers of Bible prophecy will say this revolution in Iran cannot happen because Iran comes with Russia against Israel in the Ezekiel war. It is true that Iran comes with Russia but looking at the almost feeble military of Russia today I think that the Gog war is still about two decades in the future. I am not talking about a fall of Islam in Iran as a result of this Iranian revolution but only that Iran will change into a modern secular run country until the time of the Gog war. If Iran’s nuclear facilities are bombed by Israel or America like some Bible prophecy teachers believe there simply is no way any time soon that Israel can be living in peace and security as described in Ezekiel before the Gog war. There will be no peace and safety while Iran is rebuilding its nuclear capabilities.

There really are only four options in my opinion.

1. The present leadership of Iran makes peace with Israel (that may happen when hell freezes over).

2. Iran is bombed and a more moderate government results and scraps the nuclear weapons program (But bombing is more likely to produce endless conflict).

3. Iran is bombed and is also occupied until near the time of the Gog war. (Who will occupy Iran? Certainly not us).

4. There is a internal revolution in Iran and a more moderate secular government scraps the nuclear weapons program for a peaceful nuclear program until the time of the Gog war.

In light of world events I think a Revolution in Iran seem to be the most likely scenario that answers how Israel can possibly be living in peace and security without fearing Iran if the Gog invasion actually takes place within the next twenty years like most Bible Prophecy teachers think.

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4 thoughts on “Iran: A new method to fight world tyrany, “Operation Defang the Snake”.

  1. Perhaps a poem could came into the aid of Iranian people by inspiring them. If that is the case then this poem could be the one.

    Suppression, I accept not : BHUWAN THAPALIYA

    I came
    into this world
    not like the river
    but like a drop of water
    and will soon evaporate

    I am only
    a drop of water
    in the majestic ocean
    of nature

    I yearn
    to create
    a vigorous ripple
    of freedom,
    in the eternity of the water

    For I am a man
    of eternal freedom,
    and suppression
    I accept not …
    I will not accept it

    The living God
    within me urges
    me to be free, and to
    march on the road
    of freedom sans any dread

    My heart,
    like Einstein,
    thinks in another dimension
    unknown and unknowable …
    even to my own mind

    And like Goethe,
    looks at things
    in a different manner,
    different than those thinkers
    bestowed with pristine minds

    the gift of God,
    is the inherent right
    of every individual
    in this compressed world

    I will fight
    till the end
    to free the masses
    from the grip of suppression
    and ignite the lamp of freedom

    I will free the masses
    or die in the attempt
    but I will never
    live to see
    the naked dance of repression

    I am not afraid
    of those suppressors,
    nor am I afraid of the death
    that they are planning for me;
    they can kill me but not freedom forever

    My blood boils
    whenever I see the strong ones
    pulverising the lean, and my heart cries
    whenever I see the starving pauper
    in the abattoir of the prosperous butcher

    For me
    a red rose is a red rose
    it is not white
    just because they call it white
    to disguise the ignorant

    They can
    conquer Everest
    but not my spirit
    they can stagnate the river
    but not my impetus

    They can
    take my
    sight away
    but not
    my vision of freedom

    They can
    cut my
    tongue into pieces
    but not
    my voice of freedom

    They can
    stab me with the
    dagger of despotism
    but not impede
    the blood of freedom

    I know
    the road to freedom
    is blocked with obstacles
    but obstacles cause no despair
    if they are encountered with hope

    We must act now
    and not merely
    just look away
    when our freedom
    is threatened from within

    it is better
    to perish without freedom
    than to have a yearn for freedom
    but not the valour to harvest it

    Don’t be a coward …

    Be prepared to receive
    bullets to your chest
    because, in the struggle
    of freedom, tolerance
    of suppression is an offence

    Stand up … stand up

    Gather your courage. Come out
    into the field; let’s march hand in
    hand together, right beneath the
    nose of the suppressors, for the
    emancipation of our freedom

    Let us not forget that …

    The ocean is composed of drops
    of water, and all drops possess
    equal potentials, but only, when
    they mix with other drops do
    they form a powerful bond

    So …

    Listen, my oppressed brothers
    listen, my trodden sisters
    listen … listen
    to the natural desire
    of your ceaseless soul

    do not fear
    trust your soul
    and march ahead
    with a resolute heart
    for the better tomorrow

    And scatter
    the seeds of freedom,
    where does it go?
    it does not matter
    scatter it more with hope

    Welcome the freedom
    welcome it today
    and enjoy it evermore
    but do not use your freedom
    to suppress the people’s soul
    to suppress the people’s soul

  2. Although Iran appears to be a strong nation due to its military and impending nuclear weapons capability, it is actually very weak economically. From the CIA factbook:

    “Iran’s economy is marked by an inefficient state sector, reliance on the oil sector, which provides the majority of government revenues, and statist policies, which create major distortions throughout the system. Most economic activity is controlled by the state. Private sector activity is typically limited to small-scale workshops, farming, and services … Although inflation has fallen substantially because of lower oil prices, Iran continues to suffer from double-digit unemployment and underemployment. Underemployment among Iran’s educated youth has convinced many to seek jobs overseas, resulting in a significant “brain drain.”

    If a country has a very weak economy, is having nuclear capabilities enough to make it a major regional power? North Korea has nuclear weapons, but they are an economic “basket case” and use their nuclear weapons as a means to wrest concessions and aid from foreigners. Would a nuclear Iran be similar to N. Korea — threatening to use the weapons only to get “booty” from others? I realize that Ahmadinejad has threatened to nuke Israel, but is that a real or an idle threat?

    Or take the case of Pakistan. They have nukes but are neutralized by India’s nukes. Would a nuclear Iran cause other Middle East nations to pursue nuclear weapons to counter Iran? And thus Iran would be neutralized as Pakistan is?

  3. At least three Arab nations have said they will go nuclear if Iran does. Iran may be weak economically but she will soon have nuclear capabilities if allowed and Iran has a large population to dominate less populated neighbors.

    Remember, the fear of Iran was really the reason that Saddam almost developed nukes before the first gulf war and also led the world to believe it had WMD before the second gulf war. If Iran attacked any gulf oil nation it would have to become a regional war because the Arabs would have to unify against Iran to defeat Iran unless the West did it for them.

    Pakistan is controlled at this point by secularists if it went Islamic the United States would seriously think about taking out Pakistan’s nukes because India certainly would. Having said that, the leaders of Iran are not even in the same mental ball park because according to the statements of Ahmadinejad he actually wants and expects a regional war to bring in the12th Imam (Mahdi) of Islamic eschatology.

    Futher, Iran is large enough that it could take nuclear strikes and still exist as a nation. Israel would be a great risk as a nation from just a few nukes. Also, If Iran hit major Saudi Arabian oil facilities with a nuke it could collapse the whole world economy. There is also the EMP risk. So yes, Iran is powerful enough to be a regional threat and even a threat to Europe and the US. The U.S. actually favored Iraq in the long Iraq/Iran war because even over twenty-five years ago the CIA thought Iran was the greater threat to the region.

    By the way, as weak as North Korea is economically it still could kick butt in South Korea with a first strike and that is why we still have a military presence there. Seoul S. Korea with a population of many millions would be in ashes in a matter of hours just from conventional arms. N. Korea is another nation led by wacko cult leaders and is probably just as big a threat to use their nukes. N. Korea should never have ever been allowed to develop nukes. They will either use them or having them will eventually force Japan to go nuclear and Japan would first strike N. Korea if they felt seriously threatened.

  4. I agree that nations like Iran and N. Korea that are ruled by mentally unbalanced rulers pose a serious danger because rational considerations like mutually assured destruction probably won’t deter them from using their nukes. The only hope, then, is some kind of internal revolution that overthrows the nuts. Perhaps the economic distress in a country like Iran will be the tipping point to fuel the revolution. As I have read, Amendinijad promised economic reforms but didn’t deliver.

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