Prepare for the great American blackout!

With the title Prepare for the great American blackout! I bet you are wondering what in the world I am talking about. I have come to the conclusion that in about five years most of those who are still living in America will be living without electricity. The whole nation will experience a major prolonged blackout that will last many months, perhaps even years. Many if not most of the people living in the cities in America would not survive the aftermaths of the coming electromagnetic pulse (EMP) hundreds of miles over the United States.  That is my conclusion why America is not in Bible prophecy. That will be America’s judgment. America will be brought to ruin in one month and will no longer be a world power. Some will think Babylon has fallen but America cannot fulfill that prophecy. That is still a later event in Iraq on the prophetic time clock.

I have already written an article and some blogs on the dangers of an EMP attack on America so I will spare you the details here. If you want to know more check the link above and become informed about what will happen after such an attack. I assure you the EMP danger is not a crackpot theory or threat. High profile government appointed scientific committees and spokespersons have clearly reported on this EMP danger. You need to be prepared because obviously no one in government is doing what is necessary to protect the nation from the dangers.  In the article above I say it is likely to occur by 2020. Now I am saying an EMP over America is even more likely to happen within five years or by 2015 so perhaps it is time to prepare for the great American blackout.

Basically I will just say here, that as a result of a high altitude EMP over America most will not have electric power and most electronic equipment in America would be fried. All infrastructure systems would totally fail and it would take months if not years to get even minimal infrastructure back in place. At least half of the population would die in the cities from the immediate food and water wars and there would then be Mad Max like roaming gangs and martial law.

Unless Iran and North Korea stop their nuclear and missile programs or fall to military conquest in less than five years both nations will have the long range missiles and the nuclear capability to carry out an EMP attack over the United States. N Korea might already may have that capability now here are two reports on that  Report 1, Report 2. You can be assured that Iran and North Korea already know what an EMP would do to the United States and they are now doing everything in their power to achieve such a capability.

The first target of Iran would not be Israel like some think because Iran knows it would first have to diminish the power of the United States before they could survive any attack against Israel. Iran will have the capability to reach the United States with their long range missiles in less than five years.  The mad men of North Korea would launch nuclear missiles at us for almost any perceived provocation if they had them in place. They also will have long range missiles that can reach America’s mainland in less than five years.

If a nation does not care about losing a large portion of their own people from a counter nuclear strike  we cannot assume that we have a deterrence from an attack from them.  Although it might be difficult, they could even attempt a launch with more crude missiles using a couple of ships off shore and if the ships were promptly sunk we might not even know what nation carried out the EMP attack.

What defense do we have against a EMP attack? The truth is that we have almost no defense. We do have our anti-missile missiles, but do not be deceived, they probably will not work against a well planned EMP attack and Obama is already cutting the little defense capabilities that we do have in that area. These anti-missile systems usually work against missiles in staged tests but that is not the same as hitting a surprise launch with a missile that has counter measures to avoid defenses. Even if a missile had no such counter capabilities, which is unlikely, the failure rate would still be quite high for many reasons. For example, no enemy is going to pre-announce their launch so that we get everything on full alert. By the time the missile launch is identified, system glitches ruled out and everyone goes through all the proper communication channels and reaches a sleeping president who makes a best guess decision to launch an anti-missile missile it will probably be too late.  If it were carried out from near offshore there would be no defense at all.

Do not be deceived by these recent claims that you heard in the news that missiles were sent to Hawaii to protect that island from a N. Korean missile threat as if we can actually down any long range missiles launched from N. Korea launched in that direction. Any anti-missile missiles we have in Hawaii cannot hit the long range missiles that N. Korea has. The only long range missiles that we can now down if we are very lucky and very awake are those that come in the direction of Alaska.

I do not know why you do not hear more about the danger of this EMP threat. It should be our highest priority. It is the gravest threat to our nation. Perhaps we do not hear much about it because our government really knows what a grave danger the EMP threat is and it does not want our enemies to know that we know that we are very vulnerable to an EMP.

Frankly, the only thing we can do in the next five years to stop this threat is either get Iran and N. Korea to end their nuclear weapons program or first strike their nuclear and missile capabilities. However, under this administration of appeasement and foreign timidity does anyone really believe that either will happen?

Can you even imagine what would happen in the world if America was neutralized because it had no power or electronics? The world would panic. There would be food riots all over the world. There would be martial law in every nation. The world monetary system would totally collapse. There would be major world wars. It sounds to me like it would rapidly become a biblical tribulation scenario. So those who take Bible prophecy literally might think about a EMP over America about 2015 AD that takes America out of the world picture and that rapidly brings about this tribulation scenario. The coming Antichrist will be the guy out of Europe who seems to have all the right answers for a world in great distress.

With the EMP danger in mind you might soon prepared for a time in the United States when we will have to survive without electricity for months or years. In all likelihood, since nobody seems to take this nuclear EMP seriously, it will happen within five years but it could happen anytime. The EMP might even be a result of a major solar flare on the sun during the next solar max of 2011 – 2014.  We should be prepared for a great American blackout whether it comes or not because if it does come it will be too late.

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35 thoughts on “Prepare for the great American blackout!

  1. Don,
    I, like you, believe the emp attack is on the horizon. I would like to add a word of comfort for believers: In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid; what can man do unto me? Psalm 56:11.

  2. Anything is possible, but I really think we shouldn’t be worrying about the ‘possibility’ of anything like this. If it happens, there’s nothing you or I can do to stop it. Support missions etc. so we can add heaven !

  3. Frank,
    If people in this nation understood the danger of a EMP there is plenty that they can do about it. It is those with your attitude that will be begging at someone else’s door when calamity comes because you refused to see the dangers and prepare. There has been no time in history when people put their total faith in-just in-time supply systems like they do today. Throughout history People saved for possible crop failures and for enviable hard times and rainy days. The Amish and Mormons still do that today and they will survive an EMP. What makes us think that this world has moved beyond sudden perils that we now do not need to prepare for anything? We do not even have the most basic survival skills? People until recently always had a stock of food on hand at least to get them through the winter. Today people in cities are totally dependent on electrical generation for their basic survival. If you want to put all your faith in man’s latest electrical inventions don’t blame God when these idols fail. If you want to be in food and water lines in a very hostile environment and be totally dependent on government rationing handouts be one of those who do nothing to prepare. Even Homeland Security says you should have a few months of food and water on hand.

    Some Christian say they have faith that God will provide so they think they need to do nothing when they are warned. Perhaps faith without works is nothing more than false presumption.

    You would think that Katrina would have taught Christians something but apparently not.

    Pr 22:3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

    Support missions? How about American Christians supporting the few people who are preaching the truth to America? You generally cannot even become a foreign missionary these days unless you can raise the money for your own support yourself. It its not because the mission boards do not have the donations. It is their humanistic worldly worldview where your gift of evangelism is now tested by the money you can raise.

  4. I totally agree with you Don. Most people in Churches today have the same attitude as Frank has.

    God will take care His own. But He expects us to work and be prepared. He will take care of the stuff we cannot control.

    Also most Church people do not see this coming. They think things will go as same as usual and most people in churches do not know how the church is suppose to work. For example sharing possessions, taking care of those in need etc.

    The only way I see we are able to support the missionaries is by praying for them. The American dollar will not be worth anything if the government keeps doing what it is doing.

  5. Justin,
    I think the time is coming in America where those in the true Church in America will have to because dependent on each other just to physically survive. So Judgment on America might actually bring about what God intended the Church to be.

  6. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t prepare. My point is that worrying about everything that could ‘possibly’ happen can be a waste of time and drive you insane. God said worrying won’t add one bit to your stature. Having said that, its always a good idea to have extra food and water in the house for emergencies.

  7. I know what your saying but I do not think being aware of dangers and taking prudent precautions is worrying.

  8. I think God will use this to encourage Christians to quit acting like the world and quit being focus on worldly things.

  9. what about the 24/7 watch of NORAD that our tax dollars so efficiently support? They are not idiots–the president does not need to wake up and give the green light when it comes to launching any anti-missile aircraft. Anyway, in the event of a successful EMP attack, unless we have a horse and not a computer-controlled car (which most of them are), aren’t we all S.O.L anyway?! I do have stock piles of food/water, but am not completely independent either, b/c I am not an Amish farmer! Do we need buggies in-tow and a farm property to run to?

  10. NORAD is not what it once was and I doubt if anyone has the permission to launch one of those anti-missile missiles without authorization from the President. First someone would have to notify Russia and China that they were launched at some incoming threat or they might think it was a first strike against them. I do not not think these missiles would really work anyway against missiles with built in defenses. Ever wonder why our own aircraft can get through missile defense systems? Frankly, I think our missile defense system it is mostly a high profile facade. We are playing poker with a bluff hand and we know it.

    There can be various degrees of damage with an EMP. The damage depends on the location of the EMP, the height and the strength of the EMP as well as other factors. I am just telling you why I think America is not in Bible prophecy and how I think America will be judged. I cannot tell you what will happen in your own community. It might be quite different in different parts of the country but I do think the national grid will go down and that they will not be able to bring it up again for many months for many reasons. You would have to read the congressional report. I have a link to it in my article. If people prepared for long winters like they did before we had electricity and before they bought everything in stores they might just do fine after an EMP. However, you know what will happen in our big cities today when our national just-in-time infrastructure system fails. There will be panic and looting and the shelves of supermarkets will be empty in hours.

  11. I heard about this roughly 10 years age on Sid Roth’s radio show. He had a guest on that claimed that he saw a vision of an attack on America that wiped out the electrical grid. He said that overnight we will basically return to the stone age. We need to pray about what God would have us do to make adequate preparation. Not to fear but to have godly wisdom concerning this potential catastrophe.

  12. Sid Roth is the dude that supports Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner, etc. Sid Roth does not use discernment.

  13. Sounds like Sid Roth is one of those who believes in the Latter Rain heresy. I do not put any stock in self appointed latter day prophets who claim special Revelation from God about future events. I could say God put this EMP attack in my mind like some people I know today who claim God gave them a vision about judgment on America. But then I would be delusional and presumptuous like I know they are.

    Nevertheless, I do think it is highly probable that an EMP will occur because America is vulnerable to such an attack, we are not in Bible prophecy for good reason, and there is now little reason why God should not judge America. It is strictly logic with me, not any gift of prophecy.

  14. Don, I enjoy your insights, although I tend to disagree here. I do see major problems and localized extreme distruction before the rise of the antichrist, but on the whole I believe the antichrist will need our electronic infrastructure primarily intact to be used as the conerstone of his control. I think any mass destruction to this infrastructure for any amount of time will only hasten his rise to power. Televisions worldwide need to be operational for some of bible prophecy to be fulfilled. I believe america will be judged, but I tend to lean toward economic judgement that has already started and will intensify leaving us with little influence globally.

  15. Levi,

    I am talking about why America is not found in Bible prophecy. This event would occur some years before the arrival of the Antichrist and the effects of an EMP would be repaired in a matter of a few years but America would have already went through its demise and lost its superpower status. In any case, an EMP over the United States would have no electrical effect on Europe or the rest of the world.

    An economic fall is also very likely but then we would just become part of a larger North American Union and probably would still be a major world power.

  16. Gee, I thought being “nice” to all these hostile nations and apologizing for our evil ways would prevent this from happening to America. (joke)

    I’ve been telling my wife and teenage son about being prepared for possible chaos for years, but all I get is a roll of the eyes and one of those “there he goes again” looks. “No guns in the house because someone might get hurt.” “Two weeks of food and water is enough.” At some point I will have to man-up and overrule their objections. They will thank me for it one day. “A prophet is not honored in his own house.”

  17. Totally agree with Don and others.

    The USA with Obama is a totally vulnerable. This man is niave, he has no clue that people, many nations still hate us deeply. He actually believes that going around and saying we are sorry will change that. I think he is a puppet taking orders from powers way beyond the US. I think the One World economy leaders WANT and need the USA to be removed from its superpower reserve currency status in order to implement their much wanted 1 World System. Nothing else can explain the obvious self-destructive decisions Obama and his followers are making.

    We have reduced our defensive posture, we once had, to offense. The offense is now layered with weakened liberal decision making that would cause massive delays and thus cause us to be hit within seconds. I read that we have less than 1 minute to respond with any counter measures, with this incompetent president and leadership that will never happen. Our enemies know this. Wow that is the change we can believe in (NOT). If people only did a little research before they voted for this man they would have realized he basically has signed the US’s death certificate. In 6m he has sealed our fate for the economy and our national security.

    I contend that an EMP or nuclear attack could be even sooner than 5yr. Reason being, our enemies (China and Russia) are realizing they will never be repaid for all the t-bill debt they have bought from us. Once the ability to pay interest stops and we default on our debt, which could be very soon, China and/or Russia could easily launch an ICBM. Of course it would be blamed on N. Korea or Iran or the Taliban. This is all but certain.

    As for being prepared, the Bible in Proverbs calls being prepared for any event “Prudent” and anyone who does not a “Fool”. There are many other verses that can support this as well. When I first learned of all this I both prepared and was fearful. After a while I have prayed the fear would go away because we are not to worry or be fearful.

    There is no point in worrying about this. I do think we need to prepare with at least a 6m buffer of food and water. The problem I still worry about is how to really prepare. I have read Don’s articles on all this. We just do not know what it would be like to live without our modern infrastructure. We are conditioned to live a certain way that is dangerous. Its SOOOO fragile. Our current way of life is way to vulnerable.

    I have wanted to get off the grid for a few years now and literally switch to an Amish way of life (which is what I think is ultimately wise). but my wife will not have anything to do with it. I feel that to be ultimately prepared we need to live like the Amish live. Its so obvious that our days our numbered so why not just change the way we live now while we can…?

    Any comments welcome especially about views on China and Russia which I think are our enemies that most people are oblivious to. Its a false sense of security to view them as our allies.

  18. I agree that China or Russia could get fed up with the United States and plot to eliminate us as a superpower. I also agree they could carry out an EMP attack in such a way that we could not prove what state sponsored it. If you really think about it they are already enabling others to carry this out by giving Iran and N Korea missile and nuclear capabilities. In the Balkan wars Russia made a obvious threat that they could use this EMP technology against us. China probably would not do this as long as we are buying all their products but if that stops anything is possible especially if we get in a conflict with China about Taiwan.

    A EMP could happen today or some years in the future the real point is that by becoming totally dependent on electricity and electronics and just-in-time inventories we have made the fall of this nation very possible. It was only a few decades ago that our nation had strategic stockpiles of food and essential commodities. Somewhere along the line we became extremely careless with our mutually assured destruction policy. That does not work with some mad men who do not care about their people or if you do not know who carried out the attack. If the nation is no longer going to prepare to survive an attack from their enemies people are going to have to do it for themselves.

  19. First I think Don has made some good points but my question is how long do you think America will be in the dark after an EMP attack? I would not think it would be to long becuase of the way technology would/could be used in the Tribulation. Now as far as an EMP being a way we as a country are judged or how we could be finished off as far as a superpower, that I can see. But Obama is doing a good enough job of finishing us off and I think his election might just be we the peoples judment within itself.

    I apologize for any bad grammer.

  20. Clint, I think if there is an EMP on America in the next five to ten years it will take place some years before the beginning of the the tribulation. So if an EMP should happen in five years or so we are stuck with the technology we have today. If we are talking about an effective EMP attack it will damage power generating equipment and transformers. They will have to be rebuilt but without electricity rebuilding them will be impossible. Eventually we might be able to get some equipment from overseas and start doing some major repairs but it will probably take a year or so to get even a modest portion of our power stations and power lines back online. To rebuild it all would take a decade but it would never happen because half the people in this nation would already be dead as a result of the riots and starvation and the nation would be totally bankrupt. It will be like trying to build a new modern infrastructure under the economic and social conditions found in Hatti or the Sudan. That is how serious an EMP could be to the United States. It will reduce this superpower to a third world nation in days. The leaders of our nation had better wake up and take this threat seriously.

  21. Don, you have an excellent ability to describe the whole big picture.

    You mention the leaders of our nation waking up and taking this seriously. Here is my take on that……..they don’t want to take it seriously.

    The majority of leaders in command WANT the US to collapse and turn into a 3rd world nation because that ultimately free’s up the anti-christ to establish a 1 world religion and economic system. The USA is in the way of this now. Gone will be the days of a “reserve currency”. I know this is conspiracy theory stuff but what else explains the apparent lack of planning and taking action?

    This is the only thing that can explain why the powers to be seem intent on destroying what is left of our economy. Cap/Tax, National healthcare, Trillion dollar stimulus and bailouts. None of this will help us “recover”. All their actions are totally self destructive. Its like giving an alcoholic a case of booze to recover!

    I find it hard to believe that they don’t know this? Maybe some are oblivious and actually believe that all this stuff will work but I think the true powers in control know this is a dagger in the heart of America.

  22. Some might have that as their agenda but they are not in the majority. Many people just are not rational they do not get their inspiration from God they get it from human philosophy. The history of the world proves that. They keep making the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results. That is because man’s ideas are bankrupt. Man cannot figure out a way to solve the world’s problems. They put band-aids on cancer expecting a good outcome. Now the socialist humanists think if they can make everyone equal and do away with nationalism that all problems on earth can be solved. First of all it can never happen because you cannot make man or nations equal and even if you could you will destroy all incentive for advancement. Instead of having living standards like those in the United States these policies will bring the whole world to the least common denominator. More like to the level of the Soviet Union just after their collapse with no hope of a bailout when the whole world system goes down the tubes.

    Man left by himself continually swings from predatory capitalism that brings about a dog-eat-dog world that preys on the weak and is motivated by greed to forms of socialism that try to control the lives of everyone and put everyone on one level (other than the elite making the rules). The government soon becomes tyrannical, the control freaks then oppress the people, and the people become increasingly inefficient and this soon produces a counter revolution that brings them back to predatory capitalism etc etc. This full cycle plays out in Latin America about every two or three decades.

  23. I personally believe by the end of this year we are going to see a few MAJOR things. Can’t say exactly what it will be, I have a few thoughts on what I feel the Lord is showing me. But, by the end of this year we will see a major few things happening. It will get the attention of every single person in this country.

    Arise from your slumber and sleep people of God.

  24. [quote]JustinNo Gravatar said »

    I think God will use this to encourage Christians to quit acting like the world and quit being focus on worldly things. [quote]

    Exactly! You are exactly right Justin…

  25. Nikki, I totally agree. I believe there will be a showdown in the Middle East between Iran and Israel that will trigger terror events in the US and other areas.

    In and around that timeframe the stock market in the US will collapse in a catastrophic way. I mean we are talking a once in every 70yr massive shock. Right now the markets are in the eye of the storm being propped up by re inflated govt debt. Once this new debt bubble bursts it will be tearfully wicked. People who put their hope and trust in money will be painfully punished. Their god will be taken away. I am talking a possible 90% drop in all of the major indexes. I know this sounds extreme but there are some nasty debt bombs about to go off in the bond mkt, currency mkts, t-bill mkt, derivatives and general market.

    Most of the mainstream is either clueless to all this or purposefully not reporting on it. Get your heart ready and lets live for the Lord! Nothing else matters.

  26. AMEN Eric..I am totally with you on this one, totally my Brother. I also believe there is going to be a showdown in the Middle East with Iran and Israel and money will become useless at some point and it is right around the corner.

    I believe the Lord is about to remove MANY idols Eric, money being one of the first.

    I do not think you are being extreme, you can discern the times and see things for what they are, while many are clueless as to what stands at the door.

    I know things are about to hit the fan at any minute and I truly believe and will bravely say by the end of this year something MAJOR is going to take place.

    I now understand why the Lord has taken me down this path the past few years, many things make more sense now. The only thing I have been living for is the Lord, nothing else matters, he has taken my love of this world and the passing things in it away…I surrender it all to him. I see the Big picture…this life and world is not our home and there will no pain and suffering one day, but it won’t be anytime soon.

    Like you said, Nothing else matters………

  27. Dr. Mr. Koenig,
    First I would like to say that the article above was very engaging, and does an excellent job of highlighting the danger posed from electromagnetic pulse attacks and how shameful it is that there is a lack of mainstream information on the magnitude of such a crisis. I am researching this issue further for a major think tank, and we are interested in the more existential impacts of an EMP strike in regards to the potential of an Iranian/North Korean strike and ways to counter such attacks. Your site has certainly helped in these efforts. I would like to know however, if you have any qualifications in the field aside from your biblical studies, or have any other sources you would like point out that could benefit our research. Thank you.

  28. The answer is no. I have no direct qualifications in the Electromagnetic pulse field. I got my information on EMP dangers from the commissioned congressional report assessing the dangers of an EMP attack on the United States and reports from others that gave their own assessment.

    My References are mainly on the links of the article below. Best wishes in your own research efforts.

  29. Don,

    I am just reding this and it is towards the end of July 2011. There have been some advancements in the overseas saga and I can say that I feel something happening very soon. We are even more on the cusp of total economic collapse and the middle east is on the brink of blowing up into total war, closer than it has been in many many years. I cant say I am prepared for 6m with food and supplies but I am doing what I can. I have become a firm believer that the EMP route is how the U.S. will fall and I look for it every day now. Thank you for your posts and articles..they are great. And I am I your brother in Christ.

  30. I have never really thought about this. When I think of tragedies and falls of societies and terrorist attacks, I always think of natural disasters, bombs, and wars. I never thought that a simple EMP could do it. Scary thought!

  31. I agree with what Frank says that anything is possible and we should not be worrying about the possibility of anything like a blackout because we can’t stop this. And I think the President is doing all he can to prevent such things. All we have to do is have faith and be aware of the things that are happening around us.

  32. Kevin,

    I do not care who you agree with but your statement is not logical. We certainly can stop this. Why does our nation even have a national defense if there is nothing we can do about those that wish to destroy us? If the President was actually doing all he can to protect the US from an EMP he would stop promoting evil and he would get a bill passed that would harden our infrastructure from the threat.

    How can you say that all we can do is have faith and be aware of the things that are happening around us, when what is happening all around this nation is ever sort of evil that is certain to bring the fall of this nation? It is like hearing the Tornado siren or the Hurricane warning and saying I have been told that it is coming but faith in my faith will save me from the wind so I do not need to take any action.

    I think many people in this country are soon in for a rude awaking because all polls say that even those calling themselves Christians are among them promoting the national evils.

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