No Homeland Security EMP Emergency Action Plan?

It would seem rather bazaar that there would be no emergency action plan in place to deal with the aftermath of an EMP attack on the U.S. It poses the greatest immediate and near future danger to the survival of the U.S. other than an all out nuclear attack by Russia or China.

Both Russia and China have hinted at using an EMP against the United States and definitely have the capability. We also know from the missile tests of Iran and N. Korea that they could have that capability soon, not to mention that terrorists could obtain the capability on their own if they have or acquire a nuclear bomb. So why is there no public plan in place when both Congress and the military clearly know of this EMP threat?

There may be an explanation. Perhaps there are plans in place but they are Top Secret Emergency Actions plans. Such plans would be found among the top secret plans of a nuclear attack against the United States from a foreign power.

Your not going to find these types of top secret military plans in the Department of Homeland Security’s Public Emergency Plan booklet. Most in Homeland Security would not even know of these plans because they do not have the required security clearance. Even the few that do know of them are not going to share top secret information with local governments and the public. There is quite a bit of classified information that the government does not make known to the public for good reason.

I think I can tell you the crux of EMP Emergency Action Plan in one sentence. The problem would be so devastating and so widespread that there would be the suspension of the Constitution, complete military marshal law, and government control over everyone and everything. The same as it would be after a massive nuclear attack on the U.S. by Russia or China. I believe the government already has these plans in place and if an EMP would occur they would implement them.

U.S. still naked to EMP threat

Electricity grids down, uncontrolled fires from exploding gas transport systems, no communication to call for help, no water to battle fires: It’s all part of a catastrophic scenario some scientists predict could happen under an electromagnetic pulse attack – and the Department of Homeland Security’s 83-page emergency plan includes no mention of EMP or how it might respond to such an attack.

When WND contacted the Department of Homeland Security, a representative explained why a course of action was not included in the National Emergency Communications Plan – a strategy that relies heavily on the ability of authorities at all levels of government to communicate using radios, computers and other electronic devices that could be disabled by an EMP attack.

“When we look at the strategic threat picture, when we look at patterns of criminal activity that all levels of government show, when we look at what is ultimately going to involve limited resources, we have to get to a point where we prioritize,” DHS spokesman Russ Knocke said. “We prioritize based upon threat vulnerability and consequence. As we speak today, there’s nothing in the threat picture that would suggest an imminent EMP attack.”

However, Congress has expressed concern regarding the threat of EMP. A top scientist warned the House Armed Services Committee in July that America remains vulnerable to a “catastrophe” from a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack that could be launched with plausible deniability by hostile rogue nations or terrorists.

William R. Graham, chairman of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack and the former national science adviser to President Reagan, testified before the committee and issued an alarming report on “one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences.”

He identified vulnerabilities in the nation’s critical infrastructures, “which are essential to both our civilian and military capabilities.”

Not taking the steps necessary to reduce the threat in the next three to five years “can both invite and reward attack,” Graham told the committee.

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2 thoughts on “No Homeland Security EMP Emergency Action Plan?

  1. I would imagine that the classified plans do include marshal law and the indefinite suspension of the constitution.

    Since we do not seem to have any credible defense against an EMP and the (US) government seems to be (openly) handling this threat in a relatively feckless manner, I have the sense that they are “writing-off” most of the country, and are making plans to carry-on with a remnant of our population. They have warned people publicly to store up to three months food, and they appear to be quietly stocking-up on non-perishable foods (if what I’m reading from apparent and sudden shortages of these food-stocks is true). So maybe it is with the folks who planned-ahead and themselves that they intend to rebuild the country.

    WOW! That sounds pretty “Mad Max-ish,” but I have an intuition that that may be where we are headed.

    Again, I’m very grateful that Jesus has paid my eternal life insurance premium! As a result, I can be somewhat detached about the whole thing — maybe my family will suffer a bit, then ETERNITY with Christ!

  2. If you look on line for government advice regarding what to do in any emergency situation, one of the first things mentioned is listen to TV or radio, and follow directions of local law enforcement. Unfortunately, if we did have a strong EMP, there would be no radio, no TV, no cell or even land=line phones, so how would anyone get directions to follow. That’s the rub. Even those utilities that are hard-wired are ultimately controlled via computers, and they would be out so service would be out. So the challenge for the government, in my estimation, is how do you reach the entire population to direct their actions. While survival sites and others promote having food, medication, water and such on hand, that is normally for short duration, so the question for the population is how to survive in a civil and law=abiding way, when there is no government direction available? What happens when law enforcement people cannot communicate among themselves, receive emergency calls, coordinate responses. There are many, many challenges that are pretty well outlined in “One Second After,” but I wonder how many read that book with a real understanding that it really could happen and is not science fiction. Do you have food that will store without refrigeration? Can you cook it? If someone wants to take it away from you — can you defend it? At what point do you stop sharing with those who did not even try to plan ahead? Oh, and what about purchasing after the fact? Credit cards won’t work, nor ATMs, and normal cash may not even be accepted despite the laws saying it is “legal tender.” What do you have to barter with? How will you get that most precious commodity — drinkable water?
    Now I would imagine the government has plans to reconstitute itself and stay in authority – and many government systems are probably sufficiently “hardened” to survive an EMP strike — but reconstitutinig the ability to provide for the life sustaining needs of citizens across the entire nation will take time – peraps too long for many people to survive.
    Now I think there are some in the government would would advise all to keep supplies for an extended period on hand – perhaps not the real good/tasty stuff – but the healthy and easy to store stuff…but then again there may be others who say just don’t worry, your government will take care of you. Which would you rather belive? And if you’re already dependent on the government – which WOULD you believe? Personal accountability is sometimes hard to accept — yet an EMP wouldn’t care if you accepted it or not — it would become full reality.

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