Presidential candidates give us Christian wisdoms like, “babies are a punishment”

Dave Daubenmire correctly sees that all the leading candidates running for President are not Christians in any biblical sense of the word. Anyone can call themselves a Christians but when Christians start believing that known pagans are Christian, maybe they should reexamine why they believe that they themselves are Christians. If you need further enlightenment read the article.

On the other hand, what should Christians expect to come out of a satanic world system? Christians. The U.S. is not a Christian nation it never really was. There are no Christian nations on earth there are only various percentages of Christians in the nations.

Dave Daubenmire — Christian Hedonism

Obama recently called abortion a “difficult issue.” That is a nice way of saying you must ignore all of your moral instincts. Killing an unborn baby is not a “difficult issue” if your conscience still works. Everyone knows the “fetus” is a human being, unless, of course, you are looking for an excuse to do wrong. Going against your conscience is difficult business.

He called the miraculous creation of a baby “punishment.” I know you think I am making this up. Watch for yourself. And this man is being considered as president of the United States??

This is where moral relativism has brought us.

Hillary says she is a Christian. Barack’s church has received national exposure recently for raciest and unbiblical views. They both claim to follow a holy Jesus! If no one else will say it, I will. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not Christians. They are pagans.

I feel it coming already….the “who are you to judge” emails….usually from other brain-washed, brain-dead Christians. Let me put it another way. Hillary’s and Barack’s lives do not bear the fruit of Christianity. Not real Christianity. They bear the fruit of paganism.

Oh, they want to protect the environment, feed the poor, and provide healthcare, which ARE Christian values. But they want government to be God. They want government to play the role of provider and protector. They want government to have some Christian characteristics. But they do not want righteous government. They want a government where the standards of right and wrong can be voted on. They are doing all they can to push God out of government so that those in power can play god.

Because of “elected officials” like them, having a baby is now considered “punishment.”

Barack is for death. Hillary is for death. They are of their father, the Devil. Read it for yourself. They worship death and everything that leads to death. They promote death, defend death, and spread death.

Secular Humanism is a religion where man is god. It is based on “reason, logic, and justice.” It is paganism and paganism is now the religion of America. Pagans are hedonistic. We have become a selfish, self-indulgent lot, we Americans. We abort babies because that innocent baby might “mess up our lives.” We are “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” A baby is created in the image of God, but we love ourselves more than we love God, that’s why babies are now called “punishment.” God called them a blessing.

Our leaders call themselves Christian but they are hedonists. Hedonists believe in the glorification of nature and pleasure. Our courts are pagan, our schools are pagan, our entertainment is pagan, and our government is pagan. Our leaders spout the name of Jesus but they “have a form of godliness.” Let’s face it. We are voting for pagans, not Christians…both Donkeys and Elephants. Is John McCain a servant of Christ?

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