Re-Think Methodology or Repent?

The problem is even though Hybel’s now admits that they have been wrong for twenty years. They have no intentions of going back to church the way it was before they influenced the church to depart to a worldly methodology. If you check what they are doing at Hybel’s and Warren’s churches they are going head first into heretical Emergent Church doctrines and inclusive universalism with all Religion. Why would any church retain a pastor who has lead them down the wrong path for two decades as if he suddenly now learned how to lead people to Christ and pastor the flock?

Any corporation leader who admitted that his leadership was a disaster for two decades would be fired. But not these guys! So who are the members worshiping in these churches, their pastor or Jesus? Its like those Christian’s who vote for Ted Kennedy. They know he is a immoral scoundrel but they vote for him anyway because he gives them worldly benefits that a freshman senator could not. The church has become so much like the world these days that even the world cannot tell the difference.

Re-Think or Repent – CWN: “this was, and is more than a “mistake” that can be corrected by the publishing of another book, or as Greg Hawkins suggests: “take out a clean sheet of paper and …rethink all of our old assumptions (and)…replace them with new insights!” Bill Hybels is one of three men who must assume some degree of moral, if not scriptural responsibility for the anemic condition of the American church today. The models of church ministry fostered by Bill Hybels, Rick Warren and John Maxwell have, in my opinion, done more harm to the true effectiveness of the church than we will be able to overcome in our lifetime, apart from a genuine revival.”

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