Red’s in sheep’s clothing

You will be hearing a lot more about Red Letter Christians so you ought to know what they believe. Essentially they are Marxists who find some red letters in the Bible to enforce how red they are. Many are people in the postmodern Emerging Church Movement.

The reason why they identify with Christianity is because they find some things taken out of context in the Bible that enforces their red philosophy. For example, they find a millennial worldly utopia in the Bible but ignore the scriptures that says there first has to be a physical return of Jesus to deal with the evil people on the earth. They love to quote the Golden Rule in the Bible but they continually break it by teaching people that sinful choices are to be celebrated even though those choices clearly enslave, sicken and bring death and disorder.

Red Letter Christians basically believe in a Christian hybrid theology where Christian Dominion Theology coexists with Universalism, paganism and theories of secular humanism. They believe that everyone is a child of God by whatever name you call Her. They think there are no evil people, there are only misguided ones.

Much of our government is run by people who think like Red Letter Christians and that is why our foreign policy is so Utopian. It explains why our State Department expects to make peace deals with terrorists and why they try to reason with clearly demon possessed leaders.

What are Red Letter Christians?

There’s a movement afoot to seduce evangelical Christians into anti-biblical, socialist, tyrannical politics – the kind currently energizing Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.I know this because I just read a new book by the self-proclaimed “godfather” of the movement – Tony Campolo. Yeah, you remember him as Bill Clinton’s spiritual guru.

The book is a manifesto of sorts called “Red Letter Christians.” Red Letter Christians are those, we learn in Campolo’s book, who heed the words spoken by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament – sometimes in red letters.

I’ll summarize the book for you: Christians have been paying enough attention to issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, homosexual indoctrination in schools, etc. But, says Campolo, they need to start paying attention to what the Bible teaches to do about poverty, the environment, global warming and social injustice. And, in response, we have to empower government through political activism to shoulder our biblical responsibilities.

It’s a stunning treatise – breathtaking in either its naiveté or self-indulgent and willful corruption of clear biblical principles.

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