The economic crises will be used to change the U.S. from a Constitutional Republic to an imperial presidency.

This is a very sobering article. Everything Obama wants will be passed in a few days by throwing it all into a trillion dollar stimulus plan. There will not even be any debate. I was wondering why Obama was meeting with Al Gore today when so many other things seem so much more important. The last thing we need now is to spend money trying to stop carbon production and developing expensive alternative energy systems but it seems that something much more sinister is going on here.

Obama is going to use the economic crises to pass and fund the whole socialist global agenda in one bite. That even includes the “cap and trade” carbon and other world redistribution’s of wealth. This is not a change of government is is a CFR coup. Americans have been panicked by the elitist controlled world media and through fear they will support the stimulus plan. Our whole constitutional system of Government with checks and balances will become a facade and be replaced by an imperial presidency that answers to the Left elite that put Obama in power. It is obvious that Congress will just delegate their constitutional authority to fund government to the executive branch because they either want the global agenda or they are cowed or marginalized and will not take a stand against it.

I used to think that Obama would try to pass his Leftist European elitist globalist legislation in the first two years because after this there is a chance that the American people would catch on and turn against the Congress in the next congressional election. However, this real or purposely manipulated economic crises is an opportunity the global elitists will not pass up. The fix is in.

Now I believe that the crux of the global elitist agenda will be passed in a matter of days or weeks after Obama takes office. After that Obama and his henchmen can put full focus on the next crises that Joe Biden talked about which will be a war or an internal crises that will end American’s civil liberties so that Americans can do nothing about all this through free speech and free elections. Meanwhile the EU will be doing much the same thing. Also check out what Harry Lamb said on the global governance agenda of the Obama administration that will pretty much do away with our national sovereignty.

American Thinker: Obama’s End Run around Congress

This end-run around the deliberative process is revolutionary — it is, perhaps, the closest America will ever come to a legal and constitutional Presidential coup d’etat.

By lumping all of his major new-initiative programs into an omnibus stimulus/jobs bill which has virtually no chance of not passing, these sweeping new programs will immediately become part of the American system of governance. These dramatic new far-left legislative initiatives won’t need further hearings — ensuring that there will never be any chance for Americans to speak out, for or against these changes.

The entire checks-and-balances process that has guided our law-making process for more than two centuries — a process that often protected us from the unbridled “tyranny of the majority” – is being thrown out the window, bringing to America a true “imperial presidency,” one that would horrify the Founding Fathers. They knew exactly what an imperial ruler was capable of doing – and America may soon learn the lesson they knew only too well.

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2 thoughts on “The economic crises will be used to change the U.S. from a Constitutional Republic to an imperial presidency.

  1. Look, I don’t like the way the country is going either, but why be so extreme in your predictions? All that does is panic folks without reason and that’s sinful.

  2. Without reason??? You got to be kidding!

    Telling the truth is not sinful and there is reason why people should be very concerned. Also keep in mind that this article was written over two years ago and we have seen the globalist agenda pushed and the Imperial Presidency with the Executive Branch doing whatever they please through appointed Bureaucrats and Czars.

    If people actually would panic and do something about where this country is heading they would be far better off than being led like lemmings over a cliff to their own destruction.

    Some people have woke up in the last two years and that is why there is the Tea Party Movement and a movement back to the Constitution but if nobody was alerting them of the world socialist agenda, the lies and dangers the people would still be watching American idol.

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