The ministry of the two witnesses is the most understated 1260 days in Bible prophecy

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World
By Don Koenig

The ministry of the two witnesses from God in Revelation chapter 11 will last for 1260 days. This event is the most understated event of Bible prophecy. The witnesses, the two prophets from heaven will shake the world to its core and the whole world will rejoice when they are killed because they tormented those who dwell on the earth.

I think we totally underestimate the impact that these two prophets will have on the world. They will be second in power to no one until their ministry is complete. No weapon formed against them will succeed. If a nuclear missile is fired at them it will land on the nation that fired it. These prophets with supernatural powers will have God’s angels at their disposal. Anyone who dares to harm them will in like manor be killed. They are going to have such a profound impact on the world that after they are risen and taken into heaven the sinful world will want to be led to believe that they can stop the kingdom of Jesus from coming. Thus, at the end of this period of Antichrist rule the Antichrist gathers all nations against Jerusalem to try to stop the second coming and the fulfillment of their prophecies.

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12 thoughts on “The ministry of the two witnesses is the most understated 1260 days in Bible prophecy

  1. You make some excellent points in your article, Don.

    I absolutely agree that the power and influence that these two will wield in the last days is truly phenominal. These are two that cannot be bribed, cajoled or threatened. They are not seeking fame, fortune or worldly recognition. They are on a mission from the Most High, and really, His opinion and desire is what is really most important. The U.N. can make a gazillion resolutions and they will pay no heed. The media will produce scathing editorials on them and it will not effect them. They will not be controlled or intimidated by any earthly power.The world will not know what to make or do with these two men. Can you imagine world governments and the media trying to do background checks trying to figure out who these two guys are or where they came from? You have to love how the Lord confounds those who are wise in their own eyes!

    And when they FINISH their testimony, then the beast can rise up and kill them. God is in control of this program, not man. And after 3 days of revelry and partying with the world think happy days are here again, God raises them back to life, gives them the express flight to heaven and sends an earthquake to stir the pot some more. What do you say about that Katie Couric?

    You also make some excellent points about teachers of bible prophecy not having it all right in some areas. It is good to study, learn, but more importantly watch. We have to realize that we can’t figure out how everything is going to come to pass. As an example, I will use the book Isralestine. The author, Bill Salus makes some excellent points concerning the Psalm 83 war. I don’t have to agree with everything he proposes, but it is food for thought. Will it all pan out as his scenario paints? Maybe not, but it is something to consider and be prepared for.

    In my experience, we won’t be able to figure most of it out until it actually happens. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be aware or watching. And if you can see the fingerprints of God all over a event and recognize that it is prophecy fullfilled, then you have done well.

    Just my thoughts on a fascinating subject.



  2. Great thoughts and I totally agree.

    Bible prophecy is not totally clear or there would not be thousands of well thought out opinions by those who study it. I think God wanted it that way because exactly how it will all play out is not to be known by the enemy. We see God conceal things in parables so the blinded will not see and so it will be in end time events. Those who do not watch or study what God said will listen to Katie Couric about the events coming on the world and it will all sound very logical to apostates that have the theology of Oprah.

    Obama got in power by promising change in the U.S. and we will soon see what changes that brings here. The Antichrist will get in power by promising change to the world that will be under the control of the two prophets of God declaring the coming of the Kingdom of Jesus on earth. But his changes to stop this event will bring the world to complete destruction.

    And Katie and Oprah and Rosie will be his cheerleaders. I can hear their message now.

    News flash “God is claimed to have come among us in the form of a man and he proved it by killing those two Nazi Jews that were using their evil sorcery to torment the world and force their fascist kingdom on the world. OK folks about time God did something about those evil intolerant control freaks. News Flash…. I now am told our liberator has announced a week long holiday and everyone is to party for a week while we mock their dead bodies and let their bodies rot in the streets of Jerusalem.

    A new world order will soon be announced. Looks like happy days are hear again, Bring on the Cocaine and the parades of lawlessness in every city and be sure to stay tuned on your streaming video wrist phones for further developments in the Middle East”

  3. Don,

    I totally agree that many forget the devastating impact these two have on the world. Which half of the 70th week do have them appearing? I suggest it must be the first as I cannot see the nations celebrating at the end of the week and for other reasons. John Whitcomb has a great article discussing this.

    They are obviously instruments of God’s wrath. Even those who argue for their ministry commencing mid-week have to deal with God’s wrath beginning there.

  4. Interesting article. There is a lot of error being taught about these two. Since Satan is the one sending the wolves and false prophets (of which there are MANY [NOT just a few!!] as foretold in Matt. 24:5, 11) amongst the flock and perpetuating ignorance and lies in the fallen away Church it makes sense that there are indeed so many different “views” and interpretations of Biblical prophecy.

    I have recently carried out a study on them and am still learning but I have learned a lot about them.

    @Don: Some interesting comments there man. I thought a similar thing. The mainstream news media worldwide will not be cheering them on and inviting them to cocktail dinners, movie premiers, talk shows, or to be guest judges on American Idol and definitely no Nobel Peace Prizes. Not for two of the most dangerous men in the world with the REAL weapons of Mass Destruction – for a good cause though (2 Peter 3:9).

    Nevertheless they hated the Lord so they’ll hate these two as well. Very dumb thing to do since they could also be your best friends and allies in this war against Satan and his Antichrist and a spiritual refuge in what some are calling the Great Tribulation.

    @Mac: Very good point man. I’ve never really of thought that one before. Armageddon is indeed a place on the minds of many people. I believe there are many who indeed have their sites set on that final encounter between good and evil (technically the second to last one). Especially as it draws near. What gets me is how the Antichrist/Beast King knows the Lord is about to return. Has anyone thought about that? I think it may have something to do with the spirit realm where we see the Prince of Persia anticipating the angel Gabriel’s descent to the earth to deliver the message to Daniel. How did this Prince know to expect Gabriel in the first place. My conclusion is that they must be able to hear what’s spoken out loud in Heaven. Because how did Satan know to position himself in anticipation of the birth of the Lord (Rev. 12:4) in the former Roman empire? So the Antichrist must hear the decree go out from the Throne of the Father.

    Thoughts anyone?

  5. I guess the two witnesses will not make the Jay Leno show or Oprah either if they have a come back in the old folks home.

    I think he will know his time is short because he knows the scriptures. It says he has 1260 days. My conjecture is that he knows he cannot defeat God. He obviously would know that after being booted out of Heaven. My conjecture is that he thinks he can destroy all Jews or even all flesh before Jesus comes. Jesus even said as much. If He did not shorten the days no flesh would be saved. In the time of Daniel it was different Satan obviously had access to Heaven.

  6. Interesting point, Don. Does Satan not still have access to heaven? I thought he did until Rev 12 10. I thought he was still accusing us to God.
    I often find that a lot of people who chase after signs and wonders, and those who are Preterists, are in a sense doing what Satan does. They are wishful thinkers.
    Satan knows his time is short so why is he still fighting against God when he is already defeated? Surely that is wishful thinking!
    God is a loving God so why doesn’t Satan just give up and repent? Let’s face it Satan is very intelligent but if he can’t see that much he would appear to be also incredibly stupid.
    We know that Satan knows the Scriptures: He quoted them to the Lord when trying to tempt Him. So he must know that in no way is he going to destroy all the Jews. He has caused millions of Jews to be murdered throughout history and counteless millions of people period.
    Surely he knows all that’s going to come to nothing.
    Even the devils possessing a man begged Jesus not to torture them before their time. If they knew that time was surely coming then so must Satan.
    I find it strange when I see the same mentality in people, some of whom are highly intelligent. They have been caught and proven to be wrong (I can think of several politicians there) but they deny it even to themselves and continue to believe the unbelievable.

  7. Martin,

    I do not think Satan knows his time is short until there is war in Heaven and he and his angels are cast down unto the earth. Anyway that subject is getting off the post topic.

  8. I just got through studies of The Book Of Haggai.


    Haggai 2:22-23 reads…

    ‘I will shake heaven and earth.
    I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms;
    I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms.
    I will overthrow the chariots
    And those who ride in them;
    The horses and their riders shall come down,
    Every one by the sword of his brother.

    ‘In that day,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘I will take you, Zerubbabel My servant, the son of Shealtiel,’ says the Lord, ‘and will make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you,’ says the Lord of hosts.”


    My question to Don or anyone that has a viewpoint is…

    Is it possible that Zerubbabel could be one of the two witnesses or am I way off ?

  9. I meant to say…is it possible that Zerubbabel is a ‘candidate’ to be one of the two witnesses

  10. ~David the passage says that Zerubbabel is the governor of Judah. In future Bible prophecy he probably represents the leader of the returning Jews. The two witnesses are prophets sent by God. They will not be governors of Judah. Who would a contemporary governor of Judah even witnesses about? The two witnesses are Elijah and either Moses or Enoch.

  11. Thank you for clearing that up Don.

    I am still, and will always be, a student in need of knowledge and wisdom 🙂

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