The teachings of the author and finisher of our faith cannot be contradicted

This great article with many examples of what Jesus taught should put an end to postmodern and liberal speculations that claim biblical interpretations different from what the author of all scripture taught.

The fact that is will not put a end to their increasingly demented claims only proves that they have a different teaching then the Master that they claim to follow. So knowing these things why would any true follower of Jesus Christ put any stock in their claims? These unstable people  contradicting what Jesus Himself clearly taught need to be removed from teaching positions wherever they are found in the Church.

The Greatest Expert on the Scriptures Who Ever Lived And His View of the Bible

The Greatest Expert on the Scriptures Who Ever Lived And His View of the Bible

By Chris Rosebrough

Modern and Post-Modern Liberals (Emergents) and their higher-critic and deconstructionist co-belligerents have an almost obsessive preoccupation with undermining, impugning, and maligning God’s Word. They incessantly attack the inerrancy, historicity and sufficiency of scripture and their attacks are getting bolder by the day. These people appear driven to reduce the Bible into a mere human product that is nothing more than man-made mythological narratives. Stories of pristine gardens, Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit, a world-wide flood, the ark, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, and a prophet being swallowed by a big fish are too silly and childish to be believed as actual historical events by this growing Liberal resurgence.

Before you fall for these so-called progressives and their post-modern re-imaginations of the scriptures you should consider Jesus’ opinion and views of the Bible. As you will see, Jesus had much to say about the scriptures and anyone who calls themselves a Christ-follower would do well to consider Jesus’ views of God’s Word before they attack or impugn it.

Jesus’ Credentials

Before we look at Jesus’ opinion of the scriptures it would be prudent for us to first be reminded of Jesus’ credentials and His authority regarding the scriptures.

When we examine the eyewitness testimony concerning Jesus that is recorded for us in the contents of the four biographies (Gospels) of the New Testament we learn that Jesus Christ claimed to be none other than the One True God in human flesh. Any nut or lunatic can claim to be God but proving such a claim is a whole other issue. Fact is, Jesus proved His claims to deity by raising Himself from the dead three days after He was crucified under Pontius Pilate.[1] The men who authored the New Testament documents were also eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life, teachings, miracles and His bodily resurrection from the dead.

Since Jesus proved His claim to being the One True God in human flesh by raising Himself from the dead, there is no greater authority, living or dead on the subject of the Bible than Him. There is no modern scholar or Biblical critic, regardless of the number of degrees that he or she may hold who can speak with greater authority on the subject of the Word of God than Jesus Christ. Therefore, if you call yourself a Christian or a Christ-Follower then you would do well to pay close attention to what Jesus believed and taught regarding both the Old and New Testament Scriptures and bring your thinking and convictions in line with His.

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One thought on “The teachings of the author and finisher of our faith cannot be contradicted

  1. This is a great article Don, and I pray it reaches many who call themselves Christians, but know nothing of Christ. I once held the belief that Jesus lived and died, and was a “good teacher”, but not necessarily God.

    I was quite comfortable in this belief until I stumbled upon CS Lewis’ Mere Christianity. Thankfully, his words concerning Jesus’ divinity helped break through the lies I bought into. Another great resource for me was Lee Strobel’s Case for Christ, another intellectual (apologetic) debate that helped me break the lies and eventually become saved. I don’t know if you are familiar with, or endorse these authors, but they both helped me breakthrough demented and delusional thinking concerning Christ, and more important my personal brand of “Christianity”.

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