Well known Christian figures often speak out of their hind end. They do not speak for Christianity.

I think it high time Christians realize that heads of Christian institutions do not speak for Christianity especially in these last days of moral and spiritual relativism. They speak for some people in their various denominations, organizations and movements which is quite different than speaking for the Body of Christ. Most of their members and followers never became part of that Body of Christ or they would not be appointing apostate people into leadership. Most of the statements we hear from some of these postmodern leaders are simply anti Christ.

Ninety percent of the who’s who’s list of Christianity do not speak for me on biblical issues either. No more than the religious leaders of ancient Israel that Jesus condemned spoke for the true Jews who found Jesus to be the Messiah. The leaders led the cry to crucify Him.

There is a great move toward religious pluralism today where all in the world worship the same God without ever coming through Jesus Christ God’s Son. It cannot be done. If that offends Muslims or anyone else tough; it is the absolute truth. That is the foundation of the Christian belief it cannot be compromised. We know that their is no salvation outside of Jesus because Jesus was the Creator. Only through Jesus Christ can anyone ever have a family relationship with God. That is why God came to earth, so that those who would recognize Him and accept Him as their Savior for their sins would be saved into His new creation.

Those that join in this ongoing religious harlotry will only bring in the Antichrist, a counterfeit god. They want religion to unite mankind on pluralism because they never understood or accepted that man is evil and has to become a new spiritual creature through being born of the Spirit by God’s Son. Instead, they think if we all water down our religious beliefs that it will promote world peace and brotherhood. Truth cannot be watered down or it becomes a lie.

They have no clue that out of a evil heart of unregenerate man hate, strife, and wars happen and that hearts cannot change without being born into the Body of Christ. They do not understand that those who reject Jesus Christ are not our brothers, they are the enemies of the cross. They have a different family and a different father.

Someone ought to tell the Muslims that people like the Archbishop are just talking out of their hind end. They do not speak for true Christians at all, although they may speak for phony Christians. Don’t confuse the two.

Archbishop of apostasy -Hal Lindsey

No doubt I was not the only one left with his mouth gaping open when I read that the archbishop of Canterbury, the head of the worldwide Anglican Church, proclaimed, “Christian doctrine is offense to Muslims.”

The archbishop of Canterbury is the spiritual head of one of the oldest mainstream Christian denominations of the Reformation and as such, a defender of the faith.

Except, evidently, where it offends Muslims.

Not only did the archbishop apologize to Islam for Christianity, he turned history on its head in the same document, accusing Christianity of “being promoted at the point of a sword.”

I found this to be the most profoundly disturbing comment of all. Surely, the archbishop of Canterbury, of all people, knows that is impossible.

Christianity is not a political system. It isn’t a church denomination. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, independent of any church membership.

One cannot be forced at the point of a sword to enter into a relationship of faith. To argue that it is not only possible, but part of the heritage of the Church of Jesus Christ reveals a stunning lack of understanding of what Christianity is.

You cannot make someone believe – either at the point of a sword or in exchange for a kingdom.

The Apostle Paul predicted that, just before the time of the end, a great apostasy would come upon Christendom. “But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, through the hypocrisy of men that speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:1-2 ASV).

When someone can rise to the post as head of one of the largest denominations in Christianity without understanding the most basic elements of salvation, one can truly say that the apostasia has arrived.

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4 thoughts on “Well known Christian figures often speak out of their hind end. They do not speak for Christianity.

  1. Then there are the many ordinary “Christian” people who say to us:

    “Why should I believe what YOU say? You’re not a Christian leader; you never went to seminary. I will believe what the leader says because no one wrong would be in that position. Who made YOU the expert anyway? You just sit in the pew like me! No! I don’t have time to read the bible — besides you can make it say anything you want!”

    The apostates in power have simply made the wide road to destruction that much wider.

  2. I do not know where Christians got the idea that going to seminary or bible college makes a mature Christian worth following. Basically you come out of school with the beliefs of your teachers.

    It is like saying that a pre-med education makes one qualified to be a brain surgeon. One of the problems in Christianity today is that we put unproven Christians in leadership roles right out of school.

    Also those with PhD’s in religion and some of the most popular pastors are the same ones that are doing the most today to hinder true biblical Christianity. I don’t recall Jesus asking his disciples what their qualification were. He said to follow Him and HE would make them fishers of men.

  3. Christians need to read there bible everyday and let the holy spirt lead them into all truth as stated in John’s gospel. Jesus is the bread of life and we must feed on it every day as the jews did, they took enough manna every day in the wildernes to sustain their life we need to feed on the “bread of life” every day so we can live in the truth. Just like the childrens song goes “read your bible and pray every day and you will grow”.

  4. Big Al,

    Yep, I agree.
    How awesome & fulfilling it is to read our Bible every day.

    Now there’s a solution to world problems…
    If all in the world or even these United States read the Bible every day, what a different place it would be.

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