Bible prophecy is not about paganism, false prophets or America

People who study Bible prophecy usually want to know about things to come. Even so, there is only so much that God revealed to us in the scriptures about the future. When people go outside of inspired texts to find more truth or information they are going to be misled. Also, those people claiming direct revelation from God about the future should know that speaking lies and their own presumptions in the name of God puts them in grave danger. Those with itching ears might believe these false prophets but what they learn from them will not lead them into doing anything productive for Christ.

There is one thing certain. Bible prophecy will not conform to theories in Islam, paganism, presumptions of self anointed false prophets, or conjectures about America’s future.

It is one thing to meditate on and correlate inspired scripture to try to dig out obscure truths, and it is quite another to try to find truth within pagan teachings and  false prophets in order to interpret God’s inspired texts.

I cannot make anything more than an educated guess about what is going to happen next in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. I do not think there is anyone on earth that knows how things on earth will play out other than what is written in the Bible.

I am sure that it will not play out the way the 12th Imam Islamist sect believes it will, or the way Christian teachers that like to quote Islam prophecy think it will. What would a false belief system know about the things of God? Yet, that does not stop some Christians from teaching Bible prophecy scenarios based on Islamic expectations.

Some Christians actually believe that God is scheduling end time events based on the pagan Mayan long calendar, or that prophecy is waiting for the return of the Reptilians or Planet X. These speculations might make for good theater but it has nothing to do with Bible prophecy.

Some Christians believe that God is now telling self anointed prophets what will happen next. If God is, where is the fruit from these people? Jesus said you would know prophets by their fruit (Mt 7: 15-20).  These modern “prophets” produce nothing but false presumptions and speculations and money in their own pockets. The prophecies either always fail or they are so vague that anyone could have made them. When the two true prophets of God appear in Jerusalem in the last days they will have real signs and wonders and they will have the words of life or death.

The self-appointed anointed prophets of today might talk about signs and wonders occurring in their meetings but Fox News and I are not buying into such claims. You have to be a brain-dead gullible Christian to believe that people like Pat Robertson, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner etc., are actually hearing from God.

Some Christians think they should be trying to figure out the timing of end time events by working out hidden Bible codes and numerical formulas. I see no instruction or reason to try to do that within the Bible. It is an unproductive waste of time, but it sells books.

Should Christians spend their life on Rapture forums trying to convince each other why the Rapture will happen within the next year? I do not think God ever had that in mind for Christians.

So what should Christians do?

Work for the Lord like Jesus is coming back today but realize that He might not come until the day that you die. After all, every prior generation that ever lived died off without seeing end time scriptures fulfilled. This generation may indeed be the exception, but God does not promise us that the Rapture or the second coming will occur in our lifetime no matter how much some people try to convince us that it will happen. We could still die tomorrow even if the Lord were actually to come in a few years.

If there is one thing that I am trying to emphasis on this Blog, it is that what happens in America in the near future could actually have little or nothing to do with biblical end time events. The US could disintegrate as a nation and Bible prophecy will still play out the way God said it would and Bible prophecy will still take place in God’s own timing. Nations have risen and fallen throughout history. The fulfillment of Bible prophecy is not dependent on America.

America is not a Christian nation; America is not Babylon in the Bible; America is not new Israel like the Mormon’s think; America does not have to exist as a nation until the Rapture. If America dishonors God she cannot expect to remain as a world power until some future Rapture. God can pull the plug on America in one minute. One solar storm or a nuclear EMP could mean the end of the United States as a viable nation.

Well then what about the Christians that live in America? They will live or die like all Christians that lived before them did in other nations. God does not have to Rapture the Church because there are Christians in America – in spite of what some think. There were also Christians in other nations that are now no longer nations of any importance. Bible prophecy is not all about us, or about America, we all need to keep that in mind.

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27 thoughts on “Bible prophecy is not about paganism, false prophets or America

  1. Don,

    I am withholding comment until Bob Jones or Todd Bentley returns from their latest trip to heaven and fills us lumpen masses in about what God has revealed. I wonder if they get a “friends fly free” deal?

  2. Hi Bob From Texas,

    I doubt Mr Jones or Mr Bentley care much about a “friends fly free” deal…I think their focus is on the “show me the money” deal.

  3. Another nice post Don. I share your opinion that the only word of the one and only true God ever published on this planet is the Holy Bible. The Bible has plenty enough details to let us know that Jesus is coming back and that all those who aren’t Christians aren’t going to like that at all. My continuing prayer is that as many as can be will be saved from the times to come.

    However we certainly should not underestimate the Devil. He is a phenominally intelligent and spiritually gifted creature. Just because he is also the source of evil doesn’t take away from that reality – after all it seems to be his pride in his “great” self that led to his falling away from God.

    The Muslims, the New Agers, the Mayans, the Buddhists and even the deceivers within the Christian church were all created by the Father of Lies and there is no doubt that he is giving them an “almost” truthful version of what is to come. After all, if you I can read and study the Bible for 30 years and come to a pretty clear picture – just think about the Devil being more intelligent (although certainly NOT wiser)and having studied it for over 3,000 years. So Satan knows exactly what God’s plans are for the second coming and the Great Tribulation. I would say Satan is giving them relatively close information and completely false hope to prepare them for the realities that God will soon do to the planet.

    His groups are certainly deceived but so many of them are more aware of the Second Coming than most Christians are – such a sad state of affairs…

  4. Fount,

    Satan has been counterfeiting and making up lies about the nature of God to man since the Garden. Yet, Satan has been prevented for almost 2000 years from allowing the Man of Sin to be revealed. Just look how many false Antichrists he has already tried to bring in over the centuries.

    The point is that all the false plans of Satan come to nothing until the hinder is taking out of the way. The timing of end time events is known to God alone.

    There have always been these groups inspired by Satan that give lying versions of the end time but they have all been wrong because Satan does do not know when the end will come or even how it will come.

    Satan in all his wisdom could not even figure out that He crucified the Lord of Glory and by doing so he sealed his own doom. Keep in mind, that Satan is still in the heavens he does not know his time left to deceive is short and he will not know that until he is kicked out of the Heavens. Nor can Satan do whatever he wants on the earth. It is only for the last 3.5 years that Satan’s Antichrist gets his way with God’s permission to deceive those that rejected the truth.

    Satan is the deceiver of man and that is what he always is doing. If it were not the Muslims, the New Agers, the false Mayan interpretations, the Buddhists and pseudo Christians, there would still be ten thousand other deceptions. There has always been deceptions and I am sure it will not stop with the latest.

    I know the claim that “Satan knows” has been an argument by those that like to interpret Bible prophecy through Satanic works, but they are also being deceived. For example, the Muslim Antichrist proponents may actually help bring in the pseudo Christian Antichrist that will come up against Islam.

    All lies from Satan that you mentioned and others lead people to believe in something other than the truth so that mankind can continually stay blinded. So why are Christians spouting lying claims as if the deceiver can give them any light? It is not only bad theology, the lies of Satan are being used as a false witnesses to believers and unbelievers alike.

  5. We don’t know the time, this is the hope that is within us. I remember my Mother and my
    Grandmother thinking that the end was near. Every generation has this hope (at least those
    of us who love the Lord and His appearing.)
    Dr. McGee said this might not be God’s regathering of Israel. He also said that bombs
    could set civilization back several centuries, only to rebuild. I hope as he did that this isn’t true. I hope we are near the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  6. I remember that one contributor to this site said:

    Israel is the most dangerous when she is silent.

    I just saw this on Debka File:

    Major US-Israel differences surfaced suddenly Thursday, Dec. 1, over the timing and circumstances of an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, when Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, said: “I don’t know whether Israel would alert the United States ahead of time if it decided to take military action against Iran.”

  7. Least we forget that Satan is the Father of Lies. He has no chance at all in his contest against God. The real victims of his lies are indeed those who listen to him and decide not to follow God. So what else can Satan say except those things intended to prevent people from claiming their grace filled offer from Jesus?

    Bible prophecy is not about paganism, false prophets or America – with that I agree. Bible prophecy is the ultimate truth. The point I was trying to make is that Satan is a very powerful and very dangerous supernatural adversary. If you and I can gleam a pretty good time frame estimate of when the Second Coming is in our limited number of years of study – it is a good bet that Satan certainly has figured it at least that precisely based on his thousands of years of study.

    My further point is that Satan is currently telling his followers that the end is soon – this time around he is not just deceiving some of the Christians into saying so. The things he is prepping his followers for are things the Bible says is coming – things he can do nothing to stop. One example is the lies he is already spreading about how us “uncooperative” and “unwilling” fundamental Christians will soon have to be removed from the earth (for the good of Satan’s followers of course). While a few Christians have missed the time of the Second Coming over the many years (1000, 1844, 1914, 2000 immediately pop to mind) – I have never seen evidence of Satan prepping his followers before. Actually in the 1800s he was telling them wait for the early 21st century.

    In this rising tide of great spiritual warfare we should not ignore what our enemy is doing but we should know what our enemy is doing – all to the end that we can save as many people from him and eternal death as possible…

  8. Fount,

    Astute Christians know more about the end times than Satan does. Christians have the Holy Spirit from which comes wisdom and understanding of the scriptures and also belief that scripture will be fulfilled as written. Satan only has his own warped intellect with his own distorted truth. If Satan actually believed what is written about Jesus is unchangeable He would know that He is already defeated but apparently that is not the case.

    All through man’s history Satan has been trying to change what the God of Israel inspired. I think Lucifer actually puts himself on the same level as the Son of God or even above Him. Satan knows that scripture is about the Son of God but that does not mean that he believes it will turn out the way the pre-incarnate Lord inspired the scriptures After all, Lucifer also believes that He is a Son of God.. Satan has his own beliefs and paganism reflects those beliefs. Satan does not believe the end is coming soon. He believes he will continue to reign over his domain. Even after Jesus rules for a thousand years and the Devil is once again allowed to take his turn. the Devil draws people after himself and brings rebellion on the earth against the government that Jesus set up.

    Satan may or may not be prepping his followers for the disappearance of Christians as an answer to the Rapture. It is just as likely that belief evolved in pagan New Age doctrine because they actually believe that negative thinking people like Christians will be removed by collective positive thought so that they can take an evolutionary leap forward into some collective or “Christ consciousness”. Satan and his people are not looking for an end they are looking to continually evolve. Satan thinks he can hold his domain. That is why the time of the Rapture is not known and Jesus first comes as a thief for his bride.. It is not until Michael and his angels cast Satan and his angels out of heaven that he knows his time to work to change what has been written about this dispensation is short.

    The reason why we should not be ignorant of pagan beliefs is so that we can refute the lies with the truth. We are not going to find out more about biblical eschatology by studying what Satan wants humans to know in satanically inspired teaching. That is the great error that I think some teachers are making.

  9. Hi Don,

    Another good post. It’s important for us to be reminded from time to time that we may not be *that* generation . . . although I hope we are. Satan, although a powerful being, is given too much credit, I think, as are all these non-biblical prophecies about the end time. One of the defining characteristics of God is that He alone knows the end from the beginning. If that’s so, then only His word contains truth about the end times. Satan uses all these other things — 2012, the 12th Imam, or whatever — to distract us from God’s word.

    Remain encouraged, Don. Although the blogosphere may seem at times a lonely place, your work is appreciated. I would guess 90% or more of your readers never reply to your posts, which may be a good thing considering how much more time you’d have to spend responding, if they did.

  10. Thanks Doug,

    I think you have the correct perspective on this.

    Also, good point about the responders.
    If even 10 percent of the 6500 daily downloads of articles on this website were actually read, and if 10 percent of that 10 percent responded. I would be quite busy.

  11. Don, I believe we are closer to each other than may appear on the surface. I had said from the beginning that no matter how intelligent Satan is – he is NOT wise. Every Christisn is wiser than he is because we know that God is THE way to eternal life. What I am saying is that Satan does know scripture – all of its words – probably better than most every Christian alive today. Witness his failed attack upon Jesus himself – by quoting 3 “reasonably applied” scriptures (what percentage of Christians can quote 3 applicable scriptures off the top of their head?). So I would contend that Satan knows the scriptures well enough to know exactly what God says will happen. However, it is his lack of wisdom driven by his great self centeredness (which was more than likely why he rebelled against God to begin with) that leads him to believe that he can overcome God’s word and win the battle. (Isn’t that also the same belief pattern of all the atheists and “non-religious” today?) It could also be that even Satan knows he can’t win the upcoming battles but he is so opposed to God that he will inflict as much damage upon His kingdom by misleading as many people as he can away from God’s kingdom. He has it confirmed for him that his time is short when Michael the archangel throws him out of heaven – which hasn’t happened yet – but I do beleive that he knows that being thrown out of heaven is happening soon.

    Either way we are to rely upon prophetic Bible scriptures as telling us what will be coming in our future. As Doug says – that may not be during our generation. But similarly to what Korni said – my great grandmother (she read the entire Bible cover to cover 7 times as a “hard shell” Southern Baptist) said to me: the second coming won’t be in my lifetime (speaking to me in her late 70s in 1971) – but it will be in yours my beloved grandson.

    Finally, I do agree that we will not find out anything reliable from Satan’s camp about the last days. The Bible will tell us all we need to know. But what we can discover from them is that they are now lining up their deceptions in an attempt to refute exactly what the Bible says about the major events of those last days. Again, this is a new attack in Satan’s arsenal – he has never before been telling his people about these types of things. He is also telling them that things are coming soon. As we long time Bible students are also proclaiming – His time is near – Maranatha!

  12. Fount,

    I know we generally agree, and I do think we are near the end times. However, I am trying to make a point in this post that some are trying to prove that the end times are upon us by teaching and publishing pagan beliefs to support their own views rather than what the Bible says. Then people are lead into looking for fulfillment in lies. For example, the Antichrist will come from Islam or the end of the age coming in 2012. Those looking to pagan sources for timing and truth are going to be mislead.

    Satan’s goal has always been to stop the Human Race from ruling and reigning as light bearers of God. Since the fall, Satan has tried to stop the plan of redemption of man because he knows why man was created. Man will judge the world and the angels (1Co 6:2-3).

    The scriptures clearly records Satan’s attempts to try to stop the Lord’s plan of redemption. Satan obviously does not think he is going to fail or there would be little point in his efforts. He will attempt to kill all men on earth after the Ancient of days gives judgment to the saints(Dan 7:22) and he and his angels are cast out of Heaven (Mr 13:20). He then attempts to kill all flesh so that there can be no mortal humans to populate the millennial Kingdom given to the immortal Saints to restore the earth.

    Actually, the New Age claim of needing to remove Christians goes back to at least the 1970?s and there was plenty of end times claims long before then.

  13. Satan may or may not be prepping his followers for the disappearance of Christians as an answer to the Rapture. It is just as likely that belief evolved in pagan New Age doctrine because they actually believe that negative thinking people like Christians will be removed by collective positive thought so that they can take an evolutionary leap forward into some collective or “Christ consciousness”.


    Your above paragraph really hits home with me.

    Quick history on me…
    When I was about 10 years old, my grandmother used to take me with her to a Dianetics Center at a mall in Calif. (Dianetics has now evolved into the Scientology Demonology we see today).

    Later in life, I tried “self improvement” programs and one thing always remained consistent with them. They all shun Christianity and believe that humans can become more “spiritually enlightened” than “those archaic Christians”…and achieve a heightened, evolutionary, awareness.

    By the way, it is my understanding that to become a full fledged Scientologist, it costs roughly $300,000. Sure does seem like an expensive way to go to hell if you ask me. That sure does explain the celeb membership though, doesn’t it ?

    Anyway, when it came time to deny The Living God in these programs, I would put a stop to them. It took a few times to learn my lesson once and for all and, eventually, when I figured out what was happening, I quit “dabbling” with this dangerous nonsense.

    But yeah, the new age, enlightened, super human nonsense that denies Jesus Christ is very prominent right here in the U.S…and from what I can tell, in a different form in other nations.

  14. Glad you were able to come out of the darkness David. We should all continue to pray that all of those currently in Scientology “come out” before it is too late.

    The new age denial is very strong here and around the world. I see it as a continuing growth out of Madame Blavatsky and the 1875 founding of the Theosophical Society. I also see that movement as a rebirth of the original strategy Satan used against the Christian church in the first century – the Gnostics. There has almost always been in existance an attack on Christianity from these groups that claim to have secret knowledge that is superior in value to that of the Holy Bible. How wrong they are…

    Don, how about Alice Bailey (who was in the Theosophical Society until the 1920s. She wrote in 1957 that Satan and his henchmen would return to Earth by 2025. The publisher of that book was Lucis Publishing (their original name was Lucifer). I do strongly agree with the point of your post – that we should look to the Bible for the 100% accurate view on the end times – and I also want to be aware of what the enemies game plan is too.

  15. Hi Fount,

    What you just said…”and I also want to be aware of what the enemies game plan is too.”

    That has been an ongoing debate I’ve had with myself for some time and I still don’t have a clear road to take on that one.

    I have read on some local satanic groups where I live, I’ve read some on the Islamic demonic religion “of peace”, Mormonism, etc.

    It’s not clear to me how much I should be reading and understanding of their apostasy. Best I can come up with is give The Living Word, the Bible 90% and give the other apostate garbage about 10% of my time.

    Though, this does limit my knowledge on the occults.

  16. Fount,

    Alice Bailey may have written that Satan and his henchmen would return to earth by 2025 but that is an oxymoron since she was one of Satan’s chief henchmen. As I said, Satan can do nothing unless God allows. There have been occult based claims that the end was coming since the first century.

    Even in our time, Remember the big age of Aquarius nonsense of the late 60’s and 70’s? It did not happen.

    I have even read books by Christians claiming to have have come out of a demonic group that claimed inside information from New Age or masonic Satanic groups. In the 80’s and 90’s they were saying that Satan planned to bring in his new age kingdom by the year 2000.

    In the 1970’s Jennie Dixon said World War III would happen in 1988. She also said that the judgments of Revelation will be completed by 2019 and that she cannot be wrong about that because it was direct Revelation from God. She is wrong.

    Edgar Casey is still followed and he said the poles would flip in 1998 and bring great destruction.

    Remember all the physical breakup of the US and the California falling into the ocean prophets of the 90’s?

    Nostradamus is claimed to have said a king of terror would descend in 1999.

    Ed Dames claimed to have remote viewed Satan and he said 80 percent of the population of the world would be killed by great windstorms within a couple of years. He said that in the 1990’s

    Now we have those that say the Mahdi will come within a few years and he will be the Antichrist. Gosh, I thought Hitler was the Antichrist, or was it lord Maitreya or the Pope???.

    I am sure there are scores of others who claim revelation from Satan or God about the timing of end time events but I doubt if Satan or God told them anything. They probably only channel demons that know nothing about God’s timing. Seeking hidden knowledge from pagan sources is not only dangerous it is a waste of time.

  17. As the “war of Psalm 83” begins to take form, I see many taking advantage of that. New DVD’s are being marketed. I have not seen anything by JVI, yet. Maybe he is still working off his Y2K inventory.

    (Major)Ed Dames wants us to open our minds so we can bend time and space! I fully believe his group is channeling demons. Al Gore is sticking by his global warming predictions – so instead of windstorms we are doomed by rising seas and heat.

    Stay with the course, Don. This is a site for the sane to keep their sanity.

  18. This line really stands out for me: “… so that they [the pagans] can take an evolutionary leap forward…” Just a classic line that sums up pretty much everything at and since the fall so long ago. And yet *they* still die. Yes, the two “prophets” are definitely going to irritate them seemingly to the point of “gnashing of teeth”.

  19. Gentlemen, if you think it through, America has been more Christ orientated than any nation in history. Yes we have our flaws and critics but still I cannot think of anywhere and anytime in history I would rather have lived than here. Ask your self this: If God foreknew us as I believe, then he certainly would not have given us a clue as to our part in the end times. The reason is obvious, If we are holding on as if to isolate ourselves from the world as I would hope (as were our founders intentions) then we would be overconfident and perhaps proud and maybe even lazy in our concern as to God’s plan for us. On the other hand, if he showed our sure destruction we would not be able to function as normal free will people as the Lord desires. He knew there would be Bible scanners and prophecy teachers in the last days here and there surely is as we speak, hundreds of them as I see. We would probably panic and head for the mountains. I believe it is best we don’t know and be aware as the the faithful virgins who were ready for the rapture(wedding) think it through and relax and write me back if you disagree. God bless all of you for this great discourse.

  20. Bob, what is amazing is that Ed Dames who has not got one remote view prediction right in 15 years is still running around loose and still being listened to.

  21. Don,
    Loved this post – and especially this truthful, sobering admonition of the last paragraph:

    “Well then what about the Christians that live in America? They will live or die like all Christians that lived before them did in other nations. God does not have to Rapture the Church because there are Christians in America – in spite of what some think. There were also Christians in other nations that are now no longer nations of any importance. Bible prophecy is not all about us, or about America, we all need to keep that in mind.”

    Amen! Bible prophecy is all about God displaying His Sovereignty & His Glory. No matter what happens to us…..we will ultimately be with Our Lord. It’s interesting that we have friends, through missions in other countries, who suffer terribly (and frighteningly compared to our life here in America), yet they believe in the Sovereignty of God and in the Rapture of His Church – and they believe all that EVEN THOUGH they endure much hardship. I often think that if American Christians came under real persecution they would likely turn from God BECAUSE He ‘suffered them to suffer’ (in His long suffering towards His people, that none of His should perish) and didn’t rapture them out. But that would certainly separate the wheat from the chaff.
    It saddens me to realize how many professing Christians think that ‘this is your best life now and that’s how God desires it in America’…..that reminds me of J. MacArthur once saying (paraphrase) “If you follow that teaching, then indeed THIS LIFE now will be your best one”.

    In that vein, I’ll take your advice above: “Work for the Lord like Jesus is coming back today but realize that He might not come until the day that you die.”

  22. Shauna,

    One interesting thing I have observed – living amongst Lakewoodies (Joel Osteen followers) is that when they suffer they blame themselves and do not question the doctrine being taught. It is sad to hear/watch. If something negative happens and they can’t speak it into existance….They feel they didn’t contribute enough or have enough faith. They blame themselves for the lack of the heavenly vending machine not dispensing goodies instead of questioning the doctrines being taught.

  23. Thanks Don for the teaching about the Devil. I did learned a lot from you in this matter. Also, about the topic of basing our prophecy in the Bible and not in pagan techings, the Bible says in 2Pe 1:19, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts”

    It says “a more sure word of prophecy”, distinguishing it from all other source of prophecy. It also says that we “do well that ye take heed”, or to pay close attention, and that is what we are doing here in your blog.

  24. Again , you cannot find American prophecy in the bible for a reason. My mentor and neighbor Dr. Dave Reagan agrees, we will not know until it all unfolds. Relax Christians, and remember your instructions from our Master and make sure your house is in order.

  25. To say that bible prophecy is not about paganaism, false prophets or America is stretching thindgs a bit to far. In the scriptural account of the two Babylons we have a very concise desription of Babylonian Pagan practices that are observed in America today. We have the accounts of false prophets in the old and new testaments. The relation between paganism, false prophets and America is very evident in the socio/politico/economico/religio symbolism seen throughout our society. The very fact that the face of the statue of liberty is based on the goddess Juno. On our currency we have the Egyptian Pyrimid that’s used to honor the sun god Rah flanked by The Eye of the Holy See with a latin inscription hailing the New world Order. The recent memorial dedicated to the victims of 911 is covered with the depictions of the Eye of the Holy See. America’s Holidays have been fermented with Pagan practices and rituals i. e. Christmas (Nimrod, Tammuz), Easter (Nimrod, Tammuz,Istar, Astoreth, Astarte), Halloween (All Saint’s/Martyrs Day , Day of the Dead) and Valentines Day (Lupercalia).

  26. Jaymes,

    If you read the post you would know that I am talking about American Christian that are forming their end time beliefs by relying on the fulfillment of false prophecy that they obtained through pagan sources. I was not at all saying that there is not paganism in the end times or in America. You need to understand that words in titles are very often chosen for keyword search engine reasons. The Title that will be seen in a Google index is pretty much limited to a dozen words and that is way too short to fully explain the post. I suggest people read the post before commenting.

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