Breivik foreshadows native backlash and future civil war in Europe

For quite some time now I have been saying that there will be a backlash against Islam in Europe coming from the natives. The bombing and shootings in Norway by Anders Breivik were quite insane but many agree with Breivik‘s views about the Islamic threat to the European culture.

Breivik is aware that the Marxists that took over Europe are destroying Europe with their multiculturalism. Breivik understands that the Far Left is the cause of the Islamic problem in Europe and that is why he targeted them rather than targeting the Muslims. Breivik had a drugged manic mind that seemed to have become trapped in the virtual reality games that he became obsessed with. In his psychosis he became the Knight Templar hero that would lead Europe into a  new empire.

The Islamic threat to Europe came because of the Marxist political polices of the ruling elite. Therefore, Breivik tried to kill the leftist Labor Party leader of Norway and he attacked a political youth camp where the sons and daughters of the ruling elite and future leaders were being programed in leftist political correctness. So there was a logical method in his madness. He also made sure that he would be taken alive when he surrendered passively to the police. In his game plan he would become the imprisoned leader that had the manifesto and the public platform for the revolution that he believed his actions would start.

Breivik believes there has to be a civil war to stop Islam from taking over the Christian culture of Europe and in his warped mind he believed that his actions would start the war against those pushing multiculturalism. He is wrong; his own mad actions will not start a civil war. Nevertheless, a future civil war is coming to Europe and in certain ways Breivik foreshadows a type of Nazi like nationalism that will rise in Europe. The natives and the Muslim immigrants will war against each other; that outcome becomes inevitable as the Muslim population increases.

It is evident that the natives in Europe are becoming increasingly fed up with the failed multiculturalism experiment in Europe. Muslims will not assimilate into the native cultures and instead they are hostile toward the European pseudo Christian natives and their cultures. The majority in Europe now want Muslim immigration into Europe to cease and they want Muslims presently in Europe to either adopt the native culture or to go back from wherever they came.

I lived in Oslo Norway for a couple of years about thirty-five years ago. In those days the only significant foreign presence in Norway were those assigned to NATO. I never even encountered a Muslim while I was living there. When I lived in Oslo one could go anywhere and feel perfectly safe; violent crime was almost non existent. Now that the Muslims have come, I can only imagine what certain parts of Oslo are like. There are probably parts of the city now where even the police hesitate to go (especially since they usually are not armed).

The people in Norway have gone so liberal that no crime gets anyone more than 21 years in prison. Also, their prisons are country clubs compared to ours. It is hard to believe that this mass murderer of so many kids will be back on the streets in 21 years, but the injustice system of Norway says that he will.

I find that those in the press that identified Breivik as a Christian are either totally ignorant or they are purposely deceptive liars with their own agenda. Breivik‘s views are not Christian and he does not practice Christianity at all. The rules he follows, in his own words, are logic and pragmatism. From what I know about Oslo Norway all the true Christians living their could probably fit in a Volkswagen bus. Even the state run church in Oslo is almost unattended except for some customary infant baptism, marriage and funeral rituals.

Most Norwegians actually believe that Christianity is their culture rather than a faith. In Breivik‘s own manifesto he says that he doubts that God exists and also says that belief in God or Christ is not required for the “Christian” culture that he wants Europeans to fight for. He also is hostile to those that actually believe the fundamentals of the Christian faith. So how than can anyone identify Breivik as a Christian without deliberately lying?

All across Europe the natives are increasingly growing restless. Understandably, they want their countries back. There are rising right wing movements in many nations in Europe, but right now, the parties that caused the problem still rule. Even so, the movement toward the right will continue and Europe will change in the future.

The leaders of countries in Europe have said that multiculturalism has failed. Even so, they do not know what to do about it. The reality is that they have put in place the ingredients for a civil war. All that it will take to set off this time bomb in Europe is a few more terrorist attacks. Those attacks will come, and the reaction from the native Right will change the European governments radically. That is when the real purge of Islam from Europe begins.

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27 thoughts on “Breivik foreshadows native backlash and future civil war in Europe

  1. The revolt better happen quickly, because in a generation of two the natives will not have the numbers on their side given the birth rate of the two groups.

  2. Yes Don, on hearing of this ‘event’ my thoughts went immediately to your past comments re a backlash. It also hi-lighted for me the reality of Christ’s words regarding anger being akin to murder.
    The unremitting and deliberately introduced destruction of his way of life moved this man to such anger; I know how I feel at the traitorous actions of our socialist government and I have the emollient of sound doctrine and the hope of a glorious future. Without hope in Christ angry men will lash out, and if such anger is harnessed it must lead to civil war.
    The spineless dreamers and their wolfish leaders will accuse us of instigating such actions by our realism, Jeremiah copped a lot of flack for his realistic prognosis so I guess we will be in good company.

    Very few in the Press do not have an agenda and their abuse of the word ‘fundamentalist’is a case in point. The great fundamental of Biblical Judaism and Christianity has always been love; love for God and for one’s neighbour. How that can have changed to violence and murder in just a few short years can only be put down to a satanic agenda of disinformation, and to accomplish that the Bible must be silenced by being discredited.
    This agenda is so obvious that I wonder at the folly of their ‘unbelief’. It raises the question, are they foolish or are they Satanists?
    As always a great article:

  3. Ain’t that the truth Mark.

    I read a report that the Muslims are birthing at a rate of 7, to the rest of the worlds 1.

    Everywhere these Muslims go, there will be unrest, that is what they set out to do to satisfy their world Sharia agenda, and they are accomplishing it to a point. Now, as your article says Don, it’s up to governments & peoples around the world to make a decision.

  4. Yesterday on CNN there was a report that Muslims in London have posted signs in certain neighborhoods declaring those areas to be under Sharia Law. British authorities were reported
    to be removing the signs.

  5. Don,

    There is already Sharia Law in many Muslim areas of Europe the removal of the signs do not change that fact.

  6. So many people are blind to the fact that what is and has been happening in Europe is happening here in the U.S. I know work with 2 Muslims, one from Eygpt the other from Libya. Being a white christian male I am totally out numbered between 2 gay co-workers and 2 muslim co-workers. All who tell me I need to be more accepting to change. I try to explain to them that the more openminded people get the further away from the Bible they become.The 2 Muslim co-workers of mine were so disgusted at Brivik and they had the nerve to tell me that us christians were crazy. Forget the fact that they blow themselves up for Allah and 1000 virgins. It seems like as the weeks go on the more of a minority true christians are and if the rapture doesnt happen soon then we are in to see a very dark world and all of these folks with their heads in the sand are in for a rude awakening as to how bad its going to get…even here in the U.S.

  7. Hi Don Fritts,

    So, the “Religion Of Peace” strikes again huh ?…I guess they’re getting a bit presumptuous in some cases.

    I know in Dearborn, Michigan…it is overrun by Muslims…they have the prayers through the speakers, Sharia Law is enforced, and Americans are prohibited from interfering with the Sharia Laws there.

  8. Shawn ,
    First of all I would have the 2 Muslims that Brivik is NOT a Christian . I would tell the gays
    that God view on your lifestyle is what you need to fear , not me. My children (all 5 of them)
    tell me my political views are so beyond extreme that it is impossible to take me seriously.
    My solution to those making any attempt to implement or impose any Sharia Law would be
    military force against it and to anyone who objects to my solution — So What , SHUT UP!!!!!

  9. Don, I made it very clear to the Muslims that Brivik was not and should not ever be considered a christian and that they need to do more research before labeling folks. The gays..I have to keep my mouth shut or lose my job..which by the way is real hard since I have already been taken to HR once for an offensive comment that was said in private but overheard. I have heard that even down here in Pensacola, Fl that a few Muslim sects are trying to enforce Sharia Law but they can’t even get enough of their Muslim breathren to agree. The one thing that worries me most of all is once this former Great nation of ours starts its final decline through the economy, EMP, or act of God we as Americans dont stand together like we should. This makes it easy for the invaders who are already on our soil like the Muslims the gangs (MS-13)and plenty of other terrorist groups to attacks us on big and small scales when we are at our lowest. I have a few friends that have labeled me an end of times nut. I expliain to them that I might not have 6 months of food and water but I am semi prepared for just about anything!!! Call me what you will!..;-)..Thanks Don.

  10. Shawn,
    I find it easy to agree with because you’re accurate. Being retired I have this attitude that
    with the exception of God I answer to nobody and I am very politicially incorrect. Of course ,
    I obey the laws and mind my own business also. BLESSINGS to YOU!!!!!!!!

  11. Don,

    I too obey the law of the land, well for the most part, and I do answer only to God and I know where I am going when the time does come. Thank you for your words sir, and I have quickly become a follower or your posts and articles. Thank you for what you do. May God bless you and all you do!

  12. Note: That link I gave was not a good one to show that Sharia is being implemented in Michigan…that was a Muslim festival where our police force was quick to protect the Muslims against those handing out the Gospel of John.

    It’s an easy search to find where in the U.S. Sharia is being imposed by Muslim dominated areas…and I’m afraid Don Fritts, the only military action we’d see regarding Sharia Law would be against Americans, not Muslims…according to the reports I’m reading.

  13. Don Fritts: I have the feeling everyone that regularly reads this blog is politically incorrect – except for “Big Sis’s” agents. Don from Arkansas is the “leader of the banned.”

  14. Honestly, why is anyone surprized at any of this? This mush kills innocent people, but claims to be Christian. #1., the very real prophecy and assurance by none other than Jesus Himself said that the world will hate us because it hated Him first. This demonically sick individual used terms such as “Christian agonstic” and “Christian athestic” (sp?) and NOONE can see the oxymoron? The only conclusion the world can draw is that this guy must be another Timothy Mcveigh ( another non-Christian “Christian), or the nutjob that flew his plane into the building a while ago, or the Unibomber, etc., and that MUST mean that anyone who expouses fundamental Christian values, beliefs, or ideas is every bit as dangerous and nefarious as a Muslim terrorist moron (so sorry for my lack of political correctness). Gimme a BIG break. this is nothing more than time clicking down for us. The world needs only a small excuse to come after us, just like they did to the Jews around, oh, 1931-1939 or so. For anyone who regularly comes on this site, is this REALLY that shocking to you? All this leads me to believe and HOPE that He won’t take too much more time to come back. I for one DO NOT intend to go to the gas chamber or whatever else might be waiting. No me, not my wife, not my daughter. If it means going down fighting defending my charges and then having to answer for it to the Lord, so be it. the last time I looked, cowardace was one of the things He wasn’t too crazy about as well as a whole lot of other things. Don, you know from some of my previous posts how much of a pre-trib guy I am; can’t much change that. But if the Lord does tarry, I really don’t see how I could expect to spend eternity looking at someone who willingly gave His life for me if I wasn’t just as willing to give mine defending the people He gave to me to fend for, with the ability and strength He gave me. And if anyone wants to bring up the early or MODERN Christian maryters who were slaughtered, I pose this: did they have even a slight chance of fighting back or defending themselves? Then ask yourself this: could YOU watch your loved ones be slaughtered if you had EVEN a small chance of sparing them torture or agony? Anyone? I guess the whole point of this is that I honestly feel this is just more gasoline on the fire in terms of the world looking for an excuse to come and get true believers. The CINO’S probably don’t have much to worry about. I am sure they’ll tow the company line when it comes time to acquiecese to the “only true religion in the world”, whatever that will be.

  15. I don’t see anyone coming for true Christians here in the sense that you are talking before the next world war and/or the second civil war and the rise of the one world Harlot. At least not in the red states.

  16. Don, I knew that! I was just checking to see how alert the other faithful readers are.

  17. To Michael Angelo,

    I really like & get a lot out of what you post…but this last post throws me.

    Coming after us ?…I would think we are talking about, is God going to judge the U.S. before the rapture ?…I would guess probably.

    No, none of this is shocking at all…it seems to me that things are working perfectly as they should in these last days.

    The gas chamber, decapitation …and loved one’s ?

    That is something I find interesting and have thought about myself…of course, I would go down fighting if at all possible with everything I had.

    The question I have had to ask myself is…

    If it came down to it…and I was given the option to deny Jesus Christ to save myself and my loved one’s, would I do it ?…NO, no way…I think this is more the options that we could be looking at and how many will turn away from God to save their life and loved one’s on earth ?

    And by the way, this is exactly the scenario that the Muslim leaders have said they want to set up for Christians and Jews.

  18. With less than 2 percent Muslims in this country I hardly think that they will be the general threat to Christians within this country. Much more likely is persecution coming from those that identify with atheists, the Harlot, Dominion Theology and the New Age.

  19. The persecution of the post-Rapture saints will come from all sides. Atheists, Word of Faithers, Dominion Theologists, New Agers, Muslims, Mormons, etc. Once the Restrainer is gone, this world isn’t anyplace I’d want to be.

  20. Yeah but, the pre-rapture saints have and will also be persecuted because the Restrainer is not stopping persecution of the Church. He is stopping Satan from taking over the world until the Church is completed.

  21. David, I couldn’t agree more with the scenario of choosing death over denying Jesus if there was no other choice. I am certain, using the example of Christian maryters past and present, that they probably did’nt have any way of sparing anyone in their circumstances. Mabey I wasn’t clear enough (which certainly could have been the case!), but I think the oint I was really trying to make was that this whole incident was just one more excuse for the world to hate us because this demented individual choose the term “Christian” when rambling on with his insanity. I mean, come on…World of War/Knights Templar? Really? Also, it seems the trend for most pre-trib rapture observers lately is the concensus that it won’t come as quickly as a lot of people used to think, and that we WILL be here for a lot of heat before the trumpet sounds. Will we be forced to hunker down before the Lord says come up hither? Your guess is as good as mine.

  22. This really is going to happen, I live in an area of the UK which has up till now one of the least multicultural societies, I can see it changing fast, this is awful why are they doing this

  23. didi,

    That of course is the correct name. I can’t say where I got the Ankers Brivik handle. I have corrected it on the post and thanks for telling me.

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