Unemployment in developed nations solved by a shorter work week

Do you realize that almost all countries in the world now have high unemployment? If one country finds a solution to unemployment in their nation it most likely will be at the expense of higher unemployment in other nations. China’s great industrial expansion in the last two decades should make that fact abundantly clear.

Industrialization of once largely agricultural societies like China and India have put out of business many manufacturing jobs in many nations in a very short period because with abundant cheap labor they can undersell them. The industrial workforce on our planet has almost double in a few decades and that is the reason for the high unemployment in the world.… continue reading

Progressive Liberal race riots are predictable and inevidable

Even though most media will not dare mention that many blacks are racists and that the latest riots are mainly race driven. It does not change the fact that these violent civil upheavals are race driven as well as the result of an amoral undisciplined people. These are people that largely grew up without fathers but instead were mentored by government and media Marxist social engineers. They were also mentored locally by a gang rap culture of drug pushing criminals.

Much of these ghettos are now in rebellion against their institutional keepers and the inmates want to attack all those that do not belong in their own mental ward.… continue reading

American Christians should expect troubles in this world

It is very naive and shortsighted to think that you will escape the type of troubles that have been common to all that lived in the history of the world just because your a Christian living in America. Americans tend to think that the future in America will continue much the same as they have experienced it over their short lives. They tend to think that no great troubles will impact their own generation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is nothing new under the sun, events on earth run in cycles. There is a time for everything. Americans just went through a time of relative peace and prosperity at home and now, very likely, we will go through a time of war, civil strife and economic hard times.… continue reading

Raising the debt ceiling won’t stop the coming economic collapse!

Since raising the debt ceiling is all over the news let’s cut through all the bull and look at the reality of America’s debt. Raising the debt ceiling won’t in anyway stop the coming economic collapse, in fact it makes it more likely. The debt ceiling really has no reason to even exist since whatever government spends is decided by Congress anyway. The debt ceiling is just a political football that the two parties use against each other every so often to try to force the agenda of the ruling party.

The debt ceiling is not the problem, our present national debt and our future national debt is the problem.… continue reading

Breivik foreshadows native backlash and future civil war in Europe

For quite some time now I have been saying that there will be a backlash against Islam in Europe coming from the natives. The bombing and shootings in Norway by Anders Breivik were quite insane but many agree with Breivik‘s views about the Islamic threat to the European culture.

Breivik is aware that the Marxists that took over Europe are destroying Europe with their multiculturalism. Breivik understands that the Far Left is the cause of the Islamic problem in Europe and that is why he targeted them rather than targeting the Muslims. Breivik had a drugged manic mind that seemed to have become trapped in the virtual reality games that he became obsessed with.… continue reading

The Iranian Syrian North Korean 2013 EMP Conspiracy

It seems to me that Americans are missing the obvious. Iran, Syria and North Korea are planning a surprise attack on Israel and the West and that attack will include nuclear Electromagnet Pulse (EMP) weapons. I think they will put off this attack as long as possible in order to get more weapons in place but I think the plan will be operational no later than sometime in 2013.

Anytime after 2013 the implementation of their conspired plan to destroy Israel and the West will be based on their threat assessment and we know that with North Korea that it does not take much of a threat for them to go ballistic (pun intended).… continue reading

Americans need to get out of pending war zones while there is time

Are Americans fed up yet? If not, I think many Americans will soon have had it with our government and our dependent class. I think it might be wise for some of you to get out of pending American war zones while there is still time left for you to do that.

Why should anyone think that a President given to America to bring judgment on America would now not bring judgment on America? The only question left in my mind, is will America learn its lesson and restore conservative constitutional sanity to this nation or will Obama get Americans permission to finish the job of cutting their own throats?… continue reading

Restoring Paradise Lost from secular Left or the religious Right?

Restoring Paradise Lost from the idealist secular Left or the presumptuous religious Right is not possible. Paradise Lost can only be restored after Jesus returns.

The Left worldview believes humankind can restore Paradise Lost through the collective efforts of man led by the most evolved human elite. Most on the Left believes that God is a creation of man, or is man, or at the very least, God is impersonal and detached from His creation. Therefore, in their worldview, God is not a factor in restoring Paradise Lost. They believe man must restore paradise through his own efforts.

There is a similar worldview that actually comes through world religion.… continue reading

Unless Americans reject evil, Obama will destroy this nation.

A country gets the leader the people deserve. Obama was obviously given for America’s destruction. I think the evidence of what he did thus far leaves little room for doubt.  After 2 1/2 years of Obama you would think Americans would have learned something, but that does not seem to be the case. Unless Americans suddenly turn from their evil ways Obama will finish the job given to him.

We are less than 18 months from the next presidential election and as of right now Obama has a 50+ percent approval rating in the polls and not one potential Republican candidate matches up with Obama in the polls. … continue reading

America can have riots and civil war or a temporary benevolent dictator.

It is clear to me that this country is now hopelessly divided and there will be no solution if we do not find a very strong leader that can shock Americans into reality by telling them the unvarnished truth about where the nation is heading and making it clear that the only alternative to his own radical proposals will be social breakdown with riots and even a civil war. We need someone with the communication skills and likability of Ronald Regan and Glenn Beck and the independent resources of someone like Ross Perot. Maybe It could be someone with outstanding social networking skills that can bypass the lame-stream media that will certainly gather their liberal forces against him.… continue reading

U.N. Responsibility to Protect action in Libya opens door to Armageddon

After listening to Obama about the reason the Western powers moved against Gaddafi one might actually think that they really care about the people around the world that are being killed by tyrants. The same people pushing Obama’s foreign policy buttons are the ones that got “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) resolutions passed in the U.N. and other world governance resolutions. These are most often the same people whose names are found on elitist membership lists.

These people want us to believe that they are so concerned about a few  thousand people being killed in the civil war going on in Libya that they want military action, but we see that they could care less about allowing a North Korean tyrant much worse than Gaddafi to stay in power.… continue reading

The straw that broke the camels back might be blowing in the wind

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan with about ten thousand people dead, hundreds of billions of dollars in damage and a possible nuclear meltdown was all over the news last weekend but I did not hear one peep about it in church. Nothing was said in Sunday school. Nothing was heard in any prayers said that I heard. Nothing came from the pulpit and nothing even was said in casual conversations. I guess us American Christians can be very inward looking and I also point a finger at myself because I never brought up Japan at church either. In contrast, when something much less deadly like 9/11 or Katrina happened in our own country it was on the lips of everyone in every church in the nation.… continue reading

Those obsessed with Bible prophecy might become unprofitable servants

This title seems more like it would come from someone like Rick Warren than someone like me that has a Bible prophecy website. Nevertheless, my observations and my own experience tells me that many that become obsessed with Bible prophecy may become unprofitable servants. There is a danger that some of these Christians will do little for the cause of Christ during their whole lives.

Let me clarify that I am not talking about those called to the teaching ministry, especially those that major in Eschatology. Nor, am I saying that Christians should not be interested in learning all they can about Bible prophecy.… continue reading

New world disorder will bring riots and civil insurrections even here

The world is going into a new world order of disorder. On one side you have the tyrannical power elite with all the money and weapons and on the other side you have the oppressed, the Marxist’s and the Islamist’s. No matter which of these end up in power the outcome will be the attempted destruction of the opposition. I think the world is heading into a great time of disorder. What you have been seeing so far is in the Middle East and North Africa is just act one of a long drama.

Even if many of these nations now in turmoil somehow achieve Democracy, that Democracy will just become a tyranny of the majority with the majority imposing Islamic law, Socialism or Fascism on everyone.… continue reading

50 ways Americans have cooked their own goose.

America has cooked its own goose and here are fifty ways how she accomplished it. I am sure you could come up with many more of your own. It seems to me that about the only thing left is to stick a fork in us because America is about done as a nation. Its probably too late to save the golden goose once the meat is already falling off the bones.

  • The Bible directs parent to train up their children in the way they should go. Parents did not, they allowed secular humanist Marxists in schools and media to train up their children in the way they shouldn’t go.
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Muslim people need to throw off their taskmasters and choose peace

The Muslim people need to hear the truth, for if they continue on the road that their taskmasters are taking them they will never have peace in this world or attain everlasting life from the Creator in the next.

Muslim leaders talk about Jihad and taking the world for Allah so that Sharia law will reign in the world where everyone will submit to Allah and everyone does what is lawful and right. Yet, even in the most Muslim of countries, is that a reality? I think if you are a honest Muslim you know that even where Sharia law reigns, so do the control freaks and the taskmasters.… continue reading

Rick Warren picks pagans to lead “Daniel Plan” in his “decade of destiny”.

I believe I have about 43 posts on this blog that either are about Rick Warren or his name is mentioned in the article for some reason. I also wrote articles that reside on my website about Warren’s seeker sensitive church growth model and Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E plan. I have been disagreeing with Rick Warren’s agenda for a better part of a decade.

I have been writing about “America’s pastor”, since his Purpose Driven Life was thrust in my hands to read. I found problems with the book and had bigger problems with the churches that adopted his seeker sensitive methods and his gospel light sermons.… continue reading

Mass murderers, psychos, guns, and Liberal enablers and disablers

The response to the mass murders in Arizona proves how low the Left will go to try to gain political advantage. For days they were blaming the Tea Party and conservative talk shows for inciting Jared Loughner into mass murder without having one shred of evidence that there was any connection at all. The slander against people on the Right from these people would have been called criminal hate speech had anything like this libelous venom come against the Left.

It is now well known that Loughner was not a conservative, in fact, most of his views would put him on the Left.… continue reading

Wishing all in Christ a joyful new decade but a Happy one is doubtful.

Its is hard to believe that 2011 is already upon us. It was not so long ago that futurist projections for the year 2000 had people working 20 hour work weeks, traveling in flying cars, and using moving sidewalks for mass transit in the cities.

Yet, here it is 2011 and the only reason why people are working 20 hour weeks is because they cannot find full time jobs. The flying cars have not got off the ground and if they ever did EPA would ground them in the name of junk science. The moving sidewalks are only moving because they are cracking and crumbling and sliding out of place.… continue reading

Fourth turning suggests over two decades of world chaos.

I do not totally buy into the “fourth turning” time cycles although the four turnings spoken about in that book do seem to occur about once in a human lifespan. I as well, see a bitter winter coming to our nation and the world in the near future. I think we are about two years away from at least two decades of unparalleled world chaos.

The validity of the fourth turning cycle theory really does not matter because by our own observations we can see the rise of evil all over the world and know that it will bring us a time of war and chaos.… continue reading