The Christian movement shifting toward apostasy

If you are buying into a “Emergent” or “Emerging Church” you are going to be shifting toward the apostasy of pantheistic monism and universalism. Everyone in the Church needs to know about this rapidly growing movement because this is the apostasy that we were told would come in the last days.

Are You a “Shifter”? Does the Historic Gospel Message Need to be Repackaged? – CWN

Are you a “SHIFTER”? Do you follow Oprah Winfrey in her swooning free-fall into “planetary consciousness”? Do you “feel” the Christian message and belief system must be “repackaged” in order to be “relevant”, especially to the youth?

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The Southern Baptist South now needs to be invaded by Calvary Chapels.

The main problem with the Southern Baptists (I have been a member at times) is that most members no longer read their Bibles they read Lifeway articles about the Bible. They do not do Bible studies they do Lifeway magazine studies or studies based on the latest book of some popular Christian self help Guru. They do not have Bible teachers they have facilitators of Lifeway products. Don’t believe me? Take a show of hands at your Southern Baptist Church, Bible study or group and ask how many have ever read through the Bible even once in their lives. You might be surprised.… continue reading

Shirley Dobson appears on Hour of Power and says Robert Schuller is doing good work

Much of the church is missing Dr. Dobson’s mixed message because he tells them what they want to hear on issues of the family and morality but Dr. Dobson seems to be confused on many theological issues – from the evil of psychology in the Church, to soft dominionism to his confusion on Robert Schuller’s universalism.

I wrote an article that includes information on Dr. Dobson if anyone cares to read it. The major segment on Dobson is about half way down the article in the psychobabble section, also check the excellent link within for much more information.

Do The Dobsons and Focus on the Family Agree with the Emergent Church?continue reading

Psychology emerging in Christianity

Many Christian leaders understand that moral relativism is a plague on society but for some reason they do not understand that this thinking originated from theories of psychology.

It also is no accident that psychology is now a major part of the education offered in many Bible colleges and seminaries. Is it any wonder then that leaders with majors and minors in psychology are now emerging out of these schools and are creating the Emergent Church movement.

They teach people to question and redefine what were once Christian absolutes. So now we have the emerging blind leading the blind that have already been brainwashed to accept moral relativism by their secular educators.… continue reading

Brian Mclaren tells young creekers to lessen focus on eternity

I do not know why Willow Creek would allow this heretic to speak at their church. I take that back I think I do known why.

I challenge anyone who reads the Bible as written to tell me that this man has not redefined the scriptures to take away absolutes truths and replace them with stupid rationalizations. Tell me that he is not corrupting Christian youth with his heretical teaching. It is time that Christians quit making apogees for this very destructive heretic. His teachings are doing great harm to Christianity especially to the youth of the church.

So why is it that Christians in your church are mislead from his books and there is no warning about this wolf in sheep’s clothing and others emergent leaders like him coming from your pastor?… continue reading

The emergent rise of pantheistic universalism

This article will give you a good perspective of how the Emergent Church is sliding into unity with New Age and Eastern paganism and pantheistic universalism. It will tell you who the leaders in this religious paradigm shift are and some of what they teach.

Emergent Church Spreading Spiritual Cancer – CWN

Now a similar assault on historic orthodox Christianity is underway that’s gaining momentum. Some Christians believe a paradigm shift is taking place in the Church and as a consequence “everything must change.” This is anything but good news for Christendom, my friends. In a radio interview with Worldview Network’s Brannon Howse, Professor Peter Jones of Westminster Seminary warned listeners that the Christian theistic West has been turning back to pagan, pantheistic monism.

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Deepak Chopra deceptively teaches that Christ is a consciousness

One thing in common with the New Age/New spirituality message from people like Deepak Chopra is that Christ is a consciousness that spiritual people can also asertain. They make Jesus just one of many that have reached or will reach Christ consciousness. They make Jesus just a teacher with Christ consciousness rather than God’s only Christ and Savior for mankind’s sins.

Your going to hear more and more about Christ consciousness in the future. It is a core teaching of the New Age/New Spirituality movement and this thinking is emerging in the emergent Church movement as well. It is popular among “Christian” universalists and pantheists who have a many ways to God belief.… continue reading

Greg Laurie’s advice to the emerging apostate church.

Greg Laurie speaks on the Emergent Church, global warming and other issues. Christians need to heed his warnings.

‘The Emergent Church’: A dangerous counterfeit

Jesus plainly said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the life. …” (John 14:6, NKJV) Yet despite this clear biblical teaching, another “emergent” leader says, “I see the world through the images of Christianity, which teaches me that I encounter God in everyone I meet, regardless of what they believe.”

This is New Age mysticism, not New Testament Christianity. The truth is, you will only find Christ living in those who have put their faith in Him.

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Those seeking the divine within themselves will find demons

The Bible says that doctrines of demons would be taught and believed in the last days. This worldwide paradigm shift to pagan thought just proves that we have arrived. Woe to the people that are teaching others this satanic deception.

There is nothing divine in self unless you got it from the Jesus that died on the cross and rose from the dead and is sitting on the right hand of God.

Paul Proctor — Oprah and The Gospel of Me

If you break it all down, the New Age is, at its core, just spiritual narcissism – cloaked in charity, compassion and unity.

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Seeds of deception conference

Your kids will be publicly introduced to Eastern religious paganism and the Dalai Lama at the “Seeds of Compassion Conference” by direct participation of your public schools. Now why does it not surprise me that heretics Desmond Tutu, Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt will be speakers at this conference.

They will even have a Yoga secession for children ages 6-10. How nice!

After reading what is going in the Emergent Movement and New/Age does any astute Christian still think they a Universal one world religion is not well underway?

Emergent Leaders and School Children follow “his holiness” the Dalai Lama to Seattle Commencing this Friday (April 11, 2008) the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the world’s Tibetan Buddhists begins a five day conference in Seattle.… continue reading

Rick Warren and the Saddleback Cult?

I also have been warning about Rick Warren. Christian pastors do not continually let the enemies of the cross use their platform to deceive. I have observed Warren saying one thing to Christians to appear orthodox and then leading the church and the world astray by promoting heretics and universalism. My question to members of Saddleback is why do you put up with it? Have you all become disciples of Rick Warren rather than disciples of Jesus Christ? Is your Church now just a social platform for deceiving people into a wide gate all inclusive type of Christianity? I say either censor Rick Warren, leave the church or expect to be labeled as cult members by true Christians.… continue reading

Man redefining their scriptures for world peace

If Muslims just put new meanings on the passages they do not like in the Qur’an you will have created a man made hybrid religion. That would be feasible for only those Muslims that do not really believe their scriptures literally came from God anyway. We have those people in Christianity as well, they have a man made hybrid Christianity that is devoid of any salvation. When all religions do what you suggest we will have Universalism but no truth. Not that there was any truth in Islam to start with, but true Christianity is truth.

What is suggested is that man redefines the scriptures and accepts what he wants and rejects what he does not want.… continue reading

Emerging toward a cosmic consciousness with the Devil

Astute biblical Christians knew that these emerging birds would come to merge with the universal, pantheistic, pagan flock of vultures that claims it will soar up to a higher plain of cosmic consciousness.

“New age” leaders have fed the gullible this line for several decades. The difference now is that the leaders have changed their name to “New Spirituality” and they are now in the church teaching very dumbed down, biblically illiterate church members their doctrines of demons.

It seems that Western emerging “Christianity” needs the hope of a evolutionary mystical experience to replace their “Old Spirituality” that is now on life support.… continue reading

Oprah promotes Eckhart Tolle and doctrines of demons

Oprah believes there are many more paths to God other than Christianity. Eckhart Tolle who is promoted by Oprah thinks the current awaking will bring us into the universal consciousness, “A New Earth” where your collective identity will be “I Am” (the name of God).

Oprah is being watched by Christians like she has truth and Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” is big among “Christians”. Eckhart Tolle says unless you have this shift in consciousness and stop resisting this collective consciousness you will not enter the New Earth which is a physical manifestation of the New Heaven (that leaves out all Bible believing Christians).… continue reading

Interspiritual international New Spirituality Blackbirds of a feather flock together

The world is definitively emerging toward a universal religion. But, If they do not use the Door they will never enter in to fellowship with God, no matter how spiritually unified these New Spirituality black birds become.

Doug Pagitt, Rob Bell to Join Dali Lama, Desmond Tutu, UN at Interspiritual Event – CWN

in one of the boldest moves yet in their promotion of New Spirituality, Doug Pagitt and Rob Bell are joining the Dali Lama, Desmond Tutu, and a whole line-up of New Spirituality proponents for the Seeds of Compassion Interspiritual Event in Seattle on April 15 to nurture “spirituality” in youth.

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Pantheism is rapidly replacing Secular Humanism

The postmodern generation is shifting into the belief that they can create their own humanistic utopia by just harnessing collective powers. Man creates His own reality. That’s “The Secret”, The “Word of Faith” movement, it is postmodern thought moving into the Emerging Church and it all originates from Eastern thought where God is everything.

Collectively mankind becomes God and all religions are paths to cosmic consciousness.

The distinctions between the children of light and the children of darkness on the earth are becoming well defined in these last days. One family on earth claims to be children of God because of what God did for them and the other family claim to be self evolving god’s.… continue reading

This elevator is going down

Here is a very good summery of the latest going on with many of the “Christian” leaders that seem to be running their own heavenly elevator. Next stop the bottom floor.

clipped from
We welcome new leaders and recognize them for their service to Christ. Today
there are many new leaders, but there is a shortage of biblically well trained
leaders who are aware of the issues and have answers to them. There are just as
many new leaders serving an agenda, themselves and money than Christ.
Postmodernism, pluralism, relativism, interfaith and occult ideas and practices
have reached so deep into the church that we can’t seem to see through the murky
waters we are now swimming in.
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Government forced Christian aid.

Should the government make people do what God’s children should be doing out of their own good heart?

When government takes from those in the world who have, to give to others it fosters rebellion on one end and slothfulness on the other. In addition, government uses the redistribution of wealth to further its own worldly social agendas instead of the heavenly agenda that free will charity would bring.

Many of the problems in the world are because of blatant sin choices that people have made and that government often enables or even promotes. Treating  sin symptom problems when government helps spread the disease is an exercise in futility.… continue reading

Red letters from their spirit guide.

They say they put special emphasis on the Red letters because that is what Jesus was reported to have said in contrast to other scriptures that in their doubtful minds are more subjective. Yet, there is enough in Red Letters to destroy their Red Letter arguments. So  they go further and selectively choose which Red Letters they will use for their heretical arguments and which they will discard because it does not fit their view.

It is not a mystery why they do this. They want a Jesus that fits the Jesus they contemplated in their own mind. A Jesus who is their buddy or spirit guide.… continue reading

Red’s in sheep’s clothing

You will be hearing a lot more about Red Letter Christians so you ought to know what they believe. Essentially they are Marxists who find some red letters in the Bible to enforce how red they are. Many are people in the postmodern Emerging Church Movement.

The reason why they identify with Christianity is because they find some things taken out of context in the Bible that enforces their red philosophy. For example, they find a millennial worldly utopia in the Bible but ignore the scriptures that says there first has to be a physical return of Jesus to deal with the evil people on the earth.… continue reading