Deepak Chopra deceptively teaches that Christ is a consciousness

One thing in common with the New Age/New spirituality message from people like Deepak Chopra is that Christ is a consciousness that spiritual people can also asertain. They make Jesus just one of many that have reached or will reach Christ consciousness. They make Jesus just a teacher with Christ consciousness rather than God’s only Christ and Savior for mankind’s sins.

Your going to hear more and more about Christ consciousness in the future. It is a core teaching of the New Age/New Spirituality movement and this thinking is emerging in the emergent Church movement as well. It is popular among “Christian” universalists and pantheists who have a many ways to God belief. Eastern polytheist and other pagan religions also have no problem with the concept so all these groups are merging into common thought.

If Christ is a consciousness a new age Christ can appear in any person and it opens the door to what the Bible said would happen in the last days. That many would come calling themselves Christ. Jesus said do not follow them or be deceived by them for He will come back physically and be displayed in the heaven In power and glory and every eye will see him. It will not be a matter open to debate. When he comes His Saints and holy angels will come with him. There will be no question about his physical identify.

Jesus Christ is not a consciousness he is a real individual. He is the only begotton Son of God who came to take away the sins of the world for all who believe. Those teaching Chirst consciousness are really setting up the world for false Christs, deception and ultimately the Antichrist.

Warning issued — Self-help guru teaches falsehoods about Christ (

Author Deepak Chopra claims in his book, The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore, that Jesus is a state of mind and not the son of God. The Indian medical doctor suggests that Jesus never spoke of the necessity to believe in Him for salvation, but that those words were put into his mouth by followers writing decades after.

According to Chopra, this “third Jesus” is a “cosmic Christ” who “taught his followers how to reach God consciousness.” He also argues that Christ was a savior, not the Savior of mankind, and was an “enlightened teacher who intended to save the world by showing others the path to God consciousness.”

Christian author and broadcaster Tom McMahon, president of The Berean Call ministry, says Chopra’s view of Jesus is so foreign to the Bible, it is upsetting.

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5 thoughts on “Deepak Chopra deceptively teaches that Christ is a consciousness

  1. Much of what we have been taught about Christ the Lord, our Lord is a Myth. If Jesus is the only Son, then what does that make the rest of Humanity? Taking the Bible so literal forces us to create more myths, more stories to make Modern Christianity true. Make no mistake, God is very much alive and Jesus was a very real person, but if Jesus was and I believe is divine, then so are we. The Myth that surrounds Jesus and Modern Christianity does not work. Take for example the Virgin Birth, either God does not know anything about Human Biology, or it’s just a story created by the writers of the Gospels rooted in first century understanding.

    Think about it, one has to deal with Mary’s Humanity, after all, she was not born of a Virgin, and thus we cannot remove her DNA and contribution to the Birth of Jesus. Unless she was without Original Sin (Which in of itself is a False Teaching) then, how can she birth a child that is without Sin, even if you take the Human Male out of the picture, one will still have to deal with her Mitochondrial DNA (mitochondria are inherited exclusively from the mother) It’s all a Myth to explain a greater Truth, about the Impact of Rabbi and Master Jesus. By continuing to believe in the Myth that Christianity has become, will only separates us from God and the deeper teachings of Christ.

  2. For you to know that much of what we believe is a myth would only make you self deceived.

    Jesus Himself said he was God and the Jews understood that and had Him killed for it.

    You are not divine and the virgin birth is not a myth. Nothing is impossible with God.

    If you call original sin a false teaching then you cannot turn around and use it as a argument why Jesus could not be born without sin.

    If you do not even believe the basic doctrines that define Christianity you cannot know the deeper teachings of any biblical Jesus Christ either.

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  5. Of course it is not on topic, but I had a open post just a week or two ago where you can ask about anything you want. Just hit home on the top bar and look for it.

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