Will the Antichrist come to power after an EMP over Europe and the United States?

I almost fully agree with Hal Lindsey on this EMP issue. A couple of years ago I wrote that an EMP attack is the number one imminent danger to the United States. This danger has been reported to Congress by their own hand picked committee of experts. They reported to Congress that an EMP would send our nation back to the dark ages for months or even years. The link to that report is in my article. Guess what? Against the committee’s advice not one thing as yet been done to harden our electric and electronic infrastructure.

By the way, it is not just Iran that is a threat.… continue reading

No Homeland Security EMP Emergency Action Plan?

It would seem rather bazaar that there would be no emergency action plan in place to deal with the aftermath of an EMP attack on the U.S. It poses the greatest immediate and near future danger to the survival of the U.S. other than an all out nuclear attack by Russia or China.

Both Russia and China have hinted at using an EMP against the United States and definitely have the capability. We also know from the missile tests of Iran and N. Korea that they could have that capability soon, not to mention that terrorists could obtain the capability on their own if they have or acquire a nuclear bomb.… continue reading

An EMP strike and the end of our nation as a superpower is more likely than not within a decade.

This article on the dangers and effects of an EMP is quite informative. I wrote on this issue a few time already but I think we had all better become more aware of this danger.

A EMP attack is probably the prime event that could eliminate the U.S. from being a factor in end time Bible prophecy. When you read the below article take note that Dr. Graham thinks a EMP could reduce the population of the U.S. to about 30 million people. Dr. Graham is not a crackpot he is the foremost expert on EMP’s. He knows what he is talking about.… continue reading

Why the US might not be in Bible prophecy

It is about time that someone wrote on this subject again. It is the number one danger to the United States and nobody is doing anything about it. The possibility of a EMP attack was brought up to congress years ago. I wrote on the EMP danger over a year ago based on what the commission report to congress said.

Since then not a thing has been done to harden US infrastructure from vulnerability to an EMP attack.This $771 Billion is the damage that could occur over one small region of the US. If a more sophisticated EMP were accomplished the damaged could not even be measured in trillion dollar terms because we will have lost our country.continue reading