The spirit of darkness blinds Americans from seeing the true Light

I hope you do realize that just changing the President in this country is not going to change the direction of this country for the better in any significant way. Political leaders of democratic republics pretty much reflects the inclination of the people that they represent. The latest presidents that we elected in America are just the symptom of the spiritual darkness that is engulfing most of the nation.

There has been increasing spiritual darkness in America for quite some time; this darkness can also be called the spirit of antichrist. I am not saying that the majority in this country now embrace the spirit of antichrist but this spirit of darkness is definitely taking over our land.… continue reading

American Christians should expect troubles in this world

It is very naive and shortsighted to think that you will escape the type of troubles that have been common to all that lived in the history of the world just because your a Christian living in America. Americans tend to think that the future in America will continue much the same as they have experienced it over their short lives. They tend to think that no great troubles will impact their own generation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is nothing new under the sun, events on earth run in cycles. There is a time for everything. Americans just went through a time of relative peace and prosperity at home and now, very likely, we will go through a time of war, civil strife and economic hard times.… continue reading

I think an analysis of present political realities is in order.

If you are aware of present political realities of today, the news headlines of tomorrow may not come as a complete surprise.

Obama is going to withdraw from Afghanistan but it will take until 2014 to do it. Meanwhile, nothing has changed for the better in that area. In fact, things are growing worse because the war just created more radicals in Pakistan and Afghanistan that hate Americans. So there is no reason to think that these areas will not become terrorist training grounds in the future.

Bashar al-Assad of Syria has killed well over a thousand people in Syria and he is creating quite a humanitarian crises by destroying the towns of people that do not support him and their very livelihoods.… continue reading

Restoring Paradise Lost from secular Left or the religious Right?

Restoring Paradise Lost from the idealist secular Left or the presumptuous religious Right is not possible. Paradise Lost can only be restored after Jesus returns.

The Left worldview believes humankind can restore Paradise Lost through the collective efforts of man led by the most evolved human elite. Most on the Left believes that God is a creation of man, or is man, or at the very least, God is impersonal and detached from His creation. Therefore, in their worldview, God is not a factor in restoring Paradise Lost. They believe man must restore paradise through his own efforts.

There is a similar worldview that actually comes through world religion.… continue reading

Making observations while traveling across America

I just drove out east to Buffalo and back; the whole trip was about 2000 miles and took 34 hours. I spent most of that time listening to conservative talk radio. I found it to be a real disappointment. Almost everything was about Anthony Weiner. Conservatives are not going to win back this country by talking about the sex life of a democratic House member that represents a liberal New York district. They better start talking about important issues and real solutions if they expect conservatives to take back this country in 2013.

One example of good conservative programing was an interview with Ann Coulter.… continue reading

Win the 2012 presidential election through the Sarah Palin model

Sarah Palin has a Christian concept of God, and a personal moral agenda, and now, pleasing the mainstream media and the entrenched political establishment in America is obviously not in her political playbook. Palin is one of the few people who might run for President that has a campaign model needed to win against the Democrats in 2012.  No Conservative will win the 2012 presidential election by trying to please the radical left that have almost total control over the mainstream media. These leftists hate everything we Christians and conservatives stand for.

Palin stands for a Christian concept of God, moral conservative principles based on the Bible, and a literal interpretation of our Constitution; she believes in individualism and in keeping the federal government out of our lives as much as possible by limiting the size of federal government.… continue reading

Unless Americans reject evil, Obama will destroy this nation.

A country gets the leader the people deserve. Obama was obviously given for America’s destruction. I think the evidence of what he did thus far leaves little room for doubt.  After 2 1/2 years of Obama you would think Americans would have learned something, but that does not seem to be the case. Unless Americans suddenly turn from their evil ways Obama will finish the job given to him.

We are less than 18 months from the next presidential election and as of right now Obama has a 50+ percent approval rating in the polls and not one potential Republican candidate matches up with Obama in the polls. … continue reading

America can have riots and civil war or a temporary benevolent dictator.

It is clear to me that this country is now hopelessly divided and there will be no solution if we do not find a very strong leader that can shock Americans into reality by telling them the unvarnished truth about where the nation is heading and making it clear that the only alternative to his own radical proposals will be social breakdown with riots and even a civil war. We need someone with the communication skills and likability of Ronald Regan and Glenn Beck and the independent resources of someone like Ross Perot. Maybe It could be someone with outstanding social networking skills that can bypass the lame-stream media that will certainly gather their liberal forces against him.… continue reading

Donald Trumping up cold fusion so I can declare war on my green hell

I am not going to have much time this week to write new posts because there is one law of nature in the Ozarks that is an absolute. If you do not keep the creeping green hell here in check it will soon take over everything. Those that live in the white hell of a Buffalo winter can only begin to understand the green hell here. There you either keep up with the white hell or you have to wait until spring to find out where you parked your car. But, the green hell of the Ozarks is magnitudes worse. You can’t shovel the green hell out-of-the-way you have to cut it out with machetes, brush hogs, riding mowers, bulldozers or get goats.… continue reading

Mass murderers, psychos, guns, and Liberal enablers and disablers

The response to the mass murders in Arizona proves how low the Left will go to try to gain political advantage. For days they were blaming the Tea Party and conservative talk shows for inciting Jared Loughner into mass murder without having one shred of evidence that there was any connection at all. The slander against people on the Right from these people would have been called criminal hate speech had anything like this libelous venom come against the Left.

It is now well known that Loughner was not a conservative, in fact, most of his views would put him on the Left.… continue reading

Rule by we the people, or rule by a dictator and appointed judges?

A federal judge has now told the government that the Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell law for people serving in the military is unconstitutional after being in effect in this nation for 17 years. So now the military is suddenly told to allow open homosexuals to serve. However, before that DADT law was even passed, homosexuals were not allowed in the military for the whole prior history of this nation. So if this seventeen year old DADT law was stuck down it seems to me that the previous rule of law for the military should remain in effect. That law was that anyone found to be engaging in homosexual activity in the military would be disciplined and probably given a discharge.… continue reading

Halloween economics and scary figures bringing October surprises

October has always been a scary month. There is always talk about some unexpected October surprise. Of course we also know the great fright night of Halloween will arrive and insure that many of us will not escape October without seeing scary figures that look like Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank pounding on our door. It might not be so fighting if it were not for the fact that Pelosi and Frank have been scaring sane people silly even before BO became a national obsession.

I bet if someone told Americans a few years ago that someone named Barrak Hussein Obama would become President they would have just rolled their eyes.… continue reading

Spiritual problems in America resolved through secular tea parties?

America has a national election coming up in a few weeks and many are excited about the change that they think is coming. I hate to rain on anyone’s tea party but spiritual problems in America cannot be resolved through secular tea party ideals. How do people expect any real change for the better in America, when America is still becoming progressively more amoral as I speak? For example:

  • The top box office hits are now movies about vampires, witches, sex and mass slaughter.
  • Parent allow their public schools to indoctrinate their children with textbooks full of lies.
  • The main stream media news is filtered through liberal spin doctors and the comedy and drama on the main networks are written to socially engineer gullible minds to conform to a secular humanist and anti Christian worldview.
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Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Sept 2010

Another Jewish New Year has come and gone and there has been no Rapture like some have predicted. This false presumption by some has occurred on each Feast of Trumpets since at least 1988. Some date setters will now have to modify their websites once again. There will be a whole lot of people that will have to modify their websites and teachings come the Feast of Trumpets 2012.

People that emphatically claim that they believe Jesus will come on or before that date really should be giving their money to Christian ministries while their is still time since they will not be needing it in two years.… continue reading

“I Am” beckoning by Glenn Beck

It is with mixed feelings that I am writing this post because most of what Glenn Beck says is as American as American pie. Nevertheless, most Christians leaders so love the sugar in the American pie that Beck is dishing out that they are also gobbling down the deadly crust that molds it. When Glenn Beck stays on politics he is pretty good but when he talks about God he is so far off the Christian reservation that he might as will be on planet Kolob (Where Father God of the Mormons lives).

First let me once again comment on Mormonism in general.… continue reading

Troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America

There are troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America. It is not like this nation really deserves anything less. The Marxists could never have taken over our educational system, the media, our government and even many of our churches if those that call themselves Christians in this nation really believed, lived a Christian lifestyle and kept a Christian worldview.

Believe it or not, with all the talk of a take over by the conservative Right it still looks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and John McCain will all get reelected and stay in power. With that information in mind, how much do Americans really care that they have allowed socialist idealists to reshape America into their ideal of America being a secondary colony on the world collective ant farm?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

Any American recovery in practice will go back to the American way

Forget all the theory that the economists and socialists keep peddling to us. Any American recovery in practice must go back to the American way! The American way is one of self reliance and reliance on community not reliance on big government and its entrenched bureaucrats. I really do not think America will choose to go back to the American way but if they did the following is probably the way to do it.

Taxes – Do away with the IRS. Get rid of all income taxes on corporations and individuals. Get rid of all payroll taxes on employers. There would be no deduction for employees other than a 15 percent deductions for all health and social programs (see below).… continue reading

Soon after the third stimulus America will be living under a dictatorship.

I have been saying all along that there will not be any real economic recovery any time soon. Now it looks like the markets have finally figured that out as well. By this fall unemployment will be rising again. When one third of the homes being sold in America are in foreclosure how in the world can people expect a real economic recovery? Here are just some of the things still coming down the pipeline this year and next. I think within a few years this will bring us under a dictatorship.

Even a higher rate of home foreclosures – It looks like there will be a trillion dollar bail-out of Fannie and Freddy by American taxpayers.… continue reading

Obama socialists followed by the Newt Gingrich Chameleon foundation?

Politicians will be running for the 2012 presidential election already within about six months. Some people have a favorite candidate picked already but most are hoping that someone new will emerge. He or she would have to be someone that will please centralist and conservative republicans, Christian evangelicals, and those identifying with the Tea Party movement. The problem with most candidates is that with their views they cannot get support that is broad enough to make them electable.

In the primaries some of the same names will appear and some new ones, but who among the known possibilities can both win the Republican primary and also receive a broad enough following of Americans to be electable?… continue reading