Re-Think Methodology or Repent?

The problem is even though Hybel’s now admits that they have been wrong for twenty years. They have no intentions of going back to church the way it was before they influenced the church to depart to a worldly methodology. If you check what they are doing at Hybel’s and Warren’s churches they are going head first into heretical Emergent Church doctrines and inclusive universalism with all Religion. Why would any church retain a pastor who has lead them down the wrong path for two decades as if he suddenly now learned how to lead people to Christ and pastor the flock?continue reading

Apophatic and Kataphatic Prayer

Apparently the emergent movement is redefining prayer for us. It is not enough to know that prayer is communication with God now you should know the difference between “apophatic” and “kataphatic” prayer. Well don’t panic, Eugene Peterson explains it all for us. Kataphatic prayer is praying with the eyes open and apohpatic prayer is praying with the eyes closed. Somehow all this profound wisdom reminds me of a old commercial. The one where they show eggs frying and equate it with your brain on drugs. You read the article and see where it takes you?

More Books and Things…: A Thing called Apophatic Prayer
kataphatic prayer employs thoughts and images while apophatic transcends these.

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Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement

Those with true Christian faith have a hard time compromising with the lies of liars and that speaks wonders for those who do.

Compromise isn’t just found in the Emergent Movement – CWN: “As W. Graham Scroggie said, “Light and darkness, right and wrong, good and evil, truth and error are incompatibles . . . when they compromise it is the light, the right, the good, and the truth that are damaged.”

The biggest danger to the evangelical Church is not false religion or atheism, but compromise; it has always been a tool of the enemy. When compromise occurs, we can have church growth but no depth; numbers, but no character; enormous buildings, but small hearts.

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Chuck Colson says Christians cannot defend their faith

I agree with the spirit of Chuck Colson’s quoted statement but lets look at the issue and at what Colson said and did not say a little more closely.

The main reason “Christians” cannot defend their faith is because most of them are not Christians at all. They have no faith other than some faith in fulfilling some man-made religious requirements that they believe will make them righteous with God.

People privatize their faith because they believe that have nothing to offer anyone and they are largely correct.

Many true believers will not talk about their faith because they know they are biblically illiterate and that they cannot intelligently talk about Christian doctrine.continue reading

Purpose Driven support for Rosemarie’s baby

Ever wonder why Rick Warren gets all this news coverage? I guess it really helps to be a member of the CFR. I wonder how many of this globalist elite club he has reached for Christ? Paul Proctor, in this article hits the main points so I just want to add my belief that this movement is also the mother of Rosemarie’s baby (The emergent church movement). I explain that and talk about some of the issues that Paul Proctor brings up in my dominion theology article. It gets into Psychology, the Purpose Driven and the Emergent church movements and much more.continue reading