“Christians” and “men” in the U.S. cowered by sodomites!

Its really is all about forcing the whole world to legitimize their own perversions. What is really crazy is that two percent of the world’s population are telling the other 98 percent to give up any morality they have and they are getting away with it. Next, the drug addicts will tell the rest of us they we need to allow them to openly parade their practices in public and push their lifestyles to our children in schools. Same difference!

Men that are allowing perversion to become normal practice in society truly need their own manhood check. Why are they cowered by perverted sex sissies and why are they allowing their children to be morally raped by sodomites in government, schools and media? Where are most pastors, elders, deacons and men of the Church? Lead a counterattack against this rape of our land and your youth or start wearing a skirt!

What did Jesus mean when he said that those who do not provide for there own families are worse than infidels? Was He just talking food clothes and shelter? It seems that the Western church no longer knows that it is the man’s role to protect their families. So when will you take a stand to do that?

Immorality on the offense

“Right of privacy,” “my body, my choice” and “live and let live,” are trite phrases that are commonly used by those in our society who wish to live a libertine lifestyle free of any moral restraint. Abortion, homosexuality and same-sex “marriage,” they argue, are “rights” with which government should not interfere in a free society. But recent events demonstrate that these so-called proponents of free choice want not only to be free to live an immoral lifestyle, they also want to force everyone else to accept their abnormal behavior or face serious consequences. And they will not hesitate to use the force of government to compel others to sacrifice their religious convictions so that society will only accept their warped beliefs as legitimate.

alternatives are available to those who wish to practice their immoral beliefs: the lesbian couple readily found a doctor to perform artificial insemination; homosexual couples will have no problem getting “married” in San Francisco or San Diego under the unconscionable California Supreme Court edict; the prevalence of pharmacies regrettably makes it easy to locate a pharmacist who will fill a prescription for abortion pills in states like Washington and Illinois; and the lesbian “couple” in New Mexico did not bother to find another photographer, electing instead to file a complaint against Elaine Huguenin. For those who love immorality, it has never been about “freedom of choice” or equal treatment; they want to force others to give up their religious convictions upon demand, and they are quick to employ the heavy hand of government to get their way. Unless such tyranny is stopped in its tracks, your beliefs and your job could be next.

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6 thoughts on ““Christians” and “men” in the U.S. cowered by sodomites!

  1. “My choice,” “my body”? My butt! As if a child that grows in your womb is not an individual in its own right just because it happens to develop inside “your” body. Abortion in case of rape is rare and it almost always involves some naive kids that had sex and oops, after a couple weeks they find out it “went wrong.” But rather then blaming themselves and taking full responsibility, they blame the kid. “Oh, that damned unborn kid! How dare it! That baby doesn’t have the right to dictate my life!”

    Boohoo. As if the kid could help you were so naive or stupid enough to have sex knowing you weren’t up for the consequences. At least you could try protected sex if you really can’t restrain yourselves? You created your own problems. If you’re mature enough to have sex, surely you’re mature enough to raise the kid you produced?

    Granted, everyone can make mistakes. But it begins with education. Parents have the duty to raise their kids in a moral manner and to discipline and reprimand them when needed. If they don’t set the right example, the kids aren’t going to learn anything. But if parents do set the right example and the schools and gov’t are manipulating their children and taking them from them by sending them down the road to hell, by God the parents must do everything in their power to keep that from happening

  2. I totaly agree with what you have posted, society has become so corupt, and the innocent are being raped by this rotteness they are pushing onto us. they don’t want to take responsability of their own action’s, so were the one’s who have to pay for their rottenness which is wrong.

  3. Don have you heard of the group created by LGTB’s that are going into churches to convince them that God condones homosexuality?

    I never hear my SB pastor preach against that. And he is a very good teacher, he just never teaches against that or people living together before marriage. He does mention pornography.

  4. Kate,

    I have heard of it. Sin is not condoned for those within the Church so they want the Church to believe that Homosexuality is not sin. Many are falling for that lie based on perverted human reasoning.

  5. Only a few minutes ago I saw a post on fb of a smiling 7 year old boy. The mother said her son has announced he is gay and she will hurt any one who breaks his spirit.

    How far the LGBT has come in the five years since Don wrote this article! Indoctrinating children who shouldn’t even know what sex is yet to closing the doors on Christian businesses who won’t go along with their perverted agendas. I have even read a statement from one Oregon lawmaker who said “Christians need to be rehabilitated.”

    And why are churches letting the LGTB’S even speak? This is something I hadn’t heard before Kate brought it to our attention.

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