Fort Hood shootings exposes heroes, sitting ducks and Obama

I pray for the families of all who died as a result of the Fort Hood shootings may God comfort you in your time of great sorrow and loss. I also pray for the wounded. May God heal and and restore you.

I also want to honor all the heroes that were involved in saving others at great risk to themselves. I hope they will be formally honored by our nation as the heroes that they proved to be. You can read about the story of some of the heroic acts at the Fort Hood shooting here. It really does not surprise me that a  mass shooting at an Army base would bring out many heroes. Our military men and women are doing heroic acts every day.

Next, I want to say that I think the policies of carrying and possessing weapons on our military bases need to be changed. On bases full of men and women trained in armed combat usually only the military police are armed (not long ago even they did not even have bullets in their guns). That policy exposes everyone on base as easy targets and sitting ducks for any terrorist action or person who wants to carry out his own vendetta against our military because of foreign war actions. Most would not even think of disarming the police of their cities when they off duty because we realize that some criminals might take revenge on them or their families. Nevertheless, military policy about weapons on base is always political correct but stupid and dangerous in light of today’s realities. We send our military to fight against radical Islam and then have military base policies here that disarm them and expose them in high densities so they can become sitting duck targets for terrorists. Not to even mention that all Americans have a Constitutional right and duty to provide for the common defense from the predators of the world.

Now that one killer demonstrated just how easy it is to just start murdering people like sitting ducks on our high density military bases our military leaders had better wake up. There are plenty of people watching and waiting and willing to be a mass murderer for Allah. Lets not give them sitting duck targets on our own military bases! We are fighting a war against a radical ideology that thinks killing for Allah is honorable and these people are everywhere, they are even on our own military bases. It it is time that our military leaders realized this and allowed all military to possess and carry firearms on its bases.

Finally, I have a few word for our Commander-in-Chief… On second thought, I think  Not even shocked and Obama’s frighting insensitivity articles say it all quite adequately. I just might add that Obama and most in our government need to wake up about Islam. They need to quit acting like Islam is a religion of peace toward non-Muslims. Anyone that reads Islam’s own doctrines knows that Islam it is not a religion of peace toward others. Anyone that looks at the many violent Islamic actions around the world and still say that Islam is a religion of peace either has their head in the sand or they are just plain liars.

By the way, those that are saying that this man had some kind of post dramatic stress disorder are nuts, they are the ones with their head in the sand. The man was a shrink he was not in combat and his anti American rhetoric was well known.

In contrast to Obama. Here is a very appropriate response on the Fort Hood shootings and the enemies within from a real American patriot named Chuck Norris.

Also, this next article really nails the whole problem. People are simply afraid to say the truth because there are severe repercussions against those who do dare to tell the truth about Islam in our current atmosphere of lawsuits and stifling the careers of those who do not fall in line with the politically correct idealists brainwashing America. That is why many officers at Food Hood would dare not report him. If they did they know it could end their own career. That is why intelligence agencies alerted would also not risk their neck, and that is why over forty people where shot and it is also why Islamic terrorists will continue to have sitting ducks in the future.

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5 thoughts on “Fort Hood shootings exposes heroes, sitting ducks and Obama

  1. Don, just about a week or so ago the Australians shut down a terrorist operation where Muslims were going to smuggle small arms on military bases an start shooting to kill as many as possible before they were killed or arrested.

    I really don’t believe this murderous rampage at Fort Hood was thought up by Maj. Hasan in one day. This was a preplanned attack against our Military. The Muslims know that our military personnel are unarmed when they are on bases inside the U.S. That is why these cowardly attacks will continue until we realize that the Muslims want us dead.

    I too pray daily for our troops over seas and here at home.

  2. I am sure they are planning such attacks because they are well aware that western military bases are easy targets because the military leaders do not trust their own people enough to let them have guns. So they keep the guns and/or bullets locked up. The radicals also know that there are high densities of people on these bases gathered in clumps and in a coordinated attack they can kill hundred before a rent a cop even shows up and calls for SWAT. There also is the revenge factor against our military.

    We were very lucky at Fort hood it could have been much worse if it were not for the heroes. I guess if there were two or three Muslims involved in the attack they would call it terrorism but since only one did the shooting the spinners of the truth will just say he cracked up. Army shrinks and lawyers will probably even help him win his insanity defense.

    We have seen nothing yet from the Muslim radicals that hate us especially if Israel bombs Iran.and war breaks out against Hamas and Hezbollah. Nonetheless, we can stop these attacks on our servicemen and woman dead in their tracks by just arming our military.

    The attack by Maj Hasan was obviously premeditated mass murder. No matter if he acted on his own or not he really did it because he was a Muslim. I cannot even conceive of a true Christian doing such an act in God’s name and then shouting “God is Great”! God is more than great Mr. Hasan, (your no major). God is all knowing and He is just, and anyone doing these evils in God’s name will pay the price for eternity.

    We also have to wonder about the wisdom of the military having a Muslim shrink treat Americans with PTSD after being in battle against Muslims?? Political correctness in the military gets people killed. I think some heads should roll and some policies need to change, but you know the leadership in America will purposely not connect the dots rather than risk not being politically correct. Therefore, it will happen again.

  3. Thanks to God we do not have that probem with islamic extremists here in Honduras. We barely have muslims among us. What we do have is a large rich community of catholic soccer-playing palestine immigrants who came about 100 yrs ago. Now they are 2nd and 3rd generation Hondurans. I guess they don’t like Israel.

    If this guy screams Alah is Great and then pulls the trigger on defenseless humn beings, what is the difference between this and an islamist extremist attack?

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