Has Global Warming Hysteria ‘Jumped the Shark’

That is why some environmentalists see the only solution to the problem is to get rid of about 4 or 5 billion people. When you mix environmentalists with “new age” religion you get many with this mindset. Why? Because they have no faith in the Creator to provide for the people He created.

American Thinker: Al Gore’s Live Earth: Has Global Warming Hysteria ‘Jumped the Shark’: “And environmentalists have rejected solutions to the problems they say global warming will worsen. Indeed, as I show in my book Eco-Freaks: Environmentalism Is Hazardous to Your Health, environmentalists have created their own public health crises with many of their ‘solutions.’ It was not global warming but the banning of the pesticide DDT — inspired by the hysterics of Gore’s heroine Rachel Carson — that has led to millions dying of malaria in the Third World.

And there is even a question about how seriously environmentalists take the global warming ‘threat.’ After all most eco-groups are opposed to nuclear power, which involves no pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. And they want to shut down the non-polluting dams that provide electricity in the Pacific Northwest, which would result in a sharp increase of the dreaded coal and oil to provide power. These are even bigger hypocrisies than a fuel-burning concert, and provide even more evidence that global warming hysteria is jumping the shark.”

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