If you have read my posts and vote for Obama you have nobody but yourself to blame for the coming American nightmare

If you have been reading my posts do not ever tell me you had no idea the disaster that Obama would bring on this nation. You have been clearly told by myself and many other authors what Obama stands for.

  • If you vote for Obama tomorrow and vote in the far left path to poverty you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and you and your children become enslaved by programs of big brother social engineers you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and find yourself in a defenseless nation losing to terrorism and drug dealer because the democrats have decimated and handcuffed our military and border police you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and find yourself in a World War III, a draft, and rationing of everything due to Obama’s bad judgment and miscalculations you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and find that you cannot preach on Christianity or biblical morality anywhere in the nation outside of a church building you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and find yourself under martial law and a impending civil war you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • With Obama and democrats at the head of state, disaster will be certain, but if you vote for them you have nobody but yourself to blame.

People tomorrow basically have the choice between a very experienced proven leader and war hero and a radical leftist with no significant accomplishments and a atrocious voting record. A man who used cocaine, associated with people who hate America and has so much as told you he will bring in the economic disasters of socialism, the foolishness of carbon taxes and the oppression of big government thought police. If you vote for him, I hope you are ready to live out the coming American nightmare instead of the American dream. You might also ponder this article on the coming test of Obama should he get elected and what that might mean to America. While we are at it let’s also set the record straight about Bush, Obama and democrats
. Then after having read all that info be aware of the transformation that Obama promises for America.
Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – Distractions, Diversions and Deception

Sen. Obama, who has the most liberal voting record in the Senate, wants a fundamental change in America — a radical left wing change! In a word, socialism. He made it clear in the interview that he’s for “redistribution.” And that’s not all, folks. He wants to change the Constitution. Mark my words. If he gets away with it, he’ll use it against American citizens. Don’t believe me? Listen to the interview.

As the President of the United States, Barack Obama will be able to take this country in a new direction — and it is not the direction the majority of Americans want to go in. On the contrary, the American people say they want their government to focus on economic growth, to help small business, and reduce the size of government. They want tax breaks not tax increases! Most folks already pay hefty taxes – property, oil, gas, electricity, food, clothing, luxury items, there’s even a death tax! If this counry goes the away of socialism, consumers will pay far more than they do today.

The interview is a real eye-opener. The “inescapable conclusion,” wrote Gary Bauer, “is that Barack Obama is a committed socialist, and he is running for president with the goal of fundamentally changing America in ways that the Founding Fathers never imagined.”

Is the audio of the interview just another ridiculous rumor, as his supporters are claiming? Hardly. Obama’s voice is clear, his words concise. So the obvious question is: Why is the Obama audio not all over the major media outlets? Why not get it out there and let people hear the words of the man who may be the next leader of the free world? Sorry, I forgot. The MSM has been in the tank for Obama all along. And if Obama’s true intentions are exposed, people may vote for Sen. John McCain or another candidate — or not at all. The MSM fear rocking the boat. With this election neck and neck, their boy could lose.

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15 thoughts on “If you have read my posts and vote for Obama you have nobody but yourself to blame for the coming American nightmare

  1. I’m absolutely stunned. I know that countless thousands of Christians were praying and fasting consistently for this election and yet the wrong man won. I just don’t understand why God allowed this. This new president-elect makes Clinton look like a choir boy. I and I know many others now truly fear for our safety. And we fear a revolutionary guardforce. My wife wants us to take our kids out and head for a quiet eastern european country that no one really pays any attention to. It’s 2 months till this man is sworn in and we are very scared. What say you? Would heading for Alaska or Texas be a better idea? I just can’t see this man allowing those states to leave the union without sending thugs or security forces there. I wish I knew what to do. And by moving out of the country we’d have to learn a new language and possibly get a new career. I’ve prayed and feel 50/50 about leaving the country yet my wife wants out now but that may be fueled by fear rather than a calling by the Holy Spirit. The direction isn’t really clear for me. Your thoughts?

  2. I do not know why God would grant the prayers of Christians when the nation has elected the man the nation deserves. I refused to pray for Obama to lose because I believe It would be presumptions. Christians and the nation can live like the devil and do nothing to fight the slide toward godlessness for decades and then they think God will give them King David. It is not going to happen.

    Tell me one nation of people that truly honors God and I will move there? There are none. The U.S. has just caught up to what is already going on in almost every nation. If a world war breaks out your not going to find peace in any country.

    What are you scared of anyway? God is on your side. besides, nothing is going to happen to ordinary Christians in this nation until the system breaks down. That could be years. Secession or anything similar will not happen until there is no constitutional remedy. God can work with you where you are at. Worry about trouble when trouble comes. If you can relocate and want to do it for the sake of your children you might be wise to do that but pray about it. I would only move to a conservative area of the Country. There are too many to list.

  3. What’s all this scaremongering good for? I think we’re blowing some stuff out of proportions here. Sure it may all end up like I’ve been reading but we got politician up here in Europe that are more leftist than a thousand Obamas put together and I’m still here. It sucks like hell here at times and yeah, I’d like to move later because the EU is a socialist hellhole, but you get used to it. Everybody’s acting like Stalin returned from the dead. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Christ foretold us what was to become of this evil world. Whether it’s Europe, the U.S. or North Korea – evil is everywhere. You can’t reverse it. On the opposite, there’s a global trend of hostility toward true Christianity. Especially among churches in the West!

    As far as praying and fasting for the election is concerned, maybe some Christians need to learn that the task of the Church is to spread the Gospel? Why not fast to repent of your own sins or that of your nation? God saves people, not governments. The Holy Spirit convinces people of sin, not the Church. We are merely messengers – witnesses of Christ. Maybe we need to humble ourselves a bit more instead of being so self-righteous and wonder how it’s possible you got to this point where you have this kind of candidates and none better. Maybe the Church isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do. Maybe its not the salt and the light of the world anymore because it’s not putting Christ at the center but our own selves and is more concerned with our own well being here while we’re on this world that Christ bought us out of.

  4. Actually this article was a list minute attempt to get people to not vote for the “Far Left” path but they did. It is not scaremongering it is what is actually likely to happen.

    In time people will find most of what I said come to pass. But it will come to pass not so much because anyone voted for Obama, McCain was no prize, but more because so many Americans would even vote in such a far left radical Government.

    I do agree with most of what you said, but being a European I do not think you truly understand the division between the two Americas of today. In Europe there is not as much division since most of the people only know big government socialistic cradle to grave security with high tax rates. That is not true here.

    If I may use an example that you might understand, the division is about as sharp as the division between radical Islam and the Far right nationalists in Europe. Europeans may put up with socialism with its high unemployment and it may put up with the muzzling of free Christian speech sure enough but much of heartland America certainly will not. Europe could get away with socialism because at first it did not have many government dependents to support, but of course that is changing and that is why your middle-class tax rate is 50 percent. Americans will never put up with that. The percentage of those needing government assistance in the U.S. far exceeds yours even with your recent influx of third world Muslims. We simply cannot afford any more socialism in America and to try to bring it in will either bring unfulfilled expectations, a tax revolt, or a total economic collapse due to bankruptcy. We will probably have all three.

    I hope Obama will prove me wrong and move to the center and block the excesses of the Far Left that Congress tells us they WILL pass and I hope he will not appoint activist Justices that will reinterpret the constitution and legislate from the bench but I know that is just wishful thinking.

    It is good to know the democrats did not get a super- majority in the Senate so we do have the small hope of the worst laws being blocked by the Senate. Having said that, I have little doubt that the democrats will change the long standing rules of the Senate to stop filibusters if they cannot get their bills passed. They have suggested this in the last Congress, the only thing that stopped them was knowing that George Bush would veto their bills anyway. So republicans, if they can even get 40 votes in the Senate, are really fooling themselves if they think they can block what the democrats wish to pass.

    Anyone who thinks that Congress can pass hate speech laws that will muzzle Christianity or take away gun rights, amendment rights etc. in this nation without a backlash from heartland America does not know the people who live in heartland America.

    I see the division already starting just with the hateful email that I have blocked toward Obama and no law has been passed yet. Just wait until the actions and reactions after the next administration comes into power and starts implementing their radical agenda.

  5. I will probably never fully understand heartland Americans, though for an European I think I’m not doing bad. I hope? 😀 Anyway, Obama and the whole circus surrounding his election does frustrate me. I don’t want the U.S. to become a soft totalitarianist elite organisation like the European Union, with high taxes, hate speech laws, excessive gov’t surveillance, more corporate welfare and socialist redistributive programs that penalize success. I would agree that with Obama and a Democratic controlled Congress, there’s a good chance a lot of the things you mentioned above are going to happen. But hey, he’s not even in office yet. I’m just having a hard time believing there will be civil war and marshall law any time soon. I think it may happen as a result of Obama’s policies, but on the long term rather than the short term… Then again, that’s probably precisely because I underestimate the division between liberals and conservative hearland folks too much. I’m aware there are huge tensions though, but to me it’s difficult to grasp just how deep it runs. Well, those deregatory comments I’ve regularly seen from Northern liberals about Conservatives (“rednecks”, “hicks”, “haters”) or just about people who generally vote Republican… I agree there’s division. Have you seen the results from California, Illinois and New York State? The votes that went to the Republicans were only in the 30s compared to over 60 percent for Obama. In Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and several Southern states, it was exactly the opposite. Within blue states like Washington and Oregon, you see the coastal areas around Seattle and Washington (or other large cities) voting overwhelmingly Democratic, while the countryside leans toward the Republicans. And since there aren’t that many people living in red states and these states usually don’t have many delegates (with the exception of Texas), their vote seems to have basically become irrelevant. Now that the Republicans lost Nevada, Colorado and even Florida and Virginia too, it looks like it’s going to get increasingly difficult for a Conservative to get elected.

  6. I do not know if you consider sometime within the next decade long term or short term. I say the secession will begin around 2013AD after the heartland conservative states figure out that the deck was stacked against them in the 2012 elections and that there is no democratic solution. I Don’t know if it will result in civil war or not that depends on the actions and reactions. Of course civil war could come sooner as a result of an EMP attack or WMD attack with government actions and overreactions.

    The big differences you see between the states is due to conservative religious beliefs in the heartland. The more rural heartland states have not been as corrupted by postmodern liberalism although some of their young have been brainwashed by the public schools. As Obama has said, “they still cling to their religion and guns”, but to them that is the right thing to do to prevent government tyranny. The liberals mock them and will now try to force their ways on them and that will increasingly bring division.

    Those states that switched this year have not had any great liberal awaking. You would have seen a different outcome had Obama been white. Many were voting for a black man period. 95 percent of blacks voted for Obama yet many of them are religious and would never have voted for a white man with his convictions. Also, apparently many conservatives did not vote at all because they had no one to vote for. They were expecting as many as 140 million votes this year but only 120 million showed up because conservatives stayed home. If the Republicans would have put up a strong conservative the Republican percentages in the heartland states would have been higher. Nevada and New Mexico are Democrat because of the increasing Hispanic populations.

    In some ways this election does not reflect the true division between the heartland and the coastal states. In this election people were blaming Bush and the Republicans for the economy because they were brainwashed by the media to believe that they were responsible. In reality the economy is a result of the whole nation living beyond its means for a generation. It did not start with Bush. However, Bush, the Republicans, and the free enterprise system got blamed for people living beyond their means for the last forty years. The crash had to come eventually.

    There is no quick fix for the economy and Democrat tax and spend big government policies will only make things worse. Disillusionment will come quickly when people find that out. Social unrest will become explosive when unemployment figures soar. Government will have to choose between higher taxes across the board to pay for government welfare programs, social unrest, or much higher deficits. Choosing higher taxes will only make things worse and it will alienate the middle class. Higher deficits will decimate the dollar and also make things worse. Like I said, the American nightmare is about to play out. No president will solve our economic problems in the near future but they will be blamed for the failures.

  7. Don,

    In India recently there was an election where a certain party was on track to win -big. And this party persecuted the Christians. So the Indian Christians started praying and another party which was sympathetic to the Indian Christians won a landslide victory. I don’t think the average US person deserves a BlackPantherMarxist dangerous man for prez. Even today I keep hearing all these reports of how Christians were praying fervently. People are scared. And Palin who is a devout Christian was brutally attacked in the media, her whole family. I can’t think that with so many praying and fasting that God would leave her like that. America is full of good, decent, hard-working, God fearing people. This morning I woke up early, couldn’t get back to sleep and I prayed and finally grieved for what’s happened. After praying I think it dawned on me that instead of offering mercy or another 4 years of status quo, God may be quite angry and the victor in this election is His tool for judgement. And that severe judgement is coming and that maybe God will raise a new America out of the ashes?

  8. God is fair, America will get what the people deserve. There are over a hundred million real Christians in China just praying for more religious freedom but they do not get it in their nation because God deals with nations fairly. A nation reaps what it sows just as people do. Even more is required of a nation that was truly blessed by God and then rejects Him and His ways.
    America will only be restored if it returns to doing what is right.

    America is not full of good, decent, hard-working, God fearing people. The people they nominate and elect prove that, the laws they allow prove that, the drugs and 2.2 million in prison prove that, the amount of people living on the dole prove that, the crap they allow to be taught in their schools prove that, the corruption in their churches prove that, the fifth on TV and the Internet prove that, etc, etc.

    There is a remnant of God fearing people in America but they are a minority but God does not judge nations on the size of His remnant. However, God will judge nations on how they treat His remnant.

  9. Don, thanks a lot for your clarification. I have a much better picture of the whole thing now. I hope that Obama may repent of his false and destructive beliefs before it’s too late.

  10. Just to prove my point that the danger I suggested is not exaggerated here is a article posted today on Steve Quayle’s very popular website. (Why even post such rantings?)


    What good is going to come from people like this? I would not want to be Secret Service Agent responsible for his secruity. There are people who actually desire to start a civil war and they will go after Obama and the government to start it. Unfortunately this insanity has just begun.

    The government is very aware of the danger


  11. [[[America is not full of good, decent, hard-working, God fearing people. The people they nominate and elect prove that, the laws they allow prove that, the drugs and 2.2 million in prison prove that, the amount of people living on the dole prove that, the crap they allow to be taught in their schools prove that, the corruption in their churches prove that, the fifth on TV and the Internet prove that, etc, etc.]]]

    I hear what you’re saying but what are Christians supposed to do other than what they’re doing? Storm school buildings and demand XYZ? Are they supposed to push their way on everyone? We’re not like Muslims where we can sort of bully or intimidate people into our line of thinking. Secular humanists really have nothing to fear from Christians because what are they going to do? See what I’m saying Don?

    In terms of the drug issue, what is the average Christian supposed to do? There are some part of organizations or who’ve started organizations to oppose it. But they only can do so much. And what about politics? As I understand it, evangelicals turned out and voted in this election. Bush promoted himself as a born again Christian and took heavy flak from it. and other Christians conservatives got caught up in bad things but we’re all human and flawed, no one’s perfect. The average Christian is stuck busting their proverbial behind trying to support a family and pay taxes that support others. Many of them are just trying to stay afloat. They have their own problems and problems in their families and with friends they have to deal with. I guess my point is, real people with real lives and issues can only do so much. And when it comes to disasters like Katrina and Ike, good decent, God-fearing people are there front and center helping out. All of the recent natural disasters prove this. The fact America sends more money than any country or even the Fed Gov to help the poor around the world proves this.

  12. God does not call Christians to fix all the social sin problems of the world or to make their nation Christian. That is impossible in a world blinded by the prince of the power of the air.

    We are to preach the gospel and live like He said.

    Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

    My problem is not with Christians who are walking in the Spirit and doing what they should be doing, my problem is with those who call themselves Christians but either do the things or abet those who do the things that will bring judgment on the world.

    The best we can do other than setting people free with the gospel is to set good example and help put people in government who have integrity and good values. In a democratic republic this is done by promoting and voting for such men.

    For those living like Christians there will be persecution in this world. We have already been told that, so we should not be surprised when persecution comes from the world and fouls the little paradise that we set up in our own backyard.

  13. I would have to say that perhaps most Christians are victims of propaganda. They’re not suspicious or thinking there’s agenda’s hiding behind every bush. And they tend to believe the best in people. That said, they are unwittingly indoctrinated 24/7 by tv, radio, internet, music, schools, leaders, organizations, etc. I think it’s hard for most people to swallow the idea that there’s an agenda in the school systems to indoctrinate their kids. However, I think close to 55 million Americans, those who voted McCain might suspect something.

    As I understand it, we lost big in 2006 and in 2008 because “principled conservatives” refused to vote to “send a message”. They didn’t want to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. But look where this has gotten us! The economic crisis since 2006 and now a new leader who demands people adore him. Though in theory not voting for the lesser of 2 evils seems like an honorable thing, look where it gets us on the hard streets of reality!!!

    And from what I’ve read, many conservatives voted thatone to send a message to Bush and/or out of misplaced compassion to elect the first AA so they can assuage themselves of racism. So they can do their pentence, their act of reaching out.

    I think what Christians need is a healthy dose of skepticism. And not getting caught up in emotion.

  14. I believe that all things things must take place. I believe these things are prophetic and must set the stage for the NWO and Anti-Christ.

    So, I truly believe that many HAD to vote for Obama. Because this is what the ‘world’ wants and the world is blind. They do not understand the things of God and for the most part have pushed God out of everything in this country.

    The seeds she has sown,. she is about to reap right here in this nation.

    The seeds of disobedience in the garden that day are a result of all this we see.

    Things things can’t be stopped, it is all a part of the plan of God to serve his purpose and eventually do away with ALL evil.

    For now, we can’t expect peace and perfection on this earth….Until the Lord rules again.

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