Illogical reasoning: brain virus pandemic creates postmodern nation

Many people in America seem to have caught a mind virus that causes illogical faulty reasoning. Sometime after 1960 young American minds caught a bird brain virus and as they aged their brains continued to get more and more defective. The result is the postmodern nation that we now live in where bad is good and good is bad. The brain virus is part of a demonic communist plot to bring down America. Here is the proof that the bird brain virus exists and that it now infects many American minds:

The ability to reason has almost vanished in most of the nation.

It seems that bird brain virus infected people just carry out scripts that are fed to them by their communist demonic handlers. Those not infected should be able to observe this by just watching the Occupy Movement. People that are infected can no longer think for themselves. They function like robots that are following scripts and they think, talk and text in sound bites.

If you ask one of these postmodern people a question, they cannot deviate from the script that they were given. If you ask something that is not in their preprogrammed “frequently asked questions database” they have no answer. Most can’t even refer you to anyone who can give you a reasonable answer.

It is more fruitful to talk to an automated phone system than it is to talk to a postmodern bird brain infected corporate phone jockey. The phone jockey has no authority to do anything or change anything and no ability to reason out your problem, but they can and they will waste your time.

Have you ever wondered why the same people keep getting suckered into scams? Most have caught the bird brain virus. They cannot think things through, they just react like robots. Con men on the Internet are making a good living off of these virus infected people. These dupes just reply to anything sent to them, some actually believe you get something for nothing, they click on links from strangers and even forward virus infected attachments to everyone else on their mailing list.

Mega churches are full of postmodern people who cannot reason. That is why the churches offer entertainment instead of worship and teaching services. Many of the pastors in these churches found out that they have the spiritual gift of selling self-help schemes to postmodern bird brains – because God knows – this dumbed down postmodern generation needs all the help they can get.

Most people claiming to be Christians cannot even give a biblical answer for why they think they are saved and their worldviews are most often the antithesis of what the Bible teaches. They often have the worldview of Communist worker bees. Many Christian TV preachers count on the illogical reasoning of these postmodern bird brains for their very survival, so do many Christian authors.

Whole denominations now think that Sunday magazines are the way to teach infected postmodern minds. Much like Marxists, a core elite have defacto centralized control over all teaching within the denomination. Denominational publishing companies of magazines make it possible that church Sunday school Bible teachers would be replaced with local facilitators of publishing house doctrine. They dumb down Bible teaching to the bird brain level. The magazines only teach views that are not controversial, denominationally correct and pretty much inoffensive to any unbeliever. All this contributes to general Bible illiteracy within the churches and what does denominational conformity in all Sunday schools say about the claimed autonomy of local congregations?

Professional politicians know that the majority of people who vote in this country cannot reason logically. The politicians that offer the best lies and have the most money to sell those lies wins. A rational nation would not have elected Obama to the Presidency in the first place, based on his record, but after Obama demonstrated his anti-American socialist unconstitutional repressive agenda for 3.5 years, only a majority that is out of touch with reality would even think about electing him again. I thought we fought wars and won a very expensive Cold War to stop the expansion of world Communism but twenty years later bird brains in America put communists in office for the promise of a welfare check or because they covet the riches of others.

Pigpen is not just a Peanuts character

I do not understand postmodern people who choose to live in filth when all they need to do is clean up a little. What good can come of choosing to live in filth? I have visited homes with an inch of dirt on the floor among other things. What is the rational for these humans wanting to live like pigs other than they caught some mutation of the Swine Flu virus that infected their brains?

Why do people in some rural areas of the country just throw their trash all over their own yards as well as other places? You know the areas that I am talking about, you can’t miss them when you drive down country roads in some states. In Southeastern Kentucky after every big rain all the rivers flow bank-to-bank with the trash that washes down from the hills. The government actually has to put barriers across the rivers to catch and remove the trash to keep it out of hydroelectric generators.

I remember one place in the Ozarks near where I lived that had a big in-ground swimming pool in their side yard. The owners eventually filled the pool to over the top with household trash. It must have been nice living 50 feet from a dump. Perhaps they let their kids swim in it. There are whole villages in the Ozarks that have nothing but trash on the ground from one end of the village to the other. Then they let their children play in it.

Procrastinators will rue tomorrow

The illogical thinking of procrastinators quite often defeats any chances for their success or advancement. Employers expect certain tasks to be completed but many employees procrastinate doing certain tasks until their boss tell them to get it done. Then they have to rush to get it accomplished and often do a sloppy job. It is not in the employees best interest for the boss to have to micromanage them. Employers are sick of micromanaging employees that have been told what is required of them. That is why employers want to hire self starters. Those that display the illogical reasoning of procrastination seldom are promoted and they will be the first let go (unless he/she is your kin).

There are all kinds of procrastinators in our postmodern society. There are bill procrastinators, tax procrastinators, those that procrastinate in school work etc., but I cannot think of anything worthwhile accomplished through all this national procrastination unless you are in government.

Illogical reasoning rewards bad habits and behavior

Why do many people on government assistance smoke and drink on the taxpayer’s dime? Many people on food stamps are grossly overweight. Many living off the taxpayer can afford 56″ high-definition satellite fed TV. Most apparently have unlimited minutes on their cell phones or else their phones are stuck to their head, etc, etc. It is not logical for taxpayers to pay for bad habits and recreational toys. One proof that the majority in a nation have caught the bird brain virus is their laws and programs lack common sense.

Illegal drug users are bird brains

You have to wonder when almost one-half our nation “chooses” to use illegal drugs and the keyword is that they choose to do so. Nobody is making these people take illegal drugs and most have been educated on the evils. They know the social risks, employment risks, and the crime consequences, but many still want their drugs. I have known quite a few people who have lost good careers over using drugs. I can understand why addicts use drugs, but most using illegal drugs in America are not addicts, they are bird brains. They do not think about the risk to their career, the tens of thousands that die because of drugs, or the well-being of their own family. All this for some fleeting high? It is simply self-destructive and it is totally illogical.

Living beyond one’s means has become a postmodern pandemic.

The infected postmodern brain buys things they know they can’t afford just because they want it. They just rack up debt and pay the minimum. When they can no longer pay the minimum they declare bankruptcy. Then they will just start all over again and do the same thing and think nothing about the people that they screwed.

These are people you see that have some $10 an hour job but they can afford a $35,000 4 x 4 and a 56 inch high-definition TV with the $150 a month package. Many of these people have unlimited phone minutes and a phone for all in the family and all kinds of other recreational toys. These infected minds do not think beyond today. They just rack up huge bills that they know they cannot pay tomorrow. After all, they are quite sure that they will win the lottery some day. They are much like the postmodern bird brains that run this nation who think more spending and debt means endless prosperity.

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