Insider Guide to Modern Protestant Christian Banalities and Names

American Christians sometimes talk in banalities and often the names and phrases that they use do not always give people a correct thought-for-thought translation. Seekers coming into our American seeker-friendly Christian churches might like to know some insider information. The following is a short insider guide to help people understand some of the verbiage of modern Protestant Christendom.

Insider Guide to Modern Protestant Christian Banalities and Names

Word or expression – – – – –The Insider thought-for-thought translation

Amen? (by the preacher) — I want everyone that I am preaching at to say amen

Amen (by someone in the pews) — I want the preacher and everyone else in the church building to know that I agree

Amen (by the choir) — Words of a song

Amen by a Christian acquaintance — Right on!

Bible Study — Any Christian group with a religious purpose that is meeting anywhere

Bible Study — The book we probably will not be studying in this group

Fellowship time in church services — Shaking as many hands as you can in 3 minutes (spreading the germs around)

Communion — Taking the elements that are being passed around (usually crackers and thimble sized cups of grape juice)

The elements — What is in the tray that is being passed around, often called taking communion

Gawddd — The way that some preachers learn to pronounce God

God told me — I had this thought or feeling so God said it

I will pray about it — That should comfort you, I really have to be going now

Pray about it — I don’t have a clue how I should advise you

Pray for me — Apparently God is not answering my own prayers

What would Jesus do? — I give these clichés to answer everything because I never have read the Bible

Slaying in the Spirit — Pentecostals falling on the floor when their “anointed one” pushes them over or gives them the insider gesture to fall

Tongues — Pentecostal speech that usually is not able to be translated even by us insiders

I’m trusting God for it — That’s why I need you to pass the word around

Give your tithes and offerings — This church wants more than 10 percent of your income

Sunday School — A Sunday morning class where the major emphasis is reading bi-monthly journals written by those that have the  denominational blessings to interpret selected passages within the Bible and come up with applications for today.

Bible Prophecy — The one-sixth of the Bible that remains unfulfilled and that will never be taught in those bi-monthly journals or anywhere else in most churches

Mission trips — Tax deductible exotic short trips that occasionally even have a worthwhile Christian mission

Church — The name of the local religious tax exempt corporation – It also can be a place where you go, or it can be something that you have – Often “the church” is the name for the building or the part of a building that contains the sanctuary

Sanctuary — The building where the altar is located

Altar — The front of the building where the pastor is located

Altar-call — A call by the preacher to come to the front of the church so he can be properly credited if his message got through.

With every eye closed and nobody looking around — Phrase preachers use to begin a learned control technique to get people to respond to their altar-calls.

Deacons — Often ordained for life local church members that oversee the pastors and congregation

Pastors — Often hired temporal staff members that serves the deacons and congregation

Trustee — A title often given to those church members that are willing to become unpaid maintenance workers

Church board — The board of directors for this tax-exempt corporation.

Business meeting — Usually a meeting where most members rarely show up to rubber stamp the decisions of church boards

Seeker friendly churches — A church that has a Sunday worship service that is designed to appeal to church shoppers and unbelievers

Emergent churches — postmodern churches where biblical truth seldom gets in their way

Contemplative prayer/spiritual formation — Hearing from God by practicing mysticism.

Taking the city for Christ — Statement often heard from Word-of-Faith and other delusional pastors

Taking the world for Christ — Statement heard from those that have some sort of Dominion Theology

Dominion Theology — Forcing all people in the world to trust in Jesus

Great commission — For many American churches it is how to have your best life now or establishing social justice by robbing from Peter to give away to Paul

Prayer service — Service to learn the latest gossip and to pray for people who you do not know and do not know how to pray for.

Healing service — Service where those with the gift of healing do not attend

Preaching to the choir — What pastors generally do after choir rehearsal on Sunday or Wednesday nights.

Revival — Bringing in a professional preacher to preach salvation messages to those that really ain’t coming.

Mens group — That might be considered an oxymoron by real men, thanks to the feminized of American Christianity. At least according to Dave Daubenmire men in American churches seem to be missing something. I agree, and the article is priceless, but I think it is better if you sent your cards and letters to him.

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49 thoughts on “Insider Guide to Modern Protestant Christian Banalities and Names

  1. LOL.. Hi Don,

    Awesome… May I add to the list?
    Fellowship time- Can also be translated as the opportunity to discuss the personal affairs of others in a manner that avoids being called outright “gossip”.

    Calling- Time when the pastor or elder in the church has coffee with those deemed popular enough, potentially lucrative tither, attractive or otherwise suitable and deserving.

    Just a couple that came to mind…. 🙂

    Rod in Oregon

  2. Hi again, sorry Don, my Fellowship time really overlapped on your “prayer time”… 🙂


  3. Hi Rod,

    Sure, present your own list if you want. I had limited time so there is a lot that I missed for sure.

  4. Don,

    You didn’t include the one that annoys me the most…

    The saying I’ve heard from too many church people…

    “God helps those who help themselves” = this saying pretty much reduces The Lord God into a subservient position based on man’s silly, lackluster attempts.

    The only way I, or anyone, can help themselves that I know of is to call on The Lord God to lead our lives.


    I think this article has a dose of humor in describing the unfortunate attributes and realities of many of today’s churches.

    So Don, what do you do, personally, when the frenzy of disease passing handshakes start ?

    Should we be putting on a hand condom when this ritual starts ?

  5. Good insight, Don,

    This pretty much sums up the way church “sounds” and “behaves” these days.

    Wonder what church would be like if we stripped away all the cliches? We once had a preacher who pronounced “God” as “Gawddd”. I didn’t know this was a learned behaviour. I just figured that was the way he grew up hearing it. It did grate on the ears, though.

  6. Hi David and Doug,

    Your potsts were a great addition to my morning coffee… LOL *hand condom…… The handshake along with the practiced, plastic, “good morning, how are you” with glazed over eyes and a stiff smile…. All the while hoping that you wont actually tell them “how you are”….

    🙂 Thanks guys,


  7. ~David

    I did not include the saying that annoys you the most because I never hear it from Protestant church people. I hear it mostly from those that do not go to any church or are Catholics.

  8. David ,
    I happen to believe that God does help those who help themselves. That is clearly taught in The Book of Proverbs. God honors faith and perserverance. That does not mean He will give us what we want , He will give us what we need as He is NOT our divine errand boy when we pray. Sometimes what we need is some difficulty and tribulation in our daily lives to remind us to look up. The trouble He allows in our lives is to teach us something we need to learn. We have a hard time remembering He is never caught by surprise and He has a plan. A friend of mine likes to say : ” If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plan. ” BLESSINGS!!!!

  9. Yes quite the tongue in cheek there Don. It is unfortunatly that even Biblbical terms have been “slanged” in accordance with Church culture and not based on Biblical definitiion or understnading. It could be interesting to develop a Sunday School series based on such mis-use of terms and errant biblical understanding.
    With such a void of understand we have weakened our faith and the power of God. We have turned people off God. We have well intentioned people to death. We repeatedly failed at proper Biblical disipline and restoration of many to the Body’s own hurt.

    If we don’t know the Bible then honestly what do we really know?

  10. Hi Don Fritts,

    ” If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plan. ”

    I like that, I would think The Lord has quite a sense of humor after watching us all these years.

  11. Don, two of my own personal sources of irritation; when the pastor or whoever is preaching says “Turn to the person next to you and say/do”……, and “Raise your hand if”……. I find myself FREQUENTLY either rubbing my eyes to avoid eyecontact with anyone so I don.t have to mumble something the preacher told me to say to that person, or deliberately NOT raising my hand to re-inforce the need of the pastor to think he or she actually said anything that was really profound. I don’t mean to sound like a jerk but really, I HATE TO BE TREATED LIKE IM IN A SPECIAL ED CLASS! Either preach something that need to be preached or sit down!

  12. Michael,

    If a pastor tells everyone to turn to their neighbor and say something I will not do it. This was big about twenty years ago. Jack Hayford liked to do that and probably still does, and it spread to many churches.

    This technique got big in certain Word Faith and Charismatic circles because it is setting people up to following anything else the pastor says like some programed robot. It is a method used by leaders that love to lord over and control people.

    I would not even attend a church where pastors used those kind of techniques. Asking people to put their hand up can be innocent if the pastor is really trying to find out something or show something, but if it is used for control it can be just as bad.

    I determined decades ago that I will not be manipulated by these hucksters. I know when someone is trying to manipulated people into playing Simon says. I guess the difference between me and those that blindly follow the commands of pastors like a puppet on their string is that I can see what they are doing and they cannot not.

  13. Hmm… Hi Michael,

    I think the idea of “preaching” at the congregation is why so many are turned off. Seeing a guy stand up there yelling or cajolling the crowd just doesnt seem like the most effective means of guiding the flock. Using the plattitudes, catchy phrases, etc, just don’t really do it for me. I think the format needs changed, and instead of a “preaching” venue, more of an approach where it is teaching guiding, and sharing the truth. Let the Holy Spirit do the “preaching”, as he is better at it anyway. Just a few thoughts… 🙂
    Rod in Oregon

  14. How very true Don,

    The same can be said of the “healing evangelists” who come around with their “show”. It’s all about controlling the action and what people “think” they see going on.

    Rod in Oregon

  15. Rod,

    As soon as I see a pastor, evangelist, healer etc., manipulating people to come to the front of the church for some special touch of God. I am already mentally out the back door. Of course I can’t usually just physically leave for obvious reasons.

    I got tired of seeing this altar act playing out 30 years ago. It is amazing through, people I know just keep playing the same games. They never question and they never learn. It is like they have blind faith in the Pastor, leader or the institution rather than properly discerning the scriptures.

    Most Protestants don’t even know that there is no biblical altar in their churches. It gets crazy, someone even find me an example of a altar call in the New Testament instruction to the Church?? The traditions of men with no Bible foundations in our churches are simply amazing. Then pastors wonder why so many believers that actually read the Bible are fed up with attending the man made routines.

  16. 🙂 Don,

    Exactly… We are sooooo far from the 1st Century fellowship of believers… It’s quite disgusting. They sure make sure they have a cool powerpoint projector and cool sound system though…


  17. Well,

    I guess with all these things, it’s a no wonder why people go see the Rick Warren’s and rock groups at the churches.

    It seems like people are not going to church to learn and get closer to The Lord…but rather going to church to be entertained and become one of Pavlov’s dogs.

  18. I was thinking, the reverse of your posting here would be what your “not” hearing in churches today:


    Just a few thoughts as I had my morning coffee… The Gospel message has certiainly been diluted and the things people don’t want to hear about carefully removed. Pastors sure avoid “offending” anyone with the truth.

    A few thoughts this fine Monday morning…

    Rod in Oregon

  19. Don, can you point me to a church that (along with all the tithes that it collects) …also undoubtedly believes (and is therefore preparing) for the year of Jubilee, when all the financial debts of all believers will be forgiven. I am nearing 50… so I must have been to young to recall the last year of Jubilee…. So the next one must be fast approaching!

    And another thing… how is one TRULY giving 10% to the Lord (and trusting in God alone in this) when in fact a tax receipt gets one a large chunk of that 10% kicked back to them.

    Why do people want a tax receipt for money they are supposedly giving to God anyway? What a STUPID GAME people play!

  20. Hi Al,

    I have wondered that myself. If you are giving to God… And then wanting a tax deduction for it… That never made sense to me. Also.. People who think God just wants their 10% cash are missing the point entirely. Sometimes that 10% is giving of your time… Your talents.. Your abilities… I give away alot in free consultation and guidance every year… Not for for the accolades, but as giving to the Lord, and out of my love for Him. I don’t write that off.. It all belongs to God anyway.

    Rod in Oregon 🙂

  21. Yeah,

    “A tax deductible contribution to the ministry.”

    It conjures up images to me of an office full of angels in heaven clicking away on their accountant adding machines to see if what we are giving is validated through The Lord’s fiscal timeline report.

    Yeah, right !

  22. Guys,

    I think you guys are being a little unreasonable. It is just wise management of God’s money for people that qualify to take legitimate charitable tax deductions.

    It is in the tax code for a reason. 1. What is given to charity should be deductible because what is given away is not adding to your own wealth. 2. It encourages Christians and non Christian alike in the higher income brackets to give to worthy causes.

    As for the money you get back, you can always tithe on that if you want. Although you should know that tithing is not taught for Christians anyway.

    If the real issue you are bringing up is the IRS rules for charitable organizations. The only thing worthy of note, is that preachers with tax exempt status cannot use their church platform to endorce specific political candidates. Even so, even that is unconstitutional and there are plenty of Christian lawyers that would love to take the IRS up on that tax law pro Bono if the IRS even ever try to enforce it.

    The only enforcement we have now is self enforcement where cowered churches go beyond what even the tax law says or others do not want to be listed as a tax free Charity because they have some strange notions about what they can or cannot say that is usually wrong. The real reason most don’t try to qualify as a tax free Charity is they don’t qualify.

    You have to be pretty stupid to not take legitimate tax deductions when you can.

    It is true that you cannot take donated time as a tax deduction but we know that, and if we had enough people in this country willing to support the value of time as a deduction that could change as well.

  23. Agreed Don,
    Too often we go from being concerned about God’s word and how the body of Christ lives to just being critical and judgmental. I appreciate how you present things for us to consider. That often (not always) use words even Biblical words with disrepect and empty of meaning. As well, we have allowed very non-biblical terms to enter our Lingo to be relevant.
    We need to stay balanced. We can’t become like the Pharisees and we can’t become militant zealots and we can’t just Let go and Let God.
    Jesus focused on doing things out of Love -God’s Love. If I give for a tax receipt then where is Love? If I just become a banging gong of critism in my church where is Love?
    None of us can dare bend to lift up a stone.
    None of us given the time, $$ and resources will build up a perfect body of Christ.
    We are all caught in the struggle like Paul between doing right and wrong and as we surrender our selves to Him it is our hope that we’ll do more right than wrong. Still perfection is ever so far away from us. Pastors are human, leaders are human, Churches are made up of people and all prone to repeatedly mess up God’s Will. Yet we are called to never foresake the fellowhip of believers. I may not be a pastor, but I do not feel any less called to use my gifts, time, abilities and $$ for God’s glory to help guide, encourage, teach my fellow believers and they in turn do the same for me. This is a big reason for my occassional participation on this blog. I want to be challenged to become more Christ like and not just to be more critical.

    I really appreciate what everyone brings to this blog and I just want to encourage you that even here we would be known for our “Love one for another” and for the Body of Christ.

  24. Ah, a fellow cynic,Solomon said fear God and keep his commandments this is the whole duty of man. Where did this other stuff come from anyway?

  25. Unbelievable!

    This entire thread itself is plainly to be viewed (and taken) as a mockery of some other fellow Christians and where they are (or are not) in their journey – in fact some of the references and the ridiculing definitions that follow could possibly hurt some . So in FACT this entire thread is based on criticalities and judgments.

    THEN… I speak on something that is valid and of which I have Biblical and Historical support and I am the one accused of being critical and judgmental.

    WOW! How did you judge that? …without judging?

    You know… The tax code has been in effect…for what? …a measly hundred years or so. And the charitable donation receipt for even less than that. No where in scripture does anyone in OT or NT times get a kickback. ONLY this last and evil generation thinks it SMART to get a little something back.

    I like what David said… “angels in heaven clicking away on their accountant adding machine”

    This is my last “post” on this blog.

    Incremental ostracization or a constructive dismissal will not be required!

    Blessing to those who would receive it …and who would give it graciously to a brother in Christ.


  26. I also believe everyone’s motive for giving to any charity should be strictly out of love for God and the poor. In doing this, if we can get a tax deduction for this just makes it even better. We can then afford to give more. Here in Manitoba Canada all people get a 46.4 % tax return on all charitable donations. There is nothing better than getting the government to help in assisting with charitable gifting. If I give $1000 to a charity I get $464.40 back. If I give that $464.40 back to the charity I can get another 46.4% back again. Then I can give that return amount of $215.00 again. How is that not a good thing? I’ve just given the charity $1000.00 and the government has given them $679.00 Looks like a win win situation to me.

  27. “…if we can get a tax deduction for this just MAKES IT EVEN BETTER.

    REALLY… makes it even better than…. “I also believe everyone’s motive for giving to any charity should be STRICTLY out of LOVE FOR GOD and the poor”

    OKAY this was my last post.

    i just had to respond to that.

  28. Al,

    I am sorry that you missed the whole point of this post, but that is nothing new during your history here.

    It really bugs you when someone does not agree with your hot flashes. I was just pointing out a tax fact because what you said had no merit. There simply is nothing wrong with taking a tax deduction for Charity if you can. In fact, people have to be pretty stupid if they can take a tax break for charity and they do not.

    I guess there is something that I and George said that you do not understand? I do not know what makes you think that if you can take charitable deductions that the money you are giving is not given out of love for God and the poor? Nobody just gives a dollar away to get 25 to 40 cents back, but that money people get back helps people give even more and it helps fund a whole lot of Charities. Take the tax break away and I assure you that many Charities will fold or have to cut back. Then government will be taxing a lot more to run everything they want, instead of what Christians want.

    Al, you have been overreacting for quite some time. You ought to take it elsewhere if you do not like reading what I have to say on this Blog and if you cannot take any correction when you make a off-the-cuff stupid comment. Maybe some forum out there will just let you spout off and nobody will never say nothing about what you say. However, don’t hold your breath.

  29. Al, what I meant was your motive for giving shouldn’t be because you’re getting a tax deduction but rather that you are giving out of love, not expecting a return. But If you do get a return in the form of taxes, give that also. As Don said “It is just wise management of God’s money for people that qualify to take legitimate charitable tax deductions. It is in the tax code for a reason. 1. What is given to charity should be deductible because what is given away is not adding to your own wealth. 2. It encourages Christians and non Christian alike in the higher income brackets to give to worthy causes.”

  30. Hi Don,

    That was an interesting exchange. Seems a little reactionary to fire off a few rounds, then announc the departure from a blog. Well… The topic was alot of fun, and I don’t believe it was in a “judgemental” attitude.

    I am looking forward to your next posting as always. Thanks Don.


  31. Don, your post is exactly why I don’t like going to church anymore. I believe fellowship is important but nobody really does at least where I have gone. My pastors of the last two churches I attended would stay on the same subject for 6 months easily, often repeating themselves. It’s kinds sad and I miss real Christian fellowship but I’m not going back to a church that offers me very little.

  32. Jim,

    If men would just grasp what Dave Daubenmire is pointing out (link at the end of the article) a good part of the problem in our churches and America would be solved. Apparently many Christians just want the Church to be some building full of their own sacred cows.

  33. Don,

    Hmm… To my embarrassment, I missed the link to the article on the feminization of men. Wow! How true for so many reasons. It started in the 80’s, when Oprah managed to convert a large segment of the population into people who have become overly concerned about their “feelings”. Look at our society today. So many people are so sensitive to the least bit of criticism or disagreemant that they lack sufficient coping skills, and resort to anger, depression, or other very basic emotional responses that are not healthy.

    I am amazed that we the body of Christ sit in the midst of millions of unsaved, and churches are dying. They are dying because of the facades put up within churches and many “christians” that have so turned people off to hearing the gospel message. Many have crossed that line where they don’t understand that feelings are valid, but very often innaccurate. They are also temporary, and we should rarely make decisions in the midst of them. In short, feelings are not always your friend. The catchy buzzwords and plattitudes that are spouted in churches are designed to elicit feelings and on some level achieve and maintain control over the congregation. That is why they really need to be identified, exposed, and eradicated. I am tired of this hiding behind “your being judgemental” crap. Guess what… You think I can be judgemental…. You have not met my Holy Father… If your not walking with Jesus… Many will find out just how “judgemental” God can be. Yes, we need to be considerate of the feelings of others. But good grief..

    Anyway… Thanks for posting that link.. It says what really needs to be said.

    🙂 Rod in Oregon

  34. Jim I can’t believe that where you are there is not a fellowhip of believers that you couldn’t be apart of. Even within these Churches is there not a men’s group? An actual group that seeks to study the Bible? Could you not lead a group?
    Don is right if more men would stand up and become spiritual leaders with wisdom and discernment we would be in much better shape than we are now. Sometimes we may even find out selves to be salt and light within our own churches. We cannot shrink away from that are we truly being loving servants of Christ if we walk away? Believe me I have wrestled with this many times and God has always steered me back. Where I’m at now good things are beginging to happen and it takes alot of work and prayer. Think of missionaires who spent their whole lives even their very life to reach a group of people and never got to see the seeds produce fruit. Was all their work in vain? God forbid, but through their sacrifce and love for God and those people a harvest eventually came.
    The Bible has many references regarding judgment and for us they are mainly words of caution. These verses sum it up for me. Mt 7:1 ¶ “Do not judge lest you be judged.2 “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. This doesn’t mean that we do not speak the truth in love for 2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; … we just need to remember that the Holy Spirit will convict and judge.
    This is the balance I refer too.
    I am not a back bencher. I am a boat rocker. I do not accept that change cannot happen and that what we have for a Church is good enough for God. I believe God calls us to strive for greater things and a closer relationship with Him. God’s word teaches us that He is patient, so I must be too. God teaches us that He doesn’t give up so niether shall I. God shows me that we will be slighted, put down and even persecuted for taking a strong stand. His will be done!

    This thread hits on the spiritual weakness that exists and I believe that the weight of it does fall on Men and Church Leadership for failing to run the race. It is easy to point out the errors, but what Don and others challenge us here is that are we not called to do something about it?? How do we approach this?
    Ga 6:1 ¶ Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; [each one] looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.

    So don’t hide, do not forsake the fellowship. Run the Race! Fight the good Fight! Let us pray for wisdom and discernment and encourage each other to not give up on doing good!

    God Bless!

  35. This article, The Dave Daubenmire article, the comments in this article has me taking a look at myself.

    Yes, I do speak up for The Lord in most, if not all situations, even among supposed Christians when I shouldn’t have to.

    I cannot say that I don’t give into the system though, I do.

    Sometimes, I think as though, the only way I could really have an impact is to stand in front of a group and call them, “a brood of vipers”…but that would just get me tossed in the funny farm.

  36. Dear Jim,
    There’s no perfect churches out there for sure but I wouldn’t give up! Keep prayerful seeking and gathering together with those of like precious faith, and all the more as you see the return of the Lord drawing near. The Corinthian Church was probably one we wouldn’t choose to visit more than once because their problems for so great, yet the Apostle Paul never encouraged believers to just walk away.

    By the way, I loved the comment on the government kick-back on the 10% tithe from Al and others. What’s to stop any Christian from anonymously giving cash and keeping it between him and the Lord? Let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing.

  37. Don,
    I just got through reading Coach Daubenmire’s article. Another home run for sure. I loved it so much that I forwarded it to others. Thank you for the link. I feel convicted that I’ve been taking my husband and father of my children very much for granted in this world. Lord raise up more godly men!

  38. I really liked what Daubenmire said with this:

    “Our churches are the worst. From moussed-haired, skinny-jeaned, metro-sexual “worship pastors,” to insolated and isolated mega-church “Preaching Pastors,” they are sissified males who model a pacified, effeminized version of Jesus.”

    Have you watched that crowd lately on TBN’s “Praise the Lord”? It is really weird to me to think how these strange-haired, strange-clothed, strange-acting,and strange-talking people think they could be a witness for our Lord. I dread the day I will be at the Bema Judgment Seat for all my bad actions, but it will be interesting to me to hear what the Lord has to say about some of these people’s actions as well.

    And, I understand too well Jim’s being unable to find a comfortable, edifying fellowship of Bible-believers. Thank God everyday that each of you have found a supportive flock. Since I retired to this new community a little over a year ago, the Lord has had me on a journey to find the right church. So far, our larger area is barren as far as I have been able to find. I haven’t yet understood His direction in having me do such a large sampling of places with no success.

  39. JerryB,

    What is even more tragic than the freak show that has been appearing on the TBN’s flagship program for decades now is that Christians are still paying the price of admission.

    I have the solution to you leaders that cannot find a local church. Put an ad in the local Penny Saver and start a group. Maybe some church in the area will even let you use their facilities if you call it a 12 step group. 😀 You can name it “Lone Christians Autonomous” “LCA” and teach 12 steps to building a real Christian fellowship.

  40. Why are any of us surprised, Jesus told us what to expect in His comments to The Church of Laodicea. There is very little left in America of what is called The Church. We ( The Church)are called to be “A people that belong to The Lord” , we are not our , we a bought with a price
    Jesus is BOTH your LORD and Savior or he is neither. Paul’s letter to Timothy tells us lawlessness with increase, the love of many will wax cold. Paul’s warns us , Peter warns us , in reality it is The Holy Spirit ( The Author behind Paul and Peter) letting us know what to expect. Perilous times have indeed come , Coach Daubenmire is right on. Jesus said OCCUPY till He comes.

  41. Hi Don Fritts,

    What you said is the way I see it.

    I still think these are exciting times though…to be seeing all this happening right before our eye’s.

    I do have a question of you or Ron or anyone else,……. (blah blah blah).

  42. ~David, I am deleting part of your comment. Why don’t you take that homosexual question to my monthly perspectives page where I allow off topic comments.

  43. HA!! This reminds me of Ambrose Bierce’s “Devil’s Dictionary.”

    “Amen?” by a preacher/teacher is one of my pet peeves: I once gently mentioned to our pastor that his “amen-ing” was really distracting, and I was rather uncomfortable that he was expecting me to agree with everything he taught. This wasn’t well received, nor was I after this. (sigh)

  44. Hi David ,
    Since Don deleted part of your comment there is no way for me to know the question . Follow Don’s suggestion and I will reply to your question if I see it posted. BLESSINGS!!!!!

  45. I once told an ‘Elder’, when pressed to do sentry duty at the door, that I was not a ‘glad hand’ Christian. This was very much to the chagrin of my wife for this man was.
    I have been accused of political incorrectness and I guess this filled the bill, however I am not sorry.

    Hello Don and All.

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